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services providers about the definition of availability.

Furthermore, all cloud providers

provide “Load Balancing” services to improve their network performance.

Understanding high availability

Every cloud services providers guarantee(Service Level Agreement, SLA) at
least a 99.9% (or higher) uptime when you deploy your services on the cloud. The
service can only be offline for about 8.5 hours.
(60s * 60m * 24h * 365d ) * 99.9% = 31504464s
In their SLA, the percentage "nines" are being targeted for setting goals. But
[8] , developer from IBM, have different option on “nines” because it is not rigorous
due to rounding errors.

Availability explanation from cloud services providers

AWS [9] give Single-Region Scenarios and Multi-Region Scenarios explanation
of which services to deploy to reach the availability for customer.
GCP [10] and Azure [11] both mentions nothing about the scenarios but the
agreement that GCP is guaranteed.
Amazon RDS and multiple Availability Zones improves the availability

Load Balancing
In AWS, when user enable Elastic Load Balancing while deploy, it will create a
load balancer node that accepts incoming traffic from clients and distributes traffic to
registered targets in the same AZ or in different AZ If you enable cross-zone load
balancing. The jobs of load balancer node are to monitor is to traffic incoming info to
healthy targets. This improve network performance.

Case : Fault-tolerance with Kubernetes on AWS

In this video[2], AWS invite their customer(Spire
Lab) to introduce how they implement Kubernetes on
AWS to manage their availability.
Spire Lab uses AWS ELB to talk to Kubernetes
master who schedules the deployment, checks the
status of the system, and each Kubernetes master is


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