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AttSaagagag a St t $ty 5t

The Law of God

And God spake all these words, saying,
am Jehovah thy God, who brought thee out of the land of
Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
Thou shalt ha2'e no other gods before me.
Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any like-
ness of anything that is in heal,en above, or that is in the earth
beneath, or that is in the 71,ater under the earth: thou shalt not bow
down thyself unto them, nor ser'be them; for 1 Jeho9ah thy God am
a jealous God, 'bisiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children,
upon the third and upon the fourth generation of them that hate me,
and showing loving-kindness unto thousands of them that lol,e me
and keep my commandments.
Thou shalt not take the name ofJehovah thy God in vain; for
Jehovah 'WU not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou
labor, and do all thy work; but the seventh day is a sabbath unto
Jehovah thy God: in it thou shalt not do any ?bark, thou, nor thy
son, nor thy daughter, thy man-servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor
thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within this gates: for in six days
Jehovah made hea2'en and earth, the sea, and ad that in them is, and
rested the seventh day: wherefore Jehovah blessed the sabbath day,
and hallowed it.
Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long in
the land Ibbich Jehovah thy God giveth thee.
Thou shalt not kill.
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Thou shalt not steal.
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet
thy neighbor's wife, nor his man-servant, nor his maid-servant, nor
his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor's.


experiments show that the dietary stand- Regular subscription price, 5o cents
littbitstins' rage ards now generally accepted are entirely a year.
Conducted by the Department of Circulation of at fault; also that nearly every one eats 4o er cent discount is given to agents
the Review and Herald Publishing too much, and that limiting the __food in on early subscriptions.
Association certain directions would be a great ad-
vantage healthfully as well as econom-
ically. • Do You Have a Cold?
Appeal to Clergy Prevention of La Grippe, a short ar- IFyou have, this notice will interest
EVERY mail brings liberal orders for ticle, Which will be found timely in many you. Its contents are of sufficient im-
" Appeal to Clergy." Though it was not localities. portance to claim your attention, even
issued until the first of January, about This number also contains excellent thou1h you are not now suffering with
5oo,000 copies had been circulated up to medical missionary reports, valuable this most common malady, for it an-
March 1. With the orders come en- hints and suggestions for the mistress noun es the completion of the —
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sults produced
6 by the " Ap-
peal," and words of apprecia- by Dr. G. H. Heald, editor of
tion of it by thousands who Life and Health.
have received it from our The object of this little book
Throughout the country in-
Do You Know is to enable you not only to
treat successfully all colds, but
dividuals have taken up the What gave rise to the Adventist denomina- to so live that you will not be
work with the " Appeal " in a tion and its work? susceptible either to colds or to
thorough, systematic method, When, and by whom, the second coming of any of the common ailments.
Christ and the end of the world was first
and are continuing its circula- preached? Symptoms of Colds
tion without cessation or in- Who first presented the Sabbath to Ad- This book emphasizes the ne-
terruption. This is the kind ventists ? cessity of giving immediate at-
of work required to give the The first English and foreign publications ? tention to the symptoms which
message and bring profitable The details of the rapid increase in the indicate a cold, and enumerates
results. publishing work in all languages? certain serious maladies, the
" Appeal to Clergy " con- Who was our first foreign missionary?
How many nations are now receiving the symptoms of which are similar
tains the Sabbath message for to those of a cold..
this time. It is brief enough How the third angel's message has marvel-
to be read by the busiest peo- Colds Classified
ously developed along all lines ?
ple, and it is conclusive and You may know all this and over 2,000 in- The doctor speaks of Hot-
convincing on all points. It teresting, important, historical facts about the weather Colds, Epidemic of
has awakened and is main- rise and progress of the denomination with Colds, Predisposing Causes, and
taining the greatest Sabbath its fundamental principles, directories, and tells what part the imagination
interest ever produced by any present classified organization in all countries sometimes acts in the taking of
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nomination. A million copies Prevention of Colds
should be circulated during
the month of March.
The In the chapter on " Preven-
Price, 4o cents a hundred; tion," instruction is given con-
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living rooms, especially in win-
ter, with simple diagrams illus-
Life and Health For 1905 trating proper and improper
methods of ventilation; im-
For March
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Tills issue of the appreci- furnishing honest, inquiring people with a diet, exercise, etc., are also
ated health journal Life and given.
Health will give the public statement of the belief of the church in a
information and counsel espe- condensed outline of the fundamental princi- Their Treatment
cially needed for the month of ples, together with a comprehensive history of
the church and a display of its present " Treatment of Colds " is the
March. The following repre-
chapter which will be most
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eagerly studied by those who
it will contain:— members of the church in convenient form need its help. Here will be
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of a series of articles by Mrs. nection with the work of the church. It " breaking up " a cold, not by
E. G. White. This series of
the use of drugs, but by simple
articles will be much appre-
ciated by those who are ac-
quainted with Mrs. White's
Contains Information means. Sore throat, including
laryngitis and tonsillitis; cold
on the chest; (tracheitis or
former writings on health
for all Classes bronchitis) and coughs, all re-
Colds, Their Prevention and ceive due attention.
Cure, by F. M. Rossiter, M. D. Use of Hurtful Drugs
A timely article on an im- Paper Covers Price, 25 cents The use of such palliatives as
portant topic by a practical quinin, opium, and cocain
physician. Every one can usually increases the difficulty,
profit by this article. and prolongs the attack, or at
Cattle Feeding, by J. E. least renders the user more
Froom, M. D., relating some liable to future attacks.
of the methods by which much of the of the household, practical and interest- S udy Dr. Heald's hook, and learn
beef is now prepared for market, citing ing answers to questions, important edi- how to treat your cold rationally, and
instances where impure food and un- torials, together with excellent news thus prolong your life.
healthful surroundings are combined notes. olds " is beautifully bound in white
in the production of beef for the Life and Health is furnished at the leat erette, stamped in brown ink.
markets. following rates: — Price, 25 cents.
Revolutionary Dietetics, by the editor. 25 or more copies to one address, 2/
A discussion of the remarkable results cents a copy.
of the experimental work carried on at Less than 25 copies, one order, 3 Or er of Review & Herald, Washin_gton,
the Sheffield Scientific School (Yale) by D. ; Battle Creek, Mich„ Pacific:Press,
cents each. Mots tain View, Cal.; Kansas City, Mo.;
Prof. R. H.,Chittendon. The remark- To or more copies to one address, 3o Publishing Assn., Nashville, Tenn.;
able results reached in these series of cents a copy. or 7ur State Tract Society.
" Here is the Patience of the Saints : Here are they that keep the Commandments of God, and the Faith of Jesus." Rev. 14: 12.

Vol.. 82. WASHINGTON, D. C., THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1905. No. to.

arnottit to tilt Proclamation of "tin, and the faith of Jesus." The time of God is to us impossible, any true sense
Naittl WOO moonncr brIturrrb test is upon us, and this people must be of the word ' God' being maintained."
unto tilt *Mitts" true to its mission to bear witness to the And this pantheistic atheism is the most
truth. dangerous form of atheism.

Review and Herald Publishing Association Pantheistic Atheism

The Situation and the Remedy
Terms: in Advance
THERE are various ways of denying
ONE of the resolutions presented to the
One year ......$1.50 Four Months $ .50 the existence of the true God, as re-
Eight Months... 1.00 Three Months .40
vealed in his Word. Some do this meeting of clergymen and laymen
Six Months .75 Two Months.— . .25
openly. " The fool hath said in his recently held in this city, and mentioned
No extra postage is charged to countries within the
Universal Postal Union.
heart, There is no God." There is no in our last issue, reads as follows:—
Address all communications and make all Drafts difficulty in recognizing this kind of athe- Resolved, That a careful study of the
and Money Orders payable to—
ism. It wears no mask with which to moral life of our people reveals symp-
REVIEW AND HERALD, 222 North Capitol St., toms of decay, which seriously threaten
Washington, D. C. conceal its hideous folly. Another way the soundness and stability of the body
of denying the true God is to acknowl- politic. When we consider the abnormal
(Entered as second-class matter August 14, 1903, at
the post office at Washington, D. C., tinder the act of edge many gods. The heathenism of increase of crime in the last twenty-five
Congress of March 3, 1879-) years,— it 'has grown four times as fast
the Athenians was broad enough to in-
as the population,— we can not but feel
clude " the unknown god " to whom they
that we are face to face with a national
f,xlitartal erected an altar, but their city " full of
idols " testified to their rejection of the
peril of a most serious character.
This resolution was prepared by one
living God. The modern way of denying of the leading clergymen of this city, and
A People With a Mission the existence of God is to hold such a although it was not passed by the meet-
OF the forerunner of Jesus it is said: false conception of his nature and being ing, but was referred in connection with
" There came a man, sent from God, as gives no place for him as a real, per- others to a committee for further con-
whose name was John. The same came sonal God. The present tendency to sideration, yet there is much significance
for a witness, that he might bear witness evolve the thought of God from the hu- in the (fact that " the abnormal increase
of the light." John the Baptist was a man interpretation of the teaching of of crime," which was declared to indi-
man of providence who had a divine nature, rather than to accept the teach- cate " a national peril of a most serious
commission. He was sent from God ing of the Bible, is simply latter-day athe- character " was made the principal basis
to bear witness of the light. In ful- ism. " Of himself he [man] can not for the movement to secure in the public
filling this commission he prepared the interpret nature without placing it above schools " instruction in the fundamental
way for the first advent of Christ. It is God. . . . In its human wisdom the principles of morality and religion."
just as certain that in these last days world knows not God. Its wise men This resolution sets forth a truth which
the Lord has raised up a people to bear gather an imperfect knowledge of him many thinking men are no longer able
witness of the light, and in doing so from his created works; but this knowl- to deny. An editorial in •the REVIEW of
they will prepare the way for the second edge . . . tends to make men idolaters." December 8 dealt quite fully with this
advent of Christ. This people has a What is really involved in the idea of matter, and quoted at some length from
mission. We are to be witnesses for " the Immanent God," now being urged a magazine article in which the testi-
the truth. In public and in private, by as the very essence of religion, has been mony of leading writers and thinkers
word of mouth and through the medium well expressed in the following quotation and carefully compiled statistics cover-
of the printed page, in every legitimate from an English writer : " For want of ing a period of years, were given. The
way we are to set forth the truth for the restraining guidance of a true relig- daily record of crimes of violence of all
this time. "'The Lord has a work to ion, men to whom •these thoughts of the kinds, of robbery and embezzlement, and
be done in this world, and it will be nearness of God to man and to all that is, of offenses against the law on the part
done, even though all the host of the have come home, as flowing from any of prominent men in the financial,
powers of darkness shall 'be summoned worthy, even natural, thought about God political, and social world, constitutes a
to obstruct the way. In his own time and nature, have thrown them, some- terrible indictment against public moral-
God will cause the truth to triumph. We times (not always), into a pantheistic, ity, and is seriously disturbing the con-
must be wide-awake, quick to recognize and so untrue •and dangerous, form and fidence of many in the idea that the
the movings of the providence of God. connection; when •they have so dwelt on world is growing better. We agree with
We must keep our own counsel, not the universal, ever and everywhere, pres- the general tenor of the resolution. We
giving the enemy any advantage. The ent immanence of God in nature and in furthermore agree with the claim that
Lord is looking on; the Lord is open- man as to identify and confound God this " ominous and alarming increase of
ing ways whereby the truth shall gain with creation; to the loss of the over- crime " is due in large degree to the
the ascendency; for truth is the habita- powering and controlling thought of his " neglect of moral and religious instruc-
tion of his throne," Just now is the awful and transcendent personality; and tion," but we locate the neglect in the
time to come up " to the help of the of the absolute incomprehensible, purely church and the home, and not in the
Lord, to the help of the Lord against spiritual, nature of his supreme essence public schools. And we place the first
the mighty." Higher than ever is the and being. Such a system is clearly and the chief responsibility upon the re-
standard to be raised bearing the in- atheistic. An• impersonal God is no God ligious teachers who, in order to avoid
scription, " The commandments of God at all. The very conception of such a the claims •of the fourth commandment,

have failed to press home upon the con- crime, and admitting that the ten com- build up the regular sources of income.
sciences of the people the law of God mandments ought to be taught as the As t ese are enlarged, the work may be
as the rule of conduct, and, on the con- only sound basis for morality, we call enlar ed.
trary, by their acceptance of the con- upon the church to do its duty instead Dr. Pierson has aptly illustrated this
clusions of an infidel science, have of petitioning the state to undertake a dema d for enlarged income to corre-
weakened the confidence of the people in work wholly outside of the purpose' for spond with growth in the field by the
the authority of the Word of God, and which it exists. Let the eternal and un- case of the healthy lad who is continu-
have removed the barriers against the changeable law of God be taught in the allyt iaking
o new demands by outgrowing
spirit of lawlessness. Here is the root church and in the home. Let the Word his cl thes. He adds:—
of the difficulty. God's law has been of God be restored to its place of un- If any are inclined to rind occasion for
made void in the churches. The disputed authority. Let the family altars fault-finding in the fact that the work
standard of righteousness has been be erected again in the homes where of ou missionary societies expands so •as
to ex eed their income, I could take such
lowered, and sin, the transgression of prayer is neglected. Then there will be
to s e a mother whose boy, though
God's • law, has 'been permitted to pass in the hearts of those willing to receive twen• y years old, is still an infant, and
unrebuked, while human tradition and it a power which makes for righteous- can ear the same garments as ten years
philosophical speculation have been ex- ness, and an influence will be exerted to ago. But what mother would not gladly
alted in the place of divinely revealed hold in check the spirit of lawlessness. exch• nge such a cripple for a healthy,
roist ring boy, that it is impossible •to
truth. But now, when the inevitable This is the only proper remedy for the keep in trousers and shoes ! Never let
fruit of all this departure from God be- situation. us c mplain because God's work per-
gins to appear, it is declared that " one petually demands larger supplies : that is
of the obvious and potent causes of this The Enlarging Work the grand evidence of its divine progress
THERE 'has been cheering expansion of and success.
ominous and alarming increase' of crime
is to be found in the too frequent neglect our work into new fields in recent years. NO 'complaint can come from us, at
The work itself has forged ahead. New any ate, on this score; for our very
of moral and religious instruction in our
territory has been •annexed almost with- exist nce demands constant expansion
schools — public and private." When
out the effort of any man. The duty of into ew territory until every nation and
put into a brief form, the argument runs
our mission organizations has been to tong e is brought within the bounds of
thus: There is an alarming increase of
crime; religion has not been taught in follow on after the extending work, our work. We must enlarge the place
the public schools; therefore the increase lagging often far behind the compelling of ou[r tent, and stretch forth the curtain
of crime is due •to this cause, and re- providences of God. of our habitation. This means increasing
ligious instruction must be given in these We have a new geography of missions effort, and that is what we Seventh-day
schools. Those who fail to he convinced to learn. Names not often on our lips Adventists live for, and the only thing
by this reasoning, and who oppose the a few years ago now designate lands for which we are in this cause. If in a
movement to introduce religious instruc- where this message is winning victories. business-like way every believer plans to
tion in state schools, are charged with Within a few months we have had to regutarly sustain the mission funds week
hindering the effort to stay the further learn in a new way of war-swept Korea, by Week, it will be but a little time ere
increase of crime. If those who propose of Amoy and the Fuhkien province of the Mission Board can again begin to
this remedy for a serious situation really China, Burma, Ceylon, Singapore and send Lout new recruits.
knew what was involved in it, they the Straits Settlements, Ecuador, Peru, As it is, volunteers for the fields are
would realize that their proposed action Portugal, Cuba, and Barotseland, be- being held back for a time. Dr. Law
would end in making a bad matter worse. yond the Zambesi. The work has Keem has arranged to work for the
The only religion which ,Caesar can pressed into new regions in all the older summer with our California friends in
teach is 'Caesar's religion, and " all the mission fields. It is coming literally to building up the San Francisco Chinese
persecutions of the Romish Church, and, pass: "Thou shalt break forth on the work instead of going on to 'China. The
indeed, all the persecutions that have right hand and on the left." Brethren Bond will work in this country
existed in the name of Christianity, have This rapid expansion brings tremen- for a time, instead of returning to Spain,
had their basis in state theology." dous pressure upon mission finance. a gr at field now for a time left with
In another resolution it was affirmed Just a little added to each of forty or only Elder W. Robinson and his wife.
that " the code of precepts known as the 'fifty stations means a large sum total. Requests for increased appropriations in
ten commandments forms incomparably And the natural thing, after the seed of various fields are denied. The staff in
the best basis for the teaching of moral- truth has been planted in new and vast the West Indies is to be reduced some-
ity," and it was therefore urged that the fields, and the fruits begin to appear, is a what to bring its operations within
Board of Education be petitioned to in- call for more help and added resources former appropriations. Thus, all round,
troduce the study of these ten command- to cope with the stirring situation. The the oelds must feel the pressure as they
ments into the public schools. It is cer- field of operations has extended in ende vor to keep •the growing work
tain that the law of God is the best and greater proportion than the increase of with n the estimates of former years.
only basis for genuine morality, and if mission funds. In consequence, the The ruth will march on, and will annex
the observance of this law had been Mission Board has had painfully but still more territory. This message is
urged upon the people under •the con- resolutely to settle down to the policy of goin to the world. But the situation
victing power of the Spirit of God, the sending no new recruits to the fields for calls for •a continuous and systematic
condition of things in the world might the present, save as the ordinary income increase of the regular funds for mis-
have been vastly different from what it increases, or special cases are met by sion. Isaiah's words are for us at this
is at the present time, but the state was special funds. time " Enlarge the place of •thy tent,
never ordained of God to teach his law. This means no little disappointment to and et them stretch forth the curtains of
This confusion of ideas upon the whole needy fields and to workers longing to thin habitations; spare not: lengthen
thy rds, and strengthen thy stakes.
subject indicates the need of presenting go. But the fields respond nobly, and For •thou shalt spread abroad on the
clearly to the people the principles of will press forward with the resources at right hand and on the left; and thy seed
truth found in the third angel's message. command and join in praying for a shalt possess the nations." Isaiah 54.
While granting the great increase of great missionary awakening that shall W. A. S.

