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What Is A Personality Trait?

A personality trait is a word which we use to describe a certain feature of

someone’s personality. Quite often, these words are used as adjectives to
describe a person. It is important to note that when using a word to talk
about personality traits, that they are usually used with the verb ‘to be.’
For example: I am brave or she  is  friendly.

Positive & Negative Aspects of Personality Traits

Positive Personality Traits
A positive personality trait talks about something that is good about a
person. Let’s take a look at some examples of the words you might use.

 Adventurous – someone who is outgoing and not afraid to try new

 Adorable – someone who is sweet.
 Friendly – someone who is easy to get along with and nice.
 Helpful – someone who like to assist others.
 Humble – someone who does not have a big ego.
 Honest – someone who is truthful.
 Charming – someone who is pleasant and draws attention in a
positive way.
 Capable – someone who able to achieve things.
 Clever – someone who is smart.
 Imaginative – someone who has a good imagination, you might also
call the creative.
 Confident – someone who has confidence.
 Independent – someone who can manage well on their own.
 Cultured – someone who has a lot of cultural experience.
 Keen – someone who is eager.
 Meticulous – someone who pays attention to detail.
 Dependable – someone who you can rely on.
 Encouraging – someone who is full of encouragement.
 Precise – someone who does things to an exact standard.
 Intelligent – someone who is smart.
 Sociable – someone who like to interact with others frequently.
 Trusting – someone who trusts others.
 Trustworthy – someone who can be trusted.
 Vibrant – someone who is outgoing, colourful and loud.
 Fearless – someone who shows no fear, you might also call the
 Loyal – someone who remains supportive to those close to them.
 Patient – someone who shows patience.
 Compassionate – someone who shows understanding to others’
 Determined – someone who sticks with their decisions.
 Adaptable – someone who can make changes easily.
 Understanding – someone who can understand others easily.
 Empathetic – someone who can understand and ‘feel’
the emotions of others.

All of these words can be used within a sentence to talk about the good
traits within a person. Let’s now look at some examples of this.

 My father is a very honest  and trustworthy  man.

 When I first met Michael, I thought he was  patient and I was right.
 My friend Sarah is a very loyal woman.
 The girl who works in the local supermarket is extremely  amiable.
 My son is a very intelligent  boy.
 Your aunt seems like a friendly  person.
 I am  patient.
 You are  determined.

Negative Personality Traits

Of course, as humans, there are always going to be negative sides to our
personalities and there are some great adjectives for describing these too.
Let’s take a look at some of them.

 Catty – someone who makes nasty remarks about others.

 Clumsy – someone who is accident prone.
 Childish – someone who behaves in an immature manner.
 Cocky – someone who has an over inflated ego.
 Controlling – someone who like to take control of a situation.
 Impatient – someone who does not display patience.
 Insecure – someone who does not have self security or confidence.
 Jealous – someone who is envious of other people or things.
 Rebellious – someone who goes against the rules.
 Rowdy – someone who is loud and brash, often disruptive.
 Selfish – someone who puts themselves before others.
 Sleazy – someone who is sordid or corrupt.
 Spoiled – someone who is entitled or believes they deserve
everything and more than others.]
 Stubborn – someone who will not budge from their opinion even if
it is incorrect.
 Dishonest – someone who is not truthful.
 Lazy – someone who does not like to do a lot.
 Evil – someone who is calculating, nasty, bad.
 Cruel – someone who is not nice to others for fun.
 Naggy – someone who repeats themselves in order to get others to
do something.
 Unethical – someone who is willing to do anything to get ahead no
matter how it might affect others.
 Judgemental – someone who judges others, especially before
knowing all the information.
 Pessimistic – someone who sees the worst in everything.
 Fussy – someone who pays too much attention to detail.
 Grumpy – someone who is not friendly and often in a bad mood.
 Gullible – someone who will believe anything that they are told.
 Paranoid – someone who constantly worries that something bad
will happen.
Now that we know some useful negative personality traits, let’s take a
look at how they might work within a sentence.

 My brother, John used to be very judgemental.

 I don’t like to admit it often, but I am quite a grumpy person.
 My boss is very  dishonest  and will often be  unethical in his
 I met a man last week who was the most sleazy  person I have ever
come across.
 My ex girlfriend was a very  jealous  person.
 My sister was very  selfish when we were kids.
 I have a friend who is so clumsy, I have to serve her coffee in a
plastic cup.
 My teenage daughter is still very childish.

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