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Article 1: Sino-India recent clash
Article 2: Afghan power share deal and
Kabul’s political impasse
Article 3: American political decay isn't
caused by Trump. The blame rests
squarely on the US Congress
Article 4: China-Iran strategic nexus:
Implications for Pakistan
Article 5: Trump’s Israel-Palestine
peace plan: The farce, the fraud and the

Article 1: Gender based voilence in
Article 2: Pakistan’s economy one year
after the IMF bailout
Article 3: Combating socio-economic
impacts of Covid-19 by Pakistan: Success
or Failure?


Tortuous relations between Pakistan and Iran
Covenant with God
Status quo policies
India’s two fronts
How to deglobalize
Will Afghanistan’s long-delayed peace ever arrive?
Pakistan’s actual fault lines
Hagia Sophia Mosque
The plight of minorities in India
FATF restrictions and economic terrorism
Modi’s Kashmir blunder
Corruption has only mushroomed
Locusts: drone remedy
Time to bury the hatchet



Terrain dispute

The flashpoints of north
Lamas of tibet and Sino-Indian tensions June 15
Conflict: claims and counterclaims Chinese
Trade relations
Normalization of relations
Indian options
Way forward

Zohaib Ahmed Anjum, PAS

Sino-Indian recent clash
Zohaib Ahmed Anjum, PAS

The recent clashes between Chinese and Indian forces in the disputed Himalayan region left 20 Indian soldiers
dead and an unknown number of Chinese casualties in a hand to hand combat. Despite being earlier reports of
both sides agreeing to deescalate tensions, clash erupted on June 15, 2020.
Both China and India have been patrolling this region for decades on 2200 miles long border. Both sides have
different views on the actual position of Line of Actual Control (LAC) resulting in frequent clashes and a brief
war in 1962.

Terrain and Disputes

The Himalayan region has a complex terrain, unclear
borders. Since the departure of British this region
has been center of conflicts and wars between China
and India and India and Pakistan. Pakistan, India and
China claim different parts of the Kashmir region.
Ladakh region is a complex one with unusual terrain.
India claims Aksai Chin but it is under Chinese
control. China initially started building a road
through this area in 1956 linking Tibet to Xinjiang.
Mapping and surveying of this region has proved
historically difficult and immensely challenging
which makes it even more difficult to establish clear

India and China also engaged in a similar standoff for 73 days at Doklam, the other side of their disputed border
which was later peacefully resolved through diplomatic channels. Both sides claim each other’s territory. India
claims that China occupies some 38,000 square kilometers (15,000 square miles) in Aksai Chin while China
claims some (80,000 square kilometers (35,000 square miles) of Indian territory including state of Arunachal
Pradesh. In the Indian perception the LAC is 3488km long while Chinese believe its length is only 2000km.

The Flashpoints of North

The flashpoint of this dispute was 255km Darbuk-Shyok-Daulat Beg Oldie (DSDBO) road that connects Leh to
Karakoram Pass and goes along with border separating Ladakh from China’s Xinjiang province. This road which
took almost 2 decades to complete would allow India to rapidly deploy extra troops in case of a war in the
disputed area.

Another flashpoint is China National Highway 219 (G219) connecting Xinjiang to Tibet. It was built in 1957 with
a length of 179km and passes through disputed Aksai Chin plateau.

Lamas of Tibet and Sino-Indian Tensions

Relations have been strained by India’s hosting of exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama who fled from
Homeland in 1959 as a result of uprising against Chinese rule. He established a self-declared government in
Dharmsala, where thousands of Tibetans have settled.

Over the time both countries tried to settle their differences for maintenance of peace and tranquility along
LAC, but as of now they are nowhere near to settling their disputes despite regular meetings between 2
June 15 Faceoff
In a faceoff on June 15, Indian army clashed with People’s liberation Army (PLA) in Galwan Valley of eastern
Ladakh, more than 4000 meters above sea level. The Galwan valley is the highest ridge line and overlooks the
DSDBO road which China sees as a threat to highway’s security. China wants to counter India’s claims of Aksai
Chin plateau which can be done by controlling this area. India claims that China has been deploying troops
deeper into the contested area. Another reason is that China is constructing China-Pakistan Economic
Corridor (CPEC) in Gilgit Baltistan region which India has reservations about. China is investing heavily in
Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Kashmir building different infrastructure projects as part of BRI which is a huge
concern for India. China has also blocked India’s entry into the Nuclear Suppliers Group and Beijing has paid
only lip service to India’s joining of UNSC as a permanent member.

Conflict: Claims and Counterclaims

On June 15, Clash erupted at Pan gong TSO, a lake Trade Relations
straddling LAC in Ladakh. PLA tried to prevent Indian
troops from patrolling area between Finger 4 (the Chinese
claim line) and Finger 8 (the Indian claim line). Both sides
have been patrolling this area until recent clashes. Earlier
clashes also erupted at Sikkim in the eastern sector. PLA
erected Indian tents and building bunkers as well as
deployed more troops. Tensions along the LAC erupt from
time to time because of different perceptions of where
LAC runs. There were also serious clashes between both
sides at Depsang in 2013.

According to many reports China sent its soldiers 3-4 km

across the LAC and claimed the entire GALWAN valley as
its own. China sent many troops across LAC with heavy
infrastructure on the Indian side of the LAC.

Chinese Angle
Explanations circulating in media say that China wasn’t pleased with India’s annexation of Jammu and Kashmir
and Ladakh into its union territory on Aug 5, 2019 by removing its special status. China saw India’s recent road
construction work in the area as a change of the status quo and a challenge to its strategic position; China
dislikes India drawing closer to the United States and its allies in Asia.
Despite tensions trade relations between 2 countries largely remain intact. More than 100 Chinese companies
started their operations in India and its mobile companies occupy nearly 60 percent of India’s mobile market
while India also exports to China materials like Copper, cotton and gemstones.
Trade volume stood at US$95 billion in 2018 and $53 billion in first half of 2019 with $43 billion of Chinese
exports to India. The recent Clashes have forced India to react and it did so by banning some Chinese apps and
companies. Experts warned that this move will only backfire without denting Chinese economy. China has too
many customers for its exports but India will have to look towards west or Europe to meet its needs after
halting trade ties with China.

Normalization of Relations
As of now both countries have decided to withdraw their troops from the disputed region. But India has limited
options. It could further boycott Chinese products and investment from China including a likely ban on
Chinese companies’ involved in building 5G infrastructure. Despite tensions, both countries have been
cooperating on multiple global forums over the past decade. The BRICS bloc, Asian Infrastructure Investment
Bank (AIIB), New Development Bank, Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) have all been areas of
cooperation despite security tensions.
Indian Options
We may notice a shift in India’s foreign policy further pushing it away from China in US block as US wants to
counter Chinese influence in the region by increasing its defense and trade relations with India.
India is also worry of Beijing’s encirclement of subcontinent. Pakistan is a key ally of China and China has
growing stakes in Sri Lanka and Nepal and has made huge investments in Bangladesh in recent years. Today
China’s economy is 5 times bigger than that of India and it spends 4 times more on defense.

Way Forward
Both countries need to carefully choose their future actions in the region because any miscalculation from
either side could prove disastrous for the region where 3 nuclear powers are neighbors and involved in
China resolved border disputes with Russia and other Soviet successors in 1990s and 2000s through
diplomatic means but Himalayan territorial disputes are much more challenging and harder to resolve due to
complex terrain and geography.
Political Impasse Prevailed

Moving Forward
Power Sharing Deal
The Gridlock of Afghan Peace Deal
Stumbling Blocks
Bad Omen: Ghani on Roll
US Pressure for Intra-Afghan Dialogue
Shades of Gloom and Doom
Taliban Attacks Continue
Need of the Hour.

Zohaib Ahmed Anjum, PAS

Afghan Power share deal and Kabul’s political
Zohaib Ahmed Anjum, PAS

Afghanistan witnessed unprecedented levels of political turmoil since Sept 28, 2019 when Afghan Election
Commission announced that President Ashraf Ghani has won the elections receiving more than 50% of the
vote. His opponent Abdullah Abdullah received more than 39 percent of the vote despite complaints of
widespread irregularities in the elections.

Political Impasse Prevailed

Both declared themselves President in different ceremonies in March 2020. There has been a political
deadlock since then and and efforts to break the impasse yielded no results. It prompted US president
Donald Trump to announce that US would stop $1 billion aid to Afghanistan if they didn’t solve their

Moving Forward
Many reports are indicating that pressure from US forced both parties to sign a power share deal so that
political deadlock could be resolved so that intra-Afghan dialogue could be commenced for laying out future
framework of Afghan government.

Power Sharing Deal

The deal would allow Ashraf Ghani to remain in power as President of
Afghanistan, while Abdullah would lead the Country’s National Reconciliation
High Council apart from having the power appoint half of the cabinet and
issue executive orders. He has been given the authority to deal with
Afghanistan’s peace process leading the government team in dialogue
with Taliban to reach an agreement.

Ghani also agreed to the formation of High Council of

Governance, which would allow major political leaders to advise
president to shape a united front as Afghanistan looks for an
endgame with Taliban. A powerful Uzbek warlord and former vice president General Abdul Rashid Dostum
has been granted the rank of a marshal, the highest military rank in the country through a residential decree.

The Gridlock of Afghan Peace Deal

After a peace deal was signed between US and Taliban in February, which would allow US to reduce its troops
in Afghanistan from 14000 to 8500 initially and withdraw remaining troops gradually, Taliban guaranteed that
they wouldn’t attack US and NATO forces in Afghanistan and wouldn’t allow other militant groups to use
Afghan soil for attacks against US and its allies. The deal doesn’t bound Taliban from attacking Afghan forces
or civilians in Afghanistan which is a major setback for Kabul. After the deal was signed in February, Taliban
stopped to attack US and NATO forces but the intensity of attacks on Afghan forces and civilians has
drastically increased. The deal also requires Taliban to start intra-Afghan dialogue with Kabul government to
achieve long lasting peace and to decide about the future framework of governance in Afghanistan.

Stumbling Blocks
The political deadlock between Ghani and Abdullah was major hurdle thwarting intra-Afghan dialogue. Now
a power share deal has been signed, and time is ripe for commencement of intra-Afghan dialogue. This long
political dispute took a heavy toll on Afghanistan and coincided with rising violence by Taliban and the
spread of covid-19 pandemic. Before the deal was signed, Afghanistan was looming in chaos with an increase
in deadly attacks by militants and Taliban. The attacks on maternity ward in Kabul and a crowded funeral in
Nangarhar are hard reminders of the reality of Afghanistan. As Taliban denied attack on maternity hospital,
there are also speculations that other militant organizations like Islamic State (IS) is again gaining ground in
Afghanistan. This warrants that both side should evolve a consensus to deal with external threats collectively
as outside forces are trying to take advantage of already disastrous situation.

Bad Omen: Ghani on Roll

After the attack on maternity ward, Ashraf Ghani ordered Afghan
National Forces to start an offensive against Taliban. Taliban warned
that any offensive would be a declaration of war. Many experts
have pointed out that IS was behind the attack on maternity
hospital. If this volatile situation permeates, external elements
would be able to gain hold further widening differences between
Taliban and Kabul.
US Pressure for Intra-Afghan Dialogue
Under intense pressure from US, which was wary of the fact that
the machinations in Kabul might derail a peace deal signed
with Taliban in February, two sides came to an agreement.
The negotiations between Kabul and Taliban
were meant to start in early march but got
delayed due to political deadlock and Kabul’s
refusal to release Taliban prisoners before
the start of negotiations. US special peace
envoy Zalmay Khalilzad stressed the Afghan
leaders to stick to the commitments they had
already made, and “take seriously the resolve
of Afghan people, and the world, to finally see
an end to this conflict.”

Shades of Gloom and Doom

Afghanistan is a poor country. Despite billions of dollars in international aid, its poverty has jumped from 35%
in 2012 to 55% last year. Government in Kabul has been accused of widespread corruption by international
watchdogs. Covid-19 is also taking a heavy toll on Afghan economy, its people and an already fragile health

Afghanistan has been in disarray since 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. After 9/11, US overthrew the
Taliban government and since then, the 18years of war in terror has wreaked havoc on Afghanistan. Scores of
militant organizations and militias have printed their foot on the Afghan soil. When the deal was signed on
Feb 29 between Taliban and US, it was hoped that this long war on terror is finally coming to an end. But
despite US and NATO withdrawal, will Afghanistan return to normalcy, the question remains and many
experts are already warning that the fate of Afghans after US withdrawal will be more complicated than as it
is of now.

Taliban Attacks Continue

As of now, Taliban and Kabul have started their negotiations and both sides have started releasing prisoners
of each other. Despite talks going on, Taliban haven’t stopped their attacks on Afghan security forces and
civilians, in fact their intensity has increased. Taliban blame Kabul government is not releasing prisoners as
per agreement while Ghani government says that they are too dangerous criminals involved in heinous
crimes and murders and they can’t be released without facing a trial or unless a permanent settlement is
reached. Kabul fears that these fighters will return to battlefield and rejoin Taliban.

Need of the Hour

If peace is to prevail in Afghanistan, all stakeholders must realize that their internal fissures would only lend
opportunities to outside brokers to foment troubles. Ghani’s government must take the lead in initiating
intra-Afghan dialogue. Taliban should realize too that they cannot win this war nor continue to fight forever.
This has to come to an end.
political decay
isn't caused by
The blame rests

on the
US Congress

Abrar Ahmed, PAS

American political decay isn't caused by Trump.
The blame rests squarely on the US Congress

The checks and balances embedded within the three branches of government are falling in disuse
President Donald Trump’s barrage of attacks on the foundations of democratic governance- threatening
checks and balances, civil rights and liberties, and long-established political norms- is not the cause of
American political decay but its causal effect.

The United States is heralded as one of the oldest constitutional democracies in the
world. Despite suffering from its due share of setbacks, the U.S. political
system has managed to survive the test of time. It has survived a civil war,
two world wars and a cold war that put humanity closer to total
annihilation. Each time there has been a threat to its foundations, the
system has re-adjusted to achieve sustainable political equilibrium. It is
a highly complex political architecture which was ingeniously
designed by the Founding Fathers to ensure one thing- preventing

James Madison played a formative role in forging this political

architecture. Madison’s theory of organizing government was based on
the ideas of Enlightenment French philosopher Baron de Montesquieu
who theorized the concept of Separation of Powers in his magnum
opus, The Spirit of Laws (1784). The Madisonian model structures the
government into executive, legislative and judicial branches.
The separation of power was coupled with the
scheme of ‘checks and balances’ in which while
the three branches remain independent in
their existence, they are enjoined with
coordinated powers and have to cooperate
in order to govern. Such t r i p a r t i t e
classification of power ensures that one
branch wouldn’t be able to accumulate too
much power, and thus prevents the
imposition of tyranny. Moreover, Madison believed in a pluralistic democratic order in which political
sovereignty is divided into various factions and interest groups so that the state becomes neither majoritarian
nor oligarchic. Thus, he wrote in the Federalist No. 51, Federalist Papers:

“In the federal republic of the United States… all authority in it will be derived from and dependent on the
society, the society itself will be broken into so many parts, interests, and classes of citizens, that the rights of
individuals, or of the minority, will be in little danger from interested combinations of the majority.”

The Founding Fathers were also well aware of the dangers of demagogic autocrats, aspirational
proto-monarchs, the likes of Donald Trump, who could sway public opinion in their favor and win the White
House. They despised charismatic populists and created a political system meant to exhaust them. The
Madisonian constitutional system of government was exquisitely designed to handle the impulses of such
would-be tyrants. The power of this system was reflected in the temporary restraining order by Judge James
Robert of the Western District of Washington that froze enforcement of Donald Trump’s immigrant and
refugee ban. Naturally, Trump was outraged but his administration complied with the ruling. The defeat of
the signature program of President of the most powerful country in the world by a district judge in
Washington state is indicative of the numerous veto points in the American System.

The system for all its genius, however, has been going
through decay. Francis Fukuyama in his seminal work,
“Political Order and Political Decay (2014)”, has argued
that American political system is decaying because of
two structural reasons: growing inequality and the
capture of American politics by well-organized interest
groups. Fukuyama’s thesis was published two years
before the election of Donald Trump but he identified
systematic forces which are responsible for
decomposition of American political institutions that
only came to surface after Trump’s victory. My thesis
extrapolates from Fukuyama’s work to analyze what
feeds Trump’s authoritarianism. Put simply, the
American political institutions and mechanisms are Judge James Robert of the Western District of Washington
either incompatible with changed circumstances or
they are increasingly failing to their job.

Take Electoral College for instance. The Founding Fathers detested populism, though not out of democratic
principles as we know them today. While they despised the British-style monarchy that they vehemently
fought against, their version of ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ was exclusively reserved for white
property-owning men. They were doubtful of the common man’s ability to make correct political decisions.
Thus, they created the system of Electoral College to make sure that the electors could check the whims of
the masses and demagogues, and only qualified men could rise to the office of presidency. Paradoxically, it
was precisely the system of Electoral College that elevated a far-right populist to the highest political office
in the U.S. In a popular-voting framework, the U.S would’ve had its first female President instead. A classic
case of institutional conservatism.
The checks and balances embedded within the
three branches of government are also falling in
disuse. While Judiciary wields immense authority,
it is actually legislature that has the most power to
check Trump’s populist whims. The president has
little capacity to do anything without the
Congress. From raising money to declaring war to
staffing his own government, the president is
overwhelmingly dependent on Congress’s express
permission. Congress has the power to force
Trump to release his tax returns or to turn his
assets over to a blind trust. They could’ve rejected
the nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme
Court- one of the most conservative U.S. justices.
They can impeach Trump for the obstruction of
justice for firing former-FBI Director James
Comey. The Congress can do all these things but
they won’t. In amassing unprecedented power and
breaking political norms, Trump is doing exactly
what the Founders would have expected.
The blame rests squarely on Congress which has
been subject to greatest political decay. This was
something where the framers failed to visualize the
future American political trajectory. The Madisonian
constitutional system was created on an
unwarranted faith that the plurality of interests
within the country would resist the creation of
organized political parties. This, of course, did not

The checks and balances operate under the

assumption that each branch would compete for its
own authority and exert its independent influence
and the natural by-product of this setting would be
a balance of power among the branches. This
framework has been undermined due to the
presence of organized and ideologically-driven
political parties which are competing across the
the three branches of government. For instance,
after the death of Supreme Court Justice
Antonin Scalia, President Obama nominated
Merrick Garland for the vacant position.

