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© Copyright 2002-2011, Anthony Furr Software. All rights reserved.

Structural Toolkit® is a registered trademark of Anthony Furr Software.

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 1: Introduction

What Is Structural Toolkit™

Structural Toolkit™ is structural design software developed specifically to deliver fast and consistent
element design using current Australian codes and practices for most of the common design tasks
encountered in a general consulting practice.

Structural Toolkit™ enables designers to produce accurate computations with just a few clicks of the
mouse and keyboard. Many everyday design tasks using steel, timber and concrete are provided
utilising a simple intuitive layout across the design suite with all major section libraries being
incorporated for timber, steel and masonry.

Structural Toolkit™ can represent up to 95% of the content within a set of computations and delivers
an estimated time saving of between 50 and 70% when compared with other methods such as hand
calculations or existing office spreadsheets.

Structural Toolkit™ incorporates the latest in Australian Standards including AS3600-2009, AS1720-
2010 and AS1170.2-2011 and uses design models from many various recognised academic texts.

Structural Toolkit™ undertakes relevant checks required for standards compliance reducing the
chances of missing sometimes critical checks compared with using shortcut methods. Results can be
fine-tuned with a range of advanced settings available.

Structural Toolkit™ generates clear and complete outputs including your logo, formatted to an A4
sheet (generally on a single page). References and relevant code clauses are shown. Documents can
be optionally output directly to the built-in PDF writer.

Structural Toolkit™ can arrange documents into sections and supports a range of document types
including Member Designs, Spreadsheets, Text documents and PDF's.

Structural Toolkit™ has been designed to maximise profits and minimise errors.

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 2: Program Basics

First Design
Start Structural Toolkit by double clicking on the desktop icon.

Fig 2.1 – Desktop icon

Exercise 2.1 - Steel floor beam

Move the mouse over the “Desktop” (the central part of the application containing the design template
buttons). As you move across the “Desktop” the position is followed with the buttons changing color.

Fig 2.2 – Steel floor beam desktop button

Locate the [Floor Beam] in the [Steel] section and create a new Steel Floor Beam by pressing the left
mouse button over the [Floor Beam] button. The [Steel] section is the fourth column across and the
[Floor Beam] is the third button down.

Observe the floor beam named “Floor Beam FB01” appears in the “Project Tree” under a section
called “Unallocated”. The bolded item indicates the document is the currently active document.

Fig 2.3 – New document in the project tree

The “Unallocated” section is colored yellow/orange which means it is the active section. New
documents that are created will automatically be placed into this “active” section.

In the floor beam document there is a mixture of calculations, inputs and results.

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 2: Program Basics

You can modify grey cells only – or input cells. Some input cells have associated drop down boxes
which drop down a list of options; some of these you can type in a value other than those in the drop
down list (they will have an empty cell in the drop down) ie. with the αm you can provide your own
calculated value, whereas others such as Apply Reductions can only have a Y or N answer (either
typed or selected). Note that inputs are not case sensitive.

Fig 2.4 – Various input cells

Right click on an input cell and you can change the value to the default value or
change the entire sheet to the default values using the context menu.

Enter 6000mm span into the Span (L) input (do not enter the units), 4000mm into the Centres (cts)
input, 1.0kPa into the Dead load and 3.0kPa in the Live load inputs. Leave all other cells as-is ie. the
effective length as 3000mm (defaults to half the span) and αm as 1.30. These are the default values.

The αm is a moment modifier which takes into account the shape of the bending moment between
points of restraint on the critical flange.

Use the [Select] button in the “Notes Area” (grey portion on the right side of the screen) and choose a
250 UB 31. The notes area often contains refined design options and additional buttons and tools.

Fig 2.5 – Section select button in the notes area

Use the up [] and down [] arrows on the right side of the [Select] button and observe the changes
to the capacity ratios and color (errors and warnings). Select a beam of suitable capacity and
deflection characteristics.

A ratio of less than 1.00 in the summary section (and also in the calculation area at times) means the
current inputs result in an adequate member capacity and ratio’s greater than 1.00 (in red) indicates
inadequate capacity or deflection characteristics. All results require careful review by the designer and
these ratios are affected by many of the input cells including the default ones.

A 310 UB 32 is more efficient (weight) than the 250 UB 37 sections suggesting a 310 UB 32 is the
correct choice (unless restricted for height). The order of the section sizes are based on the size
group, then weight within the group.

Create a copy of the current Floor Beam document by right clicking on “Floor Beam FB01” in the
“Project Tree” and select the [Copy] item from the drop-down.

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 2: Program Basics

Fig 2.6 – Select copy from the context menu

Select [OK] in the dialog box that appears (you can use this dialog box to change the name).

Fig 2.7 – Copy document dialog

With the newly created member (the copy), select a 250 PFC using the [Select] button again. You will
have to change the section type using the drop down. Select a section that works.

Fig 2.8 – Choosing a section type

A 300 PFC works for the given geometry and restraint conditions.

Now change the effective length to 1m (note that this must be input in the shown unit of mm) and
change the αm to 1.00. Adjust the size using the [] and [] arrows to arrive at a 250 PFC which is
suitable for both capacity and default deflection criteria.

Fig 2.9 – Changing the αm value

Press the [Preview] button on the [Document] ribbon bar, and then press the [Export] button to export
to a PDF (or [Print] if you have a locally attached printer).

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 2: Program Basics

Now Close the Preview tab by pressing on the [Close] button.

Fig 2.10 – Closing the preview

Remove the first floor beam by selecting it in the “Project Tree” and right click selecting the [Remove]
item. Observe that the “Trash” section now has a [+] and can be expanded by clicking on it. Empty
the Trash by right clicking on the “Trash” section and selecting the [Empty Trash] item.

Fig 2.11 – Emptying the trash

Finally close the Project by selecting the [Close] button on the [Project] ribbon Tab.

Fig 2.12 – Closing the project

Do not save the changes when prompted by selecting the [No] button.

Fig 2.13 – Closing the project

End of exercise

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 2: Program Basics

The Interface
The interface has several parts:
• Ribbon bar
• Project panel/tree
• Desktop/Document pane and above that the document tabs. Backstage File button
• Status bar

File Ribbon Tab (Backstage)

Document Ribbon Bar

Ribbon Bar

Project Tree Document Pane

Status Bar
Fig 2.14 – The interface
Document zoom slider
Template Tabs

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 2: Program Basics

The Ribbon
The ribbon is where you access document and project functions such as creating, previewing,
modifying and setting up project titles.

