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Group ??

Julianne Bautista Josh Flores Leona

Shiela Del Rosario Ashley Magpali
Leonard Ninalga
Fitz Babiera

Summary so you get what you should sound like:

You are a mother who lost her children in a fire. You are now
talking to a therapist who is trying to help you. But you are
denying the fact that you are becoming crazy and is assigning
blame on who is. Through-out the speech, you should act like
your crazy by smiling and laughing during your text (when is says
so) even though there is no joke.

Julianne : Crazy?
Fitz : Define crazy.
Josh : Am I crazy?
Ash : Do I look crazy to you? (Denial)
Leona : Do you even know what crazy is? (Smile)
Leonard : How would you know what crazy is? (Angry)
Shiela : Have you ever been crazy? (Angry)
Josh : I’ve never been crazy. (Smiling in denial)
Fitz : I don’t even know what crazy is. (Smiling in denial)
ALL : Am I crazy? (Laugh while saying this)
Julianne : Why do you think I’m crazy?
Ash: Is it because of what happened to me?
Leona : Do you even know what happened to me, Doctor?
Fitz : Or do you only know what's written on that paper? (Smile)
Ash : I know what it says, I know what it means. (Smile)
Leona: Do you know what it means? (Smile)
Josh : How would you!?
Shiela : Were you there that day? Huh? (Bully)
Julianne : Did you see my life go to hell in a matter of seconds?
Leonard : Did you ever see my girls, EVER?
Fitz : Then how do you Know what happened to me?
Josh : Has it ever happened to you? I don’t think so.
Leona : You think it’s my fault don’t you?! (Smile)
Ash : You think it’s all in my head.
Fitz : Don’t tell me you understand…
ALL : You don’t understand! (CRYING)
Josh : Do you even know how I feel? (Smile)
Shiela : You're just like everyone else!
ALL : No one really cares about me!
Julianne : (Mocking) Here, let me help you understand that paper a
little bit better.
Leonard : I had everything anyone could ever want:
Fitz : a loving husband, (WITH GESTURES LIKE A HUSBAND)
Leonard : a beautiful house
Shiela : and wonderful children.
Julianne : I had my two little twins,
Ash : and Betty: (ACT LIKE A LITTLE GIRL)
Leonard : They could brighten up the worst days. (Act like you
remembered a loving memory) (Pause and change your expression
to hate) Then the fire came....
Shiela : It felt like a dream. (In denial)
ALL : I wish it were a dream. (CRYING)
Leona : I wish I could go back in time.
Julianne : I wish I could just snap out of it… (Smile)
Josh : like it was some kind of spell a witch cast on me.
ALL : I wish… I wish it never happened! (Regret)
Ash : (ANGRY) Then I wouldn’t have to deal with this pain of realizing
that they are gone forever because of ME!
Fitz : I found the girls upstairs playing with a box of matches, I took
the matches and hid them. (Trying to explain why I'm not crazy)
Julianne : I know I did. But I must have missed one. (About to break)
Shiela : But you don't really care do you? (PARANG NAGTUTURO)
Josh : (Sarcastically) You're simply doing your job, right?
ALL : It doesn't matter! (LAUGH)
Josh : We all went down for naps, and I actually fell asleep, which is
weird because I never sleep during the day. (Smile while saying this)
Leonard : I woke up to my oldest daughter, Susan, telling me the
house was on fire. I ran for the stairs....
Leona: I went my way up the stairs, but they collapsed, and I broke
my arm.
Julianne : I kept trying to get out of the rubble and up to my babies,
but I couldn’t get out with only one arm.
Josh : I could hear the girls screaming and crying. It broke my heart.
Leonard : I felt like my world shattered into pieces!
Shiela : but then I realize that was music to my ears compared to
what I heard next. (Smiling at regret)
Leonard : Silence...(SOBBING) When they stopped crying I- I knew..
Leona : I knew…(sniffles) the fire had got them. I started screaming
like crazy.
Fitz : I screamed their names, begging them to start crying again,
anything to let me know they were alive,
(deep breath)
Julianne : but I never heard them cry again.... Tell me that things will
get better. TELL ME.
ALL : Now, am I crazy Doctor? (LAUGH)
Ash : What is crazy? Define crazy. (Smile)
Josh : Is it crazy loosing your children in a fire you could have
prevented just by checking their pockets? (Smile)
Shiela: or perhaps the floor for that one little match you missed?
Ash : or by explaining a little bit more about how dangerous it is to
play with fire? (Smile)
ALL : IS THAT CRAZY?!?! (deep breath) No (Sad), but do you know
what is?(HAPPY)
Fitz : They found the bodies of my innocent babies behind the
Josh : I didn’t even think that a rat could fit behind the furnace but,
there they were, huddled together.
Shiela : Protecting each other from the flames.
Leonard : WHY THEM?! HUH? WHY?!
ALL : Whyyy!!? (SOBBING)
Julianne : Why am I like this..?
Leonard : Why wasn't it me? They weren't even 3 years old yet.
Ash : I’m old, I’ve lived a long life.
Leona : So do you think you can help me? I want you to answer that.
ALL : You're not God, you know! You don't have the powers to cure
Shiela : I know what you can and can't do. (Laughinhg) I know what
you think now.
Julianne : You think I’m crazy, right? (LAUGH) (Smile)
ALL : What is crazy? (SAD)
ALL : When is crazy? (HAPPY AND LAUGHING)
Fitz: When is crazy!! (ANGRY)
Josh : What makes you think you could tell people they are crazy?!
Ash : Who is crazy, doctor? (Smile)
Leona : Me? (pause) Or you? (Smile)
ALL : Cause it's not me.... So it must be you. (Laughing)
Cry while looking down at the floor. The End
Mixed and revised

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