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Coffee Table

Melanie is a psycho ward patient. She talks to a person that only she sees. There may be more
going on under the surface than we first notice.

MELANIE: My table came to life. I was just staring at it and it came to life. It started
with the legs…the legs of the table. They moved first. It was quick and I had to blink
really hard a few times to make sure my eyes weren’t playing tricks on me.
Then it happened again. I was like, “What the heck is going on around here?”

I stared directly at the table, it was a coffee table and…glass…glass coffee table, and
the glass that sat on the legs of the table opened up and jaws, TEETH, teeth came
out like a shark and it started biting the air and the legs became fully animated and
it was a monster now and this monster table wanted to eat me.

…it wanted to eat me…

So I, I ran and got the chair and I bashed it…I bashed the glass coffee table monster.
I killed it…it’s dead!
2. Waiting In The Wings
Waiting In The Wings is a monologue taken from a one-act play wherein Wendy has
murdered her boss and finds assistance from a co-worker to dispose the body.

WENDY: I don’t know what came over me. When I entered this room to get my money, I
was in some sort of trance. To be honest, I can’t recall ever feeling like I did. It was like an
out of body experience of some kind…I was present, had all my senses, but I was seeing
things differently.
It was like I was watching myself, but still behaving as myself. That make any sense to
…I wasn’t up for anymore of his disgusting games. I couldn’t bare not one more second
of it….when he placed his heavy hand on my thigh, it was like a trigger went off in my
brain. Something else waiting in the wings took over and before I knew it he had that
knife sticking out from his chest.
Maybe, I had it planned. I must have had it all worked out in my mind somehow, for all
them times he put his chunky fingers on my body. Somewhere in back of my head, was
swimming around an idea…I think maybe I had imagined all of it before and now it’s
true. It all came true!
It was so natural, as if it was meant to happen. I feel empty. No anger, no sadness. Just
numb. That normal? Maybe I’ve gone crazy. Have I gone crazy?
3. Voices In The Trees

In Voices In The Trees, Marina suffers from a mental illness causing friction in her family.
When her brother calls her stupid, she let’s out her emotions.
(to her mother)

MARINA: I’m so sick of how all you people view me. Your point of view is repulsive.
Look how you worry. (mocking) “Oh, no! Oh, no!” “Where were you?” “Why were you
outside for so long?”

One day you will cause a heart-attack inside yourself. What will you do, dead? What
good will all that ignorant worrying have done for you? You are one of those people
that think if they don’t worry, something bad will happen, so you constantly worry,
worry, worry like a neurotic. Is that normal? Meanwhile, you all look at me, like I’m
the lunatic.

I’m the only sane one in this crazy a** family! You’re all the lunatics!

Did you see the way my sh***-bag of a brother was eating those buffalo wings?

He is way too old not to be using napkins. (points to door handle) You notice that? I
did. All sticky from his filthy fingers. Who does that? Who walks through life like that
at his age?

Completely unaware, completely oblivious to the entire world, cause he’s stuck in
his little baby bubble. Off to his room, to sulk because he thinks he’s right to call me
stupid, when I’m not. I’m intelligent. You’re all the ones that are ignorant. Ignorant
4. Don’t Leave Me Without Muffin

Don’t Leave Me Without Muffin is a new play (one-act) that deals with addiction, love and
misunderstanding between a mother, daughter and rag doll.

GINGER: I’m not drunk, Mom. I’m awake, wide awake. I see things very clearly. I see
what you did to me growing up and how you left me to fend for myself. You don’t
remember, do you? All those times I had no choice but to walk into town and
search through garbage containers and dumpsters behind McDonalds, just so I
could eat.
If I never did that I would have starved to death, just like Louie. Well, he didn’t
starve, he died cause he was too young to take it…right?

This whole life, I am done! I am done thinking that one day it can change. The only
real change that will ever happen is if I make the change myself and I am LEAVING!

No more bumping into random men in our kitchen during the middle of the night.
No more sleazy smells from all the booze and drugs you’ve been doing. No more
waiting for a smile, a look, something, anything that tells me you see me.

