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The Hindu Vocabulary Booster August 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

The Hindu Newspaper is treated as the Bible by the Exam Aspirants be it Bank Exam Aspirants,
SSC Aspirants or UPSC Aspirants. Reading the Editorial section of the newspaper daily has
twofold benefits: (a) It gives the editor’s views on the latest happenings in India and the
World, (b) It helps enhance English Vocabulary. In this eBook of “The Hindu Editorial
Vocabulary Booster August 2020”, we have come up with a list of difficult words taken from
the Hindu Editorials of the August Month, with their Meanings, Synonyms, Antonyms, and
the Correct Usage of those words. Read along to understand it better.

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster – August 2020

Sr. No. Words Meanings & Synonyms Antonyms Usage
1. Abrasive showing little concern for Kind, Gentle Her abrasive and arrogant
the feelings of others. personal style won her few
Harsh, Caustic, Acerbic,
2. Absurdity The quality or state of Reasonableness, Duncan laughed at
being ridiculous or wildly Sense the absurdity of the situation.

3. Accountability The fact or condition of Unaccountability Lack of accountability allows
being accountable; Vallejo police to call the shots.

Responsibility, Liability,
4. Acquiescence The reluctant acceptance Refusal Reluctantly, he acquiesced to the
of something without plans.

Consent, Agreement,
Acceptance, Accession
5. Affirm State emphatically or Deny The Prime Minister affirmed the
publicly. country’s commitment to peace.

Declare, State
6. Affluent Having a great deal of Poor, We live in
money; wealthy. Impoverished an affluent neighbourhood.

Wealthy, Rich, Prosperous,

7. Aggrandizement An increase in power or Abase, degrade, He gives a lot of money to charity,
importance. Demean, Humble, but personal aggrandizement is
Humiliate his motive.
Canonize, Deify, Dignify
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster August 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

8. Aggravate Make (a problem, injury, Calm, Conciliate Military action would

or offence) worse or more only aggravate the situation.

Annoy, Irritate,
Exasperate, Anger
9. Aggrieve To give pain or trouble to. Pleased Years later, this unfairness
To inflict injury upon. still aggrieves him.

10. Akin Of similar character. Unlike, Unrelated The two languages are
closely akin.
Similar, Related, Close,
Near, Corresponding,
11. Alacrity Brisk and cheerful Apathy She accepted the invitation
readiness. with alacrity.

Eagerness, Willingness,
Readiness, Ardour
12. Albeit Though. The evening was very
pleasant, albeit a little quiet.
13. Allegation A claim or assertion that There is no substance to
someone has done the allegation.
something illegal or wrong,
typically one made without

A declaration, Statement,
14. Ambit The scope, extent, or Many feel that church leaders
bounds of something. stray outside of their
proper ambit when they make
Scope, Extent, Bounds, specific political endorsements.
Confines, Limits
15. Anarchy A state of disorder due to Government, What we are witnessing is the
absence or non- Order country’s slow slide into anarchy.
recognition of authority or
other controlling systems.

Lawlessness, Nihilism,
16. Animadversion Criticism or censure. Approval, His actions attracted neither
Compliment, surprise nor animadversion.
Accusation, Flak Praise
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster August 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

17. Anomaly Something that deviates Conformity, The anomaly of the social security
from what is standard, Regularity, system is that you sometimes
normal, or expected. Illustration, have more money without a job.
Oddity, Peculiarity, Exemplification,
Abnormality, Irregularity Specimen
18. Apprehend Arrest (someone) for a Miss Rasheta said police were still
crime. working Monday
to apprehend the shooter.
19. Apprehensive Anxious or fearful that Confident I am very apprehensive about
something bad or tomorrow’s meeting.
unpleasant will happen.

Alarmed, Worried, Uneasy,

20. Ascendancy Occupation of a position of Subordination They are in danger of losing their
dominant power or political ascendancy.

Dominance, Supremacy
21. Audacity A willingness to take bold Timidity He had the audacity to blame me
risks. for his mistake!

Boldness, Daring,
22. Audit An official inspection of an Go over, Skim, The audit showed that the
organization’s accounts, Glance, Miss company had misled investors.
typically by an
independent body.

Inspect, Examine, Survey,

Look over, Go over
23. Avert Turn away (one’s eyes or Face The last-minute
thoughts). agreement averted renewed
Prevent, Stop, Avoid
24. Battered Injured by repeated blows Undamaged She set up a sanctuary
or punishment. for battered wives.

Beaten, Assaulted,
Thrashed, Thumped
25. Beguile Charm or enchant Repel, He beguiled the voters with his
(someone), often in a Unappealing good looks.
deceptive way.