The contents of the Ribbon bars change depending on the type of document you are currently working
with, for example the Numbers ribbon appears when using a spreadsheet and the Member ribbon
appears when you have are editing a Member document.

The buttons on the ribbon bars may also be disabled depending on what you are doing.


Fig 2.15 – Backstage

The backstage is accessed via the orange File button in the top left corner. It offers
• Options
• Recent projects
• Help (about Structural Toolkit)

The Backstage > Help area is where you can find the current version information,
your license information and subscription details.

Some useful Options

You can open the last project automatically when Structural Toolkit starts.
File > Options > General > Open last project

You can change the interface color.

File > Options > Interface > Color Scheme

You can make the default screen zoom larger or smaller.

File > Options > Interface > Default Zoom

You can stop the “Successfully exported” dialog appearing each time.
File > Options > Print > Show dialog after export

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 2: Program Basics

Structural Toolkit can handle member designs, word documents, spreadsheets, and PDF’s.

The Word and Excel documents created using Structural Toolkit can be opened and edited in the
native Microsoft application.

Exercise 2.2 – Externally editing

Go to the [Document] tab and select the [Words] button to create a new text document.

Add some text.

Close the document by right clicking on [Tab] at the top of the document pane with the Words
document you just created and select [Close].

Fig 2.16 – Closing a document

Go to the document in the “Project Tree” and right click, selecting the [Open Externally].

Fig 2.17 – Opening a document externally

If you have Microsoft Word installed then the document will automatically open within that application.
Add some more text within Microsoft Word and then close Microsoft Word, saving the changes.

Double click on the Word document in the “Project Tree” to reopen the document within Structural
Toolkit and you will see the new text added.

The same function applies for Excel files.

End of exercise

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 2: Program Basics

PDF’s can be added to the project and measured and partially printed at specified scales.

Generally engineering PDF’s are generated to scale which results in a PDF that usually fits on an A4
sheet. Using the features of Structural Toolkit, you can be measure parts of the drawing electronically
and also partially print using the right context mouse buttons.

Example 2.3 - Measuring a PDF

Hold down the control key and use the scroll wheel on the mouse to zoom in and out. Click and drag
with the left button to move around.

Set the initial Anchor point by double clicking on the PDF. Set the end anchor point by also double

Set the Measure Scale using the right mouse click and selecting [Measure Scale]

Fig 2.18 – Measuring a PDF

Example 2.4 - Partial printing a PDF

To print a partial PDF to scale, use the right click [Set Extents Size].

Select the page size, and using the right click, select the [Set Top Left Extents] to move the section to
be printed. Double click to set the area as active.

When you select the [Export], this section will be printed (note that the preview does not show this
altered extent).

You can also adjust the print scale through the right click [Print Scale].

Fig 2.19 – Printing a partial PDF to scale

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 2: Program Basics

Project Setup
Project details are setup using the [Setup] ribbon tab. Click on the logo image to change to your own
image file (change the file type as required to pick a compatible graphic format). Click on the text
elements to change these. There are predefined fields that can be used for dates and authors.

After changing these the first time, you can press the [Save as Default] so each new project recalls
these defaults.

Graphic images for the logo can be various sizes. You may need to use a picture editing program to
trim your logo. The width of the logo should be no more than 4 times the height to fit into the allocated
space. Choose a PNG or TIF format. Avoid JPG formatting as this will generally result in a fuzzy
image. The entire top section can be replaced (disabling the project items) by creating a 2219 X 205
logo at 300dpi (hover the mouse over the logo image to get this information after adding a new
template to the project).

Fig 2.20 – Company logo and project settings

Example 2.5 – Setting up project details

Change the heading items to match your typical computations sheet. Look at the various date formats
available in the right most column using the dialog box that appears after clicking on the item.

End of exercise

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 2: Program Basics

The Project Tree

There are two special sections in the “Project Tree” when you have a new empty project; “Unallocated”
and “Trash”. These cannot be deleted. When you have not created any other sections, new
documents are placed into the “Unallocated” section by default. New sections can be created,
renamed and deleted by using the mouse right click and accessing the context menu.

Fig 2.21 – Project tree operations

Create a new section by right clicking in a clear part of the project tree and selecting [Add Section].
Double clicking on a Section will change the section color to Orange/Yellow. This indicates that the
section as active. New documents that are created will be placed in this section.

Rename the section by right clicking and selecting [Rename Section].

You can move documents between sections by dragging the document in the “Project Tree”.

If you remove a document then it gets moved into the “Trash” section.

You cannot create a document with the same name as an item (document or section) already in the
project. All items must be unique. This includes documents in the “Trash”. You can empty the trash
by right clicking on the “Trash” section and selecting [Empty Trash].

To view the physical contents of the project, move the mouse to a clear place in the “Project Tree” and
right click, selecting [Open Folder]. Do not manually place or delete anything from this folder. The
entire project folder can be safely moved however to another disk location.

Fig 2.22 – Opening the project physical folder

When a section contains documents it has a [+] symbol on the front. By pressing on this with the
mouse the section can expand, changing the symbol to a [-]. Pressing again collapses the section.

Documents within a section can be sorted alphabetically. Select a section and right click, selecting

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 2: Program Basics

Exercise 2.6 – Project Tree Basics

Create a new project by going to the [Project] tab and selecting [New] (left most button).

Create the following sections; “Roof”, “Floor” and “Ground”. Do this by right clicking in the clear area
below the “Unallocated” and “Trash” sections, and selecting [Add Section].

Rename the “Ground” section to “Footings” by right clicking on the “Ground” section and selecting
[Rename Section]

Make the “Roof“ section active by double clicking on the “Roof” section. The active section is coloured

Create two Timber Roof Beams, a Timber Propped Beam, and a Timber Column. After each
document is created you will see it appear in the “Project Tree” and the document area shows this
member. You need to select the [Desktop] Tab to return back to the Desktop to access the Member
Design buttons.

Make the “Floor” section active and create a Steel Floor Beam and a Steel Column.

