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TOPIC PROPOSAL Name: ___________________________________ 

PROCESS ESSAY Date: _____________________Block:_________ 

Answer the following questions completely as you prepare to write your descriptive essay. 
This proposal is due at the beginning of the next class. 
1.) What is the goal of this essay—to explain or to instruct? Is it a directional or an 
informative process? Is your purpose to explain how something takes place, or do 
you seek to instruct readers on how to accomplish a specific task? 
The goal of this essay is to explain the steps of traveling. This essay does instruct the 
reader and it also informs on the tools needed to travel. This essay will instruct 
readers with the necessary steps to help them reach their destination appropriately.  
2.) Why did you select this topic? Are you personally or professionally interested in this 
process? Cite at least one reason for your choice. 
I selected this topic because I have traveled a lot of places, and I feel I can help a lot 
of people to help them travel without any stress.  
3.) How much does your audience know about the subject? Do any common 
misconceptions need to be clarified? What terms should be defined? Why do you 
think this topic would be of interest to others? Who might find it especially 
informative or enjoyable? 
I think most people have traveled before so they are familiar with the steps however 
might not be as skilled when traveling. I need to clarify the different ways to get to 
the airport and the different types of flights. I need to identify TSA and domestic vs. 
international flights. This topic will interest others since most people will end up 
traveling and have to endure the stress of traveling. Anyone who has experienced the 
hassle of traveling will find this interesting because I will layout the steps clearly to 
have a stress free traveling experience.  
4.) When does this process begin? What is the end? Your readers must have a clear 
concept of the beginning and end. 
This process will begin with driving to the airport and it will end with the person 
reaching their final destination.  
5.) List at least three of the larger steps or stages in the process. 
You must drive to the airport three to four hours before your boarding time that way 
you will have enough time to go through security and other necessary procedures to 
board your flight.  
When entering through security you should carry your passport or boarding ticket 
with you to show the TSA agent. Remember if you are 12 or under you are 
considered a minor so you will not have to take your shoes off and you will need an 
adult to clear security with you.  
When getting off your flight remember to take your baggage and all of your belonging 
with you and remember to be patient during this process.  
6.) What difficulties might this topic present during your drafting? Will this topic 
require any additional research on your part? 
The hard part of this essay will be to make all the steps as clear as possible so the 
reader won’t get confused. I won’t need to do any additional research. I think I will 
be able to use my prior knowledge to write an effective essay.  

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