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Coffee : Drink to Your Health

Many of us feel like we cannot function without our first cup of coffee in the morning . Why do
we feel that way? Caffeine , the main ingredient found in coffee is a stimulant . It causes your heart
rate to increase , your pupils to dilate and your muscles to tighten up. The precise effect of caffeine
is dependent on numerous factors , including your own tolerance as well as how much you drink . In
general ,caffeine increases short-term mental alertness , energy , and the ability to concentrate . It is
particularly effective in people who work at night and can also enhance athletic performance .
Caffeine injects adrenalin into your system to give you a boost and make you feel good.

Historically , small amounts of caffeine have been used to help control weight , alleviate pain ,open
up airways for improved breathing and overcome chronic fatigue . To understand how a double
espresso can take you from dead tired to completely wired , you first need an introduction to the
compound adenosine . Right now , adenosine is coursing through veins and its job is to put the
brakes on your central nervous system .You might call it nature’s chill pill . That’s because as your
day progresses , adenosine builds up naturally in your bloodstream causing you to slow down and
become sleepier , and so it’s time to recharge your batteries . And it turns out , caffeine is an
excellent adenosine impersonator causing your central nervous system to run at a faster rate .
Because caffeine revs up your central nervous system , it slightly increases your heart rate and
breathing rate , both of which help prepare your body for peak performance . .Soon after your first
sip , caffeine begins to work its magic by causing the release of dopamine . Dopamine is a brain
chemical that stimulates the area of your gray matter responsible for alertness , problem solving ,
and pleasure .

Recent studies indicate that coffee drinkers are less likely to develop Alzheimer’s and diabetes
compared to non-drinkers and they’re also less apt to die from heart disease . The antioxidant
compounds in coffee may help prevent several TYPES OF CANCER . In a Japanese study , women
who drank three cups of coffee a day had half the risk of developing colon cancer . Moreover ,
consuming caffeinated coffee an hour before vigorous exercise may help prevent pain while you
are working out

However , coffee is not for everyone : it can cause insomnia , anxiety , and irregular heartbeat in
some people , and too much caffeine during pregnancy can increase miscarriage risk . Plus ,
specialty coffee drinks , like Starbucks and Frappuccinos , can be high in calories . But if coffeE is
your drink of choice remember it has many ways that can boost your health

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