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Aspects to Evaluate Group 1 (Score: 1-5) Group 2 (Score: 1-5)

Students respect the order of

participation, the assigned topic and
other indications of the moderator.

Students respect the participants in

the debate, avoid disqualifying the
others and avoid using language
and gestures that attack, humiliate
or offend the others.

Adequate handling of non-verbal

language, strong and clear tone of
the voice, eye contact with other
participants and gestures that
generate attention to the debate.

Students support their ideas and

arguments with evidence from
various sources.

Students offer clear, concise and

organized questions and answers.

The argumentation shows a

coherent development when

Students make a good counter

argumentation, identifying the
weaknesses of their opponents
regarding the justification of their
arguments and the scope of the
possible consequences.

Students have group coherence and

cohesion, act as a team and
maintain the same line of thought.

The students' argumentation seems

to be forceful and their attitude
reveals conviction and confidence.


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