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htm; updated June 19, 2013

Oracle Database Administration – Lab #5
Tables, Indexes, Integrity Constraints,
Clusters, and Undo Tablespaces (40 points)
Situation: In this laboratory you will continue to develop your database.  You may elect
to complete the laboratory individually, or you may team up with 1 to 2 laboratory
partners.  If you team up with partners, you will select your own partners and you will be
graded as a group and you will submit a single document as evidence of your team's
work.  The tables and data you enter into your database during completion of this
laboratory will support your work on future laboratories, so it is essential that you
complete this laboratory successfully.
Use Notepad, Wordpad, or Microsoft Word to document your solution to the tasks
in the laboratory. 
         Label your answer to each clearly by typing the number/letter (example 2a)
in bold print.
         Show each command you execute and the computer's response (example
response:  Database Altered, Tablespace Created, etc.).  If you don't show
the commands you execute, then your answer will be counted as wrong.
         Print your output using 10 point Courier or Courier New font (so the output
lines up and is easy to read).
         Format your output as necessary to make it easy to read.  Do not submit for
grading anything you would not submit to your boss for review in an actual
work environment, i.e. in other words, do not turn in sloppy work that is
difficult for me to grade.   

Tasks for this Lab

You should create one or more SQL script files that contain the commands needed to
create the tables, cluster, and indexes described below.  You may then execute the
script file(s) once you have checked it for errors by using the start
create_objects.sql command from within SQLPLUS.  Additionally, if you ever
need to rebuild the database, having the script available will reduce the rebuild time
IMPORTANT NOTE:  During the creation of tables, indexes, and/or clusters you may
find that you run out of data storage space in one or more tablespaces.  In this case,
you need to increase the amount of space allocated to the tablespace by altering the
datafile associated with that specific tablespace.   Additionally, you must name all
constraints created as part of this assignment.
1.  Startup your instance.   Connect as the DBA user for your database – not as SYS.
2.    Create Tables, Indexes, and Constraints (6 points).  As a DBA, you will be
responsible for creating tables.  This ensures that the DBA user is the owner of the
a. Create a regular table named Vendor with columns as specified below. 
 Set PCTFREE=30, and do not set PCTUSED for this table (remember, the
PCTUSED parameter is not set when Automatic Segment Space Management is
enabled, and this is the case for the DATA01 tablespace).
 Store the table in the DATA01 tablespace. 
 Ensure that your CREATE TABLE command creates the primary key index for the
 Create meaningful names for ALL constraints for the table.  Indexes created as part
of constraint specifications should be stored to the INDEX01 tablespace—remember
this is alocally managed tablespace.
VENDOR Table      
Column Name Data type Characteristics Description
Vendor_Number CHAR(8) Primary Key Vendor identifying number
Vendor_Name VARCHAR2(100) Not Null Vendor Name
Street VARCHAR2(100) Not Null Vendor Street Address
City VARCHAR2(50) Not Null Vendor City
State CHAR(2) Not Null Vendor state abbreviation
Zip_Code CHAR(9)   Vendor Zip Code
Account_Balance NUMBER(8,2) >= 0 Vendor Account Balance
Comments VARCHAR2(200)   Comments about the Vendor
b. Create an index-organized table named Product with columns as specified below. 
         Store the table in the DATA01 tablespace.
         Do not use PCTFREE or PCTUSED for the table. 
         Specify use of the INDEX01 tablespace for overflow and allow the Oracle
RDBMS to decide how to handle when to overflow.
         Ensure that your CREATE TABLE command creates the primary key index for
the table. 
         Create meaningful names for ALL constraints for the table. 
PRODUCT Table      
Column Name Data type Characteristics Description
Product_Number CHAR(10) Primary Key Product identifying number
Description VARCHAR2(20)  Not Null Product text description
Retail_Price NUMBER(8,2) >= 0 Desired retail price
Wholesale_Price NUMBER(8,2) >=0 Desired wholesale price
3.  Create an Indexed Cluster and a Cluster Index (3 points). 
a. Create an indexed cluster named Invoice_And_Details that will cluster rows for two tables
named Invoice and Invoice_Details tables.  The tables will be created in Task #4 below.  
         Use a SIZE parameter of 150 for the cluster. 
         Set PCTFREE=10 for the cluster.
         Store the cluster in the DATA01 tablespace
b.    Create a Cluster Index to be stored in the INDEX01 tablespace. 