The Republican-controlled Senate, however,

filibustered Garland’s nomination. Later,
when democrats tried to do the same Trump’s
nomination of Neil Gorsuch, the Republicans
resorted to the ‘nuclear option’- a
parliamentary procedure which allows the U.S.
Senate to override a precedent or rule by a simple
majority of 51 votes rather than by a supermajority
of 60 votes. They criticized filibuster as an
unnecessary obstructionism on part of Democratic

This reflects the extent to which partisanship has

been institutionalised in American political
culture. Congressional members today are
less interested in protecting the
authority of their institution than in toeing
the party line. Consequently, Trump is
increasingly accumulating more power, dismantling
the centrist schemes of Obama administration, and Just like in the past, the current
abusing power without the fear of impeachment. equilibrium in the decayed American
political system can only be knocked off by
President Donald Trump’s barrage of attacks on the either a strong external shock or a
foundations of democratic governance- threatening large-scale reform coalition in order to
checks and balances, civil rights and liberties, and make real policy reform possible. Till then,
long-established political norms- is not the cause of the world’s oldest constitutional
American political decay but its causal effect. democracy would continue to make a
mockery of democratic norms.

Abdul Samad 4
China-Iran strategic nexus: Implications
for Pakistan
China and Iran are reportedly mulling over striking a strategic-cum-economic deal worth $400 billion. The
yet-to-conclude deal is reportedly dropping India out of the key rail and energy projects signed four years
ago. Earlier, India signed a deal with Iran in the presence of the Afghan president four years ago in 2016,
‘according to which India was expected of investing $1.6 billion in a railroad project from Chabahar to
Zahidain for linking to Afghanistan and Turkmenistan and then to Europe’( Najmuddin A.Sheikh). India was
also expected of investing approximately $6 billion in various energy projects. Answering the question about
the reported ousting of India from these key projects, an Iranian official came up with the words that Iran did
not like a partner which looked for a third party’s permission before taking any step (Dawn). Adding to this,
delay in payment for the proposed projects was another factor behind the dragging of India out of these key
projects. The Indian presence in Iran was a key challenge for Pakistan vis-a-vis its relations with Iran, its
security, economic and regional interests. In the light of these issues, among others, the reported China- Iran
strategic deal may prove a blessing in disguise for Pakistan.

Pakistan shares its south western border with Iran. Both countries are the key members of ECO, OIC. Despite
of all these factors, both countries observed relations of rise and fall. The main lacuna in their relations is the
trust deficit. Pakistan has been trying to strike a balanced posture between the two key Muslim countries:
Iran and KSA. However, it is a naked fact that it fails somewhere in devising such a balanced approach on dint
of its domestic compulsions. Pakistan inherited two major problems from the partition: security and
paralyzed economy. Unfortunately, the latter was not made the top-most priority which is why it is still
portraying the same pathetic picture. In order to keep its dysfunctional economy alive, Pakistan has been
approaching the foreign countries and international monetary regulating bodies for the last few decades. The
lenders via their bailouts enjoy an undeniable say in the domestic and foreign policy formulation of this
borrowed country. It was this reason that Pakistan sided with KSA-led bloc while denying to attend the KL
Summit held in last December. It is one of the key factors behind the trust deficit in the relationship of Iran
and Pakistan. Another reason of catering the trust deficit is the vague approach of Pakistan towards Iran-US
wrestling. This trust deficit may be over filled by the reported China-Iran strategic deal via exploiting the
Chinese partnership with Pakistan and now with Iran.

Pakistan is facing a plethora of security challenges among which the Baluch factor remains dominant. This
very phenomenon has been operating for decades garnered by multiple reasons: political and economic
deprivation, etc. Many of the terrorist activities in this part of the country are time and again linked with the
cross-border operators entering from Iran. The same concern is being tabled by Iran In the wake of the
terrorist activities launched on its soil. China’s presence and its ties with Iran will improve the security
situation since peaceful Baluchistan is in the best favor of CPEC. Moreover, peaceful region is vital for BRI and
Chinese soft power expansion. Therefore, a normalization in this disturbed part of the country may take
place with the Chinese positive role.

The reported dropout of India from the key projects means the reduction in Indian influence in Iran. India’s
presence in Iran has been a key challenge for Pakistan since it has been affecting the security and strategic
interests of Pakistan since long. The Baluch insurgency is believed to be catered by external factors mainly
India. The Chabahar port is perceived to be an alternative to Gwadar by India in order to link with CARs
among others. The Indian presence in Iran and Afghanistan seems to be a part of India’s ambition to encircle
Pakistan. Therefore, the reported deal may dilute the Indian_ posed risks for Pakistan on its western border.

The said deal will also bring both Iran and Pakistan However, Pakistan may face one of the toughest
to the point where their strategic and economic challenges to its foreign policy in the form of
interests would converge. Iran may take interests in standing neutral in the US-Iran and US-China
CPEC which would provide security to the projects. tensions. Pakistan’s economic, Kashmir and FATF
Iran's participation in CPEC would help Pakistan in factors are looking for US’ support which might be
dealing with its power shortage conundrum. China curtailed in case of any tilt in Pakistan’s posture
is also ambitious of ensuring a safe haven to CPEC towards either of the US' arch rivals.
in Pakistan and to BRI in the region. This tripartite
convergence of interests will open a new chapter of In a nutshell, the reported China-Iran strategic deal
regional cooperation. Apart from all these, the three will bring some advantages for Pakistan
countries have their stakes in the Heart of Asia: notwithstanding the fact that Pakistan is not the
Afghanistan. All of them are playing their key role in signatory of the deal. Pakistan may take advantage
ensuring an enduring peace in Afghanistan which is of this deal while playing the Chinese card. The
in the best favor of them. Pakistan wants a peaceful strategic deal will help both Pakistan and Iran in
Afghanistan to cater its security-cum-economic filling the trust deficit, improving their ties,
and strategic interests; for China, a peaceful launching joint efforts in addition to their joint
Afghanistan is vital for its security and economic Rapid Reaction Force initiative to deal with their
issues; Iran almost shares the same interests along combined security issues. It will relieve Pakistan of
with its care for the Shia population in Afghanistan Indian suspected presence in Iran. The multibillion
and its anti-US posture. This convergence of their CPEC project would find a safe environment in
interests in the shape of a peaceful Afghanistan Baluchistan to a considerable extent.
might be catered as a result of the cooperation
which would likely be encouraged as a result of the The Writer has done his MA in English literature and
reported deal. Linguistics from NUML Islamabad, Pakistan.

Compiled by Kamil Mushtaq, Student Counselor 5

Israel-Palestine peace
plan: The farce, the
fraud and the fury
“The real threat to peace is if the plan succeeds”

President Donald Trump claims his peace plan for

Israel and Palestine will prove to be a triumph that
will last for the next 80 years. But it’s unclear
whether it will be viable for even 80 minutes. That’s
because most analysts believe the deal — the
arriving there grew, with many fleeing from
political portion of which was finally released — is
persecution in Europe and seeking a homeland after
dead on arrival.
the Holocaust of WWII. Violence between Jews and
Arabs, and against British rule, also grew.
“It’s a total shit-show,” a former senior White House
official familiar with the peace plan process told
In 1947, the UN voted for Palestine to be split into
separate Jewish and Arab states, with Jerusalem
becoming an international city. That plan was
In roughly 50 pages, the administration’s political
accepted by Jewish leaders but rejected by the Arab
strategy — masterminded by Trump son-in-law and
side and never implemented. The creation of Israel
senior adviser Jared Kushner — aims to solve the
and the 'Catastrophe'
intractable problems that have stymied both
Democratic and Republican administrations for
In 1948, unable to solve the problem, British rulers
decades. It defines the future of Israeli settlements,
left and Jewish leaders declared the creation of the
how Palestinians might conditionally form a state,
state of Israel. Many Palestinians objected and a war
and America’s view of Israel’s myriad security
followed. Troops from neighbouring Arab countries
concerns. What it doesn’t do is provide a “right of
invaded. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians fled
return” for displaced Palestinians to their ancestral
or were forced out of their homes in what they call
homes in Israel, allow for a sovereign state of
Al Nakba, or the "Catastrophe".
Palestine to form a military that it could use to
threaten Israel (or to defend itself against Israel), or
By the time the fighting ended in a ceasefire the
give Palestinians any meaningful part of Jerusalem
following year, Israel controlled most of the
as its capital. In fact, it essentially ignores all of the
territory. Jordan occupied land which became
Palestinians’ key desires, as the plan was drafted
known as the West Bank, and Egypt occupied Gaza.
with no input from Palestinian leaders.
Jerusalem was divided between Israeli forces in the
West, and Jordanian forces in the East. Because
A 100-year-old issue there was never a peace agreement - each side
blamed the other - there were more wars and
Britain took control of the area known as Palestine fighting in the decades which followed.
after the ruler of that part of the Middle East, the
Ottoman Empire, was defeated in WW1. The land In another war in 1967, Israel occupied East
was inhabited by a Jewish minority and Arab Jerusalem and the West Bank, as well as most of the
majority. Tensions between the two peoples grew Syrian Golan Heights, and Gaza and the Egyptian
when the international community gave Britain the Sinai peninsula. Most Palestinian refugees and their
task of establishing a "national home" in Palestine descendants live in Gaza and the West Bank, as well
for Jewish people. For Jews, it was their ancestral as in neighbouring Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.
home, but Palestinian Arabs also claimed the land Neither they nor their descendants have been
and opposed the move. allowed by Israel to return to their homes - Israel
says this would overwhelm the country and
Between the 1920s and 40s, the number of Jews threaten its existence as a Jewish state.
Israel still occupies the West Bank, and although it
pulled out of Gaza the UN still regards that piece of What the new peace plan
land as part of occupied territory. Israel claims the
whole of Jerusalem as its capital, while the
actually says:
Palestinians claim East Jerusalem as the capital of a There’s a lot to this document, but there are four
future Palestinian state. Only the US recognises major elements of the new political proposal in
Israel's claim to the whole of the city. In the past 50 particular you need to know about:

years Israel has built settlements in these areas, 1) Israel keeps the vast majority of Jerusalem as its
where more than 600,000 Jews now live. sovereign capital;
Palestinians say these are illegal under international 2) Palestinians get no right of return
law and are obstacles to peace, but Israel denies 3) It redraws borders mainly between Israel and the
this. West Banks.
4) It doesn’t allow for Palestine to create a fighting
force to defend itself.
What are the main
problems? Jerusalem
There are a number of issues which Israel and the
Palestinians cannot agree on. These include what First, Israel gets the entirety of an undivided
should happen to Palestinian refugees, whether Jerusalem as its capital. A future state of Palestine
Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank would get a few neighborhoods in far eastern
should stay or be removed, whether the two sides Jerusalem. That’s a major decision. For the first 20
should share Jerusalem, and - perhaps most tricky years of Israel’s existence, Jerusalem was divided.
of all - whether a Palestinian state should be Israel controlled the parts of Jerusalem and its
created alongside Israel. suburbs inside the red dotted line on this map,
while Jordan controlled everything outside of it
Peace talks have been taking place on and off for (blue dotted lines separate Jerusalem proper from
more than 25 years, but so far have not solved the suburbs):
Today, there are more than 7 million Palestinian
refugees, defined as people displaced in 1948 and
their descendants. A core Palestinian demand in
peace negotiations is some kind of justice for these
refugees, most commonly in the form of the “right
of return” to the homes their families abandoned at
the time.

Israel can’t accept the right of return without

abandoning either its Jewish or democratic identity.
Adding 7 million Arabs to Israel’s population would
make Jews a minority; Israel’s total population is
about 8 million, a number that includes the 1.5
million Arabs already there. So Israelis refuse to
even consider including the right to return in any
Jordan controlled the Temple Mount, a hill in the final status deal — and now, it seems, the Americans
map’s brown splotch. The hill hosts the Western agree with that view.
Wall, a retaining wall of an ancient Jewish temple
and one of Judaism’s holiest sites, and two of Islam’s The plan lays out three options for these refugees:
most important landmarks, the al-Aqsa Mosque and
the Dome of the Rock. Israeli Jews weren’t allowed 1. Absorption into the State of Palestine (subject to
to pray in the area while Jordan controlled it. the limitations provided below);
During the 1967 war, Israel took control of East
Jerusalem. 2. Local integration in current host countries
(subject to those countries consent); or
Israel calls Jerusalem its undivided capital today, but
few countries recognize it as such. UN Security 3. The acceptance of 5,000 refugees each year, for
Council Resolution 478 condemns Israel’s decision up to ten years (50,000 total refugees), in
to annex East Jerusalem as a violation of individual Organization of Islamic Cooperation
international law and calls for a compromise member countries who agree to participate in
solution. Palestinian refugee resettlement (subject to those
individual countries’ agreement).
So for the Trump administration to basically say,
“Sorry, all of Jerusalem belongs to Israel,” is a gutsy
move that will make Israel’s leaders happy but doom Redrawing of borders
any chance of bringing the Palestinians on board.
The proposal redraws borders to effectively give
Israel more land in the Palestinian-controlled West
Bank, in exchange for “land swaps” that include two
No “right of return” for areas in the Negev Desert.
Palestinian refugees As illustrated, the map gives Israel a large chunk of
the West Bank where there are currently a number
The plan explicitly states that there shall be no
of Israeli settlements. These settlements in the
“right to return” for the millions of Palestinians
Israeli-occupied Palestinian territory are currently
forced out of their ancestral homes during the
illegal under international law and are not
formation of the Israeli state.
considered part of Israel proper. This plan would
change that by granting Israel the big section of
The 1948 war uprooted 700,000 Palestinians from
land they’re built on. The map also shows that Israel
their homes, creating a refugee crisis that is still not
would take control of the Jordan River Valley. That’s
resolved. Palestinians call this mass eviction the
a promise Netanyahu made to his people last
Nakba — Arabic for “catastrophe” — and its legacy
September, and it’s highly controversial.
remains one of the most intractable issues in
ongoing peace negotiations.
The Jordan Valley runs along the east edge of the
Palestine at the mercy of Israel’s strong military,
giving Israel a greater ability to bully its future

There’s an economic
component to the peace
plan too
This is all supposed to add to the economic portion
of the peace plan the administration released last
June. Dubbed “Peace to Prosperity,” the economic
West Bank, the heavily Palestinian-populated area plan was billed as “a vision to empower the
taken by Israel in the 1967 war, marking its Palestinian people to build a prosperous and vibrant
boundary with neighboring Jordan. It contains both Palestinian society.” The administration claimed it
Palestinian population centers, like the city of had “the potential to facilitate more than $50 billion
Jericho, and a number of Israeli settlements. in new investment over ten years.”

The most credible argument for Israel formally But critics slammed the proposal, likening it to a
seizing control of this land is essentially strategic. “real estate brochure” — complete with glossy
Israel has faced invasions from Jordan before, and promotional photos from Palestinian aid programs
an IDF military presence in the Jordan Valley is that the Trump administration has cut funding for.
arguably vital to protecting Israel from a
hypothetical future invasion. “It’s a total Shit-show”
However, there is no imminent risk of such an Crucially, the plan lacked any details about a
invasion to justify an immediate land grab. And political solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
there are lots of arrangements by which Israel could That was by design: Kushner decided to put out the
protect legitimate security interests in the Jordan economic half before releasing the political half,
Valley without outright seizing the land. It could saying that releasing the economic bit was “less
station some troops there with permission from a controversial.” But without that second political
Palestinian state, for example. Which means the half, the economic proposal was essentially
plan looks simply like a big land grab that would also meaningless.
ruin any hope of a future Palestinian state.
It’s hard to imagine anyone investing billions of
A permanently demilitarized dollars in big infrastructure and transportation
projects for Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza
state of Palestine while the Israeli government continues to annex
more and more territory in the former and regularly
Finally, the plan calls for a future state of Palestine bombs the latter. The question now is if the political
to basically never be able to secure itself. “The State portion satisfies any of those concerns, but experts
of Palestine will not have the right to forge military, almost unanimously say that it won’t. No plan was
intelligence or security agreements with any state ever going to be perfect. Past administrations,
or organization that adversely affect the State of Republican and Democrat, failed to realize a peace
Israel’s security, as determined by the State of deal. Trump’s plan was thus always likely to join
Israel,” the document reads. “The State of Palestine theirs on the trash heap of diplomatic history.
will not be able to develop military or paramilitary
capabilities inside or outside of the State of Compiled by Kamil Mushtaq, Student Counselor

In other words, a future Palestinian state would not

be able to create armed forces to protect itself or
fight others. This might seem prudent for Israel’s
security, but it would basically leave the state of

twitter@MahamBabar 1
Gender Based Violence in Pakistan
A patriarchal society bestows great powers to
men, thereby, creating an imbalance which not
only has been proved to be denigrating but also
fatal for women. The issue of domestic violence
against women is a consequence of the
patriarchal society which is deeply rooted and
nourished by the culture. In countries like
Pakistan, religion is also used and maneuvered to
gain benefits by men politically and socially.
Women are then left with little bargaining power
and ought to bow down to the horrendous norms
of the society. Such norms are prevalent among
every segment, class and age group of the society.