A Significant Episode in Life policy-holders be invested with the right In all 'his earthly ministry, what event
Insurance Management to vote on questions relating to the man- in the life of Christ has comforted more •
LIFE insurance circles were recently agement of their own property. At a hearts than this? We see him in the
agitated by some disclosures relating to meeting of the, directors it was decided wilderness amid temptations, and we
the management of an insurance com- that policy-holders should be given this triumph in his strength; we see him in
pany which is spoken of as " perhaps right, and the internal dissensions were the temple, overturning the tables of the
the most conspicuous 'institution in the quieted without taking the contemplated money-changers, driving the extortion-
whole world of insurance and finance," action against the vice-president, thus re- ers thence, and we rejoice in his power;
which are not calculated to increase moving the threatened danger of control we behold him before the multitude,
public confidence in such organizations. of the organization for purposes wholly warning them against the hypocrisy of
The company in question is the Equitable foreign to those for which it was the scribes and Pharisees, and we adore
Life Assurance Society, of New York founded. But the incident throws a his courage; upon yonder mountain we
City. This organization has six hundred shadow over the whole realm of life gaze with worshipful admiration as we
thousand policy-holders, assets of over insurance corporations, and leaves open behold his glory in his transfiguration;
four hundred millions of dollars, and in- a field for disquieting contemplation. we see him before Pilate and Herod, and
cludes among its directors many men of The problem of regenerating the cor- dying in agony upon the cross without a
note in the financial world. poration, so as to make it the friend, murmur, and we worship' at his feet: but
This society is a stock company, and not the •enemy, of the common people, here,— here in a home of grief and
capitalized at one hundred thousand and 'bar• out the increasing tendency to sorrow, while our hearts 'are. bleeding
dollars, consisting of one thousand shares use its resources for speculative rather from the cruel wounds of death, and our
of the par value of one hundred dollars than legitimate business purposes, is flood-tide of tears will 'not stay their
each, and limited as to dividends to seven coming to be, says Judge Grosscup of flowing, we see our blessed Jesus weep-
per cent per annum. The income which the Chicago federal court, " the para- ing, too, and now we love him.
can be legitimately derived from the en- mount political problem of our time." The Jews were touched as they saw
tire capital stock is seven thousand In the case of the Equitable Life As- the Son of God in tears, and they said,
dollars per annum. The society was surance Society we have, says the New " Behold how he loved him ! "
controlled by the shares of stock, and York Sun, " the broad disclosure of the For nineteen hundred years these
the policy-holders had no voice in its stock-jobbing possibilities of a life insur- words .have echoed from heart to heart,
management. Something over half this ance corporation, which are inseparable " Behold how he loved him! " If all the
stock is owned by the family of one man, from its pseudo-mutual character." The tongues of all the ages should give voice
Mr. James H. Hyde, son of the founder whole •tendency of the times, in business, to that one phrase, " Behold how he
of the Equitable Life, from whom he in politics, and in religion, is to cut loved him!" still the half would be never
derived his interest in the same by in- loose from safe and legitimate principles told.
heritance. Mr. Hyde is vice-president of and methods, and plunge into the new The consciousness of sympathetic
the organization. and untried realm of speculation, in the love is one of the strongest supports that
For this controlling interest in the hope of greater achievements than have can come to mortals' aid, and is excelled
society, the whole legitimate income been reached 'by the sober men of the only by love itself. Gold can not buy
from whose entire capital stock could past. On all sides are to be seen the it, nor power nor honor among men
be, as stated, 'but seven thousand dollars evidences of it. And these things should equal it; it stands paramount to every
per annum, it is stated that Mr. Hyde remind the people of God that it is high outside 'consideration.
was offered 'by Mr. E. H. Harriman and time to cut loose from the world, and What strength has been imparted 'to
his associates the sum of five million make sure of their connection with many a young man when once he has
dollars. The reader can judge as to the a better realm. L. A. S. realized a mother's love ! Won by a
purpose for which Mr. Harriman wished mother's devotion, how he has resolved
to get control of the Equitable's stock ; "Behold How He Loved Him" to quit the life of sin, and walk in the
that is, as to whether he wished it for its A HOME had been stricken with death; paths of obedience. A clergyman's way-
legitimate or for its speculative value. the black pall of desolation was covering ward son was in a strong revival meet-
Certainly this vast sum was not offered the hearts of Mary and Martha. Their ing; many were giving themselves to
to purchase the legitimate use of less brother Lazarus was dead, and in yonder God. One servant after another had
than one hundred thousand dollars' grave they had laid him, and placed the gone •to this youth to win him to yield
worth of property. But, as the New silent stone to guard his sleeping. To to the Spirit's wooings, but all in vain.
York Sun observed, " The speculative them the home circle had been broken His mother, an invalid, and who soon
value of Mr. Hyde's shares makes them forever, and they awaited the resurrec- must die, at last went to his side, and
cheap on the basis of five million dollars tion, ere the wound could be healed. placed her hand of love upon his
of cash for fifty-one thousand dollars' Jesus had often been an inmate of shoulder, and said to him, " My boy, you
worth of actual property." To control that household; well did he know the know I love you. While I live, let me
the management of the vast interests of sweet perfume of that loving family. have the unspeakable joy of seeing you
this great corporation, with its enormous None could feel the sting of death more give your heart to God." A flood of
resources and business which reaches out keenly than he who had come to give tears ran down his cheeks, and he' said,
across the ocean, and to use this control life. Jesus stood outside the city while " Mother, your love compels me; I will
to back up transactions of a speculative the sisters told the sad tale of their be a different boy; I will serve God
and stock-jobbing character, is worth brother's decease and burial, and how he henceforth."
more than five million dollars from a longed to behold the face of Jesus before Who has not read the story of that
monetary point of view. he died. nobleman's son in France, who ran away
This offer 'precipitated trouble in the Touched with the grief and sorrow and left his home? His father spent a
organization, and a petition was pre- of those he so tenderly loved, the heart fortune trying to find him, and when the
sented to the board of directors by the of Jesus could no longer hold its sorrow, mother had died, and the old man had
society's officials, calling for the removal and he poured forth his soul in a flood, spent all in vain in a search for his way-
of Mr. Hyde from office, and asking that of tears. " Jesus wept." ward son, he heard that he was in

America. He came to New York and hold how much he loves you, not in a strong arm of the state is very naturally
wandered from city to city, making in- weak, passionate strain, but with a sought.
quiry on every hand, endeavoring to find broad, deep, abiding love, a love so deep And why is this power sought first of
his boy, but all in vain. Year after year that no human heart has ever yet sounded all in the matters of Sabbath observance
he wandered from city to city, and from its depths, and no human soul has as- and religious instruction? This also is
hamlet to hamlet, and when he was about cended to its heights, and no life has easy t understand. The Sabbath and
to die, 'he said, " I must do something to ever yet measured its length and breadth. the family are two divine institutions
convey to my child my undying love." Before it we bow in adoration, and say, which have come down to us' from Eden.
Among the rocks and forests of the wild " Behold how he loves me; " and as we Preserved in their purity and rightly re-
West, he wrote upon stone and tree, contemplate his unselfish, his undying garded,) they are two connecting links
" Jean Baptiste, your father loves you." love, •our hearts cry out, " Lord, what betweet earth and heaven, between man
One day his son was passing through the wilt thou have me to do?" Is there and God. The Sabbath is the sign and
country, and he saw these words on a not some service that we can render to the co stant reminder of the Creator.
rock: " Jean Baptiste, your father loves show our appreciation of such unselfish The f mily is the heaven-appointed
you." It went to his heart. He said, love? school where the children are to be in-
" That is my name, can it be that my "0 Christ, Redeemer, Master ! I who structe in the knowledge and fear of
father is still living, and still can love stand God. '['here is no reminder of God like
me?" He wrote to Paris, and found Beneath the pressure of thy gracious the Sabbath; there is no school like the
that his, father had come to America hand, home. But when the Sabbath is disre-
What is the service thm; wouldst have
years before in search of his son, and garded), or when the institution as
for me?
now he began the search for his father, What is the burden to be borne for originally ordained is changed or per-
and at last they met. Won by a father's thee? vertec6 and when religion is no longer
love. I, too, would say, though care and fear taught in the home, and 'the children
Dear reader, take your Bible, and read exhaust, grow up without hearing from the lips
What matters it? Love counteth not
the whole of Isaiah 53, and tell me if the cost." of father and mother of the God who
there is not described in that •chapter the I. H. EVANS. made them, and the Saviour who died
heights and depths of unmeasurable love. for them, the high and holy ends of
It matters little about your failings and these two great institutions are frus-
weaknesses, your Father loves you in The Educational Controversy in trated, and irreligion, godlessness, crime,
spite of all these. Wanderer from the Washington and lawlessness are the sure and in-
voice of God, only listen to these words Why Sunday Laws and Religious Instruc- evitabl results.
of love: " Can a woman forget her tion in Public Schools Are This being so, the only logical and
sucking child, that she should not have Demanded consistent corrective for this irreligious
compassion on the son of her womb? THERE is a decided determination on and de noralized state of things, as must
Yea, they may forget, yet will I not for- the part of a certain class in Washing- be app rent to' every one, is a return to
get thee." " Behold, I have graven thee ton to make religion a part of the gov- the ke ping of the Sabbath of the Lord
upon the palms of my hands," and again, ernment system. This is manifested, and to' the teaching of religion in the
" He that toucheth you toucheth the first, in the effort to secure Sunday home. A true Sabbath reform and• h
apple of his eye." legislation for the District of Columbia; genuine educational reform is the only
and, second, in a movement recently real solution to the question. But, un-
" Wondrous words; how rich in blessing,
started, to introduce a system of re- willing to go to the root of the evil and
Deeper than the unfathomed sea;
Broader than its world of waters, ligious instruction into the public schools make hese necessary reforms, men are
Boundless, infinite, and free. of Washington, a report of which ap- asking the state to enforce the ob-
Higher than the heavens above, peared• in last week's REVIEW. servan e of a sabbath for whidh there is
Is thine everlasting love." The church having left the pure doc- no div ne command, and to teach in its
To know that God loves, and to live trines• and principles of the gospel, and school that which it is neither adapted
in the sunshine of that love, is the failing to look to the Holy Spirit for nor ordained) to teach.
privilege of every Christian. 4n the hour guidance and for power with which to Thu it is in Washington. This is
of temptation, it will be a tower of carry on the work of the church, we can exact] the course which is being pur-
strength.; in the time of storm and quite understand how certain church sued b religious leaders at the capital
tempest, it will be a beacon light to guide leaders of to-day are making this false of the nation. First, Sunday laws are
our course; in the hour of grief and move and this fatal attempt to reform deman ed, and then religious instruction
sorrow, when desolation has swept every- matters' by an appeal to the state. Much in the oublic schools is called for. These
thing before it, and our lives seem but of the religion of the present time lacks two tiings — the enforcement of the'
wrecks, then we are comforted to behold vitality. The real inspiration, the living false sabbath and a state-taught religion
Jesus, weeping in sympathetic sorrow by breath, of God is not in it. The form — naturally go together, just as the
our side, and we can say, " Behold how of godliness is retained, but a course is keepin& of the true Sabbath and the true
he loves us." taken Which denies the presence of the metho of education go hand in hand.
Who can see love unrequited without living power of God to save men from With he willingness and the desire to
a tear? I have seen wives whose com- sin. Hence power is looked for from obey God and keep all his commandments
panions no longer loved them, and, as I another source. And, as to the natural go the willingness and the desire to bring
saw their grief and sorrow chiseling its eye and understanding nothing is in up the children in the nurture and ad-
furrows in their brows my heart was sight which seems to possess so much moniti)on of the Lord. On the other
stirred to pity. Have you never seen available power and active machinery hand, with the unwillingness to keep
some one that truly loved, and yet that for accomplishing results as does the God's 'commandments, and especially the
love and devotion found no response? state, appeal is made by these leaders of fourth commandment, go the unwilling-
How you have tried to comfort the religious thought to the state to do the ness and the unfitness to teach the chil-
aching •heart. " 0 " you say, " it breaks work which should be done by the dren the way of the Lord. But
my heart to see love unanswered. I can church. The power of God having been realizing nevertheless that the children
not endure it." But look at Jesus, and be- not only lost, but lost sight of, the need such instruction, and that the pres-

ent irreligious and demoralized state of perate zone, and continued operative for tyranny, to come still nearer to a paternal
society is largely due to the lack of such so long a period." While we remain ig- form of government. Individual freedom,
instruction, men are seeking to shift the norant of the cause of this solar change,
we can not make any predictions as to which was secured under this govern-
burden and responsibility of this work its persistence or possible accentuation. ment, has been abused, and the remedy
from the home and the church, where it All we can conclude is that our tenure sought will necessarily restrict that
rightly belongs, to the public-school of this " lukewarm bullet " is perhaps freedom. Whether or not a strong cen-
teacher and the state, where it does not not so certain as some of us have tral government would prove to be in
and never can rightly belong. the interests of the people, whether it
And this situation is not peculiar to would deliver them from the clutches of
A MOVEMENT for closer relations be-
Washington. What is demanded here selfishness and greed, or whether the
is being demanded everywhere. The tween church organizations and labor
latter would find means of working
condition which we face here is the con- unions has been started in Omaha, Neb.
through the government as formerly
dition we must face everywhere. The The following facts relative to the situa-
through the trust, is a question to be
general disregard of the Sabbath of the tion are stated in the Omaha Bee of
carefully considered in the light of
fourth commandment, and the almost February 21: —
reason and experience. But it remains
total neglect of religion in the home, are For the first time members of the Cen- a fact to be noted, as a sign of the times,
tral Labor Union sat as fraternal dele-
bringing about a fearful state of things that the nation is rapidly moving along
gates in the weekly meeting of the minis-
morally. And as men refuse to reform ters' association yesterday. They were the pathway of centralization of power,
and to accept God's way out of the President Louis V. Guye, Edward M. and toward a paternal, if not a monar-
difficulty, we must expect that the de- Birch, and C. L. Burkett. In return the chical, form of government.
mands upon the state for help, both in preachers elected their president, J. E.
Hummon, Rev. E. ,Combie Smith, and
the matter of Sabbath observance and in
B. F. Fellman as delegates to the labor THE papal " apostolic " delegate to
that of religious instruction, will likewise council. This condition was brought this country, Mgr. Falconio, recently
become universal. And all this only about by Rev. Charles Stelzle, working-
issued a financial appeal to the hierarchy
emphasizes the fact that we must be man's secretary of the Presbyterian
Board of Missions, who is concerned in in the United States in behalf of the
prepared to meet the situation as it is
bringing the churches and the unionist pope, in which he said: —
wherever we are, and to set forth both closer together. . . . Rev. Stelzle con- I regret to state that, notwithstanding
by example and by precept the real re- gratulated the ministers on deciding to the generous response of the American
form and solution to the whole question. send delegates to the Central Labor people, the financial condition of the
Let us be sure that we do not neglect Union. " The possibilities in the ex- holy see is far from being prosperous or
religion in our own homes. And let it be change of relations and sympathetic co- satisfactory. The present sad state of
operation between the men in labor some of the most prosperous nations of
of that sort that has light, and breadth, unions and the churches are big with Europe and the increased demands on
and joy, and love, and sweetness in . it. hope." said he. " They are tremendous. the funds of the church are the princi-
W. A. COLCORD. Scarcely any great, broad movement pal causes of the actual financial situa-
along social lines in the cities can not be tion of the holy see, a situation upon
accomplished by such a force." which our holy father looks with alarm,
Notr antl aranntrnt The great world-wide movements with because, unless his children come for-
which human history is to be brought ward more liberally to his assistance,
notwithstanding the utmost economy
Tun question whether the sun may to a close are to have a distinctly re- practised in every direction, he can
not be losing its heat is receiving some ligious character, which will necessarily hardly meet the exigencies of the vast
attention just now in scientific circles. involve federation between religious and administration of the church, which ex-
An instrument for measuring heat, de- secular organizations. tends throughout the whole world. Con-
sequently, his eminence, the cardinal
vised by Professor Langley and alleged
secretary of state, requests me to make
to be capable of detecting the smallest THE agitation which centers around known to all the ordinaries of the
changes in temperature, shows, says a the subject of the alleged discrimination United States the said financial difficul-
writer in The Academy and Literature in railway rates and the use of the vast ties, in the hope that by their zeal those
(London), that the sun's heat has re- sources of revenue which have hereto-
wealth and power of corporations to fore been forthcoming from France and
cently fallen off in a marked degree. foster monopoly, against the interests of Italy, and of which at present in a very
This writer says: — the people, is driving the country toward large measure the holy see is deprived,
He [Langley] believes that at the end governmental control of corporate af- may be adequately compensated. . . .
of March, 1903, contemporaneously with fairs. In a recent speech in Philadelphia, Hence, besides the general yearly col-
a marked increase in sun-spots, some- lection, which is to remain as heretofore
thing happened in the sun that caused President Roosevelt said on this point: — and to be more earnestly encouraged,
a rapid fall in the solar radiation, which Neither this people nor any other free other means are suggested which may
subsequently has continued to be about people will permanently tolerate the use prove here in America as productive as
ten per 'cent less than before! What the of the vast power conferred by vast they have been in some countries of
cause of this fall may have been we wealth, and especially by wealth in its Europe.
can not conjecture; but it is interesting corporate form, without lodging some- The cause of this " sad state of some
to inquire what consequences it had for where in the government the still higher of the most prosperous nations of
the earth. According to Professor power of seeing that this power, in
Langley such a change in the sun would addition to being used in the interest of Europe," on which, because of their de-
reduce the temperature of the earth's the individual or individuals possessing votion to Rome, the Vatican has de-
surface by something less than 13.5 de- it, is also used for, and not against, the pended in the past, is their union of
grees Fahrenheit, Now when attention interests of the people as a whole. church and state. Rome has made them
is directed to the exact observations The people, if they seek this remedy what they are, and now is obliged to
made at eighty-nine stations in the north
temperate zone, and when these are com- against the misuse of corporate power, turn for help to a non-Catholic country;
pared with the results of many previous will centralize power in the federal gov- which, if Rome were allowed her way
years, it is found that a definite fall of ernment. The movement toward cen- here, would erelong be brought into the
more than two degrees did actually oc- tralization of power in the government same sad state at which all the devoted
cur; ,nor is it possible to conceive " what
is already marked, and is exciting appre- Catholic nations of the past in due time
influence, not solar, could have produced
this rapid and simultaneous reduction of hension in many quarters; yet it seems arrived. Even Catholics ought to see
temperatures over the whole north tem- necessary, as a remedy for monopolistic the point in this situation. L. A. S.

