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Sasha Argudin All That You Need to Know

About Converting Mortgage Leads Into Clients

Sasha Argudin Professional tips provider. If you are into

mortgage business, you will definitely benefit from buying
mortgage leads. However, you will have to understand how to
convert these leads effectively. The more leads you convert, the
better your business becomes. There is no sure shot formula that
will help you convert your leads in the fastest and the most
efficient way. Nevertheless, here are a few mistakes that you
need to avoid if you want to make the most of the leads that you
have bought:

Calling up your potential clients incessantly

Yes, prospects do not convert at your first call; but calling them
again and again is not going to help you transform them into
customers. In fact, this might lead to phone call fatigue that may
even frustrate your potential clients, making them run away
from you.

Contacting potential clients only through phone

Direct contact always works well when it comes to converting
mortgage leads. However, telephone is not the only way to
contact your potential clients. Meeting your potential clients
face-to-face and sending them emails are also methods you can
try. If you are sending emails to your prospects, you need to
make sure you don't send them more than 5 emails in one

Letting the leads go cold

Sasha Argudin Skilled tips provider. It is very important to

contact each and every lead that you obtain from the lead
generating company. Discriminating between leads and cherry
picking the ones that you wish to contact is going to leave many
leads go cold. By doing so,you will only be wasting the time and
resources that are spent on generating such leads. These leads
end up becoming dead ends that are of no use to anybody.

Not contacting leads on weekends

It is to be noted that most leads end up getting cold because of

the time that you choose to call them. If the prospects are at
work when they are called, they will be less likely to listen to
you or answer your questions. Not contacting them on
weekends, when they are free to talk and listen to you, is
missing out on an opportunity to convert your prospects into

The Best time to contact your leads is within one minute from
the time you receive their information. This is where mortgage
live transfer leads come to your help. These leads have already
been contacted by the lead generation company for verification
of details before they are transferred to you. They would be
expecting your call and will not get frustrated when you call
them. Calling them immediately will improve your chances of
conversions. Every minute of delay may decrease the chances of
conversion exponentially.

Sasha Argudin Professional tips provider.Apart from getting in

touch with your contacts quickly, it is also important to follow-
up efficiently if you want to increase conversions. In fact, it
might take about 6 phone calls to convert a prospect effectively.
Follow-ups help in keeping these leads hot until they are
converted. Also, you need to make sure you have to call them at
a time that is convenient for them to talk to you. If a particular
prospect does not convert even after 6 attempts of contacting
him/her, you should let the prospect go and move on to the next.
Else, you would only be wasting your time and money that you
can otherwise use on new leads that have better chances of

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