You never cared about me. You selfish, waste of life, you only cared about me if it
served you well in some way. Whenever I’m no use to you, I disappear from your

And now I’ve disappeared for good. You can keep your life. I want no part of it.
5. One Thing

In this teen monologue, “One Thing” is about a young woman sticking up for her integrity
because she won’t allow any guy to take advantage of her.

BRIANNA: Why is it that these boys only want one thing? Why can’t I meet a guy that
is a decent, good guy? I understand the need for men to want to be intimate, I get it,
but why does it always get pushed? Why can’t I ever meet a guy who can pace
himself and not rush into things? Is gentleman a forgotten word in our generation?
It’s not that I don’t want to have intercourse, it’s just that I don’t want to have it after
the first or second or third date, you know? It’s all such a turn off, so, unattractive to
me. I’d like to get to know the guy first, REALLY get to know him. Learn about the
things he likes, the things he doesn’t like and make sure that he’s really into me for

I’m not just going to have it with someone because it’s cool or whatever. I’m just
trying to be smart and protect myself from stupid decisions. I mean, look what
happened to Carol…she got pregnant…that scares me.

I don’t mind kissing on the first date if he is genuine and everythin’ but to just go
and have it with someone, just to have it straight away, is so stupid and honestly, I
think it’s disgusting.

That’s why disease continues to spread in this country and I’m not going to be
another statistic. It’s not like I haven’t been raised right…my family taught me to
respect myself and that is what I plan on doing.

Too many young women sleep with a guy just so they will like them. NOT ME. I
couldn’t care less because if that’s all the guy is after, then he’s not worth my time.

I just have to believe that one day I will find the right guy and besides I’m too young
for anything that serious anyway, let’s be honest.
6. Wasted Talent
In the drama monologue Wasted Talent, DONNIE has just lost one of his closest friends
who happened to be a struggling musician for many years.

DONNIE: He stopped believing, that’s it, that’s why he failed…he quit. So much
talent, so much potential but he stopped believing in himself…he lost his way cause
he couldn’t figure out what to do next with his career and I guess all the stress
added up and finally broke him…his music was great…I would listen to it all the
time…it would get me into a pumped up emotional state and his lyrics never got
old…no one gave him a chance but I think that in today’s world that doesn’t matter;
he didn’t give himself the chance to take control of his career the way I knew he
could have. Maybe it was fear from doubting himself and it crippled his ambition.

He did it for so long with no financial gain, no recognition for his genius and he
couldn’t do it no more…he gave up and that’s why he hung himself in his studio; he
couldn’t do it anymore.

It pains me because I believed in the guy more than he believed in himself. He

forgot the number one lesson which is to do what you love for the sake of the
journey…nothing is more rewarding than that. He lost sight of that.

He forgot what it’s all about. It’s not about money or fame or compliments…it’s
about expressing yourself creatively because it’s what your soul needs to do and
enjoying the process. He lost track of that enjoyment and instead found himself
caught up with what most people get stuck on…
7. Ready, Aim, AIM!

In this monologue, Rose talks to her boyfriend about being more considerate when he urinates
“partially” into the toilet bowl.

ROSE: Can I just ask you something? No really…can I? Now, I’m not trying to argue
with you okay? I’m not trying to fight but…when you go to take a leak in the toilet
bowl, do you miss on purpose??

Cause everytime I go into the bathroom lately, I find piss all over the floor in drips
and drabs. I’m constantly cleaning up your little pee pee puddles. So, you can
imagine WHY I am asking you this question cause if you were cleaning MY pee pee
puddles, you probably would fly off the handle, mad at me.


Well, do me a favor, AIM better. How difficult can it be to aim him at the
toilet? (beat) What? Sometimes it shoots out in different directions? Well if you
know this than why do you leave it up to me to clean it up? Why are you so lazy? I
cannot believe you will accept leaving piss on our bathroom floor.