Those whom the Lamb shall lead by are hard to manage, let us remember
Gritrral Adirtra the fountains of living waters, and from how much Christ suffered for us. Let
whose eyes he shall wipe away all tears, us sit together with our brethren in
"Whatsoever things are true. whatsoever things heavenly places in Christ. Let us bring
are honest, whatsoever things are lust, whatsoever will be those now receiving the knowl-
things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, what- edge and understanding revealed in the heaven's blessing into our hearts.
soever things are of good report; if there be any
virtue and if there be any praise, think on these Bible, the Word of God. To us has Our aviour bore all that we are
things." Phil. 4:8.
been given the privilege of receiving called upon to bear, so that no human
the wisdom that cometh from God, of being cOuld say, " He does not know
Triumph Through Christ seeing the 'beauty and the glories of that my suffering and my trials." In all our
PREPARE me, Lord, my foes to meet, Word which lies at •the foundation of affliction he was afflicted, and because
I tarry 'at thy mercy-seat;. all true knowledge. The Bible teaches of this, t e Father has committed to him
Thy presence there I wait. us what a Christian ought to 'be, and all judg ent.
I wait, and seek with earnest prayer what he ought to do. Satan declared that human beings
A rescue from temptation's snare, We are to copy no human being. could no live without sin. Christ passed
Before it is too late. over the ground where Adam stumbled
There is no human being wise enough
When in temptation's trying hour, to be our criterion. We are to look to and fell, and by a sinless life placed the
Wilt thou not give thy servant power the man Christ Jesus, who is complete human ace on vantage-ground, that
To triumph in thy name? in the perfection of righteousness and every on might stand before the Father
Yea, Lord, I verily believe holiness. He is the author and finisher accepted in the Beloved.
My soul shall ever help receive, of our faith. He is the pattern Man. The S viour ascended to heaven to
Since thou endurest the same. His experience is the measure of the plead before the throne of God in our
experience that we are to gain. His behalf. Just before his ascension he
Then let me always trust in thee; character is our model. Let us, then, gave to •his disciples the commission,
When tempted, 0, deliver me! " Go ye t terefore, and teach all nations,
take our minds off the perplexities and
When want and hunger press,
And pomp's ambition haunts me sore, the difficulties of this life, and fix them baptizing them in the name of the Fa-
0 may I trust in thee the more, on him, that by beholding we may be ther, and of the Son, and of the Holy
And love vain world the less ! changed into his likeness. We may be- Ghost: teaching them to observe all
hold Christ to good purpose. We may things w atsoever I have commanded
The gift of •help, dear Lord, I need; safely look to him; for he is all-wise. you." To us as well as to the disciples
I therefore come, and anxious plead; As we look to him and think of him, this commission is given. We are to
Withhold it not from me. he will' be formed within, the hope of speak the things that Christ has com-
I •know 'tis mine. since thou hast died glory. manded u . Let us not talk of--the mis-
In triumph on the cross, and cried, Let us strive with all the power that takes and defects of others. Let us
" 'Tis finished; " all for thee. speak the words that Christ- has given
God has given us to be among the hun-
— Joseph Griffith. dred and forty-four thousand. And let us /to speak. Let us seek for the bless-
us do all that we can to help others to ings that 'Christ has placed within our
God's Purpose for Us gain heaven. We are to have an intense reach, that we may be made capable of
interest in Christ Jesus; for he is our receiving 'tnore and still more of his
" AFTER this I beheld, and, lo, a great
Saviour. He came to this world to be grace, and Ithat we may be filled with a
multitude, which no man could number,
tempted in all points as we are, to prove living, aceve, growing faith,— a faith
of all nations, and kindreds, and people,
to the universe that in this world of that believes the promise, " Lo, I am
and tongues, stood 'before the throne, with you Away, even unto the end of
sin human beings can live lives that God
and before the Lamb, clothed with white the world."
will 'approve.
robes, and palms in their hands; and
Think of how much it cost Christ to
cried with a loud voice, saying, Salva-
leave the heavenly courts, and take his The Ten-Cent-a-Week Plan
tion •to our God which sitteth upon the
position at the head of humanity. Why II WM. COVERT
throne, •and unto the Lamb. And all
did he do this ?— Because he was the
the angels stood round about the throne, THIS question has been carefully con-
only one who could redeem the fallen
and about the elders and the fotir beasts, race. There was not a human being in sidered by al number of persons appointed
and fell before the throne. on their faces, the world who was without sin. The by the iGen ral Conference to give ad-
and worshiped God, saying, Amen: Son of God stepped down from his heav- vice about regular offerings for the
Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and enly throne, laid off his royal robe arid foreign wor , and the decision has been
thanksgiving, and honor, and might, be kingly crown, and clothed his diviniy rendered th t ten cents a week could be
unto our God forever and ever. Amen. with humanity. He came to die for us, paid on the average by our people. This
And one of the elders answered, saying to lie in the tomb as human beings must, was to be apart from the tithe and the
unto me, What are these which are ar- and to be raised for our justification-. Sabbath-school offerings. It was thought
rayed in white robes? and whence came He came to become acquainted with all that while there are some who can not
they? And I said unto him, Sir, thou the temptations wherewith man is beset. easily pay fen cents a week, there are
knowest. And he said unto me, These He rose from the grave, and proclaimed many and do pay much more
are they which came out of great tribu- over the rent sepulcher of Joseph, " than that a ount.
lation, and have washed their robes, and am the resurrection and the life." One It is believed that the member in
made them white in the blood of the equal with God passed through death average cir' umstances, with average
Lamb. Therefore are they before the in our behalf. He tasted death for every ability to a quire money, can pay ten
throne of God, and serve him day and man, that through him every man might cents a wee , if he keeps the subject in
night in his temple; and he that sitteth be a partaker of eternal life. mind, and akes an effort throughout
on the throne shall dwell among them. Christ •ascended to heaven, hearing a the entire year to do it. The whole
They shall hunger no more, neither thirst sanctified, holy humanity. He took this sum for twelYe months would amount to
any more; neither shall the sun light humanity with him into the heavenly only $5.20, a' d many persons find them-
on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb courts, and through the eternal ages he selves able to 'do many times this amount
which is in the midst of the throne shall will bear it, as the One who has redeemed by making th proper effort. Indeed, the
feed them, and shall lead them unto every human being in the city of God, amount paid will, in the majority of
living fountains of waters: and God the One who has pleaded before the cases, depend very much upon the will
shall wipe away all tears from their Father, " I have graven them upon the of the individual and the attention given
eyes." palms of my hands." The palms of his to the question.
* A portion of a sermon by Mrs. E. G. hands bear the marks of the wounds that The preser.t membership of our de-
White at Oakland, Cal., Sunday, April 12, he received. If we are wounded and nomination is about eighty thousand. If
r903 bruised, if we meet with difficulties that the plan of g ving ten cents a week for

the foreign work were adopted and fully . herds; that he sent them sunshine and faith, of our hope of heaven, and yet, to
carried out by this whole denomination, rain for their seed-time and harvest, and the shame and confusion of many, the
the aggregate amount for one year would that everything they possessed was of his heathen will rise up in the judgment to
be $416,000. This sum, with the Sab- creation, and he had male them stewards condemn• them.
bath-school offerings and the legacies of his goods." It is worthy of remark that new in-
that would fall to the treasury of the The gospel of Christ is that wonder- stitutions, originating from Abraham's
Foreign Mission Board, would .give a fully far-reaching purpose of the Creator time onward through the Bible history,
total of nearly half a million dollars which is based upon principles as en- have their origin plainly brought to view,
annually for aggressive work. These during as the plan for the creation and the command requiring observance, and
figures do not represent something that the continuance of the universe of God. the circumstances and rites connected
would be impossible for this people to do. In Heb. 5: 6 Christ is said to be " a with them. For example, take circum-
In fact, it could easily be accomplished priest forever after the order of Melchis- cision. In Gen. 17: ro-14 the practise is
if entire co-operation could be secured. edec." That order of priesthood existed commanded, and instruction is given as
When all make the united effort, the from the fall of man till the introduction to who should receive the ordinance, the
burden will be much more easily lifted of the Levitical order of priesthood; and age when it was to be practised, its in-
than in any other way. then, contemporaneously with the latter, tent, and the consequences of not obey-
Should our people arise as one person and since the Levitical order ceased (at ing God's command. This was a new
and adopt the ten-cent-a-week plan, the cross), the Saviour has been a priest institution.
there would be provided a regular fund according to the Melchisedec order, So of the passover. In Exodus 12 we
to the Foreign Mission Board with which ministering in behalf of mankind, and have all the particulars concerning it,—
to pay our missionaries. In this case offering his own blood before the Father the command of God, how it should be
they would know just how to plan in to make reconciliation for all who ac- celebrated, when and by whom, and its
regard to sending laborers abroad, and cept him as their substitute, regardless purpose. So of Pentecost (Lev. 23: 15-
uncertainties and perplexities could be of the age when they lived on the earth. 21), the ceremonial sabbaths (Lev. 23:
dismissed forever, as far as the financial The tithing system was contemporane- 24, 39), etc. We find the same concern-
burden of the foreign work is concerned. ous with the Melchisedec priesthood, ing the feast of unleavened bread (Ex.
Of course the time will come when prior to the Levitical priesthood (See 12 : 18), the feast of tabernacles
thousands and tens of thousands of Gen. 14: 16-20; 28: 11-22) ; it continued (Lev. 23 : 34), the feast of trumpets
dollars will be offered for the Lord's during the Levitical order of priesthood (Lev. 23:24), the atonement. Levit-
work, but with many it will be too late (Lev. 27: 28-33; Num. 18: 21) ; and will icus 16.
to--be.used. There are many purchases ever remain binding as long as the In the New Testament we find baptism
being made and business transactions present order of Melchisedec priesthood commanded (Matt. 28: 19), the Lord's
negotiated, representing means which exists. Heb. 5: 6; 7: 1-9; Matt. 23: 23; supper (Matt. 26: 26-28), and the ordi-
should go to provide evangelistic labor .Cor. 9: 51-54. Therefore, as the Mel- nance of humility. John 13: 4-17. Every
for the saving of sinners. But 0 ! so chisedec` priesthood is contemporaneous one of these was plainly brought to view
many have allowed the cares of this life with the gospel, and the tithing system is as a new institution, and commanded as I
to blind their minds to such an extent contemporaneous with the Melchisedec such.
that they can not see the fatal mistake priesthood, the tithing system is con- But the origin of the tithing system
they are making ! The terrors of the temporaneous with the gospel, founded reaches back to the beginning, when its
last days will arouse some, but many poor upon moral principles, and is coexistent necessity had been made by the fall of
souls will perish in their blindness. with the gospel, and inseparable from man, and the promise of hope was of-
the gospel. fered to a lost world.
Another consideration showing how
The Tithing System Is a Part of ancient and general the custom of tithing
the Gospel Plan was, is the fact that it was well known Trying Times in South America
among the heathen. Cruden says: " The
most barbarous nations, and the heathen
FROM an article in the REVIEW of Sept. Greeks and Romans, out of a principle DURING the three years I have been
to, 1889, on the subject of tithing, by of religion common to all men, have in South America, there have been
Mrs. E. G. White, I quote these often dedicated their tithes to their gods. abundant evidences that this continent
words : — Some have made it a standing obliga- is sharing in the general restlessness
" The tithing system did not originate tion; others have done it upon particular characterizing the world to-day.
with the Hebrews. From the earliest occasions, and by the impulse of a Within this time there has been war
times the Lord claimed- a tithe as his, transient devotion. Laertius says that between Venezuela and Colombia, and
and this claim was( recognized and when• Pisistratus, tyrant of Athens, wrote trouble between Venezuela and some of
honored. Abraham paid tithes to to Solon to persuade him to return to the European powers, and between
Melchisedec, the priest of the most high Athens, he tells him that every one there Colombia and the United States, both of
God. Jacob, when at Bethel, an exile pays the tithe of his goods for the offer- which verged onto a war. War was
and wanderer, promised the Lord, Of ing of sacrifices to the gods.' —Laert., threatened between Colombia and Pan-
all that thou shalt give T will surely give Pliny says that the Arabian mer- ama, between Argentina and Chile, be-
the tenth unto thee.' As the Israelites chants who traded in spices, durst not tween Brazil and Bolivia, and between
were about to be established as a nation, sell any till they had paid the tithe to Brazil and Peru. There have been serious
the -law of tithing was reaffirmed as one their god Sabis. And Plutarch, in more revolutions in Uruguay and Paraguay,
of the divinely ordained statutes, upon places than one, mentions a custom of the latter of which is at this writing still
obedience to which their prosperity de- the Romans of offering to Hercules the continuing. There are serious dis-
pended." tithe of what they took from their ene- turbances which border onto a revolu-
Then follows the statement of the ob- mies." tion in Brazil, over compulsory vaccina-
ject of the tithing system in these words: It is evident that the heathen nations tion. Besides the usual quarantines
" The system of tithes and offerings was retained this much of the for,m of the against yellow fever and smallpox,
intended to impress the minds of men gospel and the true worship of God, al- Argentina, Paraguay, northern Chile,
with a great truth,— that God is the though their worship had been turned and Ecuador have been quarantined
source of every blessing to his creatures, from the true God to false gods. Their against the bubonic plague, while there
and that to him man's gratitude is due devotion should be a standing rebuke to have also been many local quarantines
for the good gifts of his providence. . . . professed Christians who refuse to honor for the same reason. There have been
" Thus the people were constantly re- Christ in the payment of the tithe. We labor strikes here in Buenos Ayres and
minded that God was the true Proprietor talk of the precious gift of Christ, the other places.
of their fields, their flocks, and their costly purchase he made for man, of our Chief among the things that are agi-

tating the public mind is compulsory field with their prospectuses. Some who going to a general meeting took with
Sunday rest. What seemed an impossi- are now, on farms are disposing of them him two hundred copies of the smaller
bility in these countries three years ago, in order to give all their time to the books f r the children to sell. These
is now an accomplished fact. Both na- canvassing work; thus the way is being were sod in two days, and one little
tional and local Sunday laws are being prepared not only for a revival of this girl, aft r selling all she had, came back,
made and enforced. Even in the smaller branch of the work, but for this mes- and wit the love of true service beam-
villages, business has entirely ceased on sage to go with greater strides than ing fr m her childish eyes, said:
Sunday, or is carried on only in the fore- it did even in the earlier days of its his- " Brother , you didn't have faith
noon. The ministers and the workmen tory. enough, did you? " He could only an-
are especially agitating this question. God, through his faithful and tried swer -" No," and ask God to give him
The latest developments have been a servants, has already given us the books more faith in the promise, " Angels
general strike in the city of Buenos containing the third angel's message, and will be sent out before our workers to
Ayres in behalf of a national Sunday- just now while conditions are so favor- prepare the hearts of the people for the
rest law. Other issues, as shorter hours able, he calls upon his people to push truth as contained in our books."
and a better wage, have been added, but their sale with sanctified determination If on and all — ministers, physicians,
the original and principal issue is Sunday and untiring perseverance. The can- farmers, carpenters, housewives, Bible
rest. The government has been willing vassing work is steadily coming to the workers employees, students, etc., as
to grant a weekly rest law, and let the front again, and is now being recognized well as !the children— will take hold of
employer and employee mutually arrange by many 'as accomplishing more in the this wok prayerfully and earnestly, we
the day. But this is not sufficient; it advancement of this cause than perhaps shall se this message go as it has never
must be •Sunday, the token of papal any other one department of our de- gone in the past. Let no one think that
authority and power. The general dis- nominational work. We think there are the Lord is actually dependent upon any
turbances, the destruction of property, most excellent reasons for this, aside of us to carry these important truths to
the effort to get the employee to break from the plain and forcible instruction the world; but were this privilege denied
his word and contract with his employer, given in the Testimonies regarding it. us, we should 'be deprived of one of
the resulting losses, and the general Note the following: — Heavens richest blessings,— the joy that
stagnation of business — all this is even i. Through the consecrated canvasser comes from saving others. Let us,
quite laudable in a 'Christian ( ?) enter- the truth is effectually carried to more therefore, " put on the whole armor
prise. people than by any other means. of God," and in his fear, sound the warn-
When all these and other elements al- 2. He produces his own wages, and ing message, while conditions for the
ready strained to intensity 'break loose, is therefore not dependent upon any sale of our literature are so favorable;
as they surely will, what a rushing of our institutions or conferences for for son " the night cometh, in the
stream there will be to meet! Truly we his support. Instead of taking money which no man can work."
have only a short time in which to work. out of the cause, which is so greatly in
Buenos Ayres, Argentina. need of funds, he is bringing money Scatter Good Books and Tracts
into it.
3. He is co-operating with our pub- THERE is no work 'that excels that of
Returning to the Work lishing houses and tract societies in the distributing the books, tracts, and papers
R. L. PIERCE production and distribution of literature. contai ing the truths for this time. All
IT is evident that the time has come 4. He carries the truth into homes can to a greater or lesser extent have
when books containing the third an- where prejudice or a love of the world part i this important work. For the
gel's message should be circulated as forbid our ministers and Bible workers encour gement of every effort put forth
never before, Recent Testimonies are to enter. in this direction, I quote a part of a
very emphatic on this point. The Lord 5. He comes into the closest touch letter written by a brother who has kept
is calling for workers to go forth in his with the people and their needs. This the Sabbath for several months as the
vineyard with the printed page of truth, is especially true of that form known result of a faithful canvasser's work.
— those who have been successful in as " resident canvassing." The brother says : " A member of our
other lines, •and who have tact, " push," 6. His own heart is kept warm and German colony has a book entitled
ability, together with consecration and glowing with the love of Christ and his `'Bible Readings for the Home Circle,'
a love for perishing souls. soon appearing, as he goes about his and another got ' Thoughts on Daniel
" In all parts of the field, colporteurs work of carrying the message to those and the Revelation' from a man who
and canvassers should be chosen, not in the " highways and hedges." is going from house to house. These
from the floating element of society, not There are many who can not devote two bOoks made their way through the
from men and women who are good for all their time to this work, but there colony, so we learned the right way of
nothing else, and who have made a suc- are very few, if any, who could not find God and his Word. . . . It is eight
cess of nothing, but from among those some time in which to help place our months since eight of our families began
who have good address, tact, keen fore- publications in the hands -of the people to keep the Sabbath." One of this num-
sight, and ability. . . . Men and women if they would but put forth a zealous ber is la Lutheran minister. Can we not
are wanted who are as true to duty as and determined effort. Some can work thank God, who is watering the seeds
the needle is to the pole,— men and certain days or hours each week, or per- of tru th sown, and take new courage?
women who will work without having haps evenings, while others may only Dr. amble, who is so bitterly opposed
their way smoothed and every obstacle be able to sell a book or a paper as they to ou work and our literature, makes
removed. . . . A great and important go on some errand, or while attending this s atement in his book: " More than
work is before us. The enemy of souls to other duties. We have seen many half of the Christian homes in the West,
realizes this, and he is using every illustrations of this. One brother, oc- so far as I have been able to learn in
means in his power to lead the canvass- cupying quite art important business po- fourteen thousand three 'hundred miles
ers to take up some other line of work. sition, sold several hundred copies of of travel, have from one to five of these
This order of things should be changed. " Christ's Object Lessons " while sitting hooks in their libraries."
God calls the canvassers back to their at his desk. An aged sister, who was So let us continue to sow the good
work."—"Manual for Canvassers." not able to go out to canvass, sold seed eside all waters. Let every one
It is certainly a cause for great re- twelve books in two weeks at her home. of G d's children do something, and do
joicing to see some of the pioneers re- Her grocery boy, the woman that sup- it no . With our literature " humble,
sponding to this call, while others are plied her with produce from the coun- faith 1 men are to go forth as col-
now closing up the lines of work in try, and the woodman each bought a porteur evangelists, bearing the truth
which they have been engaged in recent book; and neighbors who called were to many who otherwise would never
years, preparatory to again entering the given an opportunity to buy. A minister be erT lightened."

