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11)1RICHARD V ~OUN 'T I-IOWE, the Kintd~m of Ireland,

and Wl~LIAM OWE, 'Efq;.(Jenera/ of ~is MajeJ}y's forces

in Ameri~a, _ the King~sCommijji~t,ers ;for re.fto,:-in:Peac~to. his
Majefly' s Coloniesand Plantations in North-America,
~ . --
&c. &c. &c.

DE C--L -A..R AT I O;N.· . . .

. A'. .THOUGH . th.e-.C~ngre[s, whom, the 1nifguicted: A,1neri-

: , can, fl:lffertq ..dirett their Oppofitio~ to ·a .re-eH:abliiliment
cl the confli-t.ut~o~al :Government of thef~ Provinces, _have dif-1

~vowed eve,y Purp,ofe' ·of Reconci.ljation, no~ confo1:1~U)t . with

their inadmi!fabl~ Clai~ of Indepetidency, the
King' .s Com1niffioners think !itto declare, that .they, ~re : equally
.;iefiroµs .to confer with his M~Je~y's w~ll...affccle<iSubje~s, upon
the ~~ _an1 of reftoring . the,. publi~ TF~n.q~ility, and . efhiblilhing
a perrilanen~ Upio11wit~ everr Colpny, as a f~rt of the Britiili
Einpire. . , .. ,. . · " -- ., .,
The King, being mofi:gracjoufly difpofed to ~~reel:a Revifion
.of fuch of his royal Infr.rucliopf, as n1ay , be coqG:rued to lay an
· improper Rcfiraint .ilpon .the ·:rreedot11,.9f ~egi:ilation, in any of
his Colonies, an:d~9 c;oncur_in the Revifal qf all Acts by \vhich

his Subjects there may think _themfelv~s aggrieJed; it -isrecon1-

n1ended to the Inhabitants at large; to,reflect ferioufiy 11pon their
prefe t Condition and E:!(pecl:atiorn., and to jt1dge for therni~lves,
whether it be 1nor~ confiftent with their I-lqnour and f-lappinefs
to offer up their Lives as .t Sacrifice to the 9njuft and precarious
Ca.ufe in which th~y are engag.ed, or. to return to their Allegi-
ance, accept the Bleffings of Peace, and be fecured in a free
Enjoyn1ent of their Liber ,ty and ~roperties, upon the true Prin-
ciplts of the Conftitution. · _ •
Given at New-York, the I gth of Sept. 1776.
H O W E. . W. . H O W E.
By Command of their Excellencies.
H .. N. S 1"' R A. C I-I E Y.

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