4.    Create Cluster Tables and Additional Indexes (6 points). 
a.    Create the Invoice and Invoice_Details tables that comprise
the Invoice_And_Details cluster.  Your Create Table commands should also
create primary key indexes for the Invoiceand Invoice_Details tables to enforce
primary key integrity.  Your code must ensure the tables are stored in the cluster,
and that the tables created enforce referential integrity for the following
         The 1:M relationship from Vendor to Invoice.  If a Vendor row is deleted,
cascade the deletion to the Invoice table.  An Invoice row cannot be
inserted without a valid associated Vendor row.
         The 1:M relationship from Product to Invoice_Details.  Do not allow a
deletion of a Product row if there exists an associated Invoice_Details row
(do not cascade deletions).  An Invoice_Details row cannot be inserted
without a valid associated Product row.
         The 1:M relationship from Invoice to Invoice_Details.  If an Invoice row is
deleted, cascade the deletion to the Invoice_Details table. 
An Invoice_Details row cannot be inserted without a valid
associated Invoice row.
         Give constraints meaningful names and ensure any indexes created are
stored to the INDEX01 tablespace.
INVOICE Table      
Column Name Data type Characteristics Description
Invoice_Number CHAR(6) Primary Key Invoice identifying number
Invoice_Date DATE Not Null Date Invoice is placed
Invoice_Amount NUMBER(10,2) >= 0 Total amount of the Invoice
Promise_Date DATE  Default to Promised Invoice delivery date with a
TODAY + 14 days default constraint specification.
from today.
Vendor_Number CHAR(8) Not Null Vendor identifying number (Foreign Key)
Column Name Data type Characteristics Description
Invoice_Number CHAR(6) Primary Key Invoice identifying number
Product_Number CHAR(10) Primary Key Product identifying number
Quantity_Ordered NUMBER(8,2) >= 0 Quantity on invoice in decimal units
Actual_Price NUMBER(8,2) >= 0 Selling price for this order
5.  Load Vendor and Product test data (5 points).   Load valid rows.  Create your
own test data.  You must also load rows to test the various uniqueness, integrity, and
reasonableness constraints you defined for the tables.  You will be evaluated on the
extent to which your test data actually tests the referential integrity constraints specified
for the tables, and by how clearly you demonstrate that the tests you conduct are
a. Load the Vendor table with 2 good Vendor rows.
b. Load the Product Table with 3 good rows.
c. Attempt one row insertion in Vendor that violates the check constraint for
the Account_Balance.
d. Attempt one row insertion in Vendor that violates the Primary Key integrity constraint.  
Show the resulting error message.
e. Attempt row insertions in Vendor that violate the various NOT NULL constraints.  Show the
resulting error messages.
f. Attempt one row in Product that violates the check constraint for the Retail_Price.  Show the
resulting error message.
g. Attempt one row in Product that violates the check constraint for the Wholesale_Price. 
Show the resulting error message.
h. Attempt one row insertion in Product that violates the Primary Key integrity constraint.  
Show the resulting error message.
6.  Load Invoice and Invoice_Details test data (5 points).  Design test data for the
Invoice and Invoice_Details tables to test referential integrity constraints.  Your test data
should represent Invoice data where the total value of the Invoice_Details rows for a
specific invoice equals the Invoice_Amount in the corresponding Invoice row (do not
write any triggers or procedures -- just create data where the total of the Invoice_Details
rows matches the amount stored in the associated Invoice row).  The total of all
Invoice_Amount values for Invoice rows for a given Vendor should equal the
Account_Balance of the corresponding Vendor row (again create the data to accomplish
a. Load two good Invoice rows with two good Invoice_Details rows for each Invoice.
b. Attempt one row insertion in Invoice that violates the check constraint for
the Invoice_Amount.  Show the resulting error message.
c. Attempt one row insertion in Invoice that violates the Primary Key integrity constraint.   Show
the resulting error message.
d. Attempt one row insertion in Invoice that violates the referential integrity constraint between
the Invoice and Vendor tables.  Show the resulting error messages.
e. Attempt one row insertion in Invoice that violates the NOT NULL constraint for
the Invoice_Date field.  Show the resulting error messages.
f. Attempt one row insertion in Invoice_Details that violates the Primary Key integrity
constraint.   Show the resulting error message.
g. Attempt one row insertion in Invoice_Details that violates the referential integrity constraint
between the Invoice and Invoice_Details tables.  Show the resulting error messages.
h. Attempt one row insertion in Invoice_Details that violates the referential integrity constraint
between the Product and Invoice_Details tables.  Show the resulting error messages.
i. Attempt two row insertions in Invoice_Details that violate the check constraint for the
Quantity_Ordered and Actual_Price fields.  Show the resulting error messages.