sary to walk with a light, elastic step,

which swings the weight of the body
so easily from one leg to the other that
its weight is not felt, and which produces
a healthy glow, showing that the slug-
gish blood is stirred to action in the
most remote veins. This sort of walking
exhilarates the whole body, gives tone
to the nerves, and produces just that sort
of healthful fatigue which encourages
House and Farm it gets, its •method of analysis is sure •and sound, restful sleep.—Selected.
A Song of Content simple. If the baby dies from intestinal
How many million stars must shine disturbance when it has no other food
than milk and sterilized water, the man
A Mother's Due
Which only God can see! —
Yet in the sky his hand has hung furnishing the milk should be held re- You owe it to your mother —
Ten thousand stars for me. sponsible; but when physicians imagine To do your best to keep 'her youthful
that they can take milk fresh from the in appearance, as well as in spirit, by
How many blossoms bloom and fade milk train, and, by some novel method of taking pains with her dress and the lit-
Which only God can know !— modifying, make it equal to mother's tle accessories and details of her toilet.
Yet here's my field of buttercups, milk, then no one can tell whether the Not to shock or pain her by making
And here my daisies blow. trouble originated in the laboratory or fun of her religious prejudices if they
from milk-sugar, or any of the other happen to be at variance with yours, or
How many wing-paths through the blue
Lure swallows up and down! — causes that may arise with old milk and if they seem narrow to your advanced
other old things. views.
Yet here's my little garden walk,
And yon's the road to town. " While physicians are trying to con- To introduce all your young friends
struct plans to make bad milk good, and to her, and to enlist her sympathies in
How many a treacherous voice has persuade parents that sterilizing, pepton- youthful projects, hopes, and plans, so
wooed izing, pancreatizing, modifying with that she may carry her own youth into
Unhappy feet •to roam! — cream from equally bad milk and in- old age.
Yet God has taught my willing ear definite 'milk-sugar, or making gruel To talk to her about your work, your
The sounds of love and home. either from barley or other cereals with studies, your friends, your amusements,
— Frederic Lawrence Knowles. the idea that this is the best that can be the books you read, the places you visit;
done, they will still have the problem un- for everything that concerns you is of
The Dairyman's Duty solved of how to nourish the baby who interest to her.
can not get good milk from his own If she is no longer able to take her
DR. EDWARD F. BRUSH, of Mount accustomed part in the household duties,
mother's breast.
Vernon, N. Y., whose special knowledge
" A few weeks ago a physician tele- not to let 'her feel that she is superan-
of dairy products and practise is ex-
phoned me that the milk I was sending nuated or has lost any of her importance
ceptionally thorough, read a paper on
to him went wrong. On inquiry I ascer- as the central factor in the family.—
" Milk for Infant Feeding " before the
tained that he was adding milk-sugar and Success.
American Medical Association, from
lime-water. I told him to stop the addi-
which we select a few paragraphs ; —
tion, and he was surprised to hear me Some Useful Hints
" It is easier to control cows than
say that milk could be fed without
women. Human mothers are often WHEN it is necessary to pour boiling
modifying. After three weeks his wife
emotional, excitable, indiscreet, some- water into a tumbler or glass cup, put
telephoned me, asking if she could not
times hysterical, and not always able to in a teaspoon first, and there will be no
add sugar. She said the baby was
control themselves. A dairyman, under- danger of the glass cracking.
thriving, bowels normal, but she still had
standing that these conditions can affect Borax in the water will make fine
the idea that something must be added.
milk, must also understand the necessity flannels look like new, and will not
No man living to-day can prepare good
of controlling his cows. When a cow shrink them.
food for infants from bad milk. He
gets disturbed or hurt, the milk can be A paste of common baking-soda and
may modify i•t as he pleases, but the
thrown .away, and the excited cow can be water •spread on a burn will stop the
baby will not receive it kindly. Still, on
kept from influencing the other members pain and inflammation almost immedi-
insistence, he often takes it, and dies. I ately.
of the herd. From years of experience
know that milk can not be improved,
and observation feel safe in affirming Salt in the oven under baking tins will
even by the most learned chemists that
that the accountable party to the individ- prevent pastry from scorching on the
ual in the cradle is the man who is re- ever lived. bottom.
" Good cow's milk will nourish an
sponsible for the production of the milk The water in which onions have been
infant without intervention of the
when the foot that rocks the cradle is boiled is excellent for cleaning gilt
chemist, while bad milk will kill in spite
not the mater who furnishes the nourish- frames.
of the man who knows how to modify
ment for the baby. And, therefore, dairy- A little alum added to the stove polish
milk according to the most approved
men who are supplying milk for infants' helps to keep the stove bright and shi-
food are assuming a terrible responsi- method." ning.
bility. There are thousands of infants The most soiled kitchen towels will
dying yearly from stomach and intestinal Walking for Health become white and sweet with this treat-
troubles who are fed on the milk sent to WHILE there is no organic weakness ment: Cover with cold water, put them
the cities and villages by dairymen sur7 which is aggravated by the exertion, it at the back of the stove, add one table-
rounding the urban and interurban com- is the easiest and pleasantest thing to spoonful of white soap shaved and the
munities, and I am sure that the milkmen walk right into health. Of course there juice of half a lemon; let come to a boil
supplying these artificially fed infants is no virtue in a dawdlh..g saunter. The gradually; rinse, first in tepid water,
are responsible for a large percentage of slow, languid dragging one foot after then in cold.
the deaths, and that these infants are the other, which some people call walk- To give a pie a brown, flaky appear-
killed by carelessness on the part of the ing, would tire an athlete; it utterly ance: When the pie is ready to bake,
dairymen supplying them with their daily exhausts a weak person, and that is put about one and a 'half teaspoonfuls of
food. the reason why many delicate persons sweet milk on the top, and spread it over
"A baby is a good milk analyzer, and think they can not walk. To derive all the surface. No more white crusts
when there is nothing added to the milk any benefit from the exercise it is neces- if this is done.— Selected.

rules lie universe, had called us to this

"—Ail riatm Mt place, and that his guiding hand would
open the way in his own good time.
rti, X. ell
For nearly three months we spent the
time isiting the people, thus making
Wne. WU"' friend , and giving treatments whenever
we ha an opportunity. About the first
of August Mrs. Moore began to receive
Cuba an Open Field the capital city of the island. By next calls for her services, and has been busy
autumn we hope to have a schoolroom most of the time since. At the beginning
I, E. MOORE opened, and regular work carried on. of Au ust I began work in a bath-house
KNOWING of the great interest already The same place should be suitably ar- that r opened, and remained with it for
existing among our people in this field, ranged for a chapel, where regular serv- over our months. Since that time I
and- thinking others might be interested, ices may be held by our minister, whom have een giving treatments, doing gen-
we beg leave to call attention to the we expect to be with us soon after con- eral rursing, and also what I could to
work already under way, openings for ference. At the present time we need at get ot r work started in other lines.
work, and some of the advantages and least two ministers for this island, and As for openings for future work in the
disadvantages of this field. I hope that not only the Mission Board, island there is enough work for quite a
The efforts thus far have borne some but some of our State conferences as corps C workers. We know that much
n a be accomplished here in house-
good Can
to-house work, getting cottage meetings
started, and thus opening the way for
the minister of the word. Doubtless the
canvassing work could be made a grand
succeSs. Thus far very little canvassing
for books has been done. It is something
new to this people, and if a few conse-
crated canvassers who. understand the
language should take up the work, our
books could be scattered in this field as
the 1-ayes of autumn. I believe, how-
ever, that the colporteur work would
soon ake the place of the canvassing, or
rathe that the two would be combined.
Sc ooI work can be made a success.
fruit. Brother and Sister Hall and well, will see that we receive two min- If of er denominations make a success
Brother and Sister Sturquel came to isters as regular conference workers. of it, why can not we?- The Methodist
Cuba about two years ago, and settled One could be learning the language, but scho•I has an enrolment of over two
at La Gloria, the former remaining here the other should speak it fluently hund ed pupils, paying from $1.5o to
a little more than a year. Through their when he enters the field. The superin- $3.5o each per month. Why can not our
efforts one is now rejoicing in the truth, tendent of one of the leading Protestant scho 1, which has been in progress only
and others have become interested. denominations on the island has volun- abouta month, become a nucleus, or base
Brother and Sister Clark are holding up teered to do all he can to assist our of aerations, for the work in this is-
the banner at Cebellas, and have been minister to get a start in his work, and land This is our intention. As this is
distributing literature and doing what has also asked for the capital of the
they could, at the same time being self- some of our litera- island, and should
supporting. Brother Stytch, who has ture, that he might be the center of
doubtless been on the island longer than now more of our our work, we have
any other Seventh-day Adventist, is belief. opened the school
now at Bahia Honda. His influence is My wife and I work here. Expe-
felt not only there, but he has paved have been on the rience has taught
the way at Guines, and some seem deeply island since last others that the
May. We came best way to reach
under the direction the parents is
Brother and Sister 0. L. Dart, of
of the Mission through the chil-
Graysville, Term., arrived in Havana
Board, but bear dren. Some of our
the last of November. They are here as
our own expenses, people are planning
self-supporting workers. They have for an industrial
our special line be-
been doing some house-to-house mission- school. Brother
ing the medical
ary work, but Sister Dart has now and Sister J. E.
missionary work.
opened a school in Vedado, a suburb of Our first work was Davis are here in
Havana. At first it was a family school. to call on the the interests of
The father of the children, who is a physicians and get that work. Two
government officer, has taken consider- acquainted, with one-hundred-a c r e
able interest in our work, and has given the view of receiv- tracts of land have
one room of his house to Sister Dart ing work through been offered for
for school purposes, and offers to assist them. Most of this purpose and
in getting other children to attend. Al- them gave us a for sanitarium
ready one pupil has been added, and an cool reception, and work. There are
application has come from the country did not promise us ROYAL PALMS, other tracts of land
for another to enter. This school is con- much work. The Spanish and Cuban that can be secured at a reasonable price,
ducted in the afternoon, while another people do not employ trained nurses, whi h, in regard to location, might be
family has engaged Sister Dart to teach but prefer having some member of more suitable than this land that is of-
their children in the forenoon in their the family attend the sick. However, fereId here. Due consideration should
own home. the physicians are beginning to see the be &iven the location of either of these
We hope to make the school work a folly of this. Their coolness did not dis- insti utions.
permanent feature of our work here in courage us; for we knew that God, who Tl ere is a call for a small American

sanitarium or hospital here in Havana. out first seeing the land himself, or, if The farm produces cocoanuts, manioc.
One of the leading doctors in the city that is impracticable, he should have sugar-cane, vanilla, oranges, bananas,
has already asked me to look for a loca- some one he can trust see it for him. limes, etc. The location is an ideal one.
tion, and wishes my wife and me to take A great deal of land in Cuba is practi- Along one side of the plantation flows a
charge of the work. Since there is such cally overflowed during the summer, the beautiful stream of pure, cold water,
a demand, why can we not have such an wet season, and would not be at all suit- which never dries up. In the back-
institution managed according to true able for homes. Land that looks nice ground, verdure-covered mountains rear
principles? A suitable place with build- during the winter, the dry season, may their lofty heads. Oftentimes after a
ings already erected could be bought for be so wet during the summer that it can storm on the mountains, great cataracts
twelve thousand dollars, and eight thou- not be used. When it is possible, it is go plunging over perpendicular cliffs to
sand dollars more would put it in good best for the prospective purchaser to the valley below. All these things tell
running order. The location is high, come and select a location, and see what of God's power and love. Here, sepa-
overlooking the sea. There are other will be needed, and then plan accord- rated from the dreadful wickedness of
well-located places that might be secured. ingly. If some are planning to come to the town six miles away, the youth are
We shall need money for these different the island, I should be pleased to answer, receiving a fitting-up for usefulness
institutions when the proper time comes to the 'best of my ability, all questions. here and immortality hereafter.
to open such work. I am not calling The postage to Cuba from the United The home is in charge of Miss Anna
for means now, but I know the Lord, States is the same as in the United Nelson, of America. Besides the stu-
who doeth all things well, will send it States, but from Canada it is foreign dents from the Society Islands, there is
in the'right time. However, the field is postage. Address me at Calle C., Entre one student from Pitcairn, one from the
open for help, and those who wish may 21 y 23, Vedado, Havana, Cuba. Austral group, and one from the Cook
give as the Lord impresses them. Islands.
Being within less than one hundred In this beautiful spot the annual meet-
miles of the States, and with three or Eastern Polynesian Mission ing of the Eastern Polynesian Mission
four mails each week, we can not say E. H. GATES was held, July 7-18. The laborers pres-
that we are in a foreign country; and if MORE than one year ago the island ent were Elder B. J. Cady, chairman of
it were not for the language, Oriental missions in eastern Polynesia were or- the mission; Pastor G. F. Jones, of
buildings, and some strange customs, we ganized into what is now known as the Rarotonga; Brother Paul Dean, our half-
should not even think we were in a Eastern Polynesian Mission. At that caste preacher ; Brother S. A. Roth, who
foreign country. As this country is time we were convinced of the value of has been laboring among the French in
so near the United States, and has a such an organization, and now can see Tahiti; and the writer. Sister Iva Cady,
climate that all enjoy, there is no reason that it was a move in the right direction. secretary of the mission as well as Sab-
why much can not be done by those of After visiting our missions in 'Central bath-school secretary, and Sister Jones,
our people who have some means at ua,

their command, and who wish to engage

in self-supporting missionary work, or
by others who wish to move here and
live the truth before the people. Of
course we do not expect to find all sun-
shine in this world. " Clouds and sun-
shine go together; oaks grow stronger
in the storm." We can not expect to
find in Cuba the lily and beautiful foli-
age on every hand, with all kinds of
trees dropping down their luscious fruit
in abundance. This country, which has
been laid waste many times by war, is
far behind the expectations of many.
However, it is not necessary that our
people should suffer for the necessities
of life, especially those who expect to
give some attention to the cultivation
of the soil. It is true that most things
are more expensive than in the States.
But in this country, where nearly all
kinds of vegetables are produced, with
proper care and attention one can easily
get along without the use of meat, which A FAMILY OF NATIVES
is very expensive, and by so doing reap
the benefits of health, with little fear Polynesia during April and May, I secretary of the Cook Island Sabbath-
of the climatic fevers or tropical dis- reached Rarotonga, Cook Islands, June schools, represented that department of
eases. As for the dreaded yellow fever 22, and was joined by Brother and Sister the mission work. The church- and
and malaria, there is little to fear when Jones and Sister Gooding, and reached training-schools were represented by
proper attention is given to diet and Tahiti three days later. Miss Nelson, and Miss Evelyn Gooding,
sanitation. There has cot been a case Our annual meeting was held at of Rarotonga. All the churches in this
of yellow fever in the island for three Raiatea, an island one hundred and mission were represented by delegates
years, except those brought in on ships. twenty miles from Tahiti. Here is except one, and a few lay members
Malaria is not noticeable except in located the training institution, on the were present from other islands. All
swampy districts where 'mosquitoes plantation bought by Brother and Sister our members at Raiatea attended most
abound. We are not free from trouble- Cady, which is now recognized as the of the meetings.
some insects, but where is there a warm Missionary Training Home of the East- The delegates and laborers came to
country that is free? They must be ern PolYnesian Mission. Though owned the meeting to receive the blessing of God
dealt with in this country as in others. by Brother and Sister Cady, all the in- and to impart it to others. There was no
The ants give the most trouble. come of this farm is devoted to the excitement, but calm, trusting faith in
Just a word to those who contemplate Lord's work. Young men and women God. The service on the first Sabbath
coming to Cuba. One should not think who are willing to work can here get a lasted about three hours. The Holy
of buying land of a land company with- training for service, without cost. Spirit's influence descended on the con-

gregation like heavenly dew. All felt ister, reported his work among the na-
that we had reached " times of refresh-
Mission Notes
tives, and Brother Roth told of the work
ing . . . from the presence of the Lord," for the French. NEARLY 'a million copies of the Scrip-
and all testified of new spiritual desires In order to give our people in this tures are sold in China every year.
kindled in the heart, and of new courage mission field a deeper interest in our
to push the triumphs of the cross " to missions in heathen lands, it was voted Dutc the late Boer War copies of
them which sit in the region and shadow to set apart the fourth Sabbath as mis- the Sc iptures in fourteen different lan-
of death." sionary day, using the readings sent out, guages were given in one Boer hospital.
Seeing the millions yet unwarned in and making dOnations.
our great mission field, our brethren in During the larger part of the confer-
the Eastern Polynesian Mission do not THE Russian government has given
ence, Bible lessons on the gift of proph-
call for more workers from abroad, but ecy were given by the writer. A deep free p ssages over the Trans-Siberian
will endeavor to develop native talent, interest was manifested in these studies. rai wa to the agents of the Bible So-
and let the experienced workers go to ciety.
Light, clear and abundant, shone into
the more needy fields. the hearts of the people.
Considerable time was given to the The following-named persons were THE Bible depot in Madrid was once
consideration of tithe paying. While elected as officers of the Eastern Polyne- the honie of an Inquisitor general, with
some were faithfully giving the Lord sian Mission: 'Chairman, B. J. Cady; its sec et staircase and private passages,
his own, others did not see the impor- Secretary, Mrs. 'Cady; Executive Com- one le ding to the old dungeon of the
tance of the subject. Instruction was mittee, B. J. Cady, G. F. Jones, G. T. Inquisition, another to the Tribunal.
given showing that as God is the owner Beckner.
of all things, it is but reasonable that After the close of the 'meetings a few A F IEND of the American Bible So-
he should charge a small rental on the changes were made in the working force. ciety as offered it a contribution of
property he allows us to occupy, in order As there were serious difficulties in the five thousand dollars, provided nineteen
that his ambassadors may be supported way of Brother Teasdale's going to East others can be found before April 1 to
as they go out to the revolted provinces India, it was arranged for Pastor Jones give an equal amount. Another friend
of his kingdom. Many testified of bless- to go to Singapore, while Brother and offers to be one of fifty to give one thou-
ings received in paying tithe, and a Sister Piper will take his place in Raro- sand qollars each; the offer to be open
unanimous vote was passed both to pay tonga, their health being fully restored. until July I.
and to urge all the churches to pay tithe. Brother S. Roth, of Tahiti, will return
Most of the brethren are poor, and to America, and connect with the health
A MISSIONARY writes from Madagas-
the natives have but little on which to food work in California.
car: ' My conviction deepens that the
pay; but a faithful tithe on the part of The conference recommended that
all would nearly, if not quite, support kingdom of Christ has made wonderful
B. J. Cady and G. F. Jones receive cre-
the mission. The report showed that progress in Madagascar, and that at the
dentials, and Paul Dean ministerial li-
Tahiti and Pitcairn Islands paid in tithe present time there is very much to en-
cense, from the union conference.
about one hundred and twenty-six coura e both the workers here and the
At the close of our excellent meeting,
pounds, while the little church of Christians at home, notwithstanding
a praise service was held. Every one
twenty-three on RarotOnga paid thirty- clouds which are in the sky, and the
present told of the precious blessings
three pounds. The Sabbath-school offer- prese ce of some things which cause
received, and of a determination to do
ings were also good. anxiety relation to the future of our
more to disseminate the light during the
missio Is."
Sister Cady and Sister Jones, Sabbath- coming year. One of the laborers said
school secretaries of the Tahitian and he had attended important and excellent
Rarotongan Missions, made deeply in- meetings in other countries, but had Tn son of a Mohammedan Afghan
teresting reports of the increased inter- never before been blessed so •much as robbe chief has left his father's castle,
est in their ,fields. The former translates at this one. It was good to be there. crossed the frontier, and made public
the Sabbath-school lessons, and makes But the crowning blessing came on profeSsion of faith in Jesus Christ at
mimeograph copies for the churches arid the last Sabbath before I took the the C. M. S. mission in the bigoted
isolated members. The proposed monthly, steamer for home. At that time Brother Mohammedan city of Peshawar. He
paper for the Cook Islands will contain Cady baptized five of the students of the has done this at the imminent risk of
the Sabbath-school lessons. training home. One of these was a de- being shot by his angry father, and he
Sister Anna Nelson reported for the scendant of a missionary associated with is hi self still little more than a half-
Mission Training Home at Raiatea, and John 'Williams eighty years ago. Two tame savage, liable to lose control of
Sister Evelyn Gooding told of her were children of a white man who at- himself when anything stirs his wrath.
church-schoot at Rarotonga. Speaking tended our first meeting in Raiatea, in Yet t ere he is to-day, trying hard to he
of the interest in missions, Miss Gooding 1891; one was a 'girl from Rurutu, and humble, gentle, and Christlike. He is,
said: " The good missionary spirit was one a boy from Sister Gooding's school. therefore, within reach of the prayers of
manifested in the Rarotongan church by This is the result of the work done all Christians.
the brethren and children when, at the by our faithful teachers. The Holy
close of the week of prayer, the sum of Spirit brooded over the scene as these TI ERE are eight hundred millions of
five pounds eight shillings was passed dear youth and children took upon them heaten in the world. This does not
in for the work among the heathen. The the baptismal vows. Cheered and cony y very much to our minds, does it?
children, instead of asking their parents greatly encouraged, I took the steamer But et us try to understand a little
for money, went to work and earned it, the next morning for home. what these figures mean. Suppose only
and so were able to give sixpences and one million of people were to walk past
shillings, while the parents gave pen- you n single file at •the rate of one a
" GOD is not short of money for mis-
nies." Remember that sixty years ago
sions; neither are the bulk of Christians seco d, and suppose they went on day
the grandparents of these children were
short of money. Hard hearts, rather and night without a pause, eleven and a
all heathen. (On my return to New half days would have elapsed before the
than' hard times, cause the trouble."
Zealand I stopped one day at Rarotonga, last ,)ne passed by; and if all could pass
and had the pleasure of seeing the new by, twenty-five years would have come
church which had just been dedicated, " THE restless millions wait and gone ere the long, long line came
also the new church-school building. The light whose dawning
Maketh all 'things new. to an end. And these millions of people
The church is twenty 'by forty feet, built are -passing on into eternity, thousands
Christ also waits,
of stone and lime, neat in appearance, But men are slow and late. every day, without ever having heard of
and a credit to the cause.) Have we done what we could ? a Saviour's love, because no one has
Brother Paul Dean, our native min- Have I? Have you?" ever told them.— Selected.