With the rising cases of domestic violence in

Pakistan, women are becoming increasingly
vulnerable and marginalized. Women are tortured
physically, psychologically, sexually and verbally.
The most common and traditional practices are
honor killing (karo kari), rape, sexual assault,
domestic violence,

burning, genital mutilation, forced marriages, under age marriages, Walwar (Bride price), Swara/Vani (woman
The writer is a freelance contributor. Find her on twitter @MahamBabar_as blood price), economic abuse
and threats. In Pakistan, a third of the criminal offences are of gender- based violence. According to a UN
study, “Home is declared the most dangerous place for women.” The post Covid-19 lockdown has brought to
fore a spike in cases.

The existing socio-cultural system in Pakistan consider women as a sign of honor by parents, bothers and in
laws. This cultural belief is top-coated with religion to present it as an untenable contention. Many
madrassas and clerics present women as inferior and tend to objectify them while addressing to their pupils
and followers. The true teachings of Islam regarding the status of women are kept away, and in a country like
Pakistan where illiteracy rate is high and education is not readily accessible, people often hinge on madrassa
education. As violence breeds violence, the young one in the family often imitate and learn from the environs
they are raised in. Men learn it from their fathers and women inherit complacency, compromise and
disposition to tolerate the mindful behavior of men towards them.

The chain of patriarchy has grappled and imposed a plethora of restrictions on women. They are not allowed
to avail the very basic rights of education, equality before law, freedom of expression, decision making and
financial independence. Among many classes of society these basic rights are considered as an act of
immorality, westernization of society and against the tenets of Islam. There is also a common perception that
feminism is overachieved. Particularly in urban areas where more women are gaining education, getting
aware about their just rights and are being more vocal about it.

In Pakistan, women movements like “Aurat march” are heavily censured and suffer backlash owing to the
rhetoric that women in urban areas are now at par and such movements must extend to rural areas. But the
question is how women in rural areas can raise their voice in the compartmentalized and restricted
environment, when the women in urbanized areas are noosed with patriarchal slogans –“Mard march” – and
interpretations? The notion of ‘being aware and vocal of rights’ is correlated with ‘feminism overachieved and
even overriding men’. This forms as the most dangerous myth that maligns the cause of feminism. The reality
lies far from this rhetoric. It lies in delayed justice system, striding out legislations and depriving the
vulnerable of their lawful rights.

The Status of women violence legislation in Pakistan is in shambles. The Sindh Assembly passed a law in 2013
that defines domestic violence broadly to include physical, psychological, sexual, and economic abuse. It
covers a range of domestic relationships; and specifically criminalizes the practice. However, in 2019, the
Supreme Court was informed by Ombudsman of Sindh province that out of 350 cases, action was taken in
just 8 cases. While commentators applaud and highlight successes of such laws, the transparency remains a
genuine concern as information relating to cases are taken down.

In Balochistan and Punjab a similar law was passed in 2014 and 2016 respectively, that provides civil remedies
such as protection/residence orders but it fails to criminalize domestic violence. The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Assembly also tabled one such bill to the Council of Islamic Ideology, which was rejected by Council of
Islamic Ideology. CII regarded the bill to be ‘un-Islamic’. The constitutional body then came up with its own
women protection bill ignoring the female member in panel. The bill proposed the right of the husband to
‘lightly beat’ his wife. Dr Samina Qazi (female member of CII) said: “Violence against women is increasing due
to unawareness of Islamic values.” The exclusion of women from decision making regarding laws meant for
protection of women represent another injustice and discrimination of the male dominated society. The
legislative system is in complete disarray and is also lacking the national unity to eliminate and criminalize
this act.

In Pakistan, only 2 % of the cases related to Gender based violence are reported by women. Women choose
to suffer in silence despite a risk to their well-being. According to a research by Anderson et al. women fear
of reporting because they believe that it may bring dishonor to the family, exacerbate the problem and may
lead to divorce and loss of their children. The family members and the society label it as a private matter that
doesn’t require any outside interference. It is reported that police o0fficials are often reluctant to register
FIRs and discourage from any proceedings.

“Whom should we tell? When our parents marry us, they tell us that for them we are dead and don’t exist
anymore. Neither father nor brother listen to us or help.” - (Women’s focus group, Punjab)

It depicts the dismal picture of the society, wherein women are under immense psychological pressure and
remain impotent to the forces of patriarchal values. Many even resort to extreme steps, like suicide. If
women are not brought to justice and not given protection under the law then such laws are worthless as
they bring no relief. Even if women roam around with the law book hanging down their neck, it can’t protect
unless what’s inscribed is implemented in letter and spirit.

“It’s of no use because the police would call our men and they would bribe the police to remove the case
and then would taunt and abuse us for the rest of our life.” - (Women’s focus group, Punjab)

Therefore, all those barriers that hinders women to access justice must be identified and quashed to provide
relief and protection to women, children and other vulnerable citizens. It requires a strong political will to
eliminate such inequalities and grievances from the society. There exists a strong need to formulate
powerful laws and implement the existing laws, indiscriminately. Justice must be administered at all levels in
the society. In addition, the police force must be sensitized and made aware of the policies relating to
domestic violence — their response mechanism and the way of delivery. It is very crucial to set all the SOPs
relating to the handling of victims of domestic violence. Women police as well as the male staff should be
trained to handle such cases. Mostly, women belonging to backward areas suffer from such atrocities.
Therefore, their reservations regarding privacy must be kept intact. Emergency shelters and emotional
counselling are also necessary steps to provide immediate assistance. Strong resolve and a well-organized
system backed by powerful policies can only eliminate the downtrodden society.

The writer is a freelance contributor. Find her on twitter @MahamBabar_

written by Shahroo Malik, Research Associate at

Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad ISSI. 2
In July 2019, Pakistan started its macroeconomic adjustments under the IMF bailout program of USD $6
billion over three years to tackle its twin (current account and fiscal) deficit problem. In the past year, strict
austerity measures attached to the IMF bailout package have contributed to contractions in the
manufacturing industry, increasing unemployment, and inflation rising into the double digits. The spread of
coronavirus has further delayed the recovery prospects of an ailing economy and emphasized gaps in the
country’s health sector. In these challenging times instead of prioritizing government spending on the health
sector and providing economic relief, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government’s recently released
budget has set ambitious revenue targets and made cuts in the government expenditure to comply with the
IMF’s austerity measures, which is likely to do little to alleviate economic pressures for the majority of
Pakistan’s population.

The Economic Impact of the IMF Bailout

The severe austerity measures such as heavy taxation, rupee devaluation, and reduced government
expenditure taken under the IMF program have helped reduce Pakistan’s current account and fiscal deficit
but at a heavy cost of diminished economic growth. From July 2019 to March 2020, Pakistan’s current
account deficit decreased by 73 percent to USD $2.8 billion, however this was mainly due to the massive
depreciation of the rupee which led to a fall in import demand and a meager increase in exports—reducing
the trade deficit by 31 percent. As expected, however, the GDP growth rate was projected at 2.4 percent for
2020 even before COVID-19 hit the country. Although in February 2020, Pakistan’s exports had shown a 3.6
percent growth when compared to the previous year, this sharply declined after COVID-19. Although the
fiscal deficit fell from 5 percent to 3.8 percent of the GDP from
July 2019 to March 2020, the government failed to meet the revenue targets for the fiscal year 2020 and
public debt has increased to 88 percent of GDP.

Instead of prioritizing government spending on the health sector and providing economic relief, the PTI
government’s recently released budget has set ambitious revenue targets and made cuts in the
government expenditure to comply with the IMF’s austerity measures, which is likely to do little to
alleviate economic pressures for the majority of Pakistan’s population.

The policies taken by the PTI government under the IMF bailout program such as increasing interest
rates, raising taxes, and rupee depreciation have also had a substantial negative impact on the business
community and the public. Following the IMF conditions, in order to generate revenue to reduce the fiscal
deficit, the government increased taxes and energy prices resulting in higher inflation. In January, the
State Bank of Pakistan increased interest rates to 13.25 percent with an aim of bringing inflation down,
however, this increased the cost of borrowing for investors. The large-scale manufacturing sector,
especially textile, petroleum and automobile manufacturing were hit hard by increased production costs,
interest rates, and taxes, and the sector declined by 5.4 percent from July 2019 to March 2020. By January
2020, inflation had increased to 14.6 percent mainly due to a surge in food prices putting a greater
economic pressure on the poor and working class. As Pakistan entered the new year, COVID-19 ultimately
exacerbated many of the economic challenges it was already facing.

Pakistan’s Economy After COVID-19

As countries across the world-imposed lockdowns and global economic activity came to a halt, Pakistan’s
GDP shrank by nearly USD $18 billion and per capita income fell by USD $100 in Fiscal Year 2019-20. Areas
that had been showing some positive trends in 2019, such as remittances and a slight growth in exports, fell
sharply with COVID-19. While remittances—funds send back to Pakistan by citizens working
abroad—increased by 2.7 percent from July 2019 to May 2020 mainly due to the government’s increased
efforts under the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) to encourage sending funds through proper channels, by
May 2020 remittances were nearly 20 percent less than they had been in May of the previous year. Pakistan’s
exports, meanwhile, fell by 54.2 percent when comparing April 2019 to April 2020. COVID-19 has also caused
supply side disruptions, especially for industries that rely heavily on imported goods. Interest rates that had
been raised as part of the IMF package were reduced by 5.25 percent to tackle with the economic shocks due
to coronavirus, however, this led to a flight in “hot money”—short-term investments between markets meant
to make a profit on interest or exchange rates—as foreign investors pulled out more than USD $1.28 billion in

Already facing high levels of unemployment, COVID-19 further pushed the masses below the poverty line as
millions face fears of job loss. The manufacturing sector that was barely surviving due to high production
costs and taxes in the post-IMF bailout package has faced new challenges under COVID-19 lockdowns.
Although the drop in international oil prices may have eased some of the inflationary pressure, however,
instead of giving relief to the broader population the PTI government has increased oil prices to generate
revenue, which was linked to past rises in inflation. Thus far, the PTI government has responded to the
growing insecurity among Pakistan’s population by announcing a USD $7.5 billion economic relief in March of
this year which also includes a stimulus package to extend the government’s already existing social safety
net, Ehsaas, by providing financial assistance to poor households under the newly launched Ehsaas
Emergency Cash program in order to deal with the socio-economic impact of COVID-19.

However, in Pakistan’s recent budget, only USD $151 million has been allocated to health. As the number of
COVID-19 cases in Pakistan has crossed 240,000 with more than 5,000 deaths, there is an immense pressure
on Pakistan’s poor and overburdened health infrastructure as hospitals are already working at full capacity
and dealing with limited medical equipment such as ventilators and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
COVID-19 has also reversed the development gains achieved in the last decade. The government needs to not
only allocate funds to immediate short term cash transfer programs but also pay attention to improving the
health infrastructure and creating job opportunities in order to tackle the longer-term socioeconomic impact
of COVID-19.

Pakistan’s Budget and Future Economic Outlook

According to the IMF’s projections, Pakistan’s economy could experience a negative GDP growth rate of 1.5
percent in Fiscal Year 2020. Unemployment is also expected to rapidly increase with projections of 6.65
million people becoming unemployed in this fiscal year, with the approximately 27.3 million workers working
in Pakistan’s informal sector among those most at risk for losing their source of income. Migrants who lost
their jobs in host countries are also now returning to Pakistan, further increasing the unemployment rate and
adding pressure to the labor market. Prime Minister Imran Khan has been successful in getting debt relief of
around USD 2 billions; however, it needs to be considered that the debt payment has not been waived, but
delayed to be paid at a later date.

According to the IMF’s projections, Pakistan’s economy could experience a negative GDP
growth rate of 1.5 percent in Fiscal Year 2020.

The recent budget announced by the government further does not provide relief to the general public. The
PTI government has set ambitious targets amidst a pandemic including a target of 2.1 percent GDP growth
and USD $30.22 billion revenue collection—25 percent more than was collected last year. The revenue targets
seem unrealistic as economic activity and demand has contracted substantially due to the pandemic and as
the government has given tax relief to the real estate and the construction sector in an effort to create jobs
for daily wage earners. A significant portion (41 percent) of the budget has been allocated to debt servicing.
Despite the ongoing economic crunch and a pandemic, defense expenditure has been increased by 11.8
percent. The federal development budget, however, has been cut to USD $3.94 billion from USD $4.2 billion,
which is not enough to tackle the issue of growing unemployment in the country. Although the PTI has a
number of constraints including external debts and the current economic crisis, the cuts to the development
budget are sure to be felt as Pakistan continues to face the repercussions of the global pandemic.
In the coming months, the current account and fiscal deficits are likely to continue increasing as exports and
remittances fall and less revenue is generated due to slowed economic activity. The decrease in household
incomes from growing unemployment, high inflation, and lower remittances will further reduce the
aggregate demand necessary for bringing an economy out of a recession by stimulating economic activity.
While the government has been significantly constrained with an inherited balance-of-payments crisis, the
new budget indicates a missed opportunity to reprioritize and focus on health and development as the
country suffers from the economic costs of COVID-19.

Note: The article is taken from South Asian voices and is written by Shahroo Malik, Research Associate at
Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad ISSI.

Adil Riaz Gondal

Combating Socio-economic impacts of
COVID-19 by Pakistan: Success or failure?
Adil Riaz Gondal

Human race has eventually developed and advanced themselves in various fields to counter natural
disasters since its creation, but the ongoing year of 2020 has tested against all such advancements
resulting even in failure of world super powers equipped with most modern and sophisticated healthcare
systems to combat the COVID-19 outbreak.

Stretching back the strings of history to the era of pre-historic epidemic; Circa in 3000 B.C, such plagues,
epidemics and pandemics have ravaged humanity throughout which often changed their course of history.
Human race has eventually developed and advanced themselves in various fields to counter those natural
disasters since then, but the ongoing year of 2020 has tested against all such advancements resulting even in
failure of world super powers equipped with most modern and sophisticated healthcare systems to combat
the COVID-19 outbreak. The world that has started shaping their new war-fronts in economic zones, this
pandemic has compelled the countries to shift their policies towards making their economic and social
system more resilient along with securing their masses with effective health strategies in health sector.
Pakistan and other under-developed countries were at brunt of lethal consequences of this pandemic since
its outbreak.

In the COVID-19 phase and post-COVID phase, a number of socio-economic impacts can be assessed
considering Pakistan in specific. Firstly, it would affect the economic growth of Pakistan with the negative
trend expected in real GDP by almost three percent. According to Asian Development Bank (ADB), Pakistan
economy will lose US $16 million in the best case scenario while US $61 million in the worst case scenario.
This exact amount would purely depend upon the limited number of fiscal buffers that Pakistan economy has
to combat this pandemic situation. Secondly, Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) affirmed 20 percent decline
in exports of Pakistan. This would also affect the textile exports of Pakistan which depends upon the imports
of raw materials and pandemic has halted that as well. Thirdly, the failure to achieve the tax target of Rs. 5.5
trillion would fall short of Rs. 1.6 trillion according to International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Due to little fiscal space and few economic buffers, it has been estimated by Pakistan Institute of
Development Economics (PIDE) that the growth in industrial sector will contract by 14-22 percent, service
sector by 11-15 percent, Large Scale Manufacturer that makes 80% total manufactures by 3 percent and
petroleum sector by 14 percent in the FY20. Same has been affirmed by Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS).
On the other account, the financial debt of Pakistan was already more than the net revenue of federal
government in FY19 and this situation will add up to the difficulties of government by increase of total burden
from Rs. 30 trillion to Rs. 41 trillion in FY20 that would be 85.4 percent of total GDP. However, it has also
helped Pakistan in taking relief of US $4 billion from IMF, ADB and World Bank. On the similar account, the
tourism sector has also been affected. According to World Tourism & Travel Council’s Annual Report 2019,
there was 5.8 percent increase in tourism generating Rs. 9.8 billion making 7.4 percent of GDP with 4 million
jobs and inviting 1.2 million tourists in Pakistan the same year.

At the individual level, daily wage workers, urban slum dwellers, farmers and small enterprise owners
suffered the most from the economic impacts of this outbreak. With increase in poverty level to 40 percent,
56 percent of total workforce of Pakistan falls under the category of vulnerable employment. Informal sector
forming 72 percent and daily wage workers forming 5 percent of workforce are at the surge of recession
during this pandemic. Similarly, the impact of agriculture sector is evident from the disruption in transport,
logistics and Labor which is assessed by Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE) to be 80
percent. Moreover, the micro-level enterprises and micro-level financing would be affected accordingly.

Furthermore, the pandemic has not only affected the movements across the borders but also within the
smaller communities. Social distancing and techniques of working from home which includes the policy of
online education has added to the frequency of anxiety and depression. Moreover, the economic drastic
impacts in the form of poverty, unemployment and inflation is adding to the incidents of domestic violence
as well. Moreover, sports have been always regarded as the source of social and economic advancement, but
governments are helpless before this pandemic. Similarly, this pandemic will add up 2.45 million and 12
million children to be food insecure and stunned, respectively.

