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Construction Module: ​Define: Project Write-Up

Gabriella & 11/07/2020

What is your Area of Interest?

Triggers in Mental Health

Description of the Area of Interest

Triggers are a common effect of trauma. With this being said, few people actually
discuss the experiences within this difficult side effect. Within my common knowledge,
as someone who regularly attends therapy, triggers have a very negative connotation.
Because of this, these are very personal experiences that are not only difficult to
identify, but also extremely difficult to share. Because people in our modern society
utilize the word as a joke, I was intrigued to find out more information about how people
genuinely view it. By interviewing people who struggle with triggers and sending a
survey to people who may or may not, the ability to gather information from both sides is
telling as to what people truly think it is. I believe that this choice is better than others
because it is scarcely spoken about openly and various people seem to lack sufficient
knowledge on the subject.

Target Audience

Anyone who has ever experienced a traumatic event, extremely memorable event, or
feeling can experience triggers. Because of this, any age group is involved within the
area of interest. By gathering information in this area of interest, people who lack
knowledge in mental health, or terms thereof, can have the opportunity to grow in their
insight. Understanding that any age is a blanket age group, it allows for a larger study
that involves people with more life experiences, young or old. There is no way of
understanding triggers without the grappling of various groups’ ideology.

Whilst these groups may utilize the word often, they may not have a strong
comprehension of the term, which may be frustrating to individuals who do and struggle
with it daily. After coming to a solution, I will have the opportunity to share it with these
audiences who, in turn, may be able to refresh their minds with what may be a more
proper understanding.

Projected Outcome and Benefit

I hope to learn more about how my interviewees experience triggers and what the
processes of their healing is. The benefits of this are simple: those who have a lack of
knowledge will have the opportunity to change that. Not only that, people who deal with
triggers muchly may learn of various resources or ways of managing their emotions,
mindset, and updating their coping processes. I hope to interest people willing to slightly
alter their mindset from believing that triggers are mere irritabilities and instead view
them as a side effect to the horrendous grip that mental health and trauma has on its

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