Make the “Footings” section active and create a Pad Footing (Located in the [Footings] group).

Now create another section called “Upper Roof”.

Rename the “Roof” to “Lower Roof”.

Move one of the roof beams in the “Lower Roof” section to the “Upper Roof” section by selecting the
member, holding down the mouse and dragging it into the new section. After it has moved to the
“Upper Roof” section, rename it to “Upper Roof Beam URB1” by selecting the member and using the
right mouse button to select [Rename].

Now delete the “Timber Propped Beam” by selecting it, right clicking and selecting the [Remove].
Make a note of its full name (you can expand the “Trash” section to see this after if needed).

Now create another “Timber Propped Beam” in the “Upper Roof”. If the member appears in the
wrong section, simply drag it to the correct section. Rename it to the same name as that in the “Trash”
(Propped Beam PB04). An error will occur. This is because all document names must be unique.

Clear the trash by selecting the “Trash” section, right click and select [Empty Trash]. You can now
rename the beam without an error.

Now delete the steel column in the “Floor” section. Expand the “Trash” section by clicking on the [+]
button and right click and [Recover] the member. If the section has been deleted as well then it is re-

Fig 2.23 – Desktop logo

End of exercise

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 2: Program Basics

Using Printables you can elect to not print entire sections or single documents within a section.

To print an entire project use the [Project] tab [Print].

Fig 2.24 – Selecting printables

To mark a section as Not printable, select the section in the “Project Tree” and right click, selecting
either [Printable] or [Not Printable].

The same action can be done on a document to mark it as printable or not-printable.

Fig 2.25 – To Print, or not to print (that is the question)

All sections (excluding the “Trash”) are printable by default. The “Trash” section is not printable.

Exercise 2.7 – Printables

Load the example project and mark each of the sections (except Residential) as being “Not Printable”.

In the residential section, mark one or two of these as “Not Printable”.

Print the project to a PDF using the [Print] on the [Project] tab (Not the [Document] tab).

End of exercise

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 2: Program Basics

Saving a Project
To save a project, go to the [Project] ribbon and select [Save].

In the dialog box, find a location on disk to store your project (avoid “My Documents” if possible).

Create a new folder by using the [Make New Folder] button in the bottom left of the dialog and rename
the new folder to a name of your choice. “Design” is a good name to use in this case.

Fig 2.26 – Project save dialog

Select the newly created folder, then select [OK].

Now right click in the clear part of the project tree and using the right mouse click and select [Open
Folder] to see the content in the selected location. (Refer figure 2.21)

The [Save] button on the document tab are really unnecessary to use as the saving of the documents
occurs automatically.

Exercise 2.7 – Saving a Project

Save your project to your hard drive

End of exercise

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 3: Design Templates - An Overview

There are a total of 80 templates containing a total of 409 tabs (refer Fig 2.27).

Templates are grouped into sections:

• Analysis
• Loadings
• Wind
• Drainage
• Footings
• Retaining Walls
• Slabs & Pavements
• Concrete
• Precast
• Steel
• Steel Connections
• Composite
• Timber
• Masonry
• Utilities

Each template has a first tab named [Info] which contains the primary references used and also
version information.

You can create multiple members at once using the right click on the desktop button
and choosing the number of members to create.

Hold down the control key while selecting a desktop template button to choose from
older versions (including superseded standards if available).

Fig 2.27 – Desktop templates

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 4: Design Templates - Residential

Design Examples
Create a section called “Session 4 – Residential”.

After opening each design template in the following examples, rename the created member document
to the same as the Title of the example. ie “Example 4.1: Wind”

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 4: Design Templates - Residential

Example 4.1: Wind

Wind loads are an important aspect of the design loadings applied to structures. This is becoming
even more relevant with a greater percentage of the structure being of glass, larger open areas, and
higher ceilings resulting in a reduced amount of “standard” braced walls. Assessment of the wind
loadings is one of the first design tasks in designing a structure.


Wind > Wind Loads

Key Terms

Importance level, Cardinal directions, Terrain Catergory, ultimate, serviceability loads, Ws/Wu ratio

Fig 4.1 – Satellite map of the project site


A two storey residence is being designed in Yarrawonga on the edge of a lake (North is up the page).
Use Structural Toolkit to derive the ultimate and serviceability wind loads.


Location = Victoria (Outside Melbourne)

Importance level = 2 (Refer AS/NZS 1170.0-2002 Table F1)
Design working life = 50 years (Refer AS/NZS 1170.0-2002 Table F1)
Annual prob. of exceed. Serviceability. (APE.s) = 25 years (Refer AS/NZS 1170.0-2002 Appendix C
and AMDT No 2)
Ave. Height (Z) = 6.0m (include elevation) (Refer AS/NZS 1170.2-2011 Figure 2.1)
Terrain Category = 2 (Refer AS/NZS 1170.2-2011 Cl 4.2.1)


Wu = 1.05kPa from West

Ws = 0.71kPa
Ws/Wu = 0.68 (Used for other templates to calculate the serviceability deflections)

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 4: Design Templates - Residential

Example 4.2: Rafter R1

With the large variety of timbers available and the ever increasing spans, the design of a rafter can be
engineered with confidence faster than using safe load tables.

Short spans can often have the point load from AS1170.1 table being critical.


Timber > Roof Beam

Key Terms

Category, Alternate point loads, standards amendments


Design rafters spanning 3950mm using F7 KD Pine, supporting a sheet metal roof and plasterboard
ceiling. Rafters are to be at 900mm centres.


Category = 1 (House)
Span (L) = 3950mm
Centres (cts) = 900mm
Roof Dead Load (wdl) = 0.4kPa
Roof Live Load (wll) = (Automatically calculated) (Refer AS/NZS 1170.1-2002 Table 3.2 and Amdt 2
reducing concentrated action to 1.1kN and 0.25kPa)

Ult. wind load (Wu) = 1.05kPa (From Exercise 4.1)

Cp,e = 0.9
Cp,i = 0.2

Note Alternate Live Load Factor critical


190 x 45 F7 KD PINE (0.43,0.63)

δDL = 13mm
δLL = 7mm

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 4: Design Templates - Residential

Example 4.3a: Lintel (Standard) L1

Girder trusses and point loads on lintels can have a large impact on the design of lintels. Recent
changes to AS1720 have seen a reduction in the shear capacity of timber and there are many
circumstances that the point load is critical (this is not necessarily a girder truss and can be the result
of a rafter point load).