after -the tradition of man, but that the

Bible -alone should be -taken -as the statute
Book -of God to show the pathway to
everlasting -life. One aged man said, " I
am old- now, and can not -live much
longer. I shall 'certainly be in danger if
I 'hold to the errors taught in the Chris-
tian church. I -must obey -the command-
ments of God."
North Michigan tiate) has been working there a short We can see how the Lord our Saviour
time. At the close of the mission last by his Holy Spirit is opening the hearts
DURING the past few weeks I have Monday evening, I 'baptized thirteen
visited several churches. I find the peo- of those who desire to know the truth,
adults. Several others will be -baptized
ple much encouraged at the prospect of MG. MAUNG.
in about a month, when we expect to
soon finishing the work. The success of organize a church. Fully twelve took
the laborers in foreign fields, as well as their stand for the truth in the fortnight.
in the home field, has gladdened many Several of these never heard of the
hearts. truth before they came to our mission. THE Lord's Day Alliance arranged for
Personally, I have been encouraged to We presented the Sabbath truth the Rev. Dr. Gamble, of Kansas, to come to
see people accept the truth through the second Sunday, and followed up the in- Canada to labor for a time in the in-
efforts of the churches. What a mighty terest during the week. I never before terest of better Sabbath observance;
influence Seventh-day Adventists would saw the Lord work as he did for us. Some and- he is now here, traveling from place
wield if every believer would sell books, excellent people came out boldly for the to, place, delivering his lectures. He came
give away papers and tracts, and do per- truth. Others are still halting, who we to Ottawa, where I am located, and
sonal missionary work. hope will soon declare in favor of it. spoke four times Sunday, February 12,
The brethren at Menominee expected I baptized six in Nottingham, and or- and it was my privilege to -hear him.
Elder Allen Moon to speak, February 5, ganized a church of eighteen members. He tried to give a brief history of
at the dedication of their church, but, We have certainly come to the time Seventh-day dventists an-d their work,
being disappointed, the writer occupied when the Lord will do quick work and said things both good and bad about
the desk. Elders M. W. Lewis, E. R. through us if we will co-operate with them. He said the Adventists numbered
Williams, 0. F. Campbell, and Geo. G. him fully. Many places where a good only twelve thousand five hundred male
Johnson were present, and took part in interest exists in the truth are now adults, but as a result of their work
the program, which was satisfactorily urgently calling for us to come and hold three million -men have lost their day of
rendered, and was very impressive. This a mission. rest; and if the Adventists were allowed
meeting was one long to be remembered The Lord was present at Derby to to work on Sunday, other people would
by those present. The building cost heal the sick; one marvelous case is that claim the same right. He claimed that
about twenty-five hundred dollars. It is of a brother's being healed of a severe the Adventists were enemies to the Sab-
well built, nicely arranged, and very neat case of rupture of long standing. He bath, and that they were scattering
in appearance. The Lord has helped told the Lord that he had promised to literature everywhere, which was having
Elder Lewis wonderfully in securing heal the diseases of his commandment- an influence and was unsettling the
means from the citizens of the city. keeping -people, and in two days he was minds of the people regarding the Sab-
S. E. WIGHT. entirely well. bath. He referred to the National Re-
But I must close. My heart is over- form Association and its work, and the
flowing with joy at what God is doing efforts that had been made for better
England for us. Satan is working harder than Sabbath observance; but, he said, " When
[The following encouraging view of ever, and we are having difficulties to we came up to• Washington with seven
the work in the North England Con- meet, but I will not speak of them. The million petitions, and presented a bill to
ference is taken from a personal letter truth is onward, praise the Lord. We Congress to secure to the people the en-
written by Elder E. E. Andross, the are nearing the end of the journey. We joyment of the Lord's day as a day of
president of the conference.— En.] are rejoicing at the way the Lord is rest, every one of our specialists on Sab-
I AM truly thankful that God is so working in Washington. bath observance was turned down by
marvelously leading this people, and I Alonzo T. Jones, the Adventists' repre-
wish always to be in that place where sentative."
I can hear his voice and follow closely Burma At another meeting the doctor went
in his footsteps. RANGOON.— Brethren and sisters, the over the ground again, and said that the
I must tell you something of how the time of the coming of our Lord Jesus Adventists came before the committee at
dear Lord is working for us. Elder Christ is very near. We should be like Washington with their strong argu-
Haughey has been working in Man- the wise virgins-, who took oil in their ments, and defeated the bill. Using his
chester for sonic time, and Sister vessels with their lamps. " Watch there- own words, he said: " We were com-
Cousins has been assisting in the Bible fore, for ye -know neither the -day nor the pletely whipped by the Adventists, and
work. They are finishing a portable " hour wherein -the Son of man cometh." there is no use denying it, for it is the
tabernacle this week, and I think will During -last -month -a great number of truth." He •tried to impress the people
have it all paid for. For some weeks Christian's (Burmans 'and Karens) from here with the importance of watching
they have had accessions to their num- -all parts of Burma assembled at Rangoon the Adventists in their work, and of
bers every week. Last Sabbath a prom- on account of the yearly Baptist conven- securing a Sunday law as soon as pos-
inent solicitor in Manchester kept his tion. This meeting was held three days, sible, and then seeing that the law was
first Sabbath. He speaks eight or ten and there were nearly three thousand obeyed.
languages. souls present. Dr. Gamble did not meet the highest
In Liverpool, Brother and Sister Par- We left our house at 6: 30 P. M., tO expectations of the people in Ottawa,
sons have been greatly blessed in their preach present truth among the Burmese and I think he will not fill the bill in
labors the last few weeks. Several have Christians. We began preaching at 8 Canada. His arguments were rather
taken their stand for the truth, and the P. M., and -continued till 2 A. M. The sub- confusing to the laity who heard him,
church is getting on splendidly. They jects touched upon were Man Is Mortal, and not clear to the ministers, I under-
have the money raised for a new port- Breath -of Life, Soul, Um'conscious State stand.
able tabernacle, and will begin building of the Dead, Rich Man and Lazarus, The Ottawa papers gave a report of
in two or three weeks. In Leeds they Kingdom of Heaven, Sabbath of the the doctor's meetings, and I replied to
.are raising money for another. Lord, -and The False Sabbath. him through the papers, correcting some
January 8 Elder McCord and I began Many were much interested in the statements which he made, and present-
a fortnight's mission at Nottingham. truths spoken by us, -and showed ,great ing in a brief manner what Seventh-day
The Lord blessed our efforts, an interest desire to hear them the ,whole night. Adventists do believe respecting the
was awakened, and three took their Some said these were new truths to them, Sabbath, their attitude toward civil gov-
stand for the truth. Elder McCord is and expressed astonishment to hear them ernment and- the object of the govern-
following up the work there. January preached, as they had never heard -of ment. The editor of one of the papers
22 I began another fortnight's mission such doctrines in their 'churches. Some gave us a very favorable notice, and
in Derby. Brother Marchus (a licen- of them said they had no desire to go among other things stated that our work

was being revived in Ottawa, and that under the labors of Brethren W. A. Gos- every two and one half of its member-
we were increasing in strength and mer and Paul Iverson, who held a tent- ship. We doubt if many conferences can
numbers. meeting there last summer. Substantial show a better REVIEW record than this.
Failing to get, a reprint of the Wash- additions have also been made to the The conference passed strong resolutions
ington Open Letter, " An Appeal to churches at other places. The confer- urging the conference officers and minis-
Clergy," in the papers, I placed the tract ence will hold a local camp-meeting ters to put forth special efforts the "com-
in the hands of the clergy in Ottawa, early in June in the Bitter Root Valley, ing y€ ar to secure the adoption of the
thirty in number, and am distributing in western Montana, and one in July in ten-c nt-a-week plan in every family. It
literature in the city. As a result of all the northern part of the State; possibly also requested the Mission Board to look
this, the Sabbath question is being agi- others will be held later in the season. over its list of workers, and if one could
tated quite generally in Ottawa. The conference also decided to erect a be found suitable for foreign fields, the
The bill presented to the Dominion State conference office in Bozeman, on conference would sustain him there.
Parliament last spring asking for a Do- the church lot, which is well located for Abut eight thousand dollars' worth
minion Sunday law, was referred to the the purpose, Brother A. E. Everett, the of bo ks were sold by its agents the past
supreme court for decision; and the former tract society secretary, has been year, and prospects seem bright for the
supreme court, •in session February 27, chosen as State missionary secretary and year to come. During the meeting
handed down its judgment in reference conference treasurer. From this office Bret ren J. L. Kay, president of Walla
to the matter, confirming the decision of will go out a continuous correspondence Wall College, and W. R. Smith, who
the judicial committee of the privy coun- to all parts of the field. Last summer fora. number of years bas faithfully
cil that the province has no power to steps were taken to purchase twenty labor d in this field, were ordained to the
enact laws for the regulation of Sunday acres of fine irrigated land about five gosp 1 ministry. The conference was
labor. But this judgment of the supreme miles from the city, on which to place grac d by the presence and power of
court has no bearing upon the Domin- the intermediate school. One thousand God, and harmony and unison prevailed.
ion's right in the matter. dollars was paid for this, and the coming Elde A. J. Breed was again elected
It is expected, says The Evening Citi- summer a school home will be erected. conf rence president, with about the
zen (an Ottawa daily paper), that in Just across the road from this school same committee as last year.
view of the judgment already referred property is a brick church, which is Both of these conferences were excel-
to, the Lord's Day Alliance will now re- used very little, and it is hoped that this lent occasions, and should prove an in-
new its application to the Dominion Par- can be rented for school purposes. It spiration and stimulus to the work in
liament for a bill embodying its sugges- has two rooms, and if it can be secured, Montana, eastern Washington, Oregon,
tions as to the limitation of Sabbath will make an admirable place for the and Idaho. W. B. WHITE.
work. school.
In all probability this will be done, and Good courage is •in the hearts of the
that right early. It is my opinion that Montana brethren, and we trust that experiences in the Work
before this present session of parliament they may be blessed in all their plans to
closes, the question will be considered, TE latter part of last July I finished
advance the work of God. A few indica- a long and successful canvass in Shasta
but I think Parliament is not quite ready tions point in the wrong direction, but
to demand that all the people of the Do- and Siskiyon Counties in northern Cali-
the brethren see them clearly, and are forna. The Lord sustained'me in many
minion of Canada shall cease from labor determined that they shall be corrected
on the first day of the week. We trust trial and buffetings of the enemy of all
the coming year. truth, and blessed my labors with signal
that our people in Canada will act wisely Elder John A. Holbrook was elected
in their God-given work, and improve vict ry.
conference president by the unanimous E rly in August I began work in
every opportunity for maintaining re- vote of the conference, Brother Paul
ligious freedom. Pep erwood, Humboldt County. The
Iverson, who for a number of years has Lor blessed from the first, and in four
W. H. TH URSTON. labored faithfully in this field, an4 has wee s I was• favored with about one
proved himself a soul winner, was recom- thou sand dollars' worth of orders for
mended for ordination. God's Spirit books, helps, etc. After filling these
Annual Conferences in Montana witnessed to the scene, and set its seal orders I was called East on account of
and Upper Columbia to this act. The conference was marked the sickness of my father, with whom I
by great unity, harmony, and brotherly re ained one month.
THE evening of February 4 I left Oak- love, and it was very evident that the ovember 24 I began work at Pres-
land, Cal., to attend the annual confer- power of God's Spirit was present. cot , Ariz., and in six weeks and a half
ences in ontana and Upper Columbia, From Bozeman I went to Spokane, the Lord gave me between four hundred
and also a council at College Place, Wash., to attend the annual sessions of an five hundred orders, Early in
Wash., February 27, to consider the the Upper Columbia Conference. This Jan ary I began a wonderfully successful
needs of Walla Walla College. gathering was held in the new church delvery. In about five weeks I was
Arriving at Ogden, I was pleased to building in the city, which was finished enabled to fill from ten hundred to
meet Elder W. A. Alway, who is at about a year ago, at a cost of about six twelve hundred dollars' worth of orders,
present working in house-to-house work thousand dollars. It is centrally located, though we had much rainy, stormy
in that city. Through this method of and afforded an excellent place in which weither. Our dear Heavenly Father
labor, some good souls have already ac- to hold such a gathering. The repre- gale me health, strength, and courage
cepted the truth, and others are inter- sentation from without the city was to prosecute the work to a finish. All
ested. I also spent a few hours in Salt somewhat small, but as nearly all the honors are ever the Lord's, he only can
Lake City, holding one meeting with the conference laborers were present, the crown our labors with success. 0, I see
church. This is an important point, and gathering was quite representative. Some so many tokens of God's love and care !
demands the earnest labor of a good success has been seen the past year in Hi mercies are new every morning. We
minister. It certainly is a great mission- bringing the truth to the people, and are not consumed because his cona-
ary field, and will yield many precious some new church buildings have been passions fail not.
souls to the truth if carefully worked. erected. Three churches were admitted Last week I . began a new canvass in
The medical work being carried forward to the conference, and other companies southern Arizona, at •Casa Grande
by Dr. W. L. Gardner and his wife, Dr. are nearly ready for organization. It From the first, it was apparent that the
Eva Gardner, is increasing in influence was voted that hereafter a large central blessed Master was going before and
in the •city, and at times they have more camp-meeting be held at a favorable time opening the way; but I felt that I must
than they can do. The health food store in the spring, and that the State confer- halve more help from above, more power
and cafe is also exercising a strong in- ence be held in connection with it. Re- in my work, more grace to triumph. So
fluence for good, and is greatly appre- ports from the several departments of I ‹ept last Sabbath as a special day of
ciated by many. the conference were quite encouraging, fa ting and prayer and laying hold more
At Bozeman, Mont.. I had the and showed faithful labor. This confer- fir ily on the arm of omnipotence. God
pleasure of again meeting with old ence is now practically free from debt in di hear and answer. The very next
friends, among whom I had labored in all departments of its work, and during day — Sunday, too,— February 19, I was
past years. About forty have accepted the past year has turned into the Foreign i...
ganted success to the extent of twenty-
the truth in this field the past year, and Mission Fund about 'five thousand ei ht orders for books, helps, etc., or
one new church was added to the con- dollar, . It is taking five hundred and over ninety dollars' worth, besides
ference. This was raised up at Elliston. sixty copies of the REVIEW, or one to several dollars' worth of orders for

