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A General Infrastructure Guide

Infrastructure is the most important thing in the game; it’s your source of income as it gives citizens and
Improvements, always try to buy it.

These are the formulas (thanks again, Letum):

a. Infrastructure Purchase Cost:

0-19.99 = 500
20-99.99 = 12 X Infra Level + 500
100-199.99 = 15 X Infra Level + 500
200-999.99 = 20 X Infra Level + 500
1000-2999.99 = 25 X Infra Level + 500
3000-3999.99 = 30 X Infra Level + 500
4000-4999.99 = 40 X Infra Level + 500
5000-7999.99 = 60 X Infra Level + 500
8000-14999.99 = 70 X Infra Level + 500
15000-????? = 80 X Infra Level + 500
Here's a graph (by Amnesiasoft):
Graph (by Amnesiasoft): (Click Here)

To calculate infrastructure cost reduction multiply your infra cost by:

0.94 for lumber, 0.95 for iron, 0.93 for aluminum, 0.9 for marble, 0.96 for coal, 0.98 for steel, 0.97 for
rubber, 0.95 for construction, 0.92 for interstate system and 0.95 for government (Monarchy, Capitalist,
Dictatorship, Federal, Republic and Revolutionary)

For factories pick one of the following), 0.92 for 1, 0.84 for 2, 0.76 for 3, 0.68 for 4 and 0.6 for 5.

Ex: At 1000 infra, on level costs 25500, but he has lumber, marble and 2 factories.
25500*0.94*0.9*0.86 = 18552.78
The cost is $18552.78 per level.

b. Infrastructure Upkeep Cost:

20-99.99 = 0.04 X Infra Level + 20
100-199.99 = 0.05 X Infra Level + 20
200-299.99 = 0.06 X Infra Level + 20
300-499.99 = 0.07 X Infra Level + 20
500-699.99 = 0.08 X Infra Level + 20
700-999.99 = 0.09 X Infra Level + 20
1000-1999.99 = 0.11 X Infra Level + 20
2000-2999.99 = 0.13 X Infra Level + 20
3000-3999.99 = 0.15 X Infra Level + 20
4000-4999.99 = 0.17 X Infra Level + 20
5000-7999.99 = 0.1725 X Infra Level + 20
8000-14999.99 = 0.175 X Infra Level + 20
15000-????? = 0.1755 X Infra Level + 20
Graph (by Amnesiasoft):
Graph (by Amnesiasoft): (Click Here)
The upkeep reduction works the same way as the cost, multiply by:
0.9 for iron, 0.92 for lumber, 0.97 for uranium, 0.95 for asphalt and 0.92 for interstate system.

Labor Camps' effects add up like the Factories'. Multiply by 0.9 for 1, by 0.8 for 2, 0.7 for 3, 0.6 for 4, 0.5
for 5. Remember to pick only one of them to add in the formula.

Tech also reduces your infra upkeep, to calculate the discount use (2 * Technology Level) / Nation
Strength = x). 1-x = The number you should use to multiply.

c. Infra Jumps

Infra jumps are those times that a nation breaks an infrastructure upkeep cost barrier; the most
important ones are the 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000 infra marks. An easy way of making an infra
jump is get a $20 donation once you are at x999 infrastructure, that way you will jump 200
infrastructure which is enough in most/all cases.

The links below should give you a rough estimate of what you should save up to make a jump.

Arkady of Phobos' (updated by TheBFG) Infra Jump Calculator Spreadsheet (link)

Mr Fixit's Infra Jump Calculator (link)

* 1000 infra jump:
This jump is by far the worst percentage wise, it’s a 22.2% infra upkeep cost increase, translating it into
real numbers (using a Trade set I setup), your 88,000 bill will go up to 104,000 with a measly .01 infra
purchased. It’s a total loss of 16,000 in income. To calculate how much money you will need to "make
the jump” use the formula (provided by Cheesejaguar)

(x)(Population Gain per level of infra)(net income per citizen) - ( (999.99+x)(New Upkeep)-(999.99)(Old
Upkeep) ) = 0

And you solve for 0.

x is the amount of infra you need.

New upkeep = ((999.99+x)*0.11+20)*infra upkeep reducers
Old upkeep = (999.99*0.09+20)*infra reducers

Calculate how much x infra costs. To do that, divide x by 2 and add that to 999.99 and apply the cost
formula to 999.99+(x/2).
* 2000 infra jump:
This jump raises your infra upkeep bill by 18.2%. Use the same formula as the 1,000 jump, but don’t
forget to replace 999.99 by 1999.99.
* 3000 infra jump:
This jump increases your infra upkeep bill by 15.4%. Use the same formula as the previous jumps, just
replace the infra purchase cost multiplier (25 to 30) and the infra level to 2999.99.
* 4000 infra jump:
This one increases the infra bill by 13.3%. Use the same formula as the previous jump, just replace the
infra purchase cost multiplier (30 to 40) and the infra level to 3999.99.
* 5000 infra jump:
The last infra jump increases your infra bill by 3%. Use the same formula as the previous jump, just
replace the infra purchase cost multiplier (40 to 60) and the infra level to 4999.99.

The next major jump occurs at 15,000 infra. Please let me know if you get there :-)

An alternative/different formula (if you can't get your head round the one above) is.. (Thanks to

X equals:

(Amount of Infra Before Jump*(New Upkeep - Old Upkeep))

((Pop. Per Infra Level * Income per Citizen.) - New Upkeep)

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