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Good touch & Bad touch What is fe touch? a e When someone touches you and it makes you feel safe, secure, happy and cared for, is called a good touch! ot - Hugs from your parents. ( - Kisses from your grandparents. - Giving high five to your friends. a - A pat from your teacher. - Doctor touching to examine your body. wh What is a bad touch? When someone touches you in a way that makes you feel sad, uncomfortable, dirty, confused, unsafe or scared, then its a bad touch! A touch that you don't like! - Slapping Shine % 3% O $46 tho HAN SSR Sib i on LAH - Kicking - Someone bullying you (Ee - Touching your private parts im - Pinching = Cs - Hitting =< Other than parents, there are many people in the family & friend's circle whom you trust and share your feelings, emotions, secrets and fears with! With the help of your parents, make three safe circles of the people you can trust. Paste their pictures. (excluding your parents) Know your body! Do not let anyone touch Area between thighs Private parts: The parts of.body that are covered with clothes especially a swimming costume. - Your body belongs to you & only you, nobody else! - Only your parents/grandparents have the right to touch your private parts while giving you a bath. - Sometimes, doctors may touch your private parts to examine you but that should be done in the presence of your mother or father. - Nobody has the right to see or click pictures of your private parts. © © Your body will tel you when you are scared or nervous when something is WRONG! ¢:.. Uneasy feeling in your tummy --H-ghaky legs AA Keep a look out for such warning signs always! Just Do It! How should you respond to a bad touch? D> Say “NO, DON'T TOUCH ME or I DON'T LIKE IT” with a big voice! sa > If the person does not listen, then just RUN AWAY as fast as you can toa safe place. Try to draw attention while you are running! he LE» : . is Se. . ) D> Goto a TRUSTED ADULT & TELL them what happened. Never keep it a SECRET! > Describe the person/vehicle/place. Try to explain everything that you can. GOOD touch or BAD touch? Connect the examples of good touch to the happy face & bad touch to the angry face. @ Your safety is in your hands! Choose the correct option: é 1. When a stranger offers you a candy, would you take it? gov x 2. A stranger is watching you when you are playing in a park. You notice that and walk away to a safe place with your friend. Is it a correct thing to do? Ee 3. Someone tries to touch you in a bad way and tells you to keep it a secret. You decide not to tell anyone. Is it correct? ’ F 4. A stranger comes to you and asks you to accompany him. He promises to show you a puppy. You refuse and walk away. Is that a right thing to do? @ , oe \ Shine BH OFA PARED a a 2 5e SEP Boe LAH : i Di ae a 5. In a public transportation, a stranger comes and sits next you and starts touching you at wrong places. You decide to stay quite and not shout for help. Is it correct? 6. A stranger offers you a chocolate and you refuse to take it. Is it correct? Av *

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