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Guidelines for KICK OFF Plug.

1. Mud Removal and Slurry Placement are key factors:
a. Condition mud properly by circulating through pipe, check circulating pressure against
CemCADE® simulation.
b. Reciprocate pipe to maximize mud mobility (only while circulating).
c. Use a diverter tool to avoid jetting slurry downwards.
d. Use of a stinger 1.5 times the expected plug length to minimize slurry disturbance when pulling
out of plug (when appropriate).
e.Centralization of pipe could be considered in straight holes, but is not recommended for deviated

2. Cement Design:
a. Determine accurately BHST (Logs, MWD…).
b. Use CemCADE® Temperature Simulator to predict BHCT (based on accurate circulation) and to
check temperature recovery.
c. Choose slurry density based on:
1.Compressive Strength needed (depending on compressive strength of the formation).
Preferably, plug should be place in a shale formation, rather than harder formation.
2.Drilling fluid density. Slurry and mud density should be as close as possible to avoid slumping.
We do recommend pumping a 13.5 ppg LiteCRETE® slurry (3000 psi in 24 hours at 120 F) for
standard kick off in DACION. We would recommend pumping an heavier slurry (17 ppg
DensCRETE®) for harder formations.
d. Slurry Rheology should be high enough to ensure proper placement in Effective Laminar Flow
(WELLCLEAN® Technology simulated by CemCADE®). Rheology should be increased (Yield
Point, gel strength) when slurry placed in deviated hole to minimize swapping of the fluids.
e. Slurry FL and Free water should be minimized to increase plug stability and minimize effects of
f. Slurry homogeneity is better ensured when plug is batch mixed.
g. Thickening time should account for premixing, pumping time, time to pull out the pipe plus 1.5
hours safety time. Note that test is done in dynamic conditions and cannot predict slurry
behavior when left in static.
h. WOC should be based on UCA and cube crushing performed at Circulating Temperature. A
compressive strength test could be run with contaminated cement (90/10) to ensure WOC is
long enough. As a general rule, 24 hours should be the minimum WOC.

3. Plug Stability is a must for Kick off plug.

a. A proper base for the cement plug will prevent flip-over slumping or sinking.
b. A solid base is preferred, however when not possible, a high viscous pill should be spotted. It
should be bentonite-based (to minimize contamination with cement), barely pumpable (high
yield point and gel strength), with adequate density (halfway between mud and cement).
c. POOH slowly to minimize plug disturbance. Check for overpull that could indicate premature
slurry setting.
d. If first plug does not work, do not drill it out completely as it can be used as a base for the next

4. Slurry Volume
a. Define interval depth for kick off (minimum and maximum depth). Design Top of Cement 200 ft
above to account for contamination.
b. Caliper of the hole section to be plugged is mandatory for two main reasons:
1.To ensure proper mud removal and slurry placement.
2.To ensure that top of cement will not be lower than planned.
c. Excess can also be used (if caliper not available): 50 to 100 % depending on OH diameter and
mud type.
d. Plug length range: 300-900ft.
1. Use of a diverter tool is recommended. While RIH pipe in deviated OH, circulation should be
established every 500-1000 ft to make sure Diverter do not get plugged.

2. Balance plug method is preferred method (when applicable). If tailpipe is used CemCADE® plug
design module advanced method computation should be used to prevent leaving a core of spacer
and drilling mud in the top of the plug.

3. Use of Plug Placement Tool should be envisaged.

4. Use of Plug Placement Tool should be envisaged.

5. POOH slowly monitoring overpull. If overpull is detected, pipe should be POOH as quickly as
possible 200 ft above top of cement (calculation based on gauge hole).

6. Do not circulate on top of the plug but 150 to 200 ft above for two main reasons:
a. To minimize plug disturbance
b. Because there is a chance that Top of cement is higher than estimated.

7. If reverse circulation is chosen, pressure should be closely monitored, as it might induce slurry

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