Timber > Roof Beam

Key Terms

Category, Failure area, in cell calculations


There are a number of short lintels required supporting a section of a large trussed roof (spanning
12500mm with trusses at 900mm centres). The design span is 500mm and there is 1250mm of clad
wall over the top of the lintel (allow 50kg/m ).


Category = 2
Span (L) = 500mm
Centres (cts) = 6250mm
Roof dead load (wdl) = 0.4kPa
Wall DL = 0.5kPa
Wall Loadwidth = 1250mm

From Timber Framing Manual F5, 600mm centres rafters, span of 1100mm and RWL of 6600mm
suggests 120x45 F5


Beam Sufficient
120 x 45 F5 KD PINE M(0.22,0.38), V(0.46,0.80)

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 4: Design Templates - Residential

Example 4.3b: Lintel (Point Load) L1

Consider example 4.3a as a point load rather than a uniform distributed load.

Key Terms

Point loads from girders and rafters/trusses, removal of alt. point load when applying other live points
Loads, Shear using Pl at Support


The point load from the rafter (exact position on the span cannot be guaranteed) needs to be checked
to see if shear is critical.


Pdl = 0.9*6.25*0.4 = 2.25kN

Pll = 0.25*0.9*6.25 = 1.41kN
Position = 250mm

Copy Exercise 4.3a and remove the UDL loads. Note set alternate point load factor to 0kN

In-cell formulas can be done including mathematical statements such as =1/2+4 etc.


190 x 45 F5 KD Pine M(0.27,0.25) V(0.90,0.84)

δDL = 0mm
δLL = 0mm

It is suggested to use the Shear using PL at support as the position of the supported load is usually
unknown, ie. Probably not central.

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 4: Design Templates - Residential

Example 4.4: Timber Floor joist BJ1

The Floor Beam template can be used for the design of floor beams and floor joists for internal and
balcony situations.


Timber > Floor Beam

Key Terms

Vibration, Category effects on deflection Ψl, Ψs, alternate point load, sharing of vibration load, removal
of vibration warning, durability.

First floor joists to the balcony are to be F7 grade (seasoned) and span 3250mm. Allow 50kg/m for
the floor (open – no tiles)


Category = 1
House = Y
Span (L) = 3250mm
Centres (cts) = 450mm
Lay = 450mm
Span type = S
Edge Restraint = C
Floor DL = 0.5kPa
Floor Live Load = 2.0kPa
AS1684 requires live load for decks/balconies over 1m in height and less than 40m to have Live Load
of 3.0kPa applied Cl, AS1170.1 Table 3.1 requires only 2.0kPa

Note alternate point load critical (1.8kN – Table 3.1 AS1170.1)


190 x 45 F7 KD (Seasoned Pine) M(0.46, 0.75), V(0.26,0.42)

δ(DL + ψl*LL) = 9mm
δ(ψs*LL) = 6mm
1kN Vibration = 3.5mm

Vibration is discussed in AS1170.0-2202 in Appendix C Table C1 Note 10

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 4: Design Templates - Residential

Example 4.5: Timber Floor beam 1FB3

Load building for floor beams is easy and for most beams having a uniform UDL and/or a single point
load applied anywhere in the span, the design of a floor beam can be done rapidly. Reactions for the
point load can be obtained from the summary of previous designs. Additional UDL loads can be also
included in the load builder.

For timber floor beams it is important to set both the importance of the element, and whether it is for a
domestic of commercial application as these affect code factors.


Timber > Floor Beam

Key Terms

Load building, sorting project sections


An internal floor beam spans 3300mm and supports 3400mm floor. There is a 2.7m high non-
loadbearing wall running parallel to the floor beam. Design a suitable floor beam.

Inputs - Floor Beam (1FB3)

Category = 2
House = Y
Span (L) = 3300mm
Centres (cts) = 3400mm
Lay = 600mm
Span type = S
Edge Restraint = C
Floor dead load (wdl) = 0.5kPa
Wall DL = 0.5kPa
Wall Loadwidth = 2700mm
Floor live load (wll) = 1.5kPa


2-300 x 45 F16 HYSPAN M(0.32,0.37) V(0.29,0.34)

δ(DL + ψl*LL) = 6mm
δ(ψs*LL) = 2mm
1kN Vibration = 0.3mm

You can create a copy of the design, rename it as an alternative, and select an different section which
may be more economical or geometrically suitable. You can also sort the section so member designs
appear together.


300 x 65 GL18 M(0.45,0.52) V(0.37,0.43)

δ(DL + ψl*LL) = 6mm
δ(ψs*LL) = 3mm
1kN Vibration = 0.3mm

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 4: Design Templates - Residential

Example 4.6: Propped Beam PB1

For simple propped situations where the load is constant across span and cantilever, and there is a
single point load (usually applied at the tip but anywhere within the span), you can use the Propped
Beam templates (also available in the steel group).


Timber > Propped Beam

Key Terms

Load position, Tip, Backspan, Live Load Type, Load description


A floor beam is required to support a wall spanning out of the lower floor envelope. The beam is back
spanning 3600mm and cantilevering 900mm supporting 1FB3 at the tip. There is 2000mm of tile roof
being supported and 2700mm of exterior wall, with the floor joist running parallel.


Category = 2
Span (L) = 3600mm
Cantilever (Lc) = 900mm
Centres (cts) = 450mm (Parallel to joists)
Lay = 600mm
Edge Restraint = C
Live Load Type = Floor
Floor dead load (wdl) = 0.5kPa
Floor live load (wll) = 1.5kPa
Wall DL = 0.5kPa
Wall Loadwidth = 2700mm
Roof DL = 0.9kPa
Roof LL = 0.25kPa
Roof Loadwidth = 2000mm

Use the description inputs in the “Notes” area to name the loads.