Charm, Attract, Enchant

The Hindu Vocabulary Booster August 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

26. Beleaguered Put in a very difficult The occupants of

situation. the beleaguered city had no
means of escape.
Hard-pressed, Troubled,
Besieged, Blockaded
27. Blinkered Having or showing a Broad-minded He is very blinkered in his outlook.
narrow or limited outlook.

Narrow-minded, Limited,
Restricted, Inward-looking,
28. Bottom out To reach the lowest point Increase, Rise, He believes the economic slump
in a continuously changing Success, Advance. has bottomed out, and the
level that is about to start economy will turn around.
rising or increasing again.

Hard-time, Downturn
29. Brazen Bold and without shame. Timid, Shy He went about his illegal business
with a brazen assurance.
30. Breach An act of breaking or Comply (with), This is clearly a breach of the
failing to observe a law, Conform (to), treaty.
agreement, or code of Follow, Mind,
conduct. Obey, Observe

Contravention, Violation,
Breaking, Infringement
31. Bumble Move or act in an awkward Efficient, Expert There is something terrible about
or confused manner. seeing others go about life with
rational deliberateness while we
Blunder, Lurch, Stumble, continue to bumble around.
Wobble, Lumber
32. Camouflage The disguising of military Unmask The army tanks were painted
personnel, equipment, and green and brown for camouflage.
installations by painting or
covering them to make
them blend in with their

Disguise, Hide, Conceal,

33. Cliché A phrase or opinion that is
Fresh, New, My wedding day – and I know it is
overused and betrays a Novel, Original, a cliché – was just the happiest
lack of original thought. Unhackneyed, day of my life.
A platitude, Commonplace, Uncommon,
Banality, Truism, Pioneering.
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster August 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

34. Cogent Clear, Logical, and Vague, They put

Convincing. Unconvincing, forward cogent arguments for
Muddled British membership.
Compelling, Forceful
35. Cognisance Knowledge or awareness. Inadvertence, The lawyer asked the jury to
Consciousness Neglect, take cognisance of the
Ignorance, defendant’s generosity in giving to
Inexperience, charity.
36. Cohort A group of people with a Enemy, Foe, The police arrested the gang’s
shared characteristic. Opponent, leader and his cohorts.
Companion, Colleague, Antagonist
Band, Group
37. Complacency A feeling of smug or Dissatisfaction The figures are better, but there
uncritical satisfaction with are no grounds for complacency.
oneself or one’s

Smugness, Self-
Approbation, Self-approval
38. Compliance The action or fact of Defiance, It is the job of the inspectors to
complying with a wish or disobedience, enforce compliance with the
command. Intractability, regulations.
39. Conciliation The action of stopping Provocation Many disputes are settled
someone being angry; through conciliation by the official
placation. body.

Appeasement, Peace-
making, Propitiation
40. Concomitantly At the same time; Unconnected, Loss of memory is a
simultaneously. Unrelated natural concomitant of old age.

Accompanying, Coexistent,
41. Condemn Express complete Praise, Commend Most leaders
disapproval of; censure. roundly condemned the attack.

Criticize, Castigate,
42. Contempt The feeling that a person Respect, Pam stared at the girl with
or a thing is worthless or total contempt.
beneath consideration.
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster August 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

Scorn, Disdain, Disrespect,

43. Contention Heated disagreement. Agreement The issues behind the protest are
the usual bones of collective-
Disagreement, Dispute, bargaining contention: pay
Argument, Variance increases, vacation time, union
44. Contraception The deliberate use of They offer impartial advice
artificial methods or other on contraception.
techniques to prevent
pregnancy as a
consequence of sexual
45. Contradiction A combination of Accord, Harmony, You say that you are good friends
statements, ideas, or Agreement and yet you do not trust him. Isn’t
features which are that a contradiction?
opposed to one another.

Dichotomy, Incongruity,
46. Contrast The state of being Similarity, The day began cold and blustery,
strikingly different from Resemblance in contrast to almost two weeks of
something else in uninterrupted sunshine.
juxtaposition or close

The difference,
Dissimilarity, Disparity,
Dissimilitude, Distinction
47. Controversial Giving rise or likely to give Uncontroversial, The book was very controversial.
rise to controversy or Anodyne
public disagreement.

Contentious, Disputed,
Contented, Moot,
48. Credence Belief in or acceptance of Distrust, Mistrust You people have lost
something as true. your credence with me.

Acceptance, Belief, Faith,

Trust, Confidence
49. Cripple Cause someone to become Able-bodied Economic sanctions
unable to walk or move have crