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1. What has shifted in your priorities since COVID-19?

Is there something you

want to change in your life – personal or professional?


Well, after I finished my undergraduate program in chemical engineering last

November, I was expected to start my national youth service in early February
but then COVID came and all those plans have been thrown away. So, I’ve
been learning a lot and applying myself to different things. On a professional
level, I’ve been able to acquire new skills and learn things ranging from R
programming to financial modelling. On a personal level, I’ve grown to love
myself more and be more confident in my unique abilities.

2. What are you passionate about?

This question always makes me think and many times I’ve always concluded
that I don’t know what I’m passionate about or stimulates my feelings without
intent. I help individuals and organizations solve problems to achieve better
outcomes and make their/our lives easier. I’ve always been committed to
providing quality work in all I do and in teams I’m involved with whether it’s a
study group or in any job.

3. Does your passion fit into one, or more of the Sustainable Development Goals
(to find out more head to the SDG's track!).

I have some interests in the SDG’s particularly:
 Goal 4: Quality education
 Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
I previously served as the partnerships head for the biggest undergraduate
body invested in helping and rewarding undergraduate innovators in the
country. We aim to reduce the high unemployment rate, improve quality
education and foster the culture of entrepreneurship in our tertiary institutions.
So far, we’ve formed strategic partnerships with public and private sector
players and can only get closer to our vision with more key involvement.

4. What are your strengths? Your personal Superpower? 

I consider myself a collaborative non-conformist. Pardon me, that is probably
a mouthful but I see myself as someone who loves a collective unit that has a
shared vision while also challenging the status quo in leading change.

5. What is your style? (How do you communicate? How do you approach

people, projects, or problems?
Answer: I try to be as open and direct as I can be to people, I meet for the first
time. I look at problems and projects from a results perspective. What defines
success for us? Whose buy-in is required to achieve that? Questions like
these help me make informed decisions about my approach

6. What experiences make you unique?


My elevator pitch

My name is Chikamso and I recently graduated from college with a degree in

chemical engineering. I was the previous partnerships head at the PAADC
where we invest and support innovative undergraduate startups. I’m also a
data analyst and I’m currently looking for a job in consulting or energy that’ll
put my skills to work.

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