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Product distribution: the basics”

presented by:

Karen viviana pulido porras

File 2104785


SENA 2020


According to the text read (which apparently comes from the European
community), it refers to the importance that must be handled when transporting
goods within the distribution chain, since “Choosing the correct mode of transport
means achieving a balance between time and budgetary limitations ”for this
reason, it is necessary to take into account aspects and variables within the
process of choosing the appropriate one for the transportation of the product to be
distributed; such as the type of product, the level of cost, whether it requires risk
policies or insurance.

Likewise, other variables that must be taken into account when choosing the ideal
transport for the product are the dimensions of the same since it is necessary to
have a transport with dimensions according to those required by the product so
that it does not suffer damage during its journey. or when accommodating it, do not
suffer any type of damage, if the product requires rapid transportation since it may
be a perishable product or if due to its high monetary cost requires additional
protection, all these requirements or stipulations that must be added at the time of
choosing the transport and that can generate additional costs to the contract
concluded between supplier and buyer must be agreed by both parties
participating in the contract.

The selection of the type of transport must be chosen with the requirements and
needs mentioned above, there are several types of transport which serve and
accommodate the needs of the supplier for the distribution of their product, the
types of transport mentioned in the text They are; road transport, rail, air and sea
transport. Each of these transport styles have costs, requirements and
specifications for the execution and acceptance of the service for the product,
therefore a special and rigorous planning of the means by which the product will be
distributed must be carried out, managing a correct balance between cost for not
leaving the budget, product delivery time and customer satisfaction, which is
ultimately the reason for good service.


Aduana – customs

Agente de carga - Freight forwarders

Buques - vessels

Calendario - schedule

Costoso – expensive

Embalaje – packaging

Empaque – packing

Envio – shipping

Ferrocarril – Rail

Flete Aereo - airfreight

Llamativo – striking

Peligroso – dangerous

Perecedero – perishable

Presupuesto –budget

Productos – products

Proveedor – supplier

Rastreo - tracking

Riesgo - risk.

Sistema – system

Transporte – transport

Valioso – Valuable

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