" Steps to Christ " in foreign tongues. " 6. That the conditions of this trans- legal steps is that the Seventh-day Ad-
During this time I was also enabled to fer of the assets and interests of the ventist Publishing Association of Battle
sell a number of that heaven-sent book Seventh-day Adventist Publishing As- Creek, Mich., has ceased to exist, and
" Patriarchs and Prophets." Praise God sociation to the proposed new corpora- the business formerly carried on by it
for this grand privilege. Eternity alone tion be such that the corporation shall has been transferred to the Review and
will reveal the results. I•n it all I can be a non-dividend-paying and non-stock Herald Publishing Association of Wash-
only say, " Hitherto hath the Lord company, and that all the net earnings ington, D. C., a non-dividend-paying and
helped us." " What hath God wrought! " of the above corporation derived from non-stock company, which will hereafter
" It is the Lord's doings ; it is marvelous the publishing work shall belong to the conduct the publishing business formerly
in our eyes." WALTER HARPER. General Conference of Seventh-day Ad- owned and controlled at Battle Creek.
ventists for the promulgation of the Thus the counsel given by the General
gospel in all parts of the world." 'Conference in the resolutions adopted
The Legal Transfer of the Pub- " 8. That our trustees are hereby in- April 12, 1903, and the instruction given
lishing Work From Battle structed to execute, or to assist in exe- by the stockholders to the trustees of the
cuting, the above plans with all due dis- Seventh-day Adventist Publishing As-
Creek to Washington patch." sociation, embodied in the resolutions
AFTER the destruction by fire of the The trustees of the association adopted April 28, 1903, have been fully
printing plant of the Seventh-day Ad- promptly appointed some of its members carried out, and the transfer of the
ventist Publishing Association in Battle to act, with other brethren appointed by business has been legally accomplished.
Creek, Mich., on the night Of Dec. 30, the General Conference Committee, as There were so •many possible difficul-
1902, the trustees of the association, a committee for the purpose of selecting ties and hindrances to be encountered
taking into consideration - the general a new location and creating a corpora- in the effort to accomplish •this result
condition and interests of our denomina- tion at some place in the East, which that there were grave doubts in the minds
tional work, decided not to take any act- should be the successor of the Seventh- of many persons as to the possibility of
ive steps toward rebuilding the plant day Adventist Publishing Association of accomplishing it; and we recognize, and
until after the session of the General Battle Creek, Mich. As a result of their desire to acknowledge, that it is only be-
Conference to be 'held in Oakland, Cal., action, the city of Washington, D. C., cause the good hand of the Lord has
during the following April, in order that was selected as the location, and a cor- been with us that the efforts to carry out
they might obtain the counsel of that poration was formed under the laws •of the instruction given have been so suc-
body concerning the matter. The fol- the District of Columbia, called the Re- cessful.
lowing resolutions, representing the view and Herald Publishing Association; To those who have understood the
sentiment of the conference, were and when the headquarters of the Gen- situation, and have known the possibili-
adopted April 12, 1903 — eral 'Conference were removed from Bat- ties of delay, and even failure, it has
" I. Resolved, That it is the opinion tle Creek to Washington in August, been nothing less than remarkable that
of this conference that the Seventh-day 1903, this new association assumed the in so short a time this matter could be
Adventist Publishing Association ought publication of-the REVIEW AND HERALD carried through the court, and the de-
not to rebuild its factory in Battle Creek. and the Youth's Instructor. sired result attained.
" 2. Resolved, That favorable consider- An appeal was also made to the stock- Pending the construction of a suitable
ation should be given to proposals which holders of the association to donate their factory at Takoma Park, D. C., the print-
may look to the transfer of the REVIEW stock to I. H. Evans, trustee in behalf ing business will be continued by the
AND HERALD and the Youth's Instructor of the General Conference, for the bene- Review and Herald Publishing AssOcia-
to some publishing. concern organized in fit of the new corporation. In response tion at Battle Creek as before, and after
the Eastern States, according to the to the efforts made to bring about this the removal of the plant to Washington,
counsel of the General Conference Com- result, a very large proportion of the a depository and retail department will
mittee. shares of stock was transferred to the be maintained in Battle Creek. An ef-
" 3. Resolved, That if the stockholders trustee. fort will be made to dispose of the real
should deem it advisable to wind up the On a careful study of the matter it estate at Battle 'Creek, with the possible
business of the corporation, such action was found that, in order to transfer the exception of what is known as the West
would meet with the approval of this interests of the Seventh-day Adventist Building, in order to relieve the new
conference." Publishing Association of Battle Creek, corporation of the burden of taxes and
At the forty-third annual meeting •of Mich., t•o a corporation established in an- interest upon non-producing property,
the stockholders of the Seventh-day Ad- other part of the country, it would be and also to provide funds for the further
ventist Publishing Association, which necessary to wind up in a legal manner development of the work in Washington.
was held in Battle Creek, April 21-29, the old association, and to convey its The transfer of the business to the
1903, the situation was very thoroughly property by legal sale to the new cor- new corporation will not make any prac-
discussed, and action taken in a series of poration. To accomplish this result the tical change in the conduct of the busi-
resolutions covering the whole question following steps were taken: — ness with tract societies and others, and
of the removal of the business and its Application was made in due form to all orders from the Lake Union Confer-
re-establishment in another place. the court for an order closing up the old ence should be addressed to the Review
Among these resolutions were the fol- corporation, and appointing a receiver to and Herald, Battle Creek, Mich.. as
lowing:— wind up its affairs. This application heretofore, and all accounts due to the
" 1. That the trustees of this associa- was granted in due time, and I. H. Evans old corporation are now payable to the
tion, advising with the General Confer- was appointed receiver. A request was new corporation. W. W. P.
ence Committee of Seventh-day Advent- then presented to the court for an order
ists, be instructed to provide for the of sale under which the receiver would
establishment of a printing plant in some be permitted to sell to the highest bid- Missionary Farming
State in the East, and to create or desig- der all the property of -the old associa-
nate a corporation that shall hold and tion, of every •name and kind, together WE should raise this year not less than
operate said printing plant in harmony with all its accounts. This request hav- ten thousand dollars for the Missionary
with the recommendations of the late ing been granted by the court, a receiv- Acre Fund. This will be used in the
General Conference concerning the con- er's sale was advertised. full notice of liquidation •of the International Medical
trol and ownership of all denominational which was given in the REVIEW of Dec. Missionary Training-school Association's
institutions. 22, 1904. obligations assumed by the General Con-
" 2. That our trustees are hereby in- At the time of the sale, the Review ference in the transfer of the Battle
structed to transfer as rapidly as possible and Herald Publishing Association of Creek 'College property. If this amount
all the interests of the Seventh-day Ad- Washington, D. C., offered for the whole were raised for five consecutive years,
ventist Publishing Association to the said property, including all assets and valu- the debts would all be paid.
corporation, including all its assets and able interests of every kind, a sum suffi- Now, we believe our people will be
liabilities of every nature whatsoever. cient to meet all the outstanding obliga- pleased with •the idea of missionary
" 3. That we ask the General Confer- tions of the old association. 'This offer farming, and will set aside a parcel of
ence to make an earnest appeal to all was afterward accepted by the court, and land for the Lord. We can give the
stockholders in the Seventh-day Advent, the sale was duly confirmed, and the Lord's work a place in our home indus-
ist Publishing Association to donate their receiver has since conveyed the whole tries. Christ can be a double partner in
stock td the corporation provided for in property to the new corporation. our labors ; he receives a tithe, which is
ResOlution I." The practical result of these various his by divine heredity and precept, and

no one would dare to rob him of his por- signed by him, direct that any portion of Special Training Course
tion. But besides the tithe, he can have the interest accruing to him, or which
a plot of ground worked for •himself by would be allotted to him, on such funds, ix months, beginning March 1.
one of his disciples, from which he re- be paid to the school in which such child " Testimonies for the Church," Vol.
ceives the whole of the receipts. or children may be educated." Several VI. (Cloth, $1; leather, $1.50.) " Edu-
There are a variety of ways this can Senators declare that the permitting of cati n." ($5.25.) Order of your -State
be planned. Some • have •no land; they the beneficiary to draw the interest ac- trac society, or of the Pacific Press Pub-
work for wages. These can give a cer- cruing to him by a written order signed lishi g 'Company, 18 West 5th St., Kan-
tain portion of their time with all their by himself to be paid• to the school in sas City, Mo. " Page's Theory and
earnings. Thus each of us can con- which he might choose to educate his Pra tise of Teaching," Phelps's edition,
tribute something to this fund, and not 75 cents. Order of B. E. Huffman, Col-
children, destroys the effect of the legis-
exhaust all our energies. Other funds lation. K. C. RUSSELL. lege View, Neb.
must be kept in mind. To pursue either of these courses the
We must not lose sight of our weekly Educational Messenger is necessary.
offering, the ten-cent-a-week plan, for Home Improvement Courses Subscription price, 5o cents a year. For
this must be kept up, and greatly ex- a short time the Messenger offers one
Change of Time
tended, else our missionaries will suffer; free subscription for four new subscrip-
but we can each do this while helping WE are glad to note the interest man- tion and $2. Address Educational Mes-
on the Missionary Acre Fund. We trust ifested on the part of our young people sen et.; College View, Neb.
that each family will do something for in the Home Improvement Courses. M. E. KERN.
this fund this season. I. H. EVANS. Orders for books, and letters requesting
enrolment, are being received every day.
We found it •impossible to begin the Work in Chicago
work February 15, as at first contem-
Religious Liberty Notes plated. The first outline of the courses MANI, phases of missionary work are
will be in the Educational Messenger of being carried forward by our people in
WoRn \has just been received from our
March 1. If you do not have the Mes- Chicago, some under the direction of
church in Boston, Mass., that the Re-
senger and the necessary 'books, order the Northern Illinois Conference, and
ligious Liberty day was a most profitable some under special efforts for those of
them at once.
These courses are arranged for the oth6r nationalities, while other efforts
The church people of Arkansas are
benefit of all our young people who are are being carried forward by the medical
making a strong protest against a bill
desirous of self-improvement. Many mi sionary branch of the work recently
that has been introduced into the legis-
will find in them what they have longed inc rporated under the name " The
lature of that State, allowing games of
for,— careful direction in a systematic W rkingmen's Home and Life Boat
baseball to be played in the cities of
course of reading, the cultivation of a Mi sion."
first class on Sunday. taste for the best books, and an inspira- y labors being in connection with this
A movement in the direction of the
tion to devote their lives to the great wo k, I will not undertake to report con-
" American sabbath," has been started in purpose of uplifting humanity. Per- cerning the progress of other branches
France. The Superior Council of the
haps no two books could be found better of the work, but will send a few items
Ministry of Public Works has recom- suited to the development of Christian of interest concerning this department of
mended to the Chamber of Deputies to life than " Steps to Christ " and " Mount the work which have developed since •my
enact a rigid law, providing for one of Blessing." The missionary books of- last report in the REVIEW.
day of compulsory rest each week. fered are of exceptional interest. " The he work in our large cities is beset
Brother Geo. W. Spies, in the Atlan-
Tiger Jungle " has all the fascination of wi h many difficulties. Success is
tic Union Gleaner of the 22d ult., re- a story written simply to please,_ and is achieved only as the result of persistent
ports a lively hearing February 15, in of much more value. " Princely Men in effort, prayer, and hard work. But
the Pennsylvania State Legislature, at a Heavenly Kingdom " is a series of most where the enemy has wrought his great-
Harrisburg, to amend the 1794 Sunday interesting biographies of men who have est ravages on the souls and bodies of
law, and adds that the contest will be re- given their lives to the spread of the otn• fellow men, there it would seem the
newed two years hence. gospel in the Flowery Kingdom, and an Lrd especially works his marvelous
Elder Morris Lukens, of Philadelphia, account of the terrible Boxer outrages tr4nsformations of •human character.
Pa., reports a good day for the religious unday evenings I have quite regularly
in which many Christians sealed their
liberty work, Sabbath, February 25, and testimony with their blood. The life of sp nt at the Brookline Mission. This
says : ".It reminds me of the good old Booker T. Washington is of intense in- is a mission opened by Jay W. Cum-
days when we heard a great deal about terest, and contains much that ought to mings, a real estate dealer, who accepted
religious liberty, and realized that it was be an inspiration to our young people. the truth several years ago, and h,as
a part of the message. I am sure our Few, if any, have had fewer advantages since taken an active part in the work
people will have more interest in the than Mr. Washington, and none have ofispreading the third angel's message in
subject from now on." been more determined in overcoming C icago. Brother Cummings rented this
The following is the title of a bill obstacles. " Page's Theory and Practise pl ce, started meetings several times a
introduced into the Wisconsin Legisla- of Teaching " is a classic of pedagogy week, including Sabbath-school and serv-
ture: "A Bill to Require One Day's books. ices Sabbath morning. I have been pre-
Rest per Week for Employees." A hear- Below we give the books necessary: — senting the special themes of the mes-
ing of this bill was announced for Feb- s ge here to interested audiences each
ruary 28. A vigorous protest was being General Culture Course
S nday evening. The attendance has
made against it by our people in that Four months, beginning March I. b en quite regular, and I never saw a
State, by the circulation of petitions, and Required: "Steps to Christ." Two b tter interest. Brother Cummings tells
writing of letters remonstrating against months. (Paper. 25 cents; cloth, plain ire that two sisters have begun to keep
its passage. edges, 5o cents; limp leather, 65 cents; tie Sabbath, and we hope that many
The final amendment to the United cloth, gilt edges, 85 cents.) "Thoughts o hers will soon take their stand, as we
States Senate bill on Indian appropria- from the Mount of Blessing." Two are now presenting the Sabbath question.
tions was adopted, Feb. 28, 1905, which months. (6o cents.) Order of your A number of leading people in this sec-
reads as follows : " That no portion of tract society; the Pacific Press Publish- tion of the city have attended these
the funds appropriated by this act, nor ing Co., 58 West 5th St., Kansas City, Meetings, some quite regularly. This is
the principal nor interest of any Indian Mo.; or of the Central Union Conference b it an illustration of what a business
trust or tribal fund held by the United Young People's Department, College man can do if his energies are devoted to
States, for the benefit of any Indian View, Neb. the spread of the truth.
tribe.. shallbe available nor be expended Elective: " In the Tiger jungle." Two A number have been baptized in the
for the support of any sectarian or de- months. ($r.) "Princely Men in the I ife Boat Mission baptistery since my
nominational school provided. however, Heavenly Kingdom," Two 'months. last report, and have united with either
that the individual owner or beneficiary (Paper, 42 cents ; cloth, 59 cents.) "Up tie little Life Boat Mission Company or
of any interest in such fund, who' may from Slavery." Four months. ($1.5o.) te South Side church.
desire to educate his ward, child, or Order of Central Union 'Conference The work at the police station has
children in any school other than a gov- Young People's Department, College been especially blessed. It is indeed im-
ernment school may, by written order. View. Neb. pressive to see the effect of the reading

of the Word of God upon the men and The One Hundred Thousand Thomas B. Keer, J. W. Malmshery,
women who have been brought to the Dollar Fund N. M. Hamilton, Jessie McCallem, A. H.
Harrison Street Police Station. When Boles, Sadie Campinan, C. Clingsmith,
AMOUNT previously reported.$58,621 04 Fred Fox, ,Chr. Feigherty, J. M. Ellioth,
the Bible is first read to them, they some-
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Root too 00 Sophia McLincy, J. E. Davidson,
times scoff, but after a few minutes tears
John and Fanny J. Foil 100 00 T. J. M., E. E. Triby, D. Farrell, J. A.
may be seen running down their cheeks,
Mrs. G. A. Rea 100 00
and soon they are heard requesting Hunter, John Hassel, M. C. Thompson,
Mrs. M. S. Carle 50 00
prayer. Our workers have the kind co- Eva Fuel, Mrs. Desenberg, W. H.
Southern Union Conference 38 93 Keller, G. W. Noble, L. J. Hale, D. S.
operation of all the police authorities ;
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Little 25 00 Roe, D. L. Brarlena, C. Pears, Mrs.
especially does the friendly co-operation
W. F. Hastings 25 00
of the Christian matron enable them to Ohmer, J. F. Sallings, J. Hittle, a friend.
find homes for many a friendless girl Enoch Baker 25 00
Mrs. Sarah M. Saunders 25 00 FIFTEEN CENTS EACH
who has drifted into the hands of the W. C. Mutchler, H. S. Rougn, M. C.
Bradwardine Company 22 70
police while wandering about in this Chamberlin, H. P. Binns, I. L. H. Dreid,
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Sumner 15 00
great city. Remm, W. B. Arper.
F. T. Siple 15 00
Each evening between seven and eight, 10 00 TEN CENTS EACH
before the regular gospel service at the Mrs. S. N. Barmore
W. J. Felt JO 00 Mary Lotton, Katie Fox, Daniel
Life Boat Mission. Bible studies are held Brown (blind), Mrs. E. Parkerson, Mrs.
A. M. Perez 10 00
for the mission converts, and others who Butler.
H. Pinder to 00
choose to attend, at which a systematic Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Booth IO 00
C. S. Smith to 00
course of doctrinal subjects is presented. Sarah Braugh I0 00
J. Mills (Australia) 9 74
The writer and Brother Van Dorn al- Dr. H. L. McCubbin and
Annie Brown 8 00
. ternate in conducting this class. family 25 00
Sister Odell, our hospital worker, and FIVE DOLLARS EACH
J. W. and E. Rogers, Mrs. T. E. Mrs. Olive P. Foster 50 00
others, make regular visits to over thirty
of the largest hospitals in the city. Their Conrad, W. J. Dunscomb, J. E. Downs,
Louisa Smith, Emma Smith, F. H. Total reported $59,551 38
work is well received by patients, physi- A further list will follow.
cians, and nurses, and many opportu- Schramm, Mrs. C. W. Krisk, Susan
Bugh, A. W. Butcher, Charles Rahn, Send all donations to W. T. Bland,
nities have been developed for Bible Takoma Park Station, Washington,
readings in the homes of these patients. Joseph Redoute, Mrs. M. E. Kinney, Mrs.
Ida Lovell, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Brown, D. C.
The Suburban Maternity Home in
Hinsdale is constantly filled. Almost C. Weasner, R. W. Dougherty, H. M.
every girl who has been received into Wallace, H. L. Wallace, W. A. Whit-
Field Notes
this place has been thoroughly converted man, J. Pangman, an aged sister, Mrs.
before leaving. Good homes have been Mattie E. Wilson, Paul E. Gros, Mrs. A NEW church building at El Dorado,
found for most of them, and where they Anna Scott, Ernest Waterbury. Kan., was dedicated Sunday, February
could possibly care for their little ones, W. Gray (Australia), $4.87; friends 26. The dedication of the building for
homes have been found for these also (per Mrs. S. H. Pound), $4; Fannie E. the second Kansas City (Kan.), church is
Bolton, $4; C. E. Edwardson, $3.50; announced for March 5.
among our own people. Most of these
in the Home are not of the ordinary, G. W. and Mamie Gibbon, $2.5o; T. R.
depraved, and abandoned type, but those Kent (Australia), $2.44; Hildebran THE organization of a Sabbath-school
who have passed through some particu- (N. C.) church, $2.10; Alma J. Moore, of twelve members is reported at Ussery,
$1.75; Florence and Esther Van Dorn, Ark., where four adults have lately be-
larly sad or unfortunate experience.
We have recently had brought to our $1.50. gun keeping the. Sabbath. A tent-meet-
THREE DOLLARS EACH ing is desired at that place in the spring.
notice cases of a number of men in
prison who, through reading The Life A. B. Wallace, Mrs. John C. Olson,
J. W. Cemer, Victoria Cemer, and De- ELDER C. A. BURMAN reports that four
Boat, have secured The Signs of the
light Cemer. persons " have decided to obey God and
Times, " Thoughts on Daniel and the
TWO DOLLARS EACH keep his commandments " at. Sioux
Revelation," and other denominational
books, and some are now keeping, the Mrs. Alice Hatton, Edgar F. Cole, Falls, S. D., and that sixteen are at-
Mrs. A. B. Atwood, Rudolph Balli. tending the canvassers' school at that
Sabbath even under these trying circum-
stances. • $1.22 EAC
Mr. C. B. Kimbell, a wealthy gentle- H. E. Kent (Australia), A. W. Kent THE Southwestern Union Record of
man of Chicago (at this writing we have (Australia). Mrs. W. Kent (Australia), February 14 says: " Oklahoma has sold
just received the news of his death in John Kent (Australia), Alfred E. Chat- her quota of `Christ's Object Lessons,'
California), secured a most beautiful man (Australia), Edward A. Chatman sent in her last payment, and is now
tract of land, seventeen miles from (Australia), W. Thompson (Australia). singing the ' jubilee song of freedom
Chicago, in the suburb of Hinsdale (this ONE DOLLAR EACH from debt.' We rejoice with her."
is the tract of land spoken of by Sister Frank M. Kellogg, Mrs. M. J. Walker,
White in an article concerning her visit ELDER A. R. SANDBORN reports from
Margaret Scott, Solomon Bagnull,
to this place some time ago). George H. Flouler, Mrs. C. C. Bagnull, St. Charles, Mich., where he has been
The work of building a small institu- holding meetings, that ten persons are
B. F. Stuckey. John T. Eden, E. Cook
tion, or, rather, enlarging one of the (Jamaica), J. M. Collet, Mary Balli, awaiting' baptism at that place, and the
buildings on the premises so as to ac-
Fred Balli, Mrs. A. H. Freeman, Mrs. church has been greatly helped and en-
commodate thirty or forty patients. is couraged by the meetings.
Lizzie Clark, J. F. T., Johnie Maschuyer,
well under way, and if the weather is
J. J. Moss, Mrs. M. E. Holaday, Mrs.
favorable, will be finished in two or three
S. L. Van Dorn, H. A. Phillips, C. THE Union Conference Record of
months. Dr. and Mrs. Paulson are al-
Reihl, Ada Stanley, Mrs. S. P. Ward, January r, says: " Our readers will be
ready located at Hinsdale, and are much
Mrs. L. C. Pohlman, Mrs. H. E. Graham, pleased to know that the Avondale Press
encouraged by the way in which a kind
Mrs. W. H. Oakes. has just completed an edition of three
Providence is opening up the work be- S. G. Yeram (Australia), $.84; H. L.
fore them. The doctors have many op- hundred Rarotongan hymn-books. The
Wallace (Jr.), $.75; L. G. Wallace, book contains one hundred and thirty-
portunities to present our work in $.75; A. Gersbach (Australia), $.61;
churches and before other audiences in four hymns."
James W. Kent (Australia), $.48;
Chicago. Robert Gray (Australia), $.24; Lizzie
We thank the Lord most sincerely for IN a report from District No. 2,
Fox, $.05. Nebraska, Brother O. E. Jones says:
his guiding hand which has been over FIFTY CENTS EACH
the work in Chicago, and ask the readers " As a result of a series of tent-meetings
of the REVIEW to pray for his continued Cash, Charles Balli, Lottie Balli, Mrs. held by Brother 0. A. Hall and the
blessing to rest upon all the workers en- E. Moss, Luce F. Harrison, V. M. writer, and some other work done since,
gaged in bringing the last warning mes- Wallace, Mrs. Mary Sfoor, E. E. Cecil, at Edgar, a company of eight new Sab-
sage before the thousands of all nation- Mrs. Vina McBride. bath-keepers has been raised up."
alities who sit in darkness in this great TWENTY-FIVE CENTS EACH -Brother Jones is now holding meetings
city. W. S. SADLER. Mrs. Mary Long, Mrs. Maggie Sutton. at Hartwell.