Point load at tip is 1FB3: (Set the description for the point load in the notes area)
Dead load (pdl) = 5.20kN (1FB3 – Glulam example)
Live load (pll) = 8.40kN
Position = T


2-300 x 45 HYSPAN LVL M(0.49,0.47) V(0.47,0.44)

Mid δ(DL) = -1mm
Tip δ(DL) = 6mm
Mid δ(LL) = -2mm
Tip δ(LL) = 3mm

Note that live load deflections have not been reduced to serviceability loads, however long term dead
load deflections include part of the live load as required by the AS 1170.0

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 4: Design Templates - Residential

Example 4.7: Timber Column DS2

Once the beams have been calculated, the reactions can be obtained from the beam summaries.

Fig 4.2 – Reactions from floor beam

Unsymmetrical loadings provide both the maximum and minimum reactions separated into dead, live
and wind. We also need to set the live load duration whether it is from a roof, floor or permanent
nature. This has a direct bearing on the evaluation of the k1 factor (we do not have to worry about
these for steel design).


Timber > Columns

Key Terms



Design a double stud to support the end of the 1FB3 designed in example 4.5. The floor to ceiling
height 2700mm with noggins at 1200mm centres

Inputs– Double Stud DS2 (supporting 1FB3)

From 1FB3 Reactions DL 5.3kN, LL 8.4kN

Category = 2
Length = 2700mm
Strong Axis eff length (Lax) = 2700mm
Weak Axis eff. Length (Lay) = 1200mm
Effective length factor (g13) = 0.9
Edge restrained = C
Bending (Layb) = 1200mm
Dead Load (Ndl) = 5.2kN (1FB3 – Glulam example)
Live Load (Nll) = 8.4kN
Live Load Duration = Floor

A stud supporting a floor beam (as opposed to a roof beam) will have less capacity due to the duration
factor k1

The capacity is conservatively reduce in the k12 factor, because it has been assumed not to be fully
nail laminated, but rather as two studs bending separately. To evaluate a fully laminated post use the
custom section and input 90 x 90mm.

Moments defaulted in the columns are based on the reaction being at the face of the member.
AS1684.1-2010 suggests the axial load does not require any eccentricity.


2-90 x 45 F17 KD HW N(0.32,0.37)

Combined (0.62)

Page 25

Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 4: Design Templates - Residential

Example 4.8: Garage “T” lintel L2

A garage “T” lintel is a commonly required structural member. The “T” comprises a horizontal and
vertical plate elements stitch welded together. The design assumes the upright is “not” fully restrained
and that plate slenderness has a direct affect on the capacity. For larger openings or openings with
point loads (say supporting an upper floor load), it may be necessary to use a PFC and plate solution
(this is an available design template).


Steel > “T” lintel

Key Terms

Slenderness, deflection criteria


Design a “T” lintel to span a 4800mm opening. There is 1800mm of rendered double brickwork over
the opening and the metal deck roof runs parallel to the lintel (at 1200mm centres)


Span = 4800mm
Roof DL = 0.4kPa
Roof DL Loadwidth = 600mm
Wall DL = 5.0kPa
Wall Loadwidth = 1800mm (High parapet)
Roof Live Load = 1.8/(0.6*4.8)+0.12 = 0.75kPa (Table 3.2 AS/NZS 1170.1-2002)
Roof LL Loadwidth = 600mm

Vertical web height = 250mm

Vertical web thickness = 12mm

Horizontal flange width = 200mm

Horizontal flange thickness = 10mm

The slenderness of the upright vertical affects the capacity. The restraint by grouting is not taken into

Note the αm is automatically calculated based on the span being the effective length. To use a
different Le use the drop down box on the side of the sheet and select appropriate αm.

The deflection criteria can be changed from the defaults by changing the values at the bottom of the
design template.


250mm x 12mm Pl. Vert., 200mm x 10mm Pl. Horz.

δDL = 9.3mm

Page 26

Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 4: Design Templates - Residential

Example 4.9a: Suspended slab (Analysis)

Commonly a site might have fill and it is necessary to suspend a ground floor slab. Using the [Two
Way Slabs], the design bending moments for a panel configuration can be determined.

Using the Concrete Member design, the slab moments can be input and the capacity in both positive
and negative bending determined.

If necessary, you may have to go back to the two way slab and increase the thickness and recalculate
the resulting moments. You will probably need to analyse several panels to get the critical moments.

Note that AS3600-2009 reduces the capacity of the mesh by 20% using the ø factor of 0.64 rather
than 0.8. The superseded concrete standard used a value of ø = 0.8, however the two way tables
required reduction of the capacity by 20% so the result of using mesh remains the same. The 2009
code applies this reduction for all uses of the low ductility mesh.


Concrete > Two Way Slabs

Key Terms

Ductility, redistribution, kcs, ø


Derive the design moments and deemed to comply characteristics for a slab panel in an internal
domestic slab of dimension 2350 x 4050mm. Low ductility mesh is to be used. The slab is continuous
only on the long side in this example.


Concrete Strength (f’c) = 25MPa

Slab thickness = 150mm
Short Edge Length (Lx) = 3250mm
Long Edge Length (Ly) = 4050mm
Reinf’t Ductility class = L (Mesh)

The type of reinforcement will affect the resulting analysis moments Cl does not allow
redistribution for main L class steel. Table for N class (or redistributed) and Table otherwise

AS3600 permits redistribution of negative moments on different sides for N class reinforcement
(bottom of page 87 in Cl

Continuous long edges = 1

Continuous short edges = 0
Include S.Wt = Y
Superimposed dead load = 0.5kPa
Load type = N

Changing the load type to Storage will affect the long term creep (affects ψs and ψl)

Live Load = 1.5kPa

Tensile steel = SL82 Mesh (Pick the tensile reinforcement using the [Mesh] button)

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Session 4: Design Templates - Residential

The deflection performance is improved if using compression steel (Asc), however, it is rarely
positioned in the compressive zone therefore cannot be used. A warning is given in this case.

The deemed to comply deflections check is not a strength check and this needs to be undertaken
separately. Subsequently you may need to alter the thickness in this step.


M*- = -7.4kNm
M*+ = 3.9kNm

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 4: Design Templates - Residential

Example 4.9b - Suspended Slab (Design)

The Concrete Member Design can be used in various situations ie. designing the section capacity of T
and L beams, rectangular beams and slabs. Both shear and moment capacities can be determined.
The Concrete Member Design can also be linked with the Analysis to assess long term deflections. In
this example we will be using the Concrete Member Design to determine the capacity of a slab section
in negative and positive bending.


