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PRODUCT Stellar map

MESSAGE Give away the stars if possible

ADVERTISER Two astronauts (a women and a men)
IDENTIFICATION TECHNIQUE Two astronauts are on their first date, they meet at a table on the
moon (THE MOON restaurant)
GENERALIZATION TECHNIQUE the astronaut points out the stars to his girlfriend, she looks at them
and when she sees her boyfriend again he gives her the stellar map
EMOTIONAL APPEAL TECHNIQUE the astronaut girl gets excited when she sees the map and gives her
boyfriend a kiss
CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENT an influencer enters the restaurant, sees the star map and
TECHNIQUE immediately falls in love and does a live on her instagram
IDEOLOGY Give something different and innovative to those you love

Acto: Dos astronautas en una cita

El astronauta dice: “mira que hermosas están las estrellas esta noche”

*Mientras ella voltea a ver las estrellas, el prepara el mapa estelar*

La astronauta mira las estrellas, sonríe y dice: “oh si, son hermosas”

*Ella voltea a ver de nuevo a su astronauta*

Él tiene el mapa en sus manos y se lo entrega mientras dice: “te regalo las estrella mi amor”

Ella muy feliz recibe su mapa y le da un beso

*Las personas alrededor toman muchas fotos*

En ese momento entra una influencer, se acerca a ver qué está pasando, ve el mapa en la
mesa, se enamora del mapa, y de inmediato hace un live mostrando a todos sus seguidores el
hermoso mapa.


Two astronauts in a date

The astronaut says: “look how beautiful the stars are tonight”

*While she turns to see the stars, he prepares the stellar map*

She look the stars, smile and says: “oh yeah, he are beautiful”

*She returns to see her astronaut again*

He has the map in his hands and hands it to her while says: “I give you the stars my love”

She very happy receives her map and gives him a kiss

*The people around take a lot of photos*

In this moment an influencer comes in, comes to see what is happening and sees the map on
the table, falls in love with the map, and immediately does a live showing all her followers the
beautiful stellar map.


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