7.  UNDO tablespace management (2 points).
a. Connect as the user SYS and list the undo segments in the UNDO1 tablespace. 
b. Create a second Undo tablespace named UNDO2 of size 5MB in the same location as your
current UNDO1 tablespace.  List the undo segments and their status in this tablespace.
c. Start a second SQLPLUS session (leave the first one open) and connect to the system as
the DBA user.  Insert a new row in the Vendor table, but do not commit the
transaction. Also, do not rollback the transaction or exit the session.
d. Switch to the first SQLPLUS session and use the ALTER SYSTEM command to switch the
active Undo tablespace from UNDO1 to UNDO2.  Now, as the user SYS, drop the UNDO1
tablespace.  What happened?  List the undo segments and their status.  Compare this to the
list you developed earlier in this task.
e. In the second SQLPLUS session as the user DBA, rollback the transaction and exit the
f. In the first SQLPLUS session as the user SYS, drop the tablespace named UNDO1.  What
NOTE:  Remember to update the init.ora file for your database so that on the next
startup the correct UNDO tablespace is used. 
8.  Create a Temporary Table (2 points).
a.  Connect as the DBA user for your database and create a temporary table
named Temp_Vendor. 
         Use a SELECT clause to create the table and to load all Vendor table data
into the Temp_Vendor table (Note: the DBA user should be the owner of
the Vendor table – if this is not the case, you will need to qualify the name of
the table, e.g.: TableOwner.Vendor).
         Specify to preserve rows on a COMMIT.
         Insert a new row into the Temp_Vendor table.
b.  Execute a SELECT vendor_number, vendor_name FROM temp_vendor and
display the output to your lab report.
9.    Create a Hash Cluster (4 points).
a.    Create a single table hash cluster named States_Cluster with a single table as
specified below that is capability of storing approximately 70 hash
keys.  Do NOT specify a HASH IS clause so that Oracle will use its internal hash
function.  Store the table in the Data01 tablespace.
b.    Create a table named States that is stored to the States_Cluster cluster.  The
table should have the following columns:
         State_Code  CHAR(2)  column value for hashing.
         State_Name  Varchar2(40).
         Population  Number(8).
c.  Store data to the States table for two states and then execute:  SELECT * FROM
         Illinois – IL  -- population 10,848,287
         Missouri – MO – population 8,481,994
10.   Alter a Table (2 points).
a.    Alter the Product table to add a column named Sale_Price with data
type Number(8,2). 
b.    Write SQL to update all rows in the table to store a value to Sale_Price that is the
value of the Wholesale_Price column plus 15%.  Example a wholesale price of
$2.00 would yield aSale_Price of $2.30.
c.    Show the output from the following command:  SELECT * FROM Product;
11.  Create a Bitmap Index (2 points).
a.  Create a Bitmap index on the Vendor table Zip_Code column with
PCTFREE=10% and with LOGGING on.  Store the index to the INDEX01
12.  Check the system data dictionary (4 points).   Execute the queries shown
below.  Ensure you are connected as the DBA user for your database.  The output from
these queries will assist me in determining whether or not you have met the assignment
requirements.  Ensure that you are connected to your database as the DBA user for
your database.  Format the output so that it is easy to read (use the Courier or
Courier New font).  To format output you can use the
COLUMN column_name FORMAT A15 command where you replace 15 with the
appropriate column size for text columns or with a format of 9999.99 (or other
appropriate numeric format) for numeric and currency values.
a. SELECT Table_Name, Tablespace_Name, Pct_Free, Pct_Used FROM User_Tables;
b. SELECT Index_Name, Table_Name, Tablespace_Name As TS_Name, Uniqueness, Status
FROM User_Indexes;
c. SELECT Index_Name, Table_Name, Column_Name FROM User_Ind_Columns;
d. SELECT Table_Name, Constraint_Name, Constraint_Type, Search_Condition, Delete_Rule 
FROM User_Constraints;
e. SELECT Cluster_Name, Tablespace_name,
Function, Hashkeys, Cluster_Type FROM User_Clusters;
13.  Shut down the database (-3 points if you forget to shutdown). 
At this point you should make a new cold backup of your database.
Do not leave your database running between laboratory


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