The UN guidance for the governments to combat the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 included five
pillars of such responses. We will be having a comparative analysis of those guidelines and steps taken by
Pakistan government to combat the pandemic. Firstly, it was stated that countries were expected to
prioritize the health of their citizens by advancing their health system and services in this crisis. National
Disaster Management Authority Pakistan (NDMA) was the responsible authority in this regard which took
measures, but their effectivity reduced due to number of factors. The low-testing capacity, absence of
protective kits for medical staff along with lack of awareness added to it. Secondly, it was advised to protect
basic services and citizens which was also taken into consideration by NDMA.

Thirdly, it was aimed to develop a resilient economy by giving subsidies and interest free loans that would
protect the jobs of daily-waged Labor, informal workers along with small enterprises. The federal
government has announced fiscal stimulus of Rs. 1.2 trillion, Ehsaas Emergency program of Rs. 144 billion,
cash grant of Rs.158 billion to 3 million daily wage Labor and a grant of Rs. 50 billion in providing subsidies in
utility stores, electricity bills, bank and mobile transactions. Fourthly, Pakistan needed multi-lateral
collaboration by negotiating for rescheduling of debts and identify special economic implications as guided.
Lastly, well-trained social dialogue and political engagement with proper role of mainstream media and civil
society was required to provide awareness regarding pandemic.

To put it to a nutshell, proper smart lockdowns along with massive testing is required to halt the spread of
COVID-19 in Pakistan. Moreover, Strict law and order implementation is required with heavy fines in case of
violation throughout the country. Similarly, awareness is needed regarding the consequences and protecting
techniques. The opening of economic sectors with proper Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) along with
subsidies to the lower level enterprises and daily wagers is the dire need of hour. These could be the
strategies for efficiently countering the pandemic for now, but Pakistan must learn this valuable lesson that it
must cut off and funnel the budget to its health sector.

The author is an undergraduate student of Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad.
of the Month
“Education is a progressive
discovery of our own
“Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance”
-Will Durant

Knowledge, truth, wisdom and intellect are many a times found juxtaposed
while mankind tries to articulate the highest goals of a meaningful life. Any
living species on earth has knowledge needed for its survival and over the
centuries all life forms have adapted and evolved, showing a universal
propensity to learn.

Men, of all life forms, have the most developed brains. Their ability to learn,
to use the acquired knowledge and to prosper is unmatched. Nature gave all
living creatures some natural strength to survive in thickest of the forests. If
some had a sharp smelling power, some were quick to run and hunt,
somewhere agile and some strong. Men were probably the weakest and
with their multitudinous inabilities, they were probably the easiest prey in
the jungle. But it was the brain that made them discover fire, learn to live in
caves and paint the walls, learn to speak, and from hunter gathers become
civilized and build big cities. One may be amazed to think how the pyramids
of Egypt were probably built and how the knowledge of trigonometry and
measurement were evolved in those days.

What we seek, while we speculate and meditate is the gradual end to our
ignorance. We have come a long way from worshiping the forces of nature
to the present-day scientific feats of our ability to get high resolution
pictures from the surface of Mars. From the speculation of Heraclitus,
Pythagoras, Socrates to renaissance of enlightenment ages, we have walked
a long road studded with numerous battles, catastrophes, challenges and
The society of us men and women, made classes and hierarchies in almost all parts of the world. The sense of
the knowledgeable and strong being superior to the others percolated with time as our common sense.
Clergy, Nobles and peasants became almost universally accepted rungs of society. Inequality, injustice, slavery
and destitution for many amidst opulence, pomp and show of some, time and again made many men to think
about the best way of living and social order. Law books were written and treaties of administration were
mulled upon by sagely men and women. Many speakers of truth and philosophers of conviction saw the alters
of slaughter house. Many Godly men were killed and the strife between the truth and the evil continues till

Amidst all this, views like satyamev jayate, and the infallibility of truthful person became accepted as norm.
God were seen as beings of greatest knowledge and men had to aspire to be one with God through their
penance and sacrifices.

The love for knowledge and the dying desire to know the truth led to numerous religions and scriptures
across the world. And while a large section of the masses found these high-sounding books of ultimate
knowledge as acceptable sometimes because of devotion and on the other because of fear, some divulged and
we also see Charvakas and Ajivika sects. The idea of truth being somewhere hidden beyond the skies and in
the centers of Universe saw their contrast in the wild naked dance of materialists who saw truth in rejoicing
the short life.

Education of men and women by the educated became the well accepted tenet of any society. Education of
the religious beliefs, social practices and sciences. Education of moral and ethical values. Education of poetry,
dance and cultural practices. Education leading to a light. Education that emancipates and makes one a better
being. All this and more became the mortars to hold the building blocks of emerging civilizations. And to
communicate this education was need of language. Language has evolved in tandem with this evolution of
mankind from age of isolation to present day age of globalization. If Shakespeare wrote ceaseless till his death
and Dostoevsky had to hire typists to type his magnanimous novels, today we have come to the age of Twitter,
were the 140 word limit captures the thoughts of people worldwide for myriad readers. Language has evolved,
with the needs of society and has been the sole carrier of knowledge from one generation to another. Though
Indian Philosopher may not totally agree with that and say that knowledge is acquired by four different ways:
Intuition, Inference, Comparison, or Verbal testimony (pratyaksha, anumaan, upama and shabd) yet without
language education can be unthinkable.

What do we educate ourselves with when we learn? The mystic poet Rumi may say: you know already, it is just
about seeing that which was left in the dark. And he may be very right. The true role of an educator is many a
times, to show the pupil where to look rather than what to look for. If ignorance is darkness, then education is
the candle. And what does it illuminate? What comes to light? Our own knowledge that was hidden from us!

When Albert Einstein was sitting at his desk in patent office at Bern and was gazing out his window, he
performed his famous mind experiment. He thought what will happen if he walks along the beam of light
coming from the clock tower at the same speed. He was stunned to realise that time will not change for him
and the whole beam of light will be like a photograph. Whole reality will alter and he will see only on thing for
the rest of his life! Was this knowledge new to mankind? Or was it there but no one was looking? What got
illuminated by this seemingly simple experiment was a fact that was there with the universe from the very

Take another example. A match stick in a match box has all the chemicals at its tip that can burn the wooden
handle to ashes and yet unless one ignites it trough a mechanical stroke against a rough surface, it remains as
is. The knowledge of light and fire and the chemical reactions remain hidden. Education has such a role. It
ignites our mind and gives us the wings of fire as A P J Abdul Kalam Azad would lovingly say to children.
Education has an enabling role. It enables us to
know what we know in a better way and know what
we can know by our mental prowess. It can make a
student a doctor or an engineer. Both might be
equally good and yet both may acquire knowledge
as different as needed to perform a cardiovascular
operation or to send a robot on moon. Education
shines the light on different centers of darkness and
we through our mental abilities and motivations
rise higher from we stand. Einstein once said that

he could see father because he stood at the shoulders of the giants. Each new generation has the privilege to
stand on a tall generation and sees a little farther than the previous generation. If painters painstakingly
sketched the surface of moon using telescope 200 years back, today we take high resolution photographs
almost every day. If calligraphers copied numerous copies of books all their lives few centuries back, today
fast lazer printer and publishing houses have flooded the market with numerous books in fine print.

We have been discovering our own full potentials through the torch of education. As this torch marches in
this marathon of evolution, we are invention, innovating and discovering plethora of known and unknown
knowledge in finer details. We are using our ability to know to predict natural disasters, to make safer
vehicles, to study climate changes, to find better seeds, to cure diseases and find vaccines, to increase our life
span, to find ways of making the world a better place. We are doing all this and more, in the light of our
ignorance of yester years. We are accepting the mistakes and walking ahead.

And yet we also see superstitious practices of dark ages continuing in 21st century. Blasphemy is still
considered a crime in many parts of the world according to orthodox tenets and men and women are still
stoned to death for surreal offences. Narendra Dabolkars are still shot dead for raising voice against

Ours’ is population of over 7 billion men and women and we surely are not a monolith. We all live in our own
wells. Vivekanand asked us to come out these wells and see the ocean of knowledge. It is the long rope of
education that can pull us out from these wells of our creation.

Education has an enabling role to play in human prosperity. Many ills of society can be cured by educating
men and women. Amartya Sen argues in several of his essays, that educating women and developing the
agency of women is directly linked with improvement in IMR, MMR and sanitation problems that we face
today. He argues that education is not only a means of achieving our developmental goals it is very much the
end as well. For what development is development without building an educated society? Ignorance makes
people narrow minded and social ills continue to exit in absence of light. Dowry, honour killing, rape,
communal riots etc are major social concern that we have today in our Indian society. An educated society
can be more capable to looking into their own problems and finding their own solutions in an amicable way.

It is this ignorance that is exploited by hard liners and communal hater is spread through propaganda. Media
too participates in hurling the masses as herds of sheep in the direction of oblivion under the influence of
people having self interests. The sufferings of humanity are many atimes rooted in ignorance and wrong
perceptions. Only education can be the saviour in these cases.

Gautam Buddha when uttered his first words of wisdom after his revelation of truth, stressed on the
eight-fold path to nirvana. Right knowledge along with right perception is what a Buddhist sage tries to
meditate for whole his life. It is the wrong perception because of ignorance that is seen as the root cause of
all suffering and strife. Those who are illuminated. Those whose mind sees beyond the dark and light skins of
men, speak of equality and sound hopes of “we shall women education has to be given increased
overcome”. Those men like Martin Luther King, talk attention. As we are becoming less and less
about their dream. Those poets like, Ravindra Nath dependent of agriculture, skill development and
Tagore talk about a country where the head will be capacity building is also a major challenge that
held high and mind will be without fear. Such loving needs to be addressed. We have long given
messages percolate only from the clouds of reservation to the educationally backwards classes
knowledge and knowing. of our society and we need to build institutions to
fast track the process. Without an educated society,
The lesser men talk like Hitlers and use inclusive growth may remain a distant dream.
concentration camps to kill people. At this point, it
should be made clear that being educated might And yet, such a talk is self-emancipatory in nature
have to do nothing with school or college degrees. A as we seek to remove our own ignorance. Mankind,
civilized America can drop bombs of Hiroshima and in a global world, needs to know each other
Nagasaki, and an uncivilized Bushman can save the problems and come out with help so as to sustain
life of a dying tourist in the jungles of Kalahari. life on this planet earth and do not burn our house
Education can come from observation. Yes, living in wrong perceptions and ignorance. A
schooling is very important, but ethical and moral progressive society must progressively end its
values can be inculcated through family. Family, ignorance through collective and individual effort.
thus is accepted as the first school of a child.

What we must aim at thus, is deepening of the roots

of education through collective effort and guidance
from higher souls. Nehru understood the
importance of education in nation building and the
institutions of learning of today’s India owe a lot to
his vision. The National Knowledge Commission was
recently set up with similar vision, to usher the
second wave of institution building in India.
Knowledge is going to become the key for any
nation that seeks to become a super power in
further. A knowledgeable society will be in a better
position to tackle with the upcoming challenges of
water scarcity, food security and meeting the
energy needs of tomorrow.

Also, with the spread of Information and

Communication Technology, an ignorant society
will be easier for the terrorist groups to terrorize
and polarize. Education has to play a major role to
save our civilization in coming century. In absence
of its light mankind repeats the mistakes and
history repeats itself remains one of the
oft-repeated phrases in history books.
In India, though the government has given
education an increased attention in recent past and
passage of RTE Act was a historic moment in our
Constitutional history, a lot needs to be done.
Ignorance fetters us and cannot walk with our
growing population and myriad challenges as we
eye towards the future that was once dreamt by
Tagore and Gandhi. Education has to spread and
Extracts from NASA’s report

•The planet’s average surface temperature has risen about 1.62 degrees Fahrenheit (0.9 degrees Celsius)
since the late 19th century, a change driven largely by increased carbon dioxide and other human-made
emissions into the atmosphere

•Data from NASA’s Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment show Greenland lost an average of 286
billion tons of ice per year between 1993 and 2016, while Antarctica lost about 127 billion tons of ice per
year during the same time period. The rate of Antarctica ice mass loss has tripled in the last decade

•NASA data show that average global temperatures in 2019 were 1.8 degrees F (0.98 degrees C) warmer
than the 20th century average.

•Glaciers are retreating almost everywhere around the world — including in the Alps, Himalayas, Andes,
Rockies, Alaska and Africa.

•Global sea level rose about 8 inches in the last century. The rate in the last two decades, however, is
nearly double that of the last century and is accelerating slightly every year.

•The amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by the upper layer of the oceans is increasing by about 2 billion
tons per year.

In its Fifth Assessment Report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate

Change, a group of scientific experts concluded there's a more than 95
percent probability that human activities over the past 50 years have warmed
our planet.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which includes more

than 1,300 scientists from the United States and other countries, forecasts a
temperature rise of 2.5 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit over the next century.
Extracts from Conservation International

•According to Conservation International, natural climate solutions such as restoring degraded forests
could create as many as 39 jobs per million dollars spent — that's a job-creation rate more than six times
higher than the oil and gas industry.
•Tropical forests are incredibly effective at storing carbon, providing at least a third of the mitigation action
needed to prevent the worst climate change scenarios. Yet nature-based solutions receive only 3% of all
climate funding.
•Eleven percent of all global greenhouse gas emissions caused by humans are due to deforestation—
comparable to the emissions from all of the passenger vehicles on the planet.
•The concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in our atmosphere, as of May 2020, is the highest it has been in
human history.
•Roughly 3.2 billion people are currently impacted by land degradation worldwide. Restoration is critical
and cost-effective. Every US$ 1 invested in restoration generates, on average, 10x that amount in benefits.
•Eleven percent of the world’s population is currently vulnerable to climate change impacts [11] such as
droughts, floods, heat waves, extreme weather events and sea-level rise.
•Just 0.7% of the world’s forests are coastal mangroves, yet they store up to 10 times as much carbon per
hectare as tropical forests.
•This is what it would take to make the changes humanity needs to adapt to a warming world. It may sound
like a lot, but it’s less than 0.2% of global GDP. And the cost will only increase the longer we take to act
•189 countries have ratified the 2015 Paris Agreement, agreeing to limit global warming and adapt to climate
change, partly by protecting nature
Press Review
Tortuous relations between Pakistan and Iran
Covenant with God
Status quo policies
India’s two fronts
How to deglobalize
Will Afghanistan’s long-delayed peace ever arrive?
Pakistan’s actual fault lines
Hagia Sophia Mosque
The plight of minorities in India
FATF restrictions and economic terrorism
Modi’s Kashmir blunder
Corruption has only mushroomed
Locusts: drone remedy
Time to bury the hatchet
Tortuous explosive approach to delicate
diplomatic matters is It is also yet to be determined

relations counterproductive and should whether the publishing of the JIT

have been avoided, especially report was meant to be a warning
to Iran or it was simply another
between given our recent history of
difficult relations with the Middle case of political point-scoring
against the opposition.
Pakistan and Eastern state.
Nadeem Aqil