THE church at Jamestown, N. Y., now variotks scientific subjects in the light
has a membership of twenty-three. 0111ristian Duration of thWord of God.
" B fore we can give the truth to
THREE persons have recently accepted Conducted by the Department of Education of the other , we must know it for ourselves.
the Sabbath truth at Zanesville, Ohio. General Conference. We ave therefore arranged to meet
L. A. HOOPES, Chairman; once each month for the careful and
BROTHER C. J. KUNKEL reports one praye ful study of one or more sub-
family keeping the Sabbath at Rostern, jects. After a thorough consideration
Saskatchewan, Manitoba. American Bible Science Asso- and free discussion of the thoughts
prese ted by the one who has been
THE fund which is being raised for ciation chose to lead out in the study, the pa-
the New England Sanitarium has, AN organization known as the Amer- per s ould be written up in good form,
reached a total of over $8,too. ican Bible Science Association has re- and laced before the public through
cently been formed at Emmanuel Mis- the medium of some suitable publication.
ELDER J. M. RsEs says in a report of sionary College, the objects of which, Later these papers may be made the
recent labor at Meyersville, Ill.: " We as stated in the constitution, are " the basis of text-books on science, or for
closed the meeting, but not without study of scientific truth in its relation publication by the association.
some results ; for a few will obey the to the Bible, taking the latter as the " Some arrangements should be made
Lord, and I trust that later on a number basis or standard of authority, and the for p acing the truth before the children,
will obey." dissemination of this truth through the not o ly those of our own denomination,
press and otherwise." but t e children of the world at large.
ELDER T. W. FIELD reports one family At the first regular meeting of the The reater number of the nature study
keeping the Sabbath and others inter- association the president, B. E. Craw- book used in the public schools are
ested in the truth at Edgewood, Tex. ford, spoke briefly with reference to the inge iously devised fables that lead the
Four pupils in the church-school at that mission of the American Bible Science mind into skepticism and infidelity. The
place, he reports, recently experienced Association. Among other things, he child en and the youth are reading these
conversion and requested baptism. said:— book with no knowledge of the poison
"The organization, of which this is they contain, which is slowly but surely
IN a report from Frisco, Ark., dated the first regular meeting, is unique in doing its work. In many cases the poi-
January 3o, Brother H. Clay Griffin character, and a most important addi- sonir g process is continued until anti-
says: " I organized a Sabbath-school tion to the instrumentalities which are dotes are powerless to cure. The old
last Sabbath with a membership of being used for the advancement of truth. adag , ' An ounce of prevention is
eighteen, and several others will join " There probably never was a time wort a pound of cure,' is true here
soon. The lines are being drawn, and When science absorbed more of the as el ewhere."
Satan is showing his wrath, but some world's attention than it does to-day. Following the president's address, a
are obeying. There are about fourteen During recent years great light has papet was read by Frank Wright on
adults now keeping the Sabbath, besides been shed upon the world in both sci- " The Creation of Plants." An inter-
a number of youth and children. Many ence and art. Rapid progress has been estinig'discussion followed, and the paper
others are deeply interested." made in every department of research. was then referred to the executive corn-
Many important and wonderful facts /MU e and the writer of the paper, for
ELDER F. C. GILBERT reports in the have been discovered, and placed in thor ugh revision preparatory to publi-
Atlantic Union Gleaner of March I: printed form before the people. The cation. B, E. CRAWFORD.
" During the past few weeks we have mysteries of plant and animal life, the
found a number of openings in Norwich, composition and structure of soils and
Conn.; New London, Conn.; New Bed- rocks, the phenomena of chemistry and Why Not Call Our Schools
ford, Mass.; Corona, L. I.; Brooklyn, physics, the character and movements of
N.Y. ; Haverhill, Mass. ; Brockton, Mass. ; the heavenly bodies, and the nature, "Agricultural"?
Whitman, Mass.; and several other causes, prevention, and treatment of T is query is made with special refer-
places. We find a number of people in- disease have all had their votaries who ence to our intermediate schools, which
terested to know more of the truth of the have been lifelong students of their are enerally called " industrial schools "
gospel; and some who for years would chosen subjects. or " industrial academies. "
scarcely recognize our people, and who " With all this earnest search, the The writer has learned that in many
have been bitterly opposed to them be- truth has come to us mixed with error. loca ities misconceptions of the work
cause of the Sabbath and its kindred This has been due largely to the fact and character of our schools have been
truths, have acknowledged that they that the Word of God has not been re- occasioned by the term " industrial
were sorry they had not investigated be- ceived as the highest authority on every schools." These misunderstandings have
fore, and learned the real blessedness of subject with reference to which it become so pronounced that they have
this glorious truth." speaks. Many of the facts of science led :o the writing of this article.
are of such a nature that with careful knong the common penal institutions
THE superintendent of the Wyoming study they can not be mistaken, but of Mir States, there are provided reform-
Mission field, Elder J. H. Wheeler, these facts have too often been placed •Aktor es for criminal boys and young men
speaks as follows of the present outlook together in such a way as to give wrong 'Mnd r legal age. These institutions are
there: " The Lord is greatly blessing ideas and erroneous views of the Cre- frequently designated as " industrial
us in many ways. Our workers are all ator's wonderful works. schOols." They correspond to the peni-
of good courage. Brethren Kirkle and " It was God's design that the flood of tentiaries for men. They are very im-
Porter are holding meetings in a school- light shining upon the world at the pres- portant, and, in many respects, valuable
house near Gordon. They report a ent time should establish faith in the institutions. Effort is made to have
splendid interest. Brother Garton is Bible record; but this light, which was these institutions educational in char-
holding meetings near Hill City in a given to be a blessing, men have turned acter, especially in teaching trades.
schoolhouse, with a growing interest. into a curse to themselves by rejecting
Brother Cook has lately begun meetings the plain statements of the Scriptures, When our " industrial " schools are
mentioned, the impression is often given
in Monarch, .a mining camp near Sheri- and interpreting natural phenomena ac- to hose outside our denomination that
dan, The writer has been visiting some ording to a system of their own devising. the are reformatories similar to those
interested ones near Belmont, where " Almost the entire world has accepted established by the States. Consequently
Brethren Kirkle' and Hall held meetings the fables of infidelity, though there are par nts who would be pleased to secure
last winter. There seems to be a demand here and there bright lights shining for their children such training as our
for more meetings at this place, as the steadily through the midnight darkness sch ols afford, could they understand
work was not finished. A church has to guide the anxious, weary traveler on thei4- real character, often fail 'to become
been' offered free of charge, as soon as his homeward journey. These lights int 'rested in our work unless they have
it is repaired, which will be in a few must be increased in number and bril- ver unruly children.
days. We receive good reports of the liancy. Where there is now one, there I has been for some time the impres-
work being done by our church-schools. should •be many. It is for this purpose sio of 'the writer that a more correct
All seem to be well pleased with the that this organization was formed. That na e to be applied to our intermediate
teachers employed." is why we meet together here to study sch ols would he " agricultural schools."

This might have an influence in properly

molding the work in the school, as well &rant Tarntion and the sweeping victory at the polls in
Hungary on January 26, which . has re-
as convey a more correct impression to sulted in the united opposition parties'
the public. We have been pleased to —A serious insurrection against being placed in control of tlie lower
notice the change in the name of the Turkish rule is in progress in Arabia, house of the Hungarian Parliament.
Indiana school from " Boggstown Indus- which has in view the establishment of Herr Kossuth declares that it is im-
trial Academy " to " Boggstown Manual an autonomous Arab state. The insur- possible to govern Hungary now without
Training Academy." gents have gained several victories over the help of this united party, or against
It is a fact that there is developing the Turkish troops. its •wishes. In substance, •the Inde-
in the United States a wide-spread inter- pendence party's program is the com-
est in agricultural schools of secondary — The Tageblatt, a Vienna journal, plete independence of Hungary from
grade. There is an increasing call for reports an anti-Jewish riot •at Theodosia, Austria as a nation, but Hungary's con-
instruction in the principles of agricul- on the southeast coast of the Crimea, re- tinuance under the personal sovereignty
ture in the elementary schools, and the sembling in many respects the Jewish of the head of the House of Hapsburg
establishment of agricultural high massacre at Kishineff. Forty-seven and mutual protective unity 'between the
schools. Several of these schools have Jews were killed, and many were in- two nations.
recently been established in some of the jured.
States, very much akin to our own in- — The internal disturbances in Rus-
— Judge Charles Swayne, the Florida
termediate schools. There is truth in the sia appear to be growing daily more
jurist who was tried' before the United
statement df the United States Secre- serious, and a condition of affairs
States Senate on impeachment charges,
tary of Agriculture that " we are, with- bordering on actual revolution now
was acquitted by that body on every exists. The police and military au-
out doubt, in this country just on the count in the indictment against him, the
edge of a great popular movement" for thorities appear utterly impotent to cope
vote in each instance being almost with the Terrorist organization, 'which
the establishment of these secondary ag- wholly a party vote. It is a serious
ricultural schools. God has given his posts placards, sends letters, and cir-
symptom if justice in such cases has
people great light and wonderful prin- culates leaflets with impunity. Notices
come to be measured upon party lines.
ciples, which will place our schools at stating that " the sentence of death
the very head if we follow the light, — Another great general battle is passed on Sergius Alexandrovitch was
and we should endeavor to give the in progress between the Russian and executed February 57 " were scattered
world a correct understanding of the Japanese armies near Mukden, the ad- in public places in St. Petersburg. The
character of our work. vantage in which appears to be mainly notices were neatly printed, showing the
H. A. WASHBURN. with the Japanese. Heavy losses on both use of a printing-press, whereas formerly
sides are reported. The Russian com- the Terrorists dared only use copying
mander has been forced to abandon 'machines. Since " Red Sunday " the
The Field of a Church-School several positions, and is believed to be Grand Duke Vladimir has• not only been
Teacher in a very critical position. A general showered with threats and warnings, but
exodus from Mukden is in progress. has twice received from abroad formal
THE teacher in the church-school work
The armies occupy fortified positions ex- letters signed by different groups, in-
has a wide field in which to work, wider
tending along a front of many miles, and forming him of his sentence to death,
than I think some of us realize,— a field
artillery duels are in constant progress. and of the assignment of men to execute
in which many and varied opportunities
General Nogi, the Japanese commander it. It is reported that Grand Duke
exert an influence for good. at Port Arthur, has joined Field Mar- Vladimir is now a complete physical
School work should occupy the first shal Oyama, and the Russian fortifica-
place in importance; but it is doubtful wreck, due in great measure to the nerve
tions, including Putiloff hill, are sub- strain to which he has been subjected.
if it should absorb all the teacher's time jected to the fire of his eleven-inch guns The proscribed members of the royal
and attention. The •church, and the which wrought such havoc at the Rus- family are virtual prisoners, not daring
Sabbath-school each offer their impor-
sian fortress lately surrendered. General to venture beyond the walls of the for-
tant opportunities for work to the person Kuroki is executing a turning movement tresses in which they have taken refuge.
who is willing to put forth a little ef- around the left wing of the Russian Meanwhile an era of political liberty in
fort to help if his assistance is needed, army, which, if successful, will oblige Russia seems to be steadily drawing
and this kind of person generally finds the latter to fall back. near. Recently the first free meeting of
his work much appreciated. It matters
— The widow of Senator Leland Stan- workmen ever held in St. Petersburg as-
not where the teacher's work is located,
ford, of California, who, with her hus- sembled in the Russian capital, and
whether in city, country, or town, his
band, founded Stanford University at formulated demands for the release of
field for missionary work is to be found
Palo Alto, in that State, and after her imprisoned workingmen, absolute free-
wherever he may be. If he fully senses
husband's death constituted the main dom of speech, and the abolition of the
the fact that "'time is short," and has
financial support of the institution, met censorship. A dispatch from St. Peters-
a sincere burden for souls, he will en- burg states also that " the committee of
death by poisoning in a Honolulu, H. T.,
deavor to let no work of this nature go
hotel, February 28. Mrs. Stanford is ministers, after discussing the status of
undone that he can possibly do without religious dissenters and considering
neglecting school work. said to have gone to Honolulu from
San Francisco because of a former at- measures to remove the grievances of
" Direct your •energies to the fitting of that class, has decided in favor of re-
tempt upon her life made in January, last,
living stones for the building of God's
when strychnin was put into some pealing all regulations of a vexatious
temple." As we are to " be in the world, character proposed by the minister of
mineral water which Mrs. Stanford
and yet not of the world," our aim must
drank. The same poison was used in the the interior within three months, and to
necessarily be very different from the
successful attempt, the medium of its order the 'abolition of all measures inter-
aim of the teacher in the worldly schools.
administration to the victim being a fering with religious 'belief, except such
What grander aim could we ask for
bottle of bicarbonate of soda, which Mrs. as may be considered indispensable,
than character building?
Stanford was taking as a medicine. It which should receive the sanction of the
Second only in importance to the chief
is stated that strychnin and bicarbonate emperor. The committee," the dispatch
aim is that of helping our pupils to fit
of ,soda resemble each other sufficiently to says further, "has also decided• to direct
and prepare themselves to engage in
be difficult of identification in the form the minister of the interior to forbid
definite denominational work. As we
in which the poison was administered. the enforcement 'of regulations dealing
see the many lines of work delayed on
The identity of the murderer is unknown. with protection, or state or police sur-
account of a lack of workers, and espe- veillance of religious matters. The
cially our own work,-- church-schools — Francis Kossuth, the leader of the committee of ministers also calls upon
not being able to open because there are
Independence party in the Hungarian the heads of ministerial departments and
no teachers,— it should cause us to use
Parliament, was received February 12 by the procurator general of the Holy
our influence to encourage •the youngEmperor Francis Joseph, and granted an Synod to present reports to the emperor,
men and young women of ability to en-interview on the subject •of Hungarian and requests that all sentences of exile
ter our training-schools. independence. He discussed with the em- and• imprisonment for religious errors
peror the political situation and cabinet should be quashed." The •industrial
crisis in Hungary •arising from the situation in St. Petersburg and other
" EDUCATION means more than taking coalition of the various minority parties Russian centers is becoming more
a certain course of study." in Hungary with the Independence party serious. It is stated that " the strike at

Moscow has been resumed on a large on thinner paper, which lessens the cost
scale; anarchy reigns in the Caucasus;
and at St. Petersburg the measures which
of postage. The subject-matter is a pres-
entation in a new setting of the great
the government advanced to quiet dis- " breakfast," " dinner," and " supper " POINTMENTS
content and restore good relations be- calls to this world during the day of
tween •masters and men appear to have probation ; the folly of making excuses,
failed, with the probability of causing and the awful results that must come to Important Notice
the storm to break anew." A St. the " excused " soul; and the infinite joy
and reward to him who accepts the mes- THE ommittee of arrangements for the
Petersburg dispatch dated March 2 General Conference to be held at Takoma
states: " The strike already has as- sage, as he, with Christ, patriarchs, Park, ashington, D. C., May 11-3o, 1905,
sumed large proportions here, about apostles, and martyrs of Jesus Christ, desires o secure at once the following in-
5o,00o men being out. Among those who sits down to the marriage supper of the formation from those who plan to attend
struck to-day are the employees of the Lamb. The price of this tract is two this meting:—
St. Petersburg shops of the Warsaw cents a copy, or $1.5o for one hundred r. Gi e your full name and address. If
Railway. The strike has not yet ex- copies, and it can be obtained from your you are a delegate, state the fact.
tended to the tratn+-Pn, but the leaders tract society. 2. Do you wish the committee to provide
you with a tent? or must you have a room?
may decide to ardet them out, in order 3. If You wish to tent or to room with any
to paralyze one of the most important particular person, please state your choice.
railroads in Russia." It was anticipated IN the December number of Maxwell's
4. Do you prefer to board yourself? or
that a great demonstration would take Talisman, a monthly paper published in will yotj expect the committee to arrange for
place on Saturday, March 4. The czar Chicago, there appeared an article with your board ?
is said to be undecided as to what the title " Education. A school on a Acco 1 modations will be provided for all
measures of reform he will grant. Farm. Emmanuel Missionary College, those ho reply to these inquiries prior to
Maxim Gofky, the author, has been re- Berrien Springs, Mich." This article March 15, but it is necessary for the com-
leased from prison on bail, but is was " by E. A. Sutherland," and was ac- mittee to receive the information by that
companied by a group of views of the time in order to be able to make the neces-
banished to Riga. In Poland the peas- sary arrangements. Tents will have to be
ants are joining the Uprising, which various buildings of the institution, oc-
cupying a full page. In this contribution secured from distant conferences, and it is
hitherto has been confined to the work- therefore necessary to learn as early as pos-
ingmen. The peasants nufnber 7,000,000 Professor Sutherland gives a brief ac- sible tile number who will require accommo-
out of a total of ro,000,000 population. count of the removal of Battle Creek dations.
College from Battle Creek, Mich., to Address all communications concerning this
Berrien Springs, stating the reasons matter to J. S. Washburn, Takoma Park Sta-
seas which led to this change, and then pre- tion, 'Was
hington, D. C.
sents the principles upon which the in- In Ilehalf of the committee,

/11 7:1 stitution was re-established under its new

name, and their practical working in
erecting the buildings and conducting Business Notices