Even a tiny drip is incomprehensible, let alone two inch circular puddles. And in
case you haven’t realized this, urine tends to smell, especially after it dries because
it lingers.
8. Pay Attention
In this monologue Linda observes her boyfriend making out with some random woman
through a window to an apartment building. She sits inside a cab and talks to the driver
about the situation.

LINDA: …You can take me back to where you picked me up, please. I’d appreciate it.


No, I’m going to be alright. I-I just, need to drink a bottle of wine and take a hot bath. Clear my
mind, you know? Just need to get right before I decide how I’m going to handle this. If you
don’t mind, I really don’t feel like talking. I appreciate your kind words. But I-I just need to be
alone for now. Thank you, thank you…


My girlfriends have been telling me for months but I just couldn’t let myself believe it. But
then, then I started paying attention. I started noticing little changes with him. It led me to
think different. And here I am, sitting in this damn taxi cab, having the shock of my life. Excuse
me? Ha Ha Ha. Thanks, I appreciate that, sir. What? Oh, my name is Linda. Yes,
Linda. (beat) What’s your name? Al? Nice to meet you, Al.


You can pull over right here. This is close enough. I’m going to walk the rest of the way.
9. Contents Flammable
In this monologue, Nora talks about the tragic events that unfolded with her daughter. She
speaks to a group of people in a therapy session.

NORA: I memorized the side of the bottle. I wanted to be clear to myself as to what I done and
repeating that phrase to myself, reminds me of how horrible a person I am.

I just couldn’t quit the damn smoking. Had a habit of leaving my cigarettes lit when I’d put
them down and forget ’em. My daughter, always used to play with my hair spray bottles. She
would spray and then brush her dolls hair. Ha Ha, so cute she was.

…One day she was playing in the bathroom, while I was getting ready for work. Anyway, I was
smoking my cigarettes and decided to put it down on top of the sink in order to fuss with my
hair. Then the phone rang, the babysitter and I was distracted.

That’s when my baby daughter sprayed her hair bottle just right which caused the cigarette
and the hair spray bottle to ignite and catch fire to the bathroom towel and to my daughters
pretty face…

When I saw her…

I screamed…

Went to put the fire out…I put my hands all over her tender face while she kept screaming my


I panicked. I pulled her out of the bathroom, then back in the bathroom. I dunked her head
into the toilet to put out the flames.

She was coughing and…

The rest is history.

My daughter is blind because of me. Because I smoked cigarettes, because I was stupid. Now
my baby daughter is gonna be blind for the rest of her life and I did that. I took those beautiful
blue eyes she had and singed them forever….FOREVER…

NOEL has a problem. A beer drinking alien keeps stealing his beers. Noel develops a plan to
10. Killing You

In this frightening character monologue, a Killer toys with their latest victim in a real flippant
and cold manner. Can send shivers down one’s spine.

KILLER: You might be wondering why I haven’t killed you yet…I’m actually
wondering that as well. Not so sure. Usually I just do it. Takes less than a
second. Then it’s forgotten in the next.
With you, it’s different. Don’t know why. I just don’t know why. (beat) Why? Why
can’t I kill you? I have no feelings for you whatsoever. I don’t know you. We’ve
never met. So strange.
I guess even the greats have an off night. Maybe this is my off night. Maybe.

Should I let you go? What’s the point? What do you think? Should I let you live?

Yeah? You think you should live? I should just let you walk right out of here…Well,
that’s something to be hopeful about isn’t it? Yeah, yeah it is. Some psycho was
about to kill you and then lets you go. Ha! What a story you can tell your
friends. Amazing stuff right there. Don’t you think?

But I have to kill you. No, no. Relax. I do. I do because it’s what I’m supposed to
do. Even when an athlete is having an off night, he still performs. I have to
perform. I’m not so sure I could live with myself if I don’t perform. Letting you go
doesn’t make me the star player that I believe myself to be. (beat) You understand,
right? I mean it sucks, for you, that I’m gonna kill you now but I’m sure there’s a
part of you that understands; even if it’s the tiniest part.
Well, I usually forget these things but I think this time around I will definitely
remember you. Take care.

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