Iran To give a background of the

current relations between the two fighters from West Germany and
countries, Indian spy Kulbhushan handed them over to Pakistan to
Two Joint Investigation Team (JIT) Jadhav used Iran as a transit route augment the defense capability of
reports, one released by the to enter Pakistan and the South Asian state after the
federal minister for maritime commissioned wide ranging war with India came to an end,
affairs, Ali Haider Zaidi, and the terrorist activities in Balochistan. though such cooperation was
other by Sindh’s provincial The heavily fortified and secured never announced by either of
administration, corroborate each border between the two them. We do not have any
other’s sensational findings about neighboring states could not have third-party confirmation of it as
Uzair Baloch, who remained a been crossed without the help of well.
notorious underworld figure in Iranian border officials.
Karachi for years. The report Furthermore, during the time of Both Pakistan and
issued by Zaidi, however, also the Taliban rule in Afghanistan, pre-revolutionary Iran were
highlighted Baloch’s influence on Pakistan gave diplomatic and active members of the
the Pakistan Peoples Party, economic support to the group, Organization for Regional
though this portion was resulting in regular Cooperation and Development
seemingly excised from the demonstrations in Tehran against (RCD) and maintained deep
document circulated by the Sindh Pakistan and the burning of the economic, social, and cultural ties
government. Pakistani flag. Given that Iran is with each other. As an example,
fully under the control of the Iranian cultural centers were
Both reports gave us a glimpse revolutionary regime, such established in Pakistan’s major
into Baloch’s relationship with anti-Pakistan sentiment could not cities where Persian was taught
Iran. According to the report have been possible without and cultural activities were
Uzair claimed to be in possession Tehran’s approval and hence this promoted. In this period, there
of an Iranian passport and was in reflects its official policy toward was no sectarian tension between
contact with the neighboring Pakistan back then. the two countries.
country’s intelligence agencies. Travel and tourism expanded
The reports reveal that he was This animosity between Pakistan between the two neighboring
tasked to collect information on and Iran is largely a product of states, and a great deal of
Pakistan Army’s deployment in the Iranian Revolution since sincerity was also visible in their
Karachi, military officials and key friendly relations were a norm growing relationship. Both
military installations in the city. during the reign of Reza Shah countries remained firmly in the
Pahlavi. Iran was the first country Western camp throughout the
It is not important which JIT to recognize Pakistan, and the Cold War, with defense relations
report is true since both of them Shah was the first foreign leader growing stronger after President
contain startling revelations who traveled to it. Iran supported Gamal Abdel Nasser’s coup d’état
about Iran. Zaidi said that the Pakistan during the 1965 war with in Egypt, which triggered fears of
report was released after it was India, providing medical and overthrow among monarchies
shown to Prime Minister Imran economic assistance. It also across the region. Iran also
Khan, implying that its circulation provided 5,000 tons of oil to explicitly supported Pakistan in
received a tacit approval from the Pakistan and hinted at stopping the 1971 War, condemning India
highest political office in the oil exports to India. and by providing full diplomatic
country and its release was meant support to Pakistan.
to signal the government’s intent According to the website of the The relations should ideally have
and policy both to the general Iranian embassy in Islamabad, strengthened after the revolution.
public as well as Iran. This Tehran also bought 90 Sabre jet Unfortunately, the relations
developed doubts and became had a special interest in Karachi In 2019, 62 worshippers
cold. Iran, like any young and Tehran may have been performing Friday prayers were
revolutionary set-up, was keen to involved in creating unrest in killed by a bomb blast in
export its new political outlook to Pakistan’s commercial hub, Nangarhar. Back in 2002, a fire
neighboring states. Pakistan was whether on its own behalf or at broke out at a girl’s school in
also taken over by a military the behest of the Indian Makkah. Fifteen young girls died
general who used religion to administration. and 50 injured, allegedly because
strengthen his grip over the they were beaten back to go
polity. With religious forces at the It is also yet to be determined inside: they had not covered their
helm in both countries, the whether the publishing of the JIT heads. In 1987, more than 400
foundations of their relations report was meant to be a warning unarmed pilgrims, mostly
were shaken for the first time. to Iran or it was simply another Iranians, were killed in Makkah
case of political point-scoring during a protest. The list goes on.
Things became worse during the against the opposition.
“Afghan Jihad” and the Taliban One fact stands out: most of the
rule and animosity became visible In any case, such public outpouring of anger, sympathy
even at public level. Iranian accusations against Iran can and concern came from
diplomat, cadets murdered and further strain relations and have a non-Muslim organisations, people
abducted in Pakistani city of destabilizing impact on the and countries. Muslims were, by
Multan in 1997 resulting in similar region. It would have been more and large, silent.
life threatening situations for prudent to quietly express such
Pakistani diplomats in Iran. concerns while efforts are being Even as the world seems to have
Protests outside the Pakistan made to rekindle ties with Iran — come closer, with a more
embassy in Tehran became a something that the Pakistani formalised structure of human
common occurrence, and prime minister tried during his rights, it has regressed into
Pakistani consulates’ operations visit to Tehran last year. increasing hatred and acts of
within Iran were impeded by violence against the ‘other’,
constant harassment by city It is true that Pakistan’s national whoever it might be. It took the
officials. This practice still interests must be protected at all Christians six centuries of
continues to varying degrees until cost, but the best course to religiously supported wars and
today. achieve that objective is through torture against Muslims and Jews
diplomacy, not by publishing to decide that they could safely
Throughout this diplomatic rift, intelligence reports, leveling replace religion with science.
Iran grew closer to India by accusations in public. They colonised, ridiculed
deepening economic and social *Nadeem Aqil is a former Pakistani
Muslims, spread false rumours,
ties. The two countries also ambassador to Indonesia.
destroyed traditions of Muslim
started looking at the evolving Published in Arab News.PK, August 05, 2020
scholarship and weakened Muslim
regional issues by the same lens. societies* through carefully

While subscribing to Indian orchestrated propaganda.
concerns over the Gwadar port Islamophobia has increased since

and agreeing to reduce its 9/11 with Muslims being held in
importance, Iran allowed India to Guantanamo Bay prison and

invest heavily in the completion of tortured. Very few Muslim
its Chabahar port. governments stood up to help
ON May 13, 2020, a group of men
Senior Pakistani diplomats
entered a maternity hospital in
familiar with the Iran-Pakistan Muslims have shunned progress
Kabul, killing several mothers
relations maintain that Tehran and new ideas.
and babies. In India, Muslims
never liked Pakistan to become a
face daily murders, rapes,
nuclear power since this shifted Muslims did more than their
humiliation and conversions. In
primacy in the Muslim world share of bringing themselves
April 2017, Mashal Khan, a young
further away from Iran. down, spiritually, intellectually,
student, was lynched by a group
economically and scientifically.
of men within the premises of a
Uzair Baloch’s revelations showed From being pioneers of science,
university in Pakistan.
us that the Iranian government logic and rational thought, their
contribution to world science
literature is now meagre.
States have begun to profess a
religion, so all who believe differ- Status
Forty-six Muslim countries
contribute 1.17pc to science
ently are second-class citizens,
with few rights. The tyranny of quo policies
literature as compared to 1.66pc rulers can no longer be ques-
by India and 1.48pc by Spain. tioned. IS Imran Khan’s government
Where their schools were centres unravelling or is it merely
of learning for all, regardless of One of the worst consequences of mid-term turbulence? The
religious or ethnic background, this political and moral weakening answer depends on Khan’s various
they are now sectarian, often of Muslim societies is the break- partners in power. Khan’s main
teaching tunnel-vision versions of ing of Muslims of their covenant partners in power are state
their faith. By and large, Muslims with God. This covenant was to institutions, and institutions tend
have turned away from progress; establish qist (reasonable justice) to find comfort in the status quo.
destroyed their own institutions, which cannot be achieved unless
and refused to self-analyse. the grievance and remedy is My understanding of the
assessed from the perspective of institutional comfort with status
The Sharia was a path towards the victim, and to call for maruf quo deepened when I was invited
divine guidance, lighting up (good) and advocate against to lead a workshop at a National
minds, providing opportunities munkar (evil). Classical jurists of Defence University event at the
for knowledge seekers from all Islam equate the maruf with how Marriott Hotel in Karachi in 2014.
over the world, opening hearts to a person would like to be treated. Before the workshop, there was
mercy, compassion, kindness, The understanding of what is supposed to be a keynote address
graciousness and all that is maruf and munkar is resident by an important person whose
beautiful in God’s world. The within a person’s nature. God name had been kept secret. While
Sharia, along with human places the responsibility of the we were setting up, in walked Gen
thought, was the core of ethics. morals of a society squarely upon Naveed Mukhtar, at the time the
Instead, it is now often trivialised, its people and declares: “...Verily corps commander in Karachi,
used mostly for matters regarding never will Allah change the with a press legion in tow. He
women and sex segregation and condition of a people until they took the floor and proceeded to
enforcing marital subservience of change it themselves. ... (13:11)”. announce another operation in
wives. Karachi. The key reason he gave
The Quran calls upon humans to was obviously, bad governance
Islamic classical tradition give evidence of the truth, even if and the fact that ‘wrong choices
assumed a condition of isma or it means going against one’s had been made’.
inviolability of human life, based family or interests. In other
on the Quran and the Prophet’s words, Muslims should raise their Luckily, the powerful general did
(PBUH) sayings. voices against crimes perpetrated not bother to turn around and see
by Muslims, even more than they the graphic slide I had already
Many Muslim theorists forbade would for those committed by brought up on screen as an
the practice of takfir (accusing non-Muslims. introduction to Pakistan’s
someone who calls himself a predicament. A graph that
Muslim of not being one and Today, this has been turned on its showed a relentless but
producing inferred evidence). The head. Non-Muslim societies consistent economic decline
Quran called idolaters ‘kafir’ provide justice far more in line evidenced by a basket of social
(those who denied the Truth in with the Sharia, mete out humane indicators from 1992 until 2014.
presence of and after conclusive treatment, provide refuge to Irrespective of whether it was a
arguments by the Prophet); the those who have suffered under civilian or a military government
faithful now find it legitimate to oppressive regimes at home and and regardless of choices made,
declare anyone kafir, hound them, speak up against rights violations. economic indicators showed
turn them out of their homes and As Dr Khaled Abu El Fadel says, it Pakistan had continued sliding.
destroy their property. The is as if “someone uses the superfi-
easiest way to do this is to level cially technical Sharia to violate The press left the building with
false allegations of blasphemy and Sharia”. the general, debating the civil
raise such a hue and cry that even versus military equation rather
courts issue guilty verdicts. Published in The Dawn News, 24 July,2020 than policy itself. Karachi’s
history reveals a policy status quo economic policy. If this was not playing populist issues, hoping
— operation followed by evident when he replaced Asad the institutions will consider
operation. Never examined Umar with Hafeez Shaikh, it them as alternatives. If Bilawal
through a strategic economic became even more evident with Bhutto-Zardari and Maryam
prism, the isolated operations his FBR play. When he, Nawaz stay with this approach
policy can guarantee nothing but unnecessarily, removed Jehanzeb they are unlikely to qualify as
another operation. Khan as the chairman Federal credible alternatives. By providing
Board of Revenue in 2019, I noted, no alternatives to the status quo,
A strategic review would ask in these very pages, that Shabbar even if they rule one day, they
tough questions. Zaidi may work out only if Imran may, like Khan, rule but not
Khan provides him political govern.
Similarly, the absence of debate support. Since Jehanzeb Khan had
on broader strategic questions a solid track record as a The writer is a former caretaker finance
has resulted in our interior, professional, apolitical civil minister of Sindh.
defence and foreign policies being servant with strong achievement Published in Dawn, July 23rd, 2020
frozen. For example, Kashmir is credentials, my remarks were
considered a taboo subject on
which everyone is supposedly on
construed as supporting the
change and evoked widespread
the same page. From the PML-N
to the PTI everyone trips over
consternation. In hindsight, Imran
Khan could not support either of
two faces
themselves to pay lip service to the two because he had no
Kashmir. A strategic review would economic policy. His lack of ARE they really serious when
ask tough questions, like whether economic policy is the root cause successive Indian army chiefs
the policy for the last 70 years has of the economic stasis. say they are preparing for a
done anything for the betterment two-front war? Or is a two-front
of the Kashmiri people or are they We live in a dangerous part of the war merely a bogey to attract
worse off? It would also evaluate world and our army is essential to sympathy from the right
the cost to the poorest two billion citizens having the security to quarters? The more important
people of the world and then order their lives. Our army, question is: does India really
decide on whether a more however, due to its historical consider China an enemy and
aggressive policy is the solution political role needs political does it really have the stomach
or perhaps a shift to a more interfaces who can explore or the desire to fight China? The
complex engagement including alternative economic policies to June 15 clash clearly shows India
prioritising trade is a way sustain our strategic interests. So will do anything to appease
forward. far, Khan has been unable to China.
provide the interface necessary to
Look at China and India. Despite develop broader strategic policy Yet, astonishing as it sounds,
the clashes on their border, which rooted in economic reality. The while flaunting their ambitious
we are very excited about, they result is frozen status quo policies plans for a two-front war, the
have quietly got on with the $75bn and economic stasis. The current army chief and his
trade between the two countries. advantage of this paradigm to predecessor give themselves away
Just to contextualise, our trade Khan is twofold: status quo when they declare that the focus
with China is around $16bn and institutions are comfortable and of their war preparations is
not even worth mentioning with the Imran Khan government is basically Pakistan and that on the
India. Have we ever weighed not unravelling. Chinese front the Indian army will
accepting India’s offer on adopt a policy of deterrence.
normalising relations in return for Unfortunately, status quo policies
relief for the tortured Kashmiri are rapidly increasing the danger In his first press conference after
people? An economic policy of our national fabric unravelling taking over as army chief last
would pragmatically debate this due to a mismatch between our December, Gen Manoj Mukund
question across policymaking economy and our strategic Naravane spoke of “collusivity”
interfaces. objectives. A bonus for Khan is between Pakistan and China and
that currently the opposition has said this could be “both physical
Imran Khan is unable to provide not focused on such strategic on land borders and in other
the interface as he has no debate either and focused on spheres also” as in technology and
“in coming to each other’s help in of our capabilities … the army, strategic highway linking Xinjiang
times of trouble”. This “collusivity” navy and IAF are now jointly very to Tibet runs through Aksai Chin.
between two of India’s much prepared for such an Aware of Chinese sensitivity, New
neighbours, he said, was eventuality.” Apart from the Delhi doesn’t even raise this issue
“maximum” around the Siachen development of Agni IV and Agni because it knows Beijing is not
glacier and Shaksgam valley. For V nuclear capable ballistic going to talk about it. Thus, when
that reason, he said, it was missiles, he said, the forces have India talks of a border dispute
important to “keep that area in taken a series of steps to slowly with China, it only refers to the
our possession” because Pakistan but surely transform the eastern border.
was waging a “proxy war” on “dissuasion” posture against
India, while China was “flexing its China into “deterrence”, which in As the fate of arbitration after the
muscles”. turn is now being upgraded to Rann of Kutch clashes shows,
“credible deterrence”. India will concede a mile to China
For those perceived threats, but it will not give an inch to
India’s war plans are ambitious Then he revealed what truly Pakistan. In brief, America must
and include, besides road and rail reflects the mindset and strategic know India has no desire to
infrastructure and tunnelling, a thinking of India’s civil and destroy itself for Pentagon’s
new mountain strike corps — 17th military leadership. In case there pleasure. The two-front hoax is
— consisting of 100,000 men. This are simultaneous threats from meant to squeeze the milch cow
corps will be so located that it can Pakistan and China, Gen Rawat, that is America. As its 2003
be deployed on both the western who is also India’s first chief of invasion of Iraq shows,
(Pakistan) and northern fronts defence staff, said there would be Washington spent trillions of
(China). a primary front and a secondary dollars for Israel’s benefit. Why
front. “The bulk of our forces and wouldn’t America do the same in
India will never commit suicide by resources will be concentrated on South Asia?
taking on China for America’s the primary [Pakistan] front. On
benefit. the other front, we will adopt a Published in Dawn, July 21st, 2020
more deterrent posture, so that
On the army’s strategy for the
border with China, Gen Naravane
we are not found wanting”. How to
explained: “We have to balance
out our requirements and
While the new corps (consisting
of two high-altitude divisions)
deployments to cater for both would have “quick reaction, In the midst of the COVID-19
west and north. For the northern ground offensive capabilities”, he pandemic, politicians are calling
frontiers, we are going for made clear that India wanted for a rethinking of global supply
capacity building, which includes cooperation not conflict with chains. If they are serious, they’ll
building roads to forward areas, China. But, where Pakistan was need to proceed carefully.
habitats, storage for ammunition concerned, he said in a talk at
and moving some of our advanced CLAWS, a military think tank, “we Following the global COVID-19
weapons system to [the] eastern do not see any scope for pandemic, a wave of politicians
side. In a way of balancing out we reconciliation”. has railed against the supposed
can meet a threat from any vulnerabilities of global supply
direction. As a result of this The truth is India will never chains and promised to bring
rebalancing, we are now prepared commit suicide by taking on production of critical goods back
for this challenge.” China for America’s benefit, the home.
two-front theory designed
The general then reaffirmed what basically to get as much In the United States, the Trump
Gen Bipin Rawat, his predecessor, economic, diplomatic and military administration is reportedly
had said with regard to the truth support as American naivety “turbocharging” its plans to
about the two-front war. In an would allow. disconnect supply chains from
interview with the Times of India, China and debating a new $25
Gen Rawat, appointed army chief Will India concede more territory billion “reshoring fund” to
in December 2016, said: “The to China? Yes because India has encourage U.S. firms to bring
two-front is a real scenario. Much already written off Aksai Chin, manufacturing back to the states.
has changed from before in terms which it once claimed. Today, a Not to be outdone, presidential
candidate Joe Biden’s campaign
has outlined how his reflect individual firm decisions. in the first place. Here are some
administration would tackle But these decisions are made practical steps to get started.
supply chain vulnerabilities. He’s within a policy environment set by
placed the topic alongside trade, governments. The current form of First, governments need better
taxes, and immigration as key globalization is a policy choice; information on the existing
planks for managing globalization. other worlds are still possible. structure of supply chains.
Meanwhile, European Union Modern supply chains are intricate
Trade Commissioner Phil Hogan And it might be worth pursuing webs of purchasing relationships
has argued that Europe needs to them. Although some politicians’ linking hundreds of firms across
diversify its supply chains in order rhetoric on supply chains may dozens of countries; while many
to promote “strategic autonomy,” drift into old-fashioned individual firms map their direct
while also noting that autonomy protectionism, there are genuine suppliers to assess potential
doesn’t necessarily mean full concerns about the risks and vulnerabilities, it is difficult to
self-sufficiency. Japan has perhaps vulnerabilities that have piece together the bigger picture
acted the most decisively so far, developed through deep of backward and forward linkages
announcing a new fund to globalization. Complex global both within and across industry
subsidize Japanese firms moving supply chains have undoubtedly groups. In general, governments
production out of China; to date improved efficiency and increased do a good job tracking when
87 companies have taken the consumer choice, but they have products move across borders (in
government up on the offer. South also limited states’ abilities to part because they want to tax
Korea is exploring similar ideas. manage, regulate, and, when them, through tariffs), but they do
necessary, direct the flow of a far worse job measuring how
Many outside analysts are critical goods. Governments various intermediate inputs are
skeptical that such plans for should take the threats of supply integrated into supply chains, or
deglobalization will succeed. They chain disruptions seriously, how domestic and foreign
rightly note that contemporary whether from natural disasters, production processes interact.
global supply chains are extremely economic crises, or the deliberate
complex, the outcome of millions weaponization of This dearth of data means that
of individual uncoordinated firm interdependencies in the global governments not only are blind to
decisions. Any attempts to unwind economy. And they should realize potential vulnerabilities and
these processes will be that firms’ individual private bottlenecks in supply chains but
cumbersome and costly. Although interests may not always align also lack the maps they need to
COVID-19 has prompted firms to with broader public interests, guide their interventions and avoid
revisit the trade-offs between suggesting greater government unintended consequences. In the
efficiency and resiliency in their intervention may be needed. United States, the government has
own supplier relationships, this previously carried out supply
does not mean that they’ll What is clear, however, is that chain mapping exercises for a
welcome government interference political exhortations alone won’t handful of so-called strategic
in such assessments. In fact, early shift supply chains: Governments industries, such as critical
reports suggest that firms around need concrete policy proposals, minerals. In the wake of COVID-19,
the world have been cool to their not vague directives, if they want it has announced plans to do the
governments’ efforts to woo them to see real change. Moreover, same for medical products. But
away from China. restructuring supply chains much more can and should be
should be done carefully and done: Rather than waiting until key
The skeptics are correct that strategically, not through ad hoc, shortages begin upending supply
rewiring supply chains will be piecemeal policy announcements. chains, governments should
difficult, and that firms are In short, governments need to do proactively map the linkages
unlikely to simply fall in line with their homework before acting. across a wide range of industries.
the wishes of politicians, Rushing to dole out untargeted Doing so, however, will first
particularly when doing so cuts subsidies or implement new require a debate on which
against their bottom lines. Yet export controls will be both costly industries are most critical to
governments have more power to and ineffective: Governments will national security and prosperity.
shift supply chains than may be end up not only wasting money
obvious at first glance: Yes, it’s but also failing to address the
Published in The Foreign Policy, 24 July,2020
true that global supply chains vulnerabilities that worried them
Will another proposed deadline that
comes and goes to no effect.
After all, the United States had
continued talking with the Taliban