Concrete > Member Design

Key Terms

Deemed to comply Ast, ø factor


Using the results of the two-way slab analysis determine the suitability of using SL92 mesh and the
assumed 150mm thickness


Concrete Strength (f’c) = 25MPa

Span (L) = 4050mm (Not necessary to input – this affects the effective flange width and deemed to
comply deflections)
Depth (D) =150mm
Web width (W) = S
Slab type = T

The slab type affects the deemed-to-comply steel areas, change the Minimum steel option to “D” in the
notes). Refer to the detailed section for the αb values.

Analysis values = M
Design (M*) = -7.4kNm
Bottom Steel = SL82 Mesh
Bottom Cover to Steel = 30mm
Top Steel = SL82 Mesh
Top Cover to Steel = 30mm

The ø factor for low ductility (mesh) is 0.64 (AS3600 Table 2.2.2), changed from 0.8 in the superseded
standard. The superseded standard required that you reduce the capacity by 20%, however but only
for two-way slabs. The standard now requires low ductility steel to be reduced for capacity in all uses.

Change the bar spacing to 201 (to suggest that the bars are no longer mesh, and observe the strength
increase for N ductility reinforcement.

Put the design M* of +3.9kNm to evaluate the positive strength.


150mm Slab, SL82 Mesh Top and Bottom M(0.93), Ast(0.81)

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 5: Design Templates, Commercial

Example 5.1: Roof Beam for office RB1


Steel > Roof Beam

Key Terms

Precamber, Effective Lengths, αm for segments, Fly bracing


An office roof beam is required to be designed, it spans 9000mm and supports continuous double
span purlins, with 6000mm between roof beams. The roof beams support a suspended tile ceiling
(with insulation/sisalation). The office can be assumed to be effectively sealed. Use previously derived
wind load (Wu 1.05kPa).


Span = 9000mm
Centres = 6000mm but supporting double span C purlins therefore =1.25*6000 = 7500mm
DL = 0.30kPa dead Load (Sheeting with light suspended ceiling)
LL = Automatically calculated
Ws/Wu = 0.68
WL = 1.05kPa
Cpe = 0.7 (assume an average between 0.9 for 0-ht, and 0.5 ht – 2ht (say its 6m high)
Cpi = 0.3 (assumes ceilings/partitions do not form a permanent seal)
Defaults to 1 flybrace
Note the Leb = 4800mm being a multiple of purlin spacings (top flange restraint). This is an option
that can be turned off in the “Notes” area. αm also calculates automatically.
Purlins at 1200mm centres


310 UB 32 Mdn(0.47), Mup(0.71)

δ(DL) = 17mm
δ(LL) = 13mm
δ(WL) = 32mm
Precamber = 15mm, δ(DL) = 2mm

310 UB 32 adopts a precamber automatially. The precamber is based on 80% of the original dead
load deflection. The 310 UB 32 with a suspended ceiling and a wind load deflection of L/279 is
probably not stiff enough (limits approx. l/300 or 30mm). A 310 UB 40 which does not require
precamber may be a better choice.

Note the precamber can be toggled on/off on the side of the template in the notes area.

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 5: Design Templates, Commercial

Example 5.2: Ridge Connection RB1

Using the maximum moment from Example 5.1, you can use the [End Plate] Design to design the
ridge connection. Prying factors are a common consideration and the book “Design of Structural
connections” 4th edition suggests anywhere between 1.1 and 1.3. The newer Connection Design
Guide 10 states that prying is not a consideration because the model is based on a “thick” endplate.


Steel Connections > End Plate

Key Terms

Minimum design actions, detailing of beams, prying factor


Design a bolted end plate connection at the ridge based on the previous Example 5.1.


Member capacity (øMbx) = 127.0 kNm

Connection bending moment (M*) = 59.2 kNm (from previous)
Design tension/compression (Nt*) = 0 kN (assumed)
Shear (V*) = 0kN (zero shear at centre of span)
Member pitch (a) = 3 °

Thickness (ti) = 16mm

Plate width (bi) = 180mm
Bolt Size = 16mm

Select a 310 UB 32 using the [Select] button in the notes area.


End Plate – 180mm wide x 16mm thick end plate (0.78)

Bolts – 4-M16 Bolts (0.68)

Note refer minimum forces from AS 4100 Cl 9.1.4

Note this design model assumes FSBW (Full strength butt weld) of the flanges to the plate.

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 5: Design Templates, Commercial

Example 5.3: Bracing Strut ST1

Strut capacities in roof bracing systems can be calculated. When slenderness becomes an issue the
AS4100 requires a second order analysis be carried out to determine the second order effects. The
portal frame handbook suggests that slenderness can be increased and there is an option in the notes
to change this.

If you want to look at the superseded capacity of the double purlin section as per the 2002 edition of
Lysaght Design manual you can do this using the Purlin template in the Wind section.


Steel > Compression Strut

Key Terms

First order elastic analysis, moment amplification for a braced member


Design the compression strut at the eave for a portal bracing bay. The frames centres are 7600mm
and the compression force is 22.7kN


Major axis length (Lx) = 7600 mm

Axial compression (Nc*) = 22.7kN

Moment amplifier δb options in the “Notes” area.

Use [Ref 3] = N
Allow δb > 1.4 = N

Select an 89 x 5.0mm SHS

Req's 2nd order, Warning - δb > 1.4, require 2nd order analysis - Cl

Change the Moment amplifier δb options in the “Notes” area.

Use [Ref 3] = Y
Allow δb > 1.4 = Y


89 x 5.0mm SHS Nc*(0.54)

The δb is calculated based on the elastic buckling load Nomb (Refer to Design of Portal Frame
Buildings by Woolcock, Kitipornchai and Bradford)

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 5: Design Templates, Commercial

Example 5.4: Mezzanine Beam MB1

Steel floor beams of specified span and loadwidth can easily be accommodated.


