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US Election

Winner of the Election Shall be Joe Biden

Electoral colleges votes for Biden According to Financial times are 252 out of which 203 are
Solid Democrat & 49 are Leaning Democrat. On the other hand Trump has a total of 125
Electoral college votes of which 77 are Solid Republican & 48 are Leaning Republican.

On election day, former vice-president Joe Biden, the Democratic party’s nominee, is polling
narrowly ahead of incumbent Republican president Donald Trump in key battleground
states, though he has seen his lead narrow in some states since the summer.

The crucial state of Pennsylvania slipped back into the "toss-up" category when an election-
eve poll reduced Mr Biden’s lead in the FT’s average of recent polls to just below five points.

Some of the closest races are in states Mr Trump won in 2016. In five states — Ohio,
Iowa, Georgia, North Carolina and Florida — the FT’s polling average shows the candidates
within two percentage points of each other.

Other battlegrounds include Arizona, a state only one Democratic presidential candidate has
won in the past 70 years, but where Mr Biden leads by just under two points on election
day, and Texas, where Mr Trump leads by just over two points. In Nevada, which Hillary
Clinton won in 2016, Mr Biden leads by just under four points.

In Michigan and Wisconsin, where Mr Trump won by razor thin margins in 2016, polls show
Mr Biden leading by more than five percentage points. 

Tens of millions of Americans have already cast their ballots through postal and early
voting, pointing to a record turnout. In Texas and Hawaii, the number of ballots cast early
was higher than the entire vote tally in 2016, while turnout in key states like Florida and
North Carolina was already above 90 per cent of the 2016 total before election day.

National polls have consistently shown Mr Biden at a significant advantage. On the morning
of election day, the FT’s poll average showed him leading by 8.1 percentage points.

White seniors in particular, a group that helped propel Mr Trump to victory in 2016, have
shown signs of disapproval towards the president's handling of the pandemic. Mr Biden
holds a substantial lead among Latino voters, a growing demographic in swing states like
Arizona and Florida, but some polls suggest he is less popular with Latino voters than either
Barack Obama in 2012 or Hillary Clinton in 2016.

"Swing states are the most critical states in the upcoming election. They're essentially the
tipping point of who's going to win the electoral college, then win the presidency," explains
Swing Left National Field Director Marisa Kanof. "You look at the 50 states and you have the
15 to 20 that Democrats are going to win and the 15 to 20 that Republicans are going to
win. These states in the win enough of them and you win the presidency."

This includes Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, North Carolina,
Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin.

At last I think that the winner of this year Presidential election Will be Joe Biden by seeing
the polls result from various websites and by analysing the data provided on the Websites
predicting the Result of this year election.

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