Afghanistan’s The longer the peace talks take to

even as score of Afghans were
killed in the war.

long delayed begin, the deadlier the war

becomes. The achingly slow But the public sense of being tired

peace ever process hurts the widespread

Afghan consensus that war is, at
of the war — in addition to the
one-week reduction in violence in

arrive? heart, an aberration. In turn,

public disappointment hurts the
February 2020 — “was a positive
factor in the peace process,” said
chances for peace, giving the Amiri, the lecturer in Kabul.
As Kabul and the Taliban upper hand to anti-peace groups “Public enthusiasm about peace
continue to stall peace talks, seeking to exploit the battlefield. was increased with the
Afghans’ hopes are dying. Under such circumstances, U.S.-Taliban agreement.”
regional powers step in to
In Afghanistan, February 2020 safeguard their interests. “An important factor in a peace
created a short-lived hope for the process is public confidence and
end of an 18-year war that has The delay in peace talks “hurt the support for peace,” he added.
been brutal, intimate, and vicious. process hard,” said Ali Amiri, a “When you put forward a very
The one-week trial of a reduction lecturer at Avicenna University, a technical process of peace that
in violence, followed by an private university in Kabul. “The lacks public confidence and
agreement between the United blame games replaces [talks]. The public support, you are going to
States and the Taliban in public are less confident about have troubles.”
February, was cherished as a the process. Anti-peace groups
major step toward peace. Yet in are more confident. Terrorist Trump has been impatient with
the five months since then, a groups and regional powers are the war, and sought to withdraw
dispute over actually enacting more hopeful to exploit the – even without a comprehensive
peace has eroded the people’s disruption in the process.” peace settlement — in a bid to
hope for an end to the endless boost his chances in the
war. Before the U.S.-Taliban November presidential election.
agreement in February, the The Taliban and the Afghan
The U.S.-Taliban deal left the public’s hopes an end to the government made their moves
Taliban more victorious than the ruthless violence had been accordingly, at the cost of
Afghan government, but the crushed multiple times. Over the damaging public confidence in
public enthusiasm was built last decade, while the United the process.
around the forthcoming States pushed for a peace deal
negotiations between the Taliban with the Taliban, the process was The “current situation is limbo,”
and the Afghan government. The never smooth. The Afghan said Andrew Watkins, senior
months-long delay in the government learned in 2015 that analyst for Afghanistan at
negotiations – originally Mullah Omar, the leader of the International Crisis Group. “The
supposed to begin in March – Taliban with whom the parties are standing at a doorway;
whittled away at public hope for government had been trying to the only realistic chance to end
an end to the war, though the negotiate for years, had died in violence is inside. And both sides
peace process continued in slow 2013. are fixated on how the other
motion. won’t walk in first.”
That public embarrassment
Most recently, a Taliban shaped public mistrust and low Instead, the Taliban have returned
spokesperson offered to begin confidence in the peace process. to violence to gain leverage while
negotiations at the beginning of The sense that the Afghan the government waits for better
August, after the Eid ul Adha government was being sidelined leverage in the peace process,
holiday, but only if the Afghan gained traction when U.S. after being largely left out of the
government releases more President Donald Trump walked U.S.-Taliban talks.
Taliban prisoners. Kabul has away from a near deal with the
previously been reluctant to do Taliban on September 9, 2019 “The government and the Taliban
so; in the end, this may just be over the death of an American. aim to gain leverage before the
negotiations,” said Amiri, the to 5,000 Taliban fighters from are caught in a complicated
lecturer. “The Taliban increased Afghan prisons in exchange for battlefield that drains the blood of
violence and the killings to show the release of 1,000 government young people, ruins families,
that they were an effective power prisoners from Taliban detention. sends shockwaves across the
and would not back down.” country every week, and takes
President Ashraf Ghani of away hope for a better future.
Far from Kabul and public Afghanistan has vowed only to
attention, deep in the mountains release Taliban fighters if given “At the time of public despair and
and rural outposts, the war rages guarantees that the released hopelessness, anti-peace groups
on. With a U.S.-Taliban agreement prisoners would not return to the and terrorist groups exploit the
that does not explicitly dictate a battlefield. The Taliban handed public despair to serve their
reduction in violence, the Taliban out a list of prisoners that should agendas,” said Amiri. “The
target Afghan security outposts be released, but the government terrorist groups seize the
and bases without the fear of the did not agree with the release of opportunity and secure their
U.S. airstrikes that used to be the some high-profile prisoners that interest in disorder and chaos.”
Afghan government’s main were behind deadly attacks in
leverage in the battlefield. Kabul, the Afghan capital. Despite Ghani and other Afghan and
the disagreements, over the American officials have repeatedly
The Taliban returned to their course of months, the talked about the dozens of active
old-fashioned deadly car bombs, government has released over small terrorist groups in the
followed by commando-style 4,000 Taliban prisoners while the country. The Islamic State stands
assaults on the government. The Taliban released around 770 to lose in any peace deal, as the
Taliban attacked a district people. Afghan government and the
compound in southern Kandahar Taliban could join forces to fight
province in early July and drove a The delay in prisoner releases against the extremist group in the
car packed with explosives into “has been more [due to] country. Zalmay Khalilzad, the
the Afghan intelligence agency obstructionism in the peace American peace envoy, has
headquarters in northern process rather than security emphasized this in various
Samangan province in mid-July. concerns,” said Amiri, the lecturer interviews with reporters.
Between 30 and 40 Afghan troops in Kabul. “President Ashraf Ghani
are killed every day. and other decision-makers of the The National Directorate of
Afghan government are pessimist Security, the Afghan intelligence
If the situation continues, the about the process. They think the agency, recently arrested two
Afghan public “may develop a government will eventually lose Islamic State fighters that were
belief that the Taliban is not much more [than the Taliban] in planning to attack Imam Ali
willing to make peace, so they the process.” Hospital — a private hospital
should use force against the owned by Shiites located in a
Taliban even if the government is Already, the inability of the Shiite neighborhood of Kabul —
not doing so,” said Amin Ahmadi, a Afghan government and the and a private TV station in Kabul.
member of the Afghan Taliban to start peace talks has The failed attempt could
government’s negotiation team taken a toll on the country. Amiri potentially have caused public
for talks with the Taliban. “It can said that the dispute “cause outrage at peace efforts to end
fuel proxy war, chaos, and irreversible public damages” in the war.
disorder in the country. If people the future. He warned that the
lose hope for peace, they have no Taliban might seek a decisive “In every peace process, some
other option.” breakthrough, such as capturing a parties benefit and others do not,”
province. “In such a case, the said Amiri. “Not all regional
The Taliban justifies their violence government would be weakened powers benefit from peace in
using the government’s refusal to further, or eventually collapse.” Afghanistan. Those countries that
release Taliban, while the Afghan do not interpret peace in
government blames the Taliban’s One side effect is public despair. Afghanistan as in their line of
violence for the delay in the For 40 years now, the public has interests will likely try to disrupt
prisoners’ release. According to been swept along with failed the process. When the process
the U.S.-Taliban deal, the United policies and strategies. stalls or delays, they have a better
States facilitated the release of up Afghanistan’s 35 million people chance to disrupt the process.”
More than one regional power is military imbalance, its misplaced some reward for their faith. Also, a
seeking to exploit the Afghan priorities and at times the nation that was founded to escape
battlefield for its own interests. In ridiculousness of its existence. the majoritarian fanaticism
addition to Pakistan, whose Both these narratives grew in currently on display in India could
supporter for the Taliban is an reaction to something and are not subject the minorities it
open secret, Iran and Russia — therefore incapable of doing inherited to the same kind of
two adversaries of the United justice to the very complex reality absolutism. Notice I do not bring
States – have joined in the double of this nation’s existence. The up the matter of fundamental
game, supporting the Afghan beauty of these narratives is that human rights because in the
government and the Taliban alike they very effectively hide the real mid-40s the world was a different
in a bid to hedge their bets. fault lines and centres of power. place with the vestiges of Nazism
Let us focus on some of these and fascism still dividing the
In one recent sign of complexity fault lines to comprehend what is global discourse. And the Nazis
of the war, Russia allegedly paid holding us back. had already shown the world how
the Taliban to kill Americans and minorities could be othered and
NATO troops in Afghanistan. A Pakistan’s first fault line is called deprived of all human rights. The
middleman, who got his start ideology. You would think that a fact that real interpretation of
drug trafficking, made contacts country with a Muslim population Islam had stopped a millennium
with the Russians and connected of over 96% would have no ago, much before the emergence
them with the Taliban. The trouble on that front but then you of modern states, did not help. In
incident proves that regional would be wrong. fact, Allama Mashriqi’s
powers have many channels to Nazi-inspired Khaksar Tehreek
secure their interests. Consider this: On August 11, 1947, had attacked and beheaded a
only days before the birth of the member of the Ahmedi
But who will secure the interests country, its Founder delivered an community in the formative years
of the Afghan people – and how? illuminating speech on the of the country. So, an argument
country’s future promising existed at the time in support of
Published in The Diplomat, 25 July, 2020 religious freedom to all citizens stripping minorities of all their
amid other things. The speech rights. But Jinnah knew better.

was heavily censored before And his views were not
release and the audio record of it contradicting either of the two

actual fault
is still not found. Ask yourself why. ideologies. But somebody thought
Because somebody in the they were.

government thought that this
speech by the country’s Founding Could it be the permanent ruling
Father contradicted the ideology class of the country which Hamza
We need to find a way to fix our
of Pakistan. Let it sink in. The Alvi once dubbed as the “salariat”
fault lines or we will not
words of the only man who won and we now call the bureaucracy?
progress an inch
you freedom through a The answer to this would take us
democratic and legal struggle to the second fault line. But let us
If you are a Pakistani fascinated by
were not palatable for somebody first handle this one. Why
the country’s history there is a
who was already interpreting Pakistan was created and why the
good chance you have been
ideology for you. country’s bureaucracy thought
brought up on a controlled diet.
that censoring its Founding Father
There is one narrative that is set
But what is this ideology? The was a good idea were two
by the state. The one that starts
two-nation theory? Islam as the different things. The first is
with Bin Qasim’s attack on Sindh
state religion? The Quaid’s words settled for good by Narendra
and ends with the countless
did not contradict either. The Modi’s government in India today.
explanations for the country’s
Indian majority that was viewed as The second has shaped how
existence. You know that version
a constant threat was nearly Pakistan has grown to this day. In
because it has been scrutinised
packed away into a separate 1947 the country may not have too
constantly. But then there is a
nation. Gone. Done away with. many great examples of pluralism
counter narrative. A meta
Now the minorities that still lived to emulate but countless exist
narrative that emerged in
in the country had opted to stay since then. This was supposed to
defiance. About the country’s
here. They had a right to expect be a dialogue between the state
chequered history, it’s civil
and society but a permanent class
which co-opted the term
time the then planning minister
often spoke about bureaucratic Hagia Sophia
‘ideology’ for its own survival has
doubled down on the first raw
reform. But we did not even see
the first draft of the proposals. Mosque
draft and refuses to budge. From Now, Dr Ishrat Hussain talks about
The Hagia Sophia decision is
there the interpretation has bled these reforms. We still await a
widely seen in the context of
into curriculum books, other coherent and comprehensive set
Erdogan’s quest for Islamising
institutions of the state and even of proposals to this effect. An
the Constitution. Until it is interesting case study in this
allowed to be updated with time, context is of Daniyal Aziz, the man
From a church to a mosque, then
we will stay lost in the jungle. This who knows the weaknesses in the
to a museum and back into a
matter becomes of urgent nature structure by heart. When the
mosque, Hagia Sophia has donned
when we take into account what Musharraf era ended and the
many garbs since it came into
we went through during the War National Reconstruction Bureau
existence some fifteen hundred
on Terror when a group of Muslim headed by Aziz was dismantled, he
years ago. The iconic monument
Pakistanis killed around 80,000 failed to return to the parliament
was built as an Orthodox
co-religionist fellow citizens in the following elections. And
Christian cathedral in
because of the different when he did somebody had
Constantinople, now Istanbul,
interpretations of ideology. convinced the ruling PML-N that
between 532 and 537 under the
he should be kept away from
Byzantine reign. In 1453, it was
The second fault line is not the projects relating to reform and
converted into a mosque after the
civil-military divide, although that instead be asked to defend the
Fall of Constantinople to the
too exists to a lesser degree. The government like an ordinary if
Ottoman Empire. Five centuries
second fault line exists between aggressive spokesman. The total
on – in 1934 to be exact – Mustafa
untrained politicians and an deconstruction of an able man
Kemal Pasha, the first Turkish
experienced bureaucracy. with the knowledge of all bodies
President and founder of modern
Pakistan is ruled by the latter. No ever buried was to ensue. And
day Turkey, transformed the
matter who sits atop the greasy where is he now?
majestic building into a museum
pole called the executive, it is
as he moved to secularise the
invariably the bureaucracy which Our third fault line is of the feudal
runs the machinery of mentality. Not feudalism but of
governance. That is why General the feudal mentality. Feudalism
And now in a decision that has
Musharraf could do precious little has waned with the natural course
antagonised many in the world,
without the help of his old friend of land redistribution over
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Tariq Aziz. That is why every generations, but the feudal
has converted the Istanbul
prime minister’s principal mindset still survives. How should
landmark into a mosque again
secretary is considered so the rich and powerful behave is
after a top Turkish court last
powerful. When we choose to predetermined by society’s
Friday annulled the 1934 decision
criticise the men and women at powerful elite and that’s why
to turn it into a museum. The US
the top we deliberately ignore hardly anything ever changes.
has expressed disappointment on
who actually wields power. The There are other fault lines like
Erdogan’s decision. France has
example of the Musharraf era racial and lingual prejudices and
deplored it. Russia, with which
devolution comes to mind. The overpopulation but we will return
Turkey has bolstered ties in
ruler back then was powerful. The to them another time. For now, we
recent times, regrets the move.
bureaucracy did not approve of need to find a way to fix the above
Greece, which considers itself the
the plan to change dynamics at three or we will not progress an
heir to the Byzantine civilisation,
the grassroot level. Who would if inch.
has condemned the ‘provocation’.
it meant losing control on
Published in The Express Tribune, August The World Council of Churches
ground? It quietly went along and
1st, 2020 has called for reversing the
waited till the time the
decision. And Unesco, which had
amendment lost the Sixth
declared the structure a World
Schedule cover and then
Heritage Site, ‘deeply regrets’ the
recaptured the lost space.
You are fascinated by all this talk
of reforms. During Nawaz Sharif’s
What is a ‘matter of sovereignty’
for the Turkish president is a Indian Muslims appears to be In today’s India, the Hindutva
‘narrow-minded act’ for much of deteriorating by the day. narrative prevails. This
the world, particularly in the Anti-conversion and anti-cow dangerously growing trend is now
West. The Hagia Sophia decision is slaughter laws represent a direct projecting the real image of the
widely seen in the context of threat to the secular claims of the world’s biggest democracy to the
Erdogan’s quest for Islamising Indian constitution. international community.
Turkey and burying the various
aspects of secular philosophy The consensus among Indian
Instead of ensuring minorities
incorporated into the government activists and political analysts is
receive their due rights and
after the abolition of the Seat of that their society, under Mr Modi,
protection, the Indian parliament
Caliphate by Mustafa Kemal Pasha has become more toxically divided
led by the BJP government
in 1923. Erdogan’s Islamic between Hindu and Muslim,
approved the Citizenship
approach, coupled with his between the upper and lower
Amendment Act (CAA)—a fast
growing influence in the region, is castes, between men and women.
track to citizenship for
what worries the world powers. By Congress leader Sonia Gandhi
non-Muslim migrants from its
turning Hagia Sophia back into a condemned BJP’s anti-Muslim
neighboring countries. The said
mosque after nearly 550 years, drive and blamed Modi for
act has prompted widespread
Erdogan seems to have stirred up spreading the virus of communal
protests in India as it offers
the hornets’ nest. prejudice. Indian writer Arundhati
amnesty to non-Muslim illegal
Roy accused Delhi for using social
migrants from Afghanistan,
unrest during the COVID-19 crisis
Published in The Express Tribune, July 13th, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, but
2020 to encourage genocidal behaviour
Muslims are excluded from this
towards Muslims. The spurious
protection under CAA. The
allegations of corona Jihad are all
passage of the Citizenship
The plight of (Amendment) Act, continued
part of a sick pattern to strip
Indian Muslims of their rights. The
enforcement of anti-conversion
minorities in and cow slaughtering laws and
weather in India is hotter than
usual, and dry and dusty for the
last year, the Indian supreme
India court’s controversial verdict on
defenseless Muslims.
Babri Masjid bears testimony to Hindutva extremism is an
the fact that Modi’s fascist important source of violence in
Indian democracy and secularism government has created a culture
are often touted as the essence of contemporary India. BJP
of impunity for nationwide governments at the federal and
the Indian Constitution, but the campaigns of harassment and
persecution and vilification of state levels and RSS activists act
violence against religious to implement their Hindutva
minorities in India has led to minorities. Non-Hindu
questions about the basic bedrock agenda. This agenda, which is
communities are living in a aimed at making secular India a
of India’s democratic credentials perpetual state of fear on account
and its secularism. Despite the Hindu state and homogenising its
of the discriminatory policies of plural society, is being furthered
diversity of religions represented, PM Modi’s administration and
religious freedom in India has through a series of actions,
tolerance of religious violence by including the enactment of CAA
deteriorated swiftly with the BJP Hindu-supremacists against
coming into power under Modi’s and implementation of National
vulnerable minorities at the state Register of Citizens. In fact, Modi
leadership. Although much of the level. In a country where people
discrimination is against Muslims, has made India an unsafe place for
define themselves by their minorities. The rise of
violence against the Christian orthodox religious beliefs, where
community has greatly increased ethno-nationalism, under BJP
does this leave the marginalised leadership, is slowly unravelling
as well. The recent report issued communities? The mob lynching
by the US Commission on the secular democratic fabric of
of Muslims on suspicions of eating Mahatma Gandhi’s homeland.
International Religious Freedom beef; the inhuman lockdown of
(USCIRF) has categorised India a Modi instead, wants to promote
Indian-Held Kashmir and the the Gujarat model of vicious
Tier 2 country because of recent communal riots in Indian
persistent conditions unfriendly right-wing populist politics, which
capital all point to the fact that sought to create and elevate a
to religious freedom. Under Modi’s Indian state itself condones and
dispensation, the situation for Hindu majority out of a socially
supports divisive policies. In and economically diverse
population to act as a voting bloc and it is a well-known financial embargo against Cuba.
for BJP. internationally-recognised fact The United States has also applied
that economic restrictions are economic, trade, scientific, and
The BJP leaders have equated the basically applied only to cripple military sanctions against Iran. In
peaceful protests against the the economy of a country. 2019, these sanctions led to a
controversial law with treason and Pakistan has experienced direct sharp downturn in Iran’s economy,
called for the persecution of the economic sanctions/restrictions pushing the value of its currency
protestors. One of Modi’s cabinet by the USA in the past. History to record lows, hiked inflation
ministers, Paresh Verma swore reveals that the US has abruptly rate, reduced foreign investments,
during election rally that the changed its policy towards and triggering public protests.
protestors would be sent packing Pakistan and has imposed
within hours of BJP victory and sanctions with ill-motives. The When in 2006, North Korea
that if left unchecked they would attitude of America can easily be conducted its nuclear test, this
rape and kill. Members of the understood from 1988 to 2001, attracted global attention, and as
ruling Hindutva clique hardly face which revolved around the a result, sanctions were imposed
any reprimands from their sanctions on Pakistan. During that on the country from the United
leadership and they can easily get era, the US imposed many Nations and many of its members,
away with demonising Muslims sanctions on Pakistan to bring it including the United States. The
and other minorities. Threat to under pressure. Pakistan’s nuclear sanctions were aimed purely at
Indian Muslims is no longer an programme, missile proliferation, destabilisation of the economy of
internal issue of India as Muslims the saga of the Kashmir issue, and North Korea and to stop its efforts
are facing an oppressive power continuing bilateral nuclear to develop nuclear weapons. This
whose objectives towards its standoff all became the cause of time, the US, with the active
victims are eliminating them and Pak-US strained relations from connivance of India, managed to
challenging their survival. In that 1988-2001. In 1974, the US implement indirect sanctions via
respect, there is no difference imposed an embargo and FATF by bringing Pakistan in the
between Hitler’s attitude towards sanctions on Pakistan to interrupt grey list. I term it a tactic to first
the Jews and Modi’s attitude its nuclear weapons programme. put Pakistan on the grey list and
towards the Muslims. The In 1990 again, right after the then make efforts to put it on the
comparison between Nazi withdrawal of Soviet forces from blacklist, which means heavy
Germany and Hindutva is quite Afghanistan, the US banned the sanctions on Pakistan.
apt. It’s the need of time for the delivery of military equipment
world community to hold India worth $368 million and 28 F-16 When in 2006, North Korea
accountable for all its misdeeds air-crafts to Pakistan for which conducted its nuclear test, this
and to take concrete steps to the country had already paid. attracted global attention, and as
make India change its communal During the President Clinton era, a result, sanctions were imposed
behaviour. India will never be the Symington Amendment was on the country from the United
‘great’ until it protects its religious imposed on Pakistan which states Nations and many of its members,
minorities and their that uranium enhancement including the United States. The
constitutionally recognised technology and nuclear weapons sanctions were aimed purely at
fundamental rights, including the are not allowed to acquire or destabilisation of the economy of
freedom to profess and propagate develop. This amendment was North Korea and to stop its efforts
religion. imposed due to the 1998 nuclear to develop nuclear weapons. This
tests of Pakistan. Currently, time, the US, with the active
Published in The Nation, August 1, 2020 Pakistan is under strict visa connivance of India, managed to
restrictions by the US under the implement indirect sanctions via
Trump administration. The other
FATF countries under US Visa
FATF by bringing Pakistan in the
grey list. I term it a tactic to first
restrictions include Guyana in
restrictions 2001, the Gambia in 2016,
put Pakistan on the grey list and
then make efforts to put it on the
Cambodia, Eritrea, Guinea, and
and economic Sierra Leone in 2017, Burma and
Laos in 2018. The United States
blacklist, which means heavy
sanctions on Pakistan.