Steel > Floor Beam

Key Terms

Effective length, αm = 1.00, segment design


Design a mezzanine beam to support office floor loads (including partitions), the beam spans 7000mm
with a loadwidth of 4000mm and a floor dl of 1kPa


Span (L) = 7000mm

Centres (cts) = 4000mm
Effective length (Le) = 450mm
αm = 1.00
Floor dead load (wdl) = 1.00kPa
Floor live load (wll) = 3.00kPa
Alternate point load = 2.7kN
Partitions (wll) = 1.00kPa


310 UB 40 M(0.98)
δ(DL) = 8mm
δ(LL) = 20mm
δ(Total Load) = 28mm
Deflection warning L/248

Maybe OK under certain design scenario’s, otherwise:

360UB45 M(0.81)
δ(DL) = 6mm
δ(LL) = 14mm
δ(Total Load) = 20mm

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 5: Design Templates, Commercial

Example 5.5: Mezzanine Column MC1 (and MC2)

With steel columns, one of the most important factors we need to consider is the application of the
reaction, whether it be at the face (AS4100 Cl 4.3.4 requires 100mm from the face for this model), as a
cap plate reaction (AS4100 Cl 4.3.4 requires this to be applied at the face of the support) or manual
with an option for both major and minor axis moments.


Steel > Column

Key Terms

Design bending moments based on connections, Effective length factor


Design the column to support two of the mezzanine floor beams designed in Example 5.1 with a cap
plate support (MC1). The column height is 2700mm. Also design a column to support one end using a
side cleat plate.

Input - Cap

Assume that the mezzanine beams are the same both sides of the column and spliced to one side of
the cap connection. (Twice reaction at the face).

(Each end)
Ndl = 15.6*2 = 31.2kN
Nll = 56.0*2 =112kN

Segment length (L) = 2700mm

Bending moment = C


100 x 6mm SHS N(0.43), M(0.44), Comb (0.87)

Input - Face

In this case the column supports one end of the mezzanine beam.

Ndl = 15.6kN
Nll = 56.0kN

Segment length (L) = 2700mm

Bending moment = F


100 x 6mm SHS N(0.21), M(0.67), Comb (0.88)

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 5: Design Templates, Commercial

Example 5.6a: Concrete Column CC1

Rectangular, blade and circular columns can be designed. Starting with the design tab the parameters
are entered and the column interaction calculated. Designs can then be done on the second tab. Use
the Preview tab to check the reinforcement arrangement.


Concrete > Column

Key Terms

Fire design, blade, geometry preview


Design a concrete blade column supporting a ground floor apartment slab. The column height is
4000mm, with the dead load being 2300kN and the live load being 1150kN and no bending moments
except for minimums required by the Code.

Inputs (Capacity)

Concrete strength (f'c) = 32MPa

Size (cX) =1200mm
Size (cY, cY=0 for Circle) = 300mm
Circ. reinf't pattern = N
Cover to ties (cover) = 30mm
Bar size = 20mm
No. bars in X face (nox) = 6
No. bars in Y face (noy) = 2
Steel yield strength (fsy) = 500MPa
Tie diameter = 10mm

Use the Preview to ensure the column reinforcement setout is as expected.

Fig 5.6a – Concrete section preview

Change tabs to the Design Tab to input various combinations of the design loads for the column

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Session 5: Design Templates, Commercial


Recalculate the interaction diagram using the [Recalculate] button

øNuo = 6945kN

Fig 5.6b – Concrete column interaction diagrams

Fig 5.6c – Concrete column examples

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 5: Design Templates, Commercial

Example 5.6b: Concrete Column design

Go to the “Design” tab

Inputs (Capacity)

Dead load (Ndl =G) = 2300kN

Live load (Nll =Q) = 1150kN
Ly = 4000mm
Lx = 4000mm

G/(G+Q) = 0.67 (In the notes area)

[FindMax] can be used to determine the maximum axial load. This may fail in some circumstances
due to the shape of the interaction diagram.

In this case the weak axis capacity is insufficient.

Change, key = 0.85 to get the column capacity to work.

Refer examples buttons on the “Design” tab for examples of other column geometries.

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 5: Design Templates, Commercial

Example 5.7: Concrete Beam Capacity

The capacity of concrete beams of various geometries can be calculated using the [Member Design]

The design considers the ductility class and can be linked in with the Analysis.

Explore the Example buttons for various cases. We used this template to establish the capacity of the
two way slab in Example 4.9.


Concrete > Member Design

Fig 5.7 – Concrete beam examples

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 5: Design Templates, Commercial

Example 5.8: Pad Footing PF1 (No eccentricity)

Pad footings with primarily concentric loadings can be designed using both reinforced and
unreinforced design models. The bearing capacity under the footing can be determined both
elastically and plastically.


Footings > Pad Design

Key Terms

Outstand, eccentricity, elastic, plastic, reinforced and unreinforced


Design a pad footing supporting a 300 x 1200mm concrete blade with an applied working load of
550kN dead and 550kN live. The soil has an allowable bearing pressure of 300kPa.

Inputs - Reinforced

Concrete strength (f'c) = 25MPa

Pad length (L) = 2600mm
Pad width (W) = 1700mm
Pad depth (D) = 400mm
Column length (CL) = 1200mm
Column width (CW) = 300mm
Method = E (Elastic)
Dead load (Pdl) = 550kN (Excluding footing S.Wt)
Live load (Pll) = 550kN
Allowable bearing pressure = 300kPa
Unreinforced = N (ie. reinforced)
Extreme bottom bars in = L
Cover to bottom layer of reinf't = 60mm
Bar size = 16mm
Bar cts/No = 200mm
Steel Strength (fsy) = 500MPa


Refer to the Notes area for these summaries.

Reinforced Unreinforced
Moment L OK (0.64) No Good (2.26)
Moment W OK (0.68) No Good (2.26)
Shear L OK (0.91) No Good (1.35)
Shear W OK (0.97) No Good (1.41)
Punching OK (0.97) No Good (1.74)
Bearing OK (0.84) OK (0.84)

(The reinforced shear values have ratios less than 1.00 but are still indicated in red. This is to warn
the user that the footing is being designed as a slab and not a beam and therefore is not requiring
shear reinforcement if the value of the shear is greater than 0.5 times the capacity (øVuc).

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 5: Design Templates, Commercial

Inputs - Unreinforced

Pad depth (D) = 600mm (Changed from 400mm)

Unreinforced = Y
No. Reinf't layers = 2
[Mesh] SL92

When designing as unreinforced, it is recommended to provide the steel required to take the design
capacity. When designed as reinforced, the minimum steel requirement requires considerably higher
amounts of tensile reinforcement.


