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More and more qualified people are moving from poor to rich countries to fill the
inconsistence in specialist areas like engineering, computing and medicine. Some people
believe that by encouraging the movement of such people, rich countries are stealing from the
poor countries. They feel that this is only part of nature of movement of workers around the
world. Consider both points of view.

There has been a recent trend of movement of qualified persons from their various homelands
to rich countries in the name of filling the inconsistence in specialist areas in their countries.
Among the consequences of this, many people are ascertained that the action is a cynical
opening for the rich countries to steal both the people and their expertise, following that many
of them hardly return from their journeys. This essay seeks to address the reality if the people’s
movement and the extent to which these views are true.

The rampant migration of qualified people from poor countries to rich countries in quest to fill
the inconsistence in their respective areas of specialty and its recorded result of them not
returning to serve their own nations seems diabolical in the eyes of many. Whereas some are
inclined to the beneficial aspect of this movement, many others view it a strategy of theft of
their human resource. This essay weighs both view points and brings to analysis the general
public concerns and effects of this migration.

Owing to the fact that qualified individuals, thus professionals of specialist areas have resorted
to travelling from their small countries to countries where they can easily have access to filling
the inconsistence of their professions, a good percentage of the sundry conceive the situation
as theft on the part of the host countries of their country men. This is in view of the happening
that such professionals refuse to return home to serve their countries, and instead, the offer
their services endlessly to the rich countries. To this effect, many people these rich countries’
support for the movement is a bait to steal their people. This essay therefore, considers the
depth of these views and evaluates the movement of these qualified personnel in its entirety.

2. It is becoming more and more difficult to escape the influence of the media on our lives.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the media reach of the society .

Is it not skeptical how classifying the effects if the mass media on the lives of people in the
society, especially the youth? Whereas some people believe the media is of great importance
with reference to its aid in public awareness and announcements, political criticism and
entertainment, many also think that society is better off without the media. They believe the
negative impacts, such as distraction affects everybody no matter their age. This essay is geared
toward bringing out both how advantageous the media is and the threats it poses to society
even from the individual level, as well as how to keep it in check.

Issue concerning the media has been widely discussed over the years. Whereas some people
only see how positively impactful the media is, others are bent on criticizing even the existence
of the media as though it has no positive influence at all. It is on this base that thus essay
discusses both the positive and the negative effects of the media in modern .

It is an indisputable fact that the mass media has great influence on our dear lives as people.
The media is that non-personal channel of broadcasting a message to the general public . This
includes the national radio, television and newspaper . According to Daniel Nations (2000), the
media is a two -way street that gives you the ability to communicate and be communicated to.
But how and to what extent does the media affect people ? What are the benefits and
problems caused by the media? This essay seeks to explain the core advantages and
disadvantages of the media .

3.Modern lifestyle means that many parents have little time for their children . Many children
suffer because they do not get as much attention from their parents as children did in the past.
What are your views?

Modern lifestyle has recorded the cause of negligence of parents in the light of giving much
time to their children . Parents seek their own interests ,follow their passions at the expense of
their children ,leaving them unattended to, sometimes with nannies and house helps . This
situation had become the reason why children if today go through emotional pains and suffer
many consequences emerging from this poor parent-child relationship . In this essay ,I would
like to consider the details of the sufferings modern children go through as compared to those
in the past and the reality of issues regarding its trending effects.

Modern lifestyle is an issue of controversy ; observations made by renowned researchers

prove that this lifestyle ,which underscores new interests , opinions ,behaviors and orientation
of people, is the foundation of the sufferings modern children experience as parents in the
name of this give sufficient time to their children . It is worth saying that there is a wide gap
between children of the present age and those of the past because of the lifestyle of modern
parents. This essay in response to these observations reveals the details of the plight of children
in this regard, and the general overview of modern lifestyle and its related influences.
Has modern lifestyle any demand that affects parents - children relationship? Could some of the
emotional and psychological disorders children of today go through be related to the
insufficient time and attention parents have for their children? Many people, especially parents
and guardians in this modern era have embraced this modern lifestyle ,not taking track of its
consequence on their children . This differentiates between parenting and children life in past
and present days . This essay enumerates how children suffer because of little or no attention
from parents of this age.

Arts, as part of the cultural heritage of a country is considered very essential in the
development of a country . It is the expression or application of human creative skills and
imagination typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture ,producing works to be
appreciated primarily for their emotional power, according to Miriam Webster Dictionary
online. With reference to the responsibility of nations to help develop its human resource , it is
viewed that arts should receive sponsorship and subsidy from government and big companies .
This essay puts forward the reasons for such views discusses the importance of arts and its
development .

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