has currently imposed

FATF sanctions via the Grey List
commercial, economic, and,
are in fact economic restrictions
Successive governments of ours Bank and USAID, and now, the through the financial crisis. I hope
failed to get out of it as the right final economic bouncer has come the Government of Pakistan will
strategy is not adopted with our way by FATF. take some sensible, pragmatic,
effective international and evidence-based measures
countermeasures. Basically, it was When FATF blacklists any country, before the FATF with the help of
a deliberate attempt to prove our it is extremely likely that it will be China which has already warned
status as a terrorism-sponsoring subject to economic sanctions and member countries not to
state by attempting to establish other prohibitive measures by politicise FATF and not to use the
our abetment in money FATF member states and other forum against Pakistan. China has
laundering and then linking it to international organisations. It is clearly stated, “China does not
terrorism. As a nation, we must now an established fact that want the FATF to be politicised by
know that this is being done with money laundering is a any single country. There are
ulterior motives to destabilise trans-international crime and some countries which want to
Pakistan by further crippling our hence only Pakistan cannot be include Pakistan in the blacklist.
economy. singled out and blamed for money They have political designs which
laundering whereas India, despite China is against.”
international money laundering
The term economic terrorism is
reports has not been reprimanded Pakistan must know that this is
strictly defined to execute an
for their crimes against FATF and not FATF which needs to be
attempt at economic
UN charters. satisfied but it is the USA that
destabilisation of a country,
region, or a group by a certain needs to be handled diplomatically
group and it could be even a In this context, Pakistan has by sorting our side issues with it.
hostile country. Economic fought the ‘War on Terror’ at the The higher ups in government
terrorism has been commonly frontline as an ally of the US and must have a meeting at the
used by state or non-state actors UN, and our country has suffered highest level with the US,
to secretly manipulate a nation’s heavily in terms of economy and otherwise we will continue to
economy. In fact, this is part of the loss of human life. As an ally, make amendments in our laws but
modern fifth generation warfare Pakistan has the right to expose FATF will keep fattening its list of
through proxy wars. In pursuit of countries or state-actors, who demands and we may find
political aims, the economic have tried to undermine the ourselves land in the blacklist over
terrorism targets civilians of struggle against terror by some minor compliance. Hence,
nations, developing countries and indulging in money laundering in we should handle the US, FATF,
emerging economies is the prime pursuit of their hidden agendas and the international community
target of the hostile states and across the globe. I had earlier through our closely associated
groups. This is how sanctions written an article wherein I had countries. We have messed up on
derail the economies of the stated that it is unfortunate that our international matters before
country as they are the most we sacrificed more than 70,000 of including on the Kulbhushan
affected by it because the slowing our troops and civilians and yet issue.
of exports and imports collapses we are facing FATF. This is despite
the fact that Pakistan has been The US has complete hold over
the country’s ability to combat
taking numerous legal and FATF, therefore, whatever
poverty. Sometimes the developed
administrative measures against measures or compliance are being
nations deliberately put sanctions
terrorism. The trend and the taken by the government will not
on developing nations in order to
anti-Pakistan signals work unless we resolve the issue
use political moves against them
demonstrated in the report clearly of Afghanistan. India and the US
by bringing their economy to the
show that FATF is not going to have a common agenda to get
level of disintegration. Hence, the
take Pakistan out of the grey list Pakistan into the FATF blacklist.
increase in poverty and
destabilisation can cause revolts unless Pakistan and the US come
I pray and wish that FATF accepts
among the population and to terms on pending matters.
our efforts and removes Pakistan
possible political destabilisation Pakistan will have to make extra
from its grey list.
which results in an even more efforts for its economic survival. Note: Opinions expressed are solely my
deteriorating situation just like we The continuity of Pakistan being own and not necessarily to reflect the
are gearing into it by hostile in the FATF’s Grey List will bring views or opinions of my party
elements. On one side we are huge financial problems for
under pressure by the IMF/World Pakistan which is already passing Published in The Nation, July 27, 2020
Modi’s among Kashmiris of all hues and
colours has been informed by the
the first time since 1989, how
India presided over brutal

Kashmir experience of living in an

environment of massive rights
repression, igniting a renewed
global interest in a region that has

blunder abuses, illegal detentions,

kidnappings and mass killings for
been on the periphery of global
demanding their UN-sanctioned
August 5 will be remembered in
right to self-determination. From President Trump offering to
history as the day when the BJP
mediate over Kashmir to
government led by RSS-trained
Modi’s action brought all of President Xi Jinping ‘carefully
and Hindutva-inspired Narendra
Kashmir on the same page with reading’ the situation in IOK to
Modi robbed Kashmiris of their
the ‘hardliners’, with ‘reconcilable’ President Erdogan and the
special status and identity by
Kashmiri leaders convinced about supreme Iranian leader calling on
abrogating Article 370 and all
the real designs of the BJP-led India to respect the human rights
other associated legal provisions
Hindu nationalist government. of Kashmiris, prominent American
such as Article 35-A.
politicians such as Bernie Sanders,
One year down the line since that Former CM Mahbooba Mufti told Elizabeth Warren, Ilhan Omar and
fateful day, it makes sense to the BBC in the wake of the Democratic presidential nominee
analyse the broader implications annexation of Jammu & Kashmir: Joe Biden have urged India to
of what the political "They just want to occupy our land restore the rights of the Kashmiris
commentators and keen watchers and want to make this and expressed their
of the region have described as Muslim-majority state like any disappointment with the
Modi’s Kashmir blunder not only other state and reduce us to a constitutional changes that, they
for Kashmir but for India as well minority and disempower us said, were designed to target
as Indo-Pakistan bilateral totally." Muslims.
In the wake of August 5, the
Former CM Mahbooba Mufti told Kashmir issue made it to the UN,
Modi advanced very flimsy, and
the BBC in the wake of the like never before, with the UNSC
self-serving reasons to justify the
annexation of Jammu & Kashmir: meeting twice in a span of a few
“integration” of Jammu and
"They just want to occupy our land months in closed doors to discuss
Kashmir into the Indian Union; it
and want to make this the explosive situation.
did not find traction with the
Muslim-majority state like any
Indians themselves, leave alone
other state and reduce us to a India was never subjected to this
Kashmiris and the world at large.
minority and disempower us level of global scrutiny. Its image
totally." of being the largest democracy
From the clichéd mantra of
has come in for severe criticism
stopping “cross-border terrorism From Farooq Abdullah to Ms with Indian leaders unable to
from Pakistan”, a refrain that has Mufti, who always advocated respond to the questions around
outlived its usefulness, to the political engagement with New their actions in IOK, the
‘promise’ of the ‘merger’ ushering Delhi and spurned armed repressive lockdown and curfew
in a new era of economic resistance, Kashmiri leaders have extended to months on end,
development for J&K region, the learned the hard way how it feels political leaders incarcerated and
prevailing situation, grim and to live under a brutal and an information blockade in place.
serious as it is in one of the repressive regime.
heavily militarized regions of the Other than arranging ‘managed’
world, makes for depressing Modi’s action brought the tours of New Delhi-based
reading. international spotlight back on the diplomats and international
region. The issue had not been a delegations to the valley with
If anything, Modi’s reckless action talking point for much of the people confined to their homes,
that flew in the face of world that has failed to India has failed to give any cogent
international law, the UN differentiate between legitimate and convincing answers to an
resolutions and bilateral treaties armed struggle and terrorism increasing chorus of international
between India and Pakistan has since 9/11, thanks to its obsession calls for lifting the lockdown and
ended up achieving the opposite. with the latter. The international restoring the normalcy.
The sense of grand betrayal media highlighted, probably for
Modi’s action in IOK has The dismantling of secular The dynamics unleashed have
practically closed all the doors to credentials undermines the very injected greater volatility into the
bilateral dialogue. As explained idea of India as envisioned by its region. The possibility of even a
earlier in this space a few weeks founding fathers. August 5, 2019 tactical misunderstanding
ago, there was a broader has been followed by changes of spiraling into a full-fledged war,
consensus amongst Pakistan’s great import such as the leading to a nuclear holocaust, is
political parties, government, and enactment of the Citizenship Act more real than before.
the national security institutions that have deepened divides along
on the need for engagement with the lines of religious affiliations Given the reality of India-Pakistan
India. and caused massive protests relations in the background of the
across India. revocation of the constitutional
This consensus demonstrated
status of J&K, the world does not
itself when former PM Nawaz What the world looks at as India’s afford to feign ignorance and
Sharif flew to New Delhi to attend descent into chaos is more like its remain indifferent. Modi’s Kashmir
Modi’s swearing-in ceremony. And fast-paced journey towards blunder has brought South Asia to
also in Prime Minister Imran becoming a fascist state powered the precipice of a disaster.
Khan’s peace overtures to his by popular, rightwing nationalism
Indian counterpart, indicating his that draws its identity from
government’s policy to root for religious exclusivity at the cost of Published in The News, August 1, 2020
peace and offering his country’s the principles of pluralism.
desire for regional stability.

Such a major shift in Pakistan’s

Another sign of fascism being
legitimized is the increasing
Corruption has
policy direction was caused by the kowtowing of state institutions to
potency of the challenge of the ‘supreme’ leader and the

homegrown terrorism as well as ideology he espouses. Indian
the need for a stable regional human rights activists have noted
environment to pursue a slow but sure process of erosion
socio-economic development, in the independence enjoyed by
NAB needs to be reformed into an efficient
something that suffered on the Indian judiciary and a
anti-corruption body.
account of this country’s decade discernible reluctance to confront
and a half old fight against Prime Minister Imran Khan came
the government’s highly
different terrorist outfits. to power promising to rid the
questionable policies vis-a-vis
nation of what he seemed to have
In what appears to be an action recognised as its biggest flaw —
inspired by ideological corruption. But two years down
The manner in which the Indian
considerations, Modi and his junta the line the flaw seems to have
media has conducted itself in the
of hardcore ideologues repudiated only deepened. Neither has the
aftermath of August 5, 2019 is a
the peace overtures and embarked government recovered any of the
case study in how the media can
on a potentially dangerous course ‘looted’ money, nor has it
descend to the level of the ruling
that will redefine the political and succeeded in sending to jail the
party’s mouthpieces in violation of
strategic landscape of South Asia. ‘looters’ who using their public
foundational principles of
position alleged to have made
Pakistan has little incentive to private pelf.
engage India in negotiations In the absence of any chance for
unless space is made available to dialogue starting in the near There is also nothing much in
Islamabad through the restoration future with even routine terms of PTI government’s
of the status quo ante in IOK. The diplomatic relations downgraded performance to set it apart from
possibility of such a scenario and skirmishes along the LoC its predecessors. Its governance
playing out remains non-existent, becoming more frequent, Kashmir and management of the economy
given the fact that the annexation has emerged as a South Asia’s — if not worse than of the PML-N
of J&K is part of a larger project to most dangerous nuclear –certainly has been no better.
refashion India as a Hindu flashpoint.
Still, had it not been for the governance and economic When a society practices liberal
pathetic performance of NAB, management. Meanwhile, right democracy along with free market
perhaps the government would under its very nose a new jumma economy, it becomes almost
have completed the two years bazaar of mega corruption was impossible to keep the incidence
without losing much of its mushrooming, being indulged in of white collar crime under
political goodwill. allegedly by some of the control through the normal laws.
prominent members of the Indeed, because of the elusive
The government let NAB continue coalition government itself. nature of such crimes it has been
doing its job seemingly without universally recognised that
any pause or hindrance. But when NAB was not only pursuing a preemption rather tackling them
the Bureau relentlessly went after partisan policy but was actually after the fact was perhaps a more
the high-profile opposition defending it publicly saying ‘we go prudent approach to minimise
leadership, it appeared as if it was by the case not by the face’. their occurrence. In civilised
doing a partisan job. The Meanwhile, some of the societies white collar crimes are
government kept claiming publicly observations made by Supreme kept under control by setting up
that it had nothing to do with and High Courts in their statutory regulatory bodies
what NAB was doing. But in the judgments in bail cases actually autonomous of their respective
same breath it kept contradicting cast serious doubts about the ministries and at the same time by
the claim by shouting from every workings of NAB. These enlarging space for the
rooftop that it would not let the observations accused the real development of a strong
‘chors and dacoos’ go unpunished. rulers of the country of using the parliament, a truly independent
Bureau for political engineering. judiciary and a genuinely fearless
The government let NAB continue media.
doing its job seemingly without Generally, white collar crimes are
any pause or hindrance. But when difficult to solve. In fact, it Of course, in the meanwhile, NAB
the Bureau relentlessly went after becomes almost an needs to be reformed into an
the high-profile opposition insurmountable challenge when efficient anti-corruption body and
leadership, it appeared as if it was one tries to prove these cases its top personnel replaced with
doing a partisan job. The beyond a shadow of doubt in a professionally competent ones
government kept claiming publicly court of law, no matter how and quickly too so that the Bureau
that it had nothing to do with strong the evidence. It is like refrains from arresting the
what NAB was doing. But in the trying to follow the footprints of accused without evidence that
same breath it kept contradicting someone who had walked on ice. would stand in a court of law.
the claim by shouting from every
rooftop that it would not let the Published in The Express Tribune, August
‘chors and dacoos’ go unpunished. That is perhaps why the 1st, 2020
performance of NAB has remained
so shoddy since it was set up in
But as the time passed nothing
1999. The low quality professional
positive that could be held as a
standards of the Bureau’s
grand success of government’s
prosecution and investigation
anti-corruption campaign
personnel have also added
emerged from the NAB’s court
considerably to the Bureau’s
rooms. Increasing resort to media
shoddiness. And because of the
trials to cover up the Bureau’s
mindless pursuit of cases with
investigative and prosecution
dubious evidence, the Bureau had,
weaknesses started yielding
on the one hand, brought to a
counter-productive results. Even
virtual standstill the civil
those among the media persons
administration and on the other
who had willingly joined the media
seriously disrupted the business
trial campaign as some kind of
activities as both civil servants and
religious crusade, started
businessmen were allegedly being
questioning the government’s
blackmailed into ‘singing’ against
single-minded pursuit of the
the arrested politicians.
corruption campaign against the
opposition to the neglect of even
Locusts: drone has already been tasked to focus
on manufacturing drones,
held a telephonic conversation on
Wednesday in what’s indeed a rare

remedy according to the federal minister.