"7771 1
the actual work. The closing paragraphs
run as follows: — BRIEF business notices will be published in
this department subject to the discretion of
" It is natural that after such a training
:PT: 17CE young people should go from the college
as teachers of the children, for Emman-
the ptiblishers. A minimum charge of one
dollar will be made for one insertion of forty
words1 or less. Three cents a word will be
,to: rryty,
cittl uel Missionary College is a training-
school having many affiliated schools for
the youth, in which the fundamental
charg d for each additional word, and remit-
tance must accompany each order. Initials
and gures count as words. Name and ad-
principles are country life for the young, dress must be counted.
iyonwpyrm 7K il'Y rt4 iVCIp ".5115ny -;)1 ps, 71,6 and learning by doing.' All persons unknown to the managers of
•': •P n'Yv"mr.' 1:3101; uttn " The land for Emmanuel Missionary this paper must send satisfactory written rec-
College cost something over $19,000. ommndations whenever submitting notices
for insertion in this column.
The school started with $12,000 in cash. In the case of poor persons who wish em-
The farm, with buildings and improve- ployment, the charge may be remitted, but
I ments, has cost nearly $75,000. During in order to secure this concession a letter
three years $6o,000 has been accumu- from the elder of the local church of which
q lated as the result of the interest of the theadvertiser is a member, or from one of
Isaiah 59;ao. Hebrew Translation. students and their friends in this system our Well-known ministers, must accompany
of industrial training. The experience the ldvertisement.
proves the possibility of starting schools W NTED AT ONCE.— A good hygienic cook;
Tnis is a facsimile of the first page on a self-supporting basis when the prin- Sabb th-keeper. Good position for right per-
of a tract written and published by Elder ciples of industrial education are ad- son. Address J. H. Niehaus, Mgr. Fayette
F. C. Gilbert, of the Central New Eng- hered to. Sanitarium, Connersville, Ind.
land Conference, designed for use among " Recently a farm of four hundred acres INTED.— Young man to work on farm
the Jews. The tract is issued in two has been purchased nine miles from the foeventh-day
r Adventists. Applicants must
forms: in modern Hebrew, or " Yiddish," city of Nashville, Tenn., and there, under state age, experience, and wages demanded.
and also in that language on each right- still freer management, the founders of Address John Bear, Box 91, Rushville, Neb.
hand page, with an English translation the Emmanuel Missionary College are F.1 11 SALE.—A good farm on Walden Ridge,
on each left-hand page. Its purpose is establishing another college, to be known nea , Graysville, Tenn.; 55 acres woodland,
to show that the prophecy printed on the as the Nashville Agricultural and Nor- 3o cres improved. Good timber, fine water,
first page has been fulfilled, that the mal School. This new institution will extra fine orchard, and good, comfortable
Redeemer " has really been in person to in its start have the benefit of the experi- buildings. Address John Witt, Brayton, Tenn.
this earth once; and according to his ence gained at Emmanuel Missionary WANTED.— Your name and address, pro-
word, he will come again in a little College. Its workers are those who vided you would like to use the very best
while." Any who feel an interest in the have grown into the 'principles of in- vegetable shortening America affords. Olive-
work among the Jews, and who desire dustrial education, and in that favorable °Bine is the hygienic shortening of to-day.
copies of the tract, or wish to assist in location on the banks of the Cumberland Sert4 stamp for circular to Dr. 0. C. Gods-
its circulation, should address Elder River, the principles of hand, head, and mark, Mission Ridge, Chattanooga, Tenn.
F. C. Gilbert, South Lancaster, Mass. heart education will be still further de- WANTED.-- A good Seventh-day Adventist
veloped." woMan for general housework in our Em-
manuel Children's Home. Must be strong,
We are informed that " there were neat, and orderly. Permanent position for
ELDER A. E. PLACE, president of the forty thousand of the Talisman distribu- rieit person. For further particulars, ad-
Central New England Conference, has ted to all the principal educators in the dress Mrs. A. C. Ames, Mountain Grove, Mo.
written a tract with the title, " The Mar- land." Thus the attention of the public
riage Supper of the Lamb," which has OR SALE.— Health food store and vege-
has again been called to one of our edu- tarian restaurant combined, in Salt Lake
rapidly gone through its first edition. cational institutions, and to the princi- City, Utah. Splendid chance for right per-
The new edition is just out, and is printed ples of education for which it stands. soilis with about $3,000 to invest. Ample Op-

porttnity for missionary work. Present or thirty years ago, while at the Battle Creek forting us with well-chosen remarks. The
management and half owner must leave, ow- Sanitarium for treatment, and died a firm writer thanks our Father for the privilege of
ing to failing health. For particulars, ad- believer in the faith. Although the messenger attending this dear sister during the last five
dress Sanitarium Food Company, Sanitarium, of death came to her very suddenly, yet her months of her life, and for the many sea-
Cal. relatives and friends have every reason to sons of prayer we had together. Her often-
believe that she was fully prepared for the expressed words of comfort and faith, and
WANTED.- An experienced, healthy, Chris-
solemn event. The funeral services were con- love for all, will long be fondly cherished.
tian housekeeper for Seventh-day Adventist
ducted by the writer. H. E. RICKARD. EMMA E. ORR.
family. A good position, and good wages will
be paid to the right person. Address T. O. CRAWFORD.--. Died in Wilmington, Del., BEDFORD.- Died in Chambers, N. Y., at the
McCutchan, 3356 5th Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Dec. 13, 1904, Sister Anna Crawford, aged home of her brother-in-law, Nelson Sturde-
74 years. Sister Crawford accepted the third vant, Jan. 14, 1905, Mrs. Elizabeth Bedford,
WANTED.- A good colored boy from sixteen angel's message in the year 1892, during a in her eighty-fourth year. Sister Bedford
to twenty, who can come well recommended, series of meetings held by Elder S. J. Her- joined the Baptist church in early life, but
to work on the farm. To one who would like sum. She was a mother in Israel, and was about forty years ago united with the Seventh-
to fit himself for some branch of the work loved by all who knew her. A husband and day Adventist church at Catlin, N. Y., and
we will give board and clothing and free six children mourn their loss, but not as was a faithful and loyal member until her
scholarship. Address Superintendent Juniata those who have no hope. Words of com- death. Though sadly afflicted with rheuma-
Industrial School, Sylacauga, Ala. fort were spoken by the writer, from Hosea tism for the past eighteen years, she bore her
13: 14. JOHN F. JONES, sufferings with patience and fortitude. The
FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN.- Eight miles from
remains were laid to rest in Moreland Ceme-
Nashville, Tenn., so acres rich level land, PETERSON.- We laid our dear Brother Nels tery, where sleep husband and children, father,
well suited for gardening, fruit, and poultry. Peterson to rest at Lake City, Minn., Dec. 2o, mother, sisters, and brother. Remarks were
Good house,- 5 rooms, pantry, closets, and 1904, aged 73 years. Brother Peterson came made at the funeral by Rev. W. A. Stack-
cellar,- barn, cabin, and outbuildings. Bear- to this country about thirty-six years ago, and house (Methodist), based on 2 Tim. 4: 7, 8.
ing peach and pear orchard. Splendid water. had been a loyal believer in the third an- Wax. D. KIMBLE.
Good market; hard pike road to city. Joins gel's message for thirty years. He had been
grove containing Seventh-day Adventist elder of the church at Lake City for many SLAYTON.- Died at the home of her
church and school building. Also near new years. He leaves a devoted wife and a daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. M.
agricultural and normal school conducted by daughter to mourn their loss. At the funeral Watts, in Stowe, Vt., Jan. 27, 1905, Mrs.
Professor Sutherland. One mile from rail- words of comfort were spoken by the writer, Sabrina (White) Slayton, in her eighty-third
road station. Conveniently situated, health- from James 4: 14. R. A. UNDERWOOD. year. Sister Slayton accepted the third
ful, and desirable. Price, $1,500, 1-3 down. angel's message under the labors of Elders
This is less than cost of buildings. Address PARRY.- Died in Burnside, Chicago, Ill., Hutchins and Sprague nearly fifty years ago.
R. L. Pierce, 204 W. 12th St., Fort Worth, Jan. 24, s9o5, of paralysis, Sister Charlotte She possessed superior intellectual gifts, and
Tex, Parry, aged 64 years. She, with her husband, took a keen interest in the life of those about
Joseph Parry, and a daughter and her hus- her; and all who met her felt the force of
Change of Addresses band, accepted the truths of the third angel's her sincere Christian character. She leaves
message about eight years ago through Bible two 'daughters and five grandchildren to
THE address of 0. C. Godsmark is Mission
studies given by the writer. During the last mourn the loss of a kind and ever-helpful
Ridge, Chattanooga, Tenn., instead of Louis-
few months of her life she consecrated her- mother and grandmother, The funeral serv-
ville, Ky., as formerly.
self more fully to the Lord's service. We be- ice was conducted. by C. H. Drown, assisted
The address of T. C, Park is 2326 Law- lieve she sleeps in Jesus. She leaves a hus- by the pastor of the Methodist church. A
rence Ave., Toledo, Ohio, not 1823 Dorr band and five children to mourn their loss. short sermon was given from 2 Tim. 4: 7.
St., as formerly, Words of comfort were spoken by the writer, Thus the work of another standard-bearer of
from Luke 23: 27, 28. J. TABOR. the truth is over, and the light which has
burned so brightly and so long has gone out,
Publications Wanted MORTENSEN.- Died at Milton, Ore., Nov. yet its influence still lives. C. H. DROWN.
27, 1904, of cancer, Andrea Marie Mortensen,
N. B.-Attention has been repeatedly called aged 56 years and io days. Sister Morten- HAYTON.- Died at Battle Creek, Mich., Jan.
to the necessity of having papers properly sen was born in Denmark, and soon after com- 26, 1905, Henry Hayton, aged 6o years, 4
wrapped. Do not roll or wrap too small. months, and io days. At an early age Brother
ing to America, she united with the Methodist
Cover papers well, so that they will be clean Church. In 1876 she heard and accepted pres- Hayton accepted the Saviour, and united with
when received, Some have paid double the ent truth under the labors of Elder J. G. the Episcopal Church, with which he remained
postage necessary, while others have for- Matteson. She loved the Sabbath, and reared until about seventeen years ago, when Elder
warded literature by express when it would Joel Robinson came to the city of Brooklyn
her children to honor God by faithful obe-
have been cheaper to send it by mail, at four dience to his Word. She is survived by a and presented the truths of the third angel's
ounces for one cent. husband, ,one daughter, and three sons, two message as held by Seventh-day Adventists.
[SPECIAL NOTE.- All who receive period- Our brother soon accepted these glorious
of whom are physicians. The writer spoke
icals in answer to these calls are advised to truths, was baptized, and united with the
words of comfort at the funeral.
examine them carefully before distributing A. J. BREED. Brooklyn church. He fell asleep with strong
them- ED.] faith in his soon-coming Lord. He leaves a
The following persons desire late, clean MOORE.--- Died at Fowler, Mich., Jan. 23, devoted companion, six loving children, two
copies of our publications, post-paid : - 1905, of neuralgia of the heart, Mrs. Electa of whom are at Cape Town, South Africa,
Elizabeth Moore, aged 62 years, 6 months, and other relatives and friends, who laid him
H. J. Peters, New Home, N. D., REVIEW,
and s x days. Early in life Sister Moore gave away with sorrowing hearts, yet comforted
her heart to God. She accepted the truths with the hope of soon meeting him again.
Allen Manry, Tunesassa, N. Y., periodicals of the third angel's message under the preach- The funeral was held at the family residence,
and tracts. ing of Elders A. 0. Burrill and L. A. Kellogg words of comfort being spoken by the writer,
in 1876, and united with the church at Math- from Num. 23 :10, last clause.
C. S. Bassett, Hotel Wallingford, Atlantic
erton. Her husband, two sons, a daughter, W. C. HEBNER,
City, N. J., back numbers of all our period-
and other relatives are left to mourn. The
icals (I am preparing a full set of the Signs HAYES.- Fell asleep in Jesus, Jan. 18, 1905,
aged husband rejoices in the thought of a
for the last two years for our public library), at Bedford, Mich., of heart failure, my beloved
soon-coming Saviour, confident in the belief
also health magazines and tracts. sister, Hortense E. Hayes, aged 58 years.
that his wife was ready for the great change.
Sister was converted at an early age, and
The funeral was held in the Methodist church
J. G. LAMSON. united with the Seventh-day Adventist church
at Fowler.
ahituarirs at Battle Creek, and has since belonged to the
PEABODY.- Our beloved sister, Susan N. Charlotte, Potterville, and Bedford (Mich.)
Peabody, peacefully and trustingly fell asleep churches. She was always faithful in her
in Jesus, at her home in Bradford, Mass., Christian and church duties, and had been a
POTTER.- Fell asleep in Jesus, at Eden,
Jan. 23, 1905, aged 63 years and 28 days. In constant observer of the true Sabbath nearly
Mich., Jan. 2o, 1905, Audry R. Potter, aged
1869 she was married to Francis Peabody. all her life, as our parents embraced present
Is years, 1 s months, and 17 days. She gave
Previous to her marriage she had united with truth nearly fifty-one years ago. She leaves
her, heart to Christ about six months before
the Methodist Church. Being a seeker for a son, a daughter, the wife of Elder Sherman
her sickness, and at the time of her death
truth, she studied diligently the principles and E. Wight, a granddaughter, a sister, a brother,
was anxiously waiting an opportunity for bap-
truths set forth in the third angel's message, and a half brother, Elder 0. C. Godsmark, and
tism. We laid her to rest with the blessed
to which she became a faithful adherent. a large circle of relatives and friends to
hope of meeting her in the glad morning of
She was baptized at Ballard Vale, Mass., and mourn their loss, but they sorrow not without
the resurrection. Words of comfort were
united with the Seventh-day Adventist church hope, as she died fully believing and trusting
spoken by the writer, from 1 John 4: 8.
of Haverhill, Sept. 2, 1878, in which she was in the Saviour. The funeral was held in the
ever after an earnest laborer. Here her death Congregational meeting-house at Bedford,
DUSTIN.- Died at her home, near Fitch is deeply mourned, but her friends look for- near Battle Creek. Words of comfort were
Bay, Quebec, Feb. 13, 1905, of paralysis, ward to the glorious reunion at the first res- spoken by Elder A. T. Jones to a large con-
Huldah Matilda Dustin, nee Welch, aged 74 urrection. Her husband and one sister sur- gregation of sympathizing friends and neigh-
years, 8 months, and 15 days. Sister Dustin vive her. Funeral service was conducted by bors. Sister sleeps in, time to awaken in
accepted the third angel's message twenty-five E. W. Stone, reading from Job 14, and coin- eternity, S. H. LANE.

AN article of interest by Prof. M. E. more losely together -- to deny the

Kern relating to the Home Improvement American principle of equal rights in
Reading Course will be found on the religion.
eighteenth page. The committee of fifteen, Mentioned in
WASHINGTON, D. C., MARCH 9, 1905 our last issue, has held two quite lengthy
W. W. PRESCOTT EDITOR ALL who have occasion to correspond session, but has not yet submitted a
L. A. SMITH 1. ASSOCIATE EDITORS with any of the officers of the General report. Those connected with our work
Conference or of either of its depart- here f el 'that this situation calls for a
ments, should remember that the address presentation of the true principles of re-
THE Jamaica Conference has issued is now Takoma Park Station, Washing- ligious liberty as related to the school
the first number of a very small monthly ton, D. C. All letters and remittances in- question, and have therefore arranged
paper, called the Jamaica Record, for tended for the REVIEW, Instructor, Life for a meeting to be held in the Lafayette
communication with workers and and Health, and Sabbath School Worker 'Opera House, Sunday evening, March
churches. should be addressed to 222 North 12, at which the editor of the REVIEW
Capitol St., Washington, D. C., not AND HERALD will deliver an address upon
A NUMBER of our people are locating Takoma Park. All donations for the the following subject:—
in Cuba, and Brother I. E. Moore, of general work should be sent to the Religion in the Public Schools — A
Havana, is looking them up with a view General Conference Treasurer, at Ta- Menace to Religious Freedom Shall
to organizing the first Seventh-day Ad- koma Park, not to this office. We Have a State Theology? — What Is
ventist church in that island. the Proper Remedy for the Increase of
ONE of the latest contributions to mis-
We hope to be able to give the report
MISS ELLEN I. BURRILL, eldest daugh- sionary literature is " The Pastor and
of the committee of fifteen and other in-
ter of Elder A. 0. Burrill, president of Modern Missions," by John R. Mott,
teresting matter upon this subject in our
the Ontario Conference, has returned to well •known through his enthusiastic ef-
next issue.
America after spending seven years in forts in behalf of world-wide evangeliza-
the educational work in South Africa. tion in this generation. The general out-
line of the book is essentially the same Washington, D. C;
as that followed in a course of lectures TH s paper goes to press a little too
WRITING from the East Caribbean delivered at several theological semina- soon to give a report of the meeting.
Conference headquarters in Barbados, ries. The subject is treated under five held in Lafayette Opera House, Sunday
Elder Enoch reports that the annual divisions, as follows: The Non-Chris- evening, March 5. The subject was
offerings in the conference were double tian World at the Beginning of the appro Hate to the time and occasion,
those of the year before. There were Twentieth Century and Its Message to The Inauguration of the King of
one hundred and fourteen baptized in the Churches of Christendom; The King.
the field during the year. Pastor as an Educational Force in the As will be seen by the list published
World's Evangelization; The Pastor as on p ge 19, the amount of donations re-
THE fifty-eighth Congress came to a a Financial Force in the World's ceive up to the present , time on the
close on March 4 without passing either Evangelization; The Pastor as a Re- Was ington building fund is $59,551.38.
of the pending bills enacting a Sunday cruiting Force in the World's Evangel- This leaves $40,448.62 yet to be raised.
law for the District of Columbia, and ization; The Pastor as a Spiritual Force We till hope that, by a large increase in
these bills are therefore dead. Any in the World's Evangelization. This the donations, the amount needed to
further move in this direction will re- book is highly recommended by the sec- build the General Conference offices at
quire the introduction of new bills. We retaries of various 'mission boards. The least will be furnished before the date
are confident that •the large number of price is $1 net, and it is •published, by the of the opening of the General Confer-
petitions against these bills sent in by ence May II. This can be done, and
Student Volunteer Movement, 3 West
our people has had a strong influence in Twenty-ninth St., New York City. easily done if those who have been wait-
checking this legislation. It is, of course, ing (i
to make large donations come for-
unnecessary to forward any more peti- war at once to the help of this work.
Religion in the Public Schools From a recent Testimony in regard to
tions, as Congress is no longer in ses-
THE movement for the introduction the Washington work, I quote the fol-
of religious instruction into the public lowing:—
schools of this city has aroused con-
SEVERAL articles immediately attract We should now stir up the minds of
siderable public interest. On Sunday our people in America to give willingly
the readers of The Missionary Review of evening, February 26, Archbishop to the work that is being carried for-
the World for March. There is an edi- Keane, of Dubuque, Iowa, preached ward in Takoma Park. A school and a
torial on the " Welsh Pentecost," which upon this subject in Saint Patrick's sanitarium are to be established, in this
is •now so widely heralded. The writer p1. A building in which publishing
Catholic 'Church, and the same evening
was one who helped lay the foundations. wok can be done is to be erected. As
Dr. R. H. McKim, rector of the Church soon as possible, school and sanitarium
A War Correspondent's Work for Mis- of the Epiphany, preached' upon the work should be set in operation.
sions " tells the romantic story of Sir same subject to his congregation. We hope that no one will 'become
Henry M. Stanley and his relation to The Washington Post of Monday, weary in the special effort that is being
Christian evangelization of Africa. made to erect memorials for God in this
February 27, in addition to a full report important place. All our churches are
Several other articles bring the story of
of Archbishop Keane's sermon, printed to ishow an unselfish interest in this
the Uganda Mission up to date. The
four letters dealing with this movement. wo k, doing all in their power to hasten
,articles on Japan are timely. Dr. Geo.
One of •these letters characterized it as it orward. Let church officers counsel
Wm. Knox, Dr. Wm, E. Griffis, and Dr. follows:— together, and present to the church the
'Sidney L. Gulick, all write on important ii+rtance of prompt action, and let the
This movement is simply a part of the prayers of the church ascend to heaven,
phases of the Japanese need of Chris-
wide-spread clerical conspiracy, the that all may see that it is their duty to
tianity., Other articles deal with India, headquarters of which is right here in help
China, Central America, etc. Washington, to bind church and state J. S. WASHBURN.

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