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Question [10 Marks, CLO1-A3]
The Quran is a miracle in terms of the words, the Contents, the language and in terms
of its bringer. How does each of these aspects signify the divinity of the Quran?


The Quran is widely known as a wonderful book, with a unique style and presentation of the
Arabic language. As Muslims around the world know, words and Surah are contained in the
Quran can only come from Allah. Unlike other religious texts, Quranic issues are a challenge
for all mankind to try to produce one Surah like it. So far, no one has he was able to meet the
challenge, though many tried. In the traditional English speaker, this challenge sounds like it
can be easily met, especially if read the English version of the Quran. But the Arabic
language is also different it is so powerful that after reading it, one can see great (and
impossible) eternal difficulties to produce a surah that would contradict or stand against the
surah contained in the Quran. There are many details available regarding the evidence of the
Quran as a miracle of language.

The Quran is a miracle in terms of the Content

The Quran is a miracle of content. It is not compatible with any form of writing style
available in the Arabic language. Its style is so great that no one has been able to imitate it for
the past 1453 years. It has a good harmony and a very high form of expression in such a way
that the Quran is not old or boring to the reader. Such a small number of characters to achieve
such a beautiful agreement.

Various features are mentioned in the miracle containing the contents of the Quran which will
be listed as follows:

• The Creator
• Day of judgement
• History of Mankind
• Guidance
• Dawah

The Holy Quran Says:

“Do they not then meditate on the Quran? And if it were from any other than Allah, they
would have found in it many a discrepancy”

“Alif Lam Mim. The Roman Empire has been defeated, in a land close by; but they, (even)
after (this) defeat of theirs, will soon be victorious.”

Quran is Miracle In term of word

The miracle of the Quran is divided into two parts:

 The miracle of speaking

 The miracle of numbers.
The discussion of the Quran's miracle of eloquence has been a popular subject since time
immemorial. Almost every religion has discussed it in some way and paid attention to it. It
should be noted that some scholars have considered the Quran's eloquence as part of its
structure, sequence, style and style of speech. They said: One of the features of the Quran is
the miracle of elegance and the other is the order and style of its art. Some view the wonders
of the Quran as a combination of rhetoric, order, and style. Another amazing feature of the
Quran is the mathematical wonder of the Quran. Recently, with the advent of the computer in
this regard, this feature of the Holy Quran has attracted many scholars around the world.
With a special numerical relationship established between the words and letters of the Quran,
it was attempted to show that such a relationship could not be identified by human names.

Miracle of Quran in terms of bringer

This aspect of the miracle of the Quran which has been discussed since ancient times focuses
on the fact that the Muslim Messenger (s) was an illiterate man. It raises the question: How
could he create or write a book on the Arabian Peninsula that at that time was a social and
scientific divide?
It is noteworthy that while the discussion of miracles performed in the sciences related to the
Quran, is actually a religious discourse. That is why the miracles of the Quran have been
discussed in other theological books.
Allama Tabatabai was quoted as saying that all the Scientists of the Quran can be excluded
from one chapter of the Holy Quran. If so, it means that every collection under one chapter
contains the entire science of the Quran. That is, all the sciences have been translated one
hundred and fourteen times in one way or another. This is another miracle of the Quran.

Miracle of Quran in terms of Language

The tongue is a gift from God to Adam and his offspring. If we go back to the days of our
childhood and ask how we acquired the wisdom of speaking and building vocabulary, would
we not have difficulty justifying this process, especially if this happened in our weak years?
How, then, did we learn to speak without our having to participate?
To understand the importance of language, we must consider the answer to the question
“What would happen if there were no language?” If there were no such things as language,
there would be no provinces, cities, towns or even families.
Our sense of the importance of language is made up of language. Even the most important
language issue is the result of our use of it. Given the fact that the importance of language
derives its manifestation in language, would one be in a position to form a language without
its own meaning? Language is a social phenomenon, and where there is no language, there is
no society.


The Holy Qur'an is not the product of the Holy Prophet's speculation and reasoning. Rather,
every word in the book is the word of God, which was spoken to the Prophet through the
process of revelation. It is the firmness of Truth and the guidance that leads mankind from
darkness to light. It is an example of mercy and good news from God to those who faithfully
follow it, and it is a condition that clearly distinguishes right from wrong. It emphasizes that
all impartial people who are dedicated to knowledge will inevitably retain their truth at the
time of its revelation and prove it at a later date as the light of human knowledge grows.




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