Before the coronavirus outbreak,
diplomatic event in the hostile
bilateral relationship. The tele-talk
he said, “we were not producing came on the heels of a recent
After eating humble pie on
any of the equipment on our own meeting between Pakistan’s envoy
moon-sighting issue, Fawad found
– be it gloves, masks or protective to Dhaka and the Bangladeshi
something to celebrate
shields, but now the country is foreign minister.
capable enough of manufacturing
When our science and technology
99% of the medical equipment to The meeting and the phonic
minister announced on Friday that
deal with this challenge.” After contact between the two PMs can
Pakistan has joined the league of
eating humble pie on mark a turnaround in the relations
nations making their own drones,
moon-sighting issue, as his between the two countries which
we had little reason to discard the
‘scientific’ forecast about Eid have been historically tense due to
statement as his usual bombast
falling on July 31 proved untrue, the bitter memories of the 1971
and posturing. The country has
Fawad has found something to events. The relations ebbed to
indeed achieved this milestone in
celebrate about. new lows in 2016 when Hasina’s
a highly competitive and technical
government tried and executed
field. Pulling off this feat goes to
Published in The Express Tribune, July 26, several leaders of Bangladesh
rectify the impression that the
2020. Jamaat-e-Islami over war crimes
country lags behind in the
in 1971. To Pakistan, the cases were
technology sector. After ‘Made in
politically-motivated and violated
Pakistan’ ventilators, the Ministry
a 1974 trilateral agreement. The
of Science and Technology with
the cooperation of the private
Time to bury National Assembly, thus, passed a
unanimous resolution the same
sector has completed the process
of manufacturing drones for the hatchet year condemning the execution of
JI leaders.
elimination of locusts and assist The changing political dynamics in
police surveillance. the region offer a good opportunity Before that, Narendra Modi’s
for Pakistan and Bangladesh election as Indian PM caused
“Initially, 30 drones will be used to
further distancing between
spray in fields for locust control as Pakistan and Bangladesh now Pakistan and Bangladesh. Modi
effective tool against the insect as appear to realise that five decades took full advantage of Hasina’s
spraying through big airplanes in are more than enough for the two mistrust in Pakistan and added
the field is not possible,” Federal estranged neighbours – which fuel to the fire. However, the
Minister Chaudhry Fawad Hussain otherwise have a lot in common – Modi’s recent policies have
said while talking to the media in to bury the hatchet and be friends. potentially reversed the course.
Islamabad. He said that 25 drones The PMs of the two countries, The controversial citizenship act
can spray against locust in a big Imran Khan and Sheikh Hasina, passed by India last year triggered
area at a time, and around 25 held a telephonic conversation on massive protests in Bangladesh so
drones can easily spray on 10 to 20 Wednesday in what’s indeed a rare much so that Modi had to cancel
acres of land. The minister also diplomatic event in the hostile his visit to the country in March.
examined the drones and bilateral relationship. The tele-talk Besides, the China factor also
witnessed them conducting spray. came on the heels of a recent served to detach Bangladesh from
“Besides agriculture, drones can meeting between Pakistan’s envoy India, like it did in the case of Iran
be used by police for surveillance to Dhaka and the Bangladeshi recently by offering economic
also,” he said, adding that drone foreign minister. benefits.
technology would also be used for
surveillance on Islamabad and by Pakistan and Bangladesh now The changing political dynamics
Motorway police, and the use of appear to realise that five decades in the region offer a good
drones in Karachi would help are more than enough for the two opportunity for Pakistan and
reduce the increasing street estranged neighbours – which Bangladesh to revisit their
crimes. otherwise have a lot in common – troubled ties. The two sides
to bury the hatchet and be friends. should start off with
The National Radio and The PMs of the two countries, people-to-people exchanges at
Telecommunication Corporation Imran Khan and Sheikh Hasina, every possible level.
Cricket contests can serve as a
good CBM. Showbiz personalities
like veteran filmstar Shabnam and
renowned songstress Runa Laila
can also play a role. There is,
however, the need to avoid
unnecessary hype so as to
disallow spoilers to undermine
efforts for a diplomatic thaw. Let’s
hope PM Hasina will accept PM
Imran’s invitation to visit Pakistan
and mark the beginning of a new
era in the bilateral ties.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 24,

Past paper
General Ability
& Past Paper

The cost price of 20 articles is the same as the Two numbers are respectively 20% and 50% more
selling price of x articles. If the profit is 25%, then than a third number. The ratio of the two numbers
the value of x is: is:

A. 15 A. 2:5
B. 16 B. 3:5
C. 18 C. 4:5
D. 25 D. 6:7

Answer: Option B Answer: Option C

In a certain store, the profit is 320% of the cost. If Seats for Mathematics, Physics and Biology in a
the cost increases by 25% but the selling price school are in the ratio 5 : 7 : 8. There is a proposal to
remains constant, approximately what percentage increase these seats by 40%, 50% and 75%
of the selling price is the profit? respectively. What will be the ratio of increased
A. 30%
B. 70% A. 2:3:4
C. 100% B. 6:7:8
D. 250% C. 6:8:9
D. None of these
Answer: Option B
Answer: Option A
The percentage profit earned by selling an article
for Rs. 1920 is equal to the percentage loss incurred A sum of money is to be distributed among A, B, C, D
by selling the same article for Rs. 1280. At what in the proportion of 5 : 2 : 4 : 3. If C gets Rs. 1000
price should the article be sold to make 25% profit? more than D, what is B's share?

A. Rs. 2000 A. Rs. 500

B. Rs. 2200 B. Rs.1500
C. Rs. 2400 C. Rs. 2000
D. None D. None of these

Answer: Option A Answer: Option C

Sam purchased 20 dozen of toys at the rate of Rs. The H.C.F. of two numbers is 23 and the other two
375 per dozen. He sold each one of them at the rate factors of their L.C.M. are 13 and 14. The larger of
of Rs. 33. What was his percentage profit? the two numbers is:

A. 3.5 A. 276
B. 4.5 B. 299
C. 5.6 C. 322
D. 6.5 D. 345

Answer: Option C Answer: Option C

Six bells commence tolling together and toll at Answer: Option A
intervals of 2, 4, 6, 8 10 and 12 seconds respectively.
In 30 minutes, how many times do they toll What is the probability of getting a sum 9 from two
together? throws of a dice?

A. 4 A. 1/6
B. 10 B. 1/8
C. 15 C. 1/9
D. 16 D. 1/12

Answer: Option D Answer: Option C

The product of two numbers is 4107. If the H.C.F. of

these numbers is 37, then the greater number is:

A. 101
B. 107
C. 111
D. 185

Answer: Option C

Tickets numbered 1 to 20 are mixed up and then a

ticket is drawn at random. What is the probability
that the ticket drawn has a number which is a
multiple of 3 or 5?

A. 1/2
B. 2/5
C. 8/15
D. 9/20

Answer: Option D

A bag contains 2 red, 3 green and 2 blue balls. Two

balls are drawn at random. What is the probability
that none of the balls drawn is blue?

A. 10/21
B. 11/21
C. 2/7
D. 5/7
Current Affairs

1. Ease of doing business is an index which is D. None of these

published by the

A. World Bank 8. Operation Zarb-e-Azab was started on

B. International Monetary Fund
C. United Nation A. 24 April 2014
D. World Economic Forum B. 29 April 2014
C. 15 June 2014
2. How many members are there in the United D. None of these
Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)?
9. Gymnophobia is the fear of
A. 17
B. 27 A. Nudity
C. 37 B. Gyms
D. 47 C. Hotels
D. None of these
3. “Commonwealth Day” is annually celebrated on
10. The book “Higher than Hopes” is the biography
A. 1st March of
B. 31st March
C. First Wednesday of March A. Nelson Mandela
D. Second Monday of March B. Henry S. Commager
C. Bill Clinton
4. The WTO is the successor to D. None of these

A. GATT 11. Who was the founder of America’s Republican

B. World Bank Party?
D. ECO A. Alexander Hamilton
B. Franklin D. Roosevelt
5. NAFTA is an agreement signed by C. George Washington
A. Canada D. None of these
C. Mexico 12. British Government sold Kashmir to Maharaja
D. All of these Gulab Singh in

6. “UDHR Day” or “Universal Declaration of Human A. 1846

Rights Day” is observed on: B. 1845
C. 1843
A. Dec 10 D. None of these
B. Nov 8
C. Sep 12 13. Who was the first Chief Minister of Baluchistan
D. Jan 14 from 1972 to 13 February 1973?

7. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah fixed his A. Sher Bux Muree

salary as the Governor-General of Pakistan at B. Sardar Attaullah Khan Mengal
C. Mir Ghulam Qadir Khan
A. Rs. 1 D. None of these
B. Rs. 3
C. Rs. 4
14. Which among the following countries releases a
higher amount of Carbon Dioxide into the atmo-

(A) Canada
(B) Russia
(C) China
(D) None of these

15. East India Company was established in

(A) 1604
(B) 1603
(C) 1600
(D) None of these
General Science and Ability

1) The biggest planet in our solar system is d. Tadhkira

e. None of these
a. Venus
b. Pluto (7) Which of the following layers make radio trans-
c. Jupiter mission possible?
d. None of these
a. Troposphere
2) The atmosphere of the moon consists of b. Ionosphere
c. Mesosphere
a. 90% Hydrogen, 10% Nitrogen d. Stratosphere
b. 80%Nitrogen, 20% Hydrogen e. None of these
c. 60% Nitrogen, 40%inert gases
d. None of these (8) Which of the following explains the reason why
there is no total eclipse of the sun?
3) The planet Mercury completes one rotation
around the sun is a. Size of the earth in relation to that of moon
b. The orbit of the moon around earth
a. 88 days c. The direction of rotation of the earth around sun
b. 365 days d. Area of the sun covered by the moon
c. 98 days e. None of these
d. 60 days
e. None of these (9) Television signals are converted into light signals
4) Sun is a:
a. Optical fiber
a. Planet b. Transistor
b. Comet c. Decoder
c. Satellite d. Photo diode
d. Aurora e. None of these
e. None of these
(10) Where do most of Asteroids lie?
5) An eclipse of the sun occurs when
a. In asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and
a. The moon is between the sun and the earth Jupiter
b. The sun is between the earth and the moon b. In asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and
c. The earth is between the sun and the moon Venus
d. The earth casts its shadow on the moon c. In asteroid belt between the orbits of Jupiter and
e. None of these. Venus
d. Everywhere in the sky
6) Name the famous book of Ibn-Sina in which he e. None of these
discussed human physiology and medicine:
(11) The number of spark plugs needed in a diesel
a. Al-Qanoon engine is
b. Al-Masudi
c. New Renaissance a. 2
b. 3 d. The rise in temperature
c. 0 e. Rain forests
d. 4
e. None of these (17) A moderator is used in a nuclear reactor in order
(12) The half-life of a radioactive element is 8-days.
How long it takes to reduce it from 10 mg to 5 mg?
a. Accelerate the neutrons
b. Slow down the speed of the neutrons
a. 4 days
c. Increase the number of elections
b. 12 days
d. Decrease the number of electrons
c. 16 days
e. None of these
d. 8 days
(18) Sedimentary rocks are:
e. None of these
(13) The term ‘Blue Shift’ is used to indicate:
a. Porous
a. Doppler effect in which an object appears bluer b. Hard
when it is moving towards the observer or observ- c. Rough
er is moving towards the object. d. Brittle
b. Turning a star from white to blue e. Volcanic
c. In future sun would become blue
d. Blackhole was blue at its start
e. None of these

(14) Kilowatt-hour is a unit of: (19) Which one of the following is a non-metallic
a. Power
b. Electric Current a. Manganese
c. Energy b. Magnesium
d. Time c. Gypsum
e. None of these d. Bauxite
e. None of these
(15) Fuel used in a Fast Breeder Reactor is:
(20) The ozone layer prevents the following radia-
a. Uranium Oxide tion from entering the atmosphere:
b. Uranium Plutonium carbide
c. Uranium Plutonium Oxide a. Infra-red
d. Uranium thorium Oxide b. Ultraviolet
e. None of these c. X-rays
d. Gamma rays
(16) Monsoon is caused by: e. None of these

a. Seasonal reversal of winds (21) The phenomenon of Aurora Borealis, the display
b. Revolution of earth of red and green lights in the northern hemisphere
c. Movement of clouds is due to radiations from:
a. seedless fruits
a. Ionosphere b. parthenogenesis fruits
b. Troposphere c. parthenocarpic fruits
c. Mesosphere d. placental fruits
d. Stratosphere e. Organic fruits
e. None of these
(22) Yeast is used in making bread because it (26) An animal which captures and readily kills
produces: living animals for its food is called:

a. Carbon dioxide a. Parasite

b. Sugar b. Scavenger
c. Bacteria c. Predator
d. Oxygen d. Mammal
e. None of these e. None of these

(23) Oasis is associated with: (27) In a railway track, two rails are joined end to
end with a gap in between them because:
a. Glaciers
b. Desert a. Steel can be saved
c. Islands b. Accidents due to contraction in winter can be
d. Volcanoes avoided
e. Fertile land c. Air gaps are necessary for bearing the weight of
running train
(24) Quartz crystal in quartz watches work on the d. Accidents due to expansion in summer can be
principle called: avoided
e. All of these
a. Photoelectric effect
b. Stark effect
c. Thermionic effect
d. Piezo-electric effect
e. None of these

(25) The fruits without seed, like banana, are called:

Pakistan Affairs

1. Name the saint, who first came to Lahore.

6. Who called the "spiritual guide" as shopkeepers?
a. Ali Makhdum Hujwari
a. Shaikh Ahmed Sirhindi
b. Shaikh Ismail
b. Shah Waliullah
c. Data Gunj Baksh
c. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
d. None of these.
d. None of these
2. Ghiyas-ud-din Balban declared himself king of
7. When Nadva-tul-Ulema came into being?
Delhi Sultanate in the year

d. None of these (1884)
d. None of these

8. Who initiated the cult of Shivaji against the

Muslims of India?

a. Bal Ganga dher tilak

3. Who founded Daulatabad and shifted the capital
b. Bennerji
of Delhi Sultanate?
c. Pandit madan mohan
d. None of these
a. Ghiyas-ud-din Tughluq
b. Muhammad Tughluq
9. Who led Simla deputation in 1906?
c. Feroze shah Tughluq
d. Mone of these
a. Sir Agha Khan
b. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
4. Who set up the chain of justice to redress the
c. Nawab Muhsin ul Mulk.
grievances of oppressed people?
d. None of these
10.when Nehru committee was constituted to
a. Zaheer-ud-din Babar
propose the future constitution of India?
b. Shahab-ud-din Shahjahan
c. Aurangzeb Alimgir
a. Feb 1927
d. None of these
b. Feb 1928
c. Feb 1929
5.who was known in history as Mujaddid Alf Thani,
d. None of these
the reformer of second millennium?

Compiled by Atoofah Azmat, Student Counselor

a.Shaikh Ahmed Sirhindi
b. Shah Waliullah
c. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
d. None of these

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