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Nama : Arshi Nur Herdiyanti

NIM : 1905113797

1. Read the following article. What is the meaning of the words in


Elements and compounds react with (bereaksi dengan) each other in

numerous ways. Almost every inorganic chemical reaction falls into one
or more of four broad categories.

I. Combination Reactions(reaksi kombinasi)

Two or more reactants form one product in a combination

reaction. An example of a combination reaction is the
formation of sulfur dioxide when sulfur is burned in air:
S(s)+O2 (g)-->SO2 (g)

(Dua atau lebih reaktan membentuk satu produk dalam reaksi kombinasi.
Contoh reaksi kombinasi adalah pembentukan sulfur dioksida ketika
sulfur dibakar di udara)

II. Decomposition Reactions(reaksi penguraian)

In a decomposition reaction, a compound breaks down into

two or more substances. Decomposition usually results from
electrolysis or heating. An example of a decomposition
reaction is the breakdown of mercury (II) oxide into its
component elements.
2HgO (s) + heat --> 2Hg (l) + O2 (g)

(Dalam reaksi dekomposisi, suatu senyawa terurai menjadi dua atau

lebih zat. Dekomposisi biasanya hasil dari elektrolisis atau pemanasan.
Contoh reaksi dekomposisi adalah pemecahan merkuri (II) oksida
menjadi elemen-elemen komponennya.)

III. Single Displacement Reactions

A single displacement reaction is characterized by an atom or

ion of a single compound replacing (mengganti) an atom of
another element. An example of a single displacement reaction
is the displacement of copper ions in a copper sulfate solution
(larutan tembaga sulfat) by zinc metal, forming zinc sulfate:
(seng sulfat)

Zn (s) + CuSO4 (aq) --> Cu (s) + ZnSO4 (aq)

Single displacement reactions are often subdivided into more

specific categories, e.g., redox reactions (reaksi redoks)
-chemical reactions which involve oxidation and reduction.

IV. Double Displacement Reactions(reaksi perpindahan ganda)

Double displacement reactions also may be called metathesis

reactions (reaksi metatetis). In this type of reaction, elements
from two compounds displace each other to form new
compounds. An example of a double displacement reaction
occurs when solutions of calcium chloride (kalium klorida)
and silver nitrate (perak nitrat) react to form insoluble silver
chloride (perak klorida tidak larut) in a solution of calcium
nitrate (kalsium nitrat).
CaCl2 (aq) + 2 AgNO3 (aq) --> Ca(NO3)2 (aq) + 2 AgCl (s)

A neutralization reaction (reaksi netralisasi) is a specific type

of double displacement reaction that occurs when an acid
(asam) reacts with a base (basa), producing a solution of salt
and water (larutan garam dan air). An example of a
neutralization reaction is the reaction of hydrochloric acid
(asam hidroklorik) and sodium hydroxide (natrium hidroksida)
to form sodium chloride (natrium klorida) and water:

HCl (aq) + NaOH (aq) --> NaCl (aq) + H2O (l)

Remember that reactions can belong to more than one category.

Also, it would be possible to present more specific categories,
such as combustion reactions (reaksi pembakaran) or
precipitation reactions (reaksi pertisipasi).

2. What are the main types of inorganic chemical reactions?

 Combination reaction
 Decomposition reaction
 Single displacement reaction
 Double displacement reaction

3. What is the difference between single and double displacement

Single displacement reaction, is a chemical reaction in which one (or more)
elements replace / other elements in a compound. A + BC → AC + B

Whereas the double displacement reaction, is a chemical reaction which involves

the exchange of bonds between two non-reacting chemical species that produce the
formation of products with the same type of bond. AB + CD → AD + CB

4. What other types of inorganic reactions – apart from the 4 main

ones – are mentioned in the article?
1. Combustion Reaction. Combustion reactions are exothermic reactions which
produce heat and can also produce light in the form of fire or light.

2. Acid Base Reaction and Neutralization. This is a special type of double

displacement reaction, which is characterized by the reaction between acids and
bases. the H + ion in the acid reacts with the OH ion - which is present at the
bottom, causing the formation of water. In general, the final product of this
reaction is water and some salt ions.

3. Redox Reaction. This reaction involves changes in the oxidation state of the
reactants. Redox is a short form of oxidation-reduction reaction. For certain atoms,
ions or molecules, depending on the oxidation and reduction reactions.

5. What is the difference between:

 chemical reaction chemical equation

Chemical reaction is a process of one or more substances into one or more

new products. Whereas chemical equations are written representations of
chemical reactions in the form of symbols and numbers. Atomic symbols are
used to represent the elements involved in chemical reactions. The number is
used to write down the ratio of reactants and products that take place during the
reaction. While the arrows are used to indicate the direction of the reaction,
usually pointing from the reactants to the product.

 to break down breakdown

to break down = (memecahkan) To break down is a verb phrase
(consisting of a verb and another part of speech, in this case an adverb)
meaning to go out of order, lose self-control, or separate into parts or
decompose. The phrasal verb is pronounced with equal stress on both words.
Breakdown= (Kerusakan) Breakdown means a failure to function, a
collapse, or an analysis, especially one relating to statistics. The word is
pronounced with the stress on the first syllable.

6. What is the meaning of the following abbreviations used in

chemical equations in the text?
(s) (g) (l) (aq)

Solid (s) : solids, deposits, powders, bars

Gas (g) : steam or gas
Liquid (l) : liquid or fused
Aqueous (aq) : solution or dissolved in water

7. What is the meaning of the following expressions?

oxide : (oksida) Oxides are chemical compounds that contain at least one
oxygen atom and at least one other element.

nitrate : (nitrat) Nitrate is a polyatomic ion with the molecular formula NO 3

and a molecular mass of 62.0049 g / mol. Nitrate also describes the organic
functional group RONO2.

chloride : (klorida) Chloride is an ion formed when the chlorine element gets
one electron to form an anion (negative charged ion) Cl−. The word chloride can
also refer to chemical compounds where one or more chlorine atoms have covalent
bonds in the molecule. This means that chloride can be inorganic or organic

hydroxide : (hidroksida) Hydroxide is a polyatomic ion consisting of oxygen

and hydrogen (OH−). This ion is charged −1 and is one of the simplest polyatomic
ions. Most hydroxides are insoluble in water.

sulfate/sulphate : (sulfat) sulfate is a polyatomic anion with the SO42-

empirical formula. Salt, acid derivatives, sulfuric peroxide are widely used in
industry. Sulfate is widely used in daily life. Sulfate can also be used to refer to
salts from sulfuric acid and some other compounds made of these acids.
acid : (asam) An acid is a molecule or ion that can provide protons (hydrogen H
+ ions), or, alternatively, can form covalent bonds with electron pairs (Lewis

iodide : (iodida) Iodides are Iodine ions with a charge of -1 and an oxidation
number of -1. This ion is one of the biggest sized ions, around 206 picometers.
Iodide ions form salts with cations (positive ions) from metal elements. The
resulting salt is soluble in water.

fluoride : (fluorida) Fluoride is an inorganic, monatomic anion of fluorine with

the chemical formula F−. Fluoride is the simplest fluorine anion. Salt and
minerals are reagents and important industrial chemicals. Its main use is in the
production of hydrogen fluoride for fluorocarbons.

bromide : (bromida) liquid red at room temperature and has reactivity between
chlorine and iodine. In liquid form, this substance is corrosive to human tissue and
its vapors cause irritation to the eyes and throat

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