Moment L OK (0.92)
Moment W OK (0.92)
Shear L OK (0.35)
Shear W OK (0.35)
Punching OK (0.79)
Bearing OK (0.84)

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 6: Advanced Concepts

Analysis for more complex loading situations

For situations where the element being designed is subject to a uniform UDL and a single point load
anywhere within the span, the standard design templates offer speed and convenience.

Where a situation arises that it becomes necessary to apply partial UDLs and more than a single point
load, then linking will be required and an analysis-design linked set will form the basis of this design.
Timber, steel and concrete elements all follow the same pattern and composite beams also use this

To create a linked design, start by selecting the [Concrete Member], [Steel Member] or [Timber
Member] designs then find the [Analysis] button. Pressing this links to a new analysis which is shown
in the project tree as an underlined pair.

Fig 6.1 – Linked templates

On the Analysis template use the [Design] button to go back to the design. This functionality is also
found on the Member ribbon. You can also change to the [Member] tab and press the [Goto Linked]
to switch between linked pairs.

The [Max] and [Min] buttons on the Design sheet transfer the maximums from the Analysis. The
position of the result can also be changed on the analysis using the “Position of result (x)” on the
analysis sheet.

The graphs show gross deflections. This becomes more relevant when dealing with concrete and
creep deflections and timber with sustained loading deflections as a result of the j2 factor. Use the
[Refresh Graph…] to update the result. (Sometimes parts of the graph are not fully generated)

Fig 6.2 – Graphs and refresh button

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 6: Advanced Concepts

Example 6.1 Member Design with point loads and partial UDL’s

Create a Timber Member and press the [Analysis] button.

Input the loads.

Press the [Switch to Design…] button to return to the Design. Press the [Analysis] again to go back to
the Analysis. Switch back to the design again and press the [Max+*…] and [Min-*…] buttons.


Timber > Member Design, Analysis > Analysis

Key Terms

Transferring of information, deflection (creep), Design moment/shear


Design a domestic timber floor beam which spans 4200mm and supports a floor loadwidth of
1850mm, a partial tile roof loadwidth of 1850mm between 0-1250mm and a stud wall (height of
2700mm) from 0-3800mm. The beam also supports two floor beams, the first beam at 1250mm with
5kN (dl)/ 1.8kN (ll) reactions and the second at 1950mm with 3kN(dl) / 4kN(ll).

Inputs - Member Design

Category = 2
House = Y
Span for compression (L) = 4200 mm
Strong axis eff. length (Lax) = 4200 mm
Weak axis eff. length (Lay) = 900 mm
Bending (Layb) = 450mm
Effective length factor (g13) = 1.00
Live Load duration = Floor
Analysis values = X (Manual values, Left and Right sides and at any point can be determined.
Using the Critical takes the maximum moment and maximum shear even if at different locations.
Pressing the [Max…] buttons adjusts the location to a maximum point designated by the “X” option.)


Note that the dimensions of load the positions are in mm from the left side of the beam. When the
beam is analysed as a cantilever, the right side is the fixed end.

Span (L) = 4200mm

Span type = S

Dead load (wdl) =0.5*1.85 = 0.93kN/m
Live load (wll) = 1.5*1.85 = 2.78kN/m

Partial 1
Dead load (wdl) = 0.9*1.85 = 1.67kN/m
Live load (wll) = 0.25*1.85 = 0.46kN/m
Start from LHS (mm) = 0mm
End from LHS (mm) = 1250mm

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Session 6: Advanced Concepts

Partial 2
Dead load (wdl) = 2.7*0.5 = 1.35kN
Start from LHS (mm) = 0mm
End from LHS (mm) = 3800mm

PL 1
Dead load (pdl) = 5.0kN
Live load (wll) =1.8kN
Pos. from LHS (mm) = 1250mm

PL 2
Dead load (pdl) = 3.0kN
Live load (wll) = 4.0kN
Pos. from LHS (mm) = 1950mm

Live Load type = Floor


2-360 x 63 F16 Hyspan LVL M(0.36)

δ(DL + ψl*LL) = 9mm
δ(ψs*LL) = 3mm

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 6: Advanced Concepts

Sometimes you may want to use the same analysis as the basis of a second beam or provide another
option. Copy the analysis by selecting it in the “Project Tree” and right clicking selecting [Copy].
Rename the new member appropriately.

Analysis-design pairs can be linked and unlinked using the [Member] ribbon tab.

After you create a new Member Design, the Member Design and the Analysis can be manually linked
by selecting either the unlinked Analysis or Design module and going to the [Member] ribbon and
selecting the [Link] button.

Example 6.2 Steel alternative

Copy the Analysis associated with the steel beam.

Rename the new Analysis Member to “Ex 6.2 Member Analysis Alt”

Create a new Steel Member by selecting the Steel [Member Design] from the desktop.

Rename the new Timber Member to “Ex 6.2 Steel Member Design”

Go to the [Member] ribbon and link the two together.

Select an appropriate Steel beam.

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Copyright © Anthony Furr Software

Session 6: Advanced Concepts

Custom Defaults/Resets
Custom defaults/resets can be setup to automatically use your preferred values when opening a new
design. You can also reset a value to default by selecting the cell and right clicking the item from the
context menu.

Fig 6.3 – Custom default/reset button

Do this by opening a new Template that you want to set the input default values differently and go to
the [Member] tab. Press the dropdown button at the bottom the [Reset] button and select the [Create

To make this saved reset the default, go to the File > Options > Project > Use Saved Reset as Default

Use the [Delete Saved] to delete this saved reset.

Example 6.3 Create a custom Default/Reset

Open a Steel Floor Beam and create a custom reset so that the floor beam defaults to an Effective
length of 1000mm and 4000mm centres with a Dead Load of 1.0kPa.

Change the options to make this reset default.

Change some values in the floor beam and go to the [Member] ribbon and press [Reset].

Now press the [Reset] > [Default] using the button drop down.

Now press the [Reset] > [Custom].

Delete the custom reset.

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Session 6: Advanced Concepts

A simple design schedule is automatically generated using the [Summary] button on the [Document]
Ribbon Tab.

Fig 6.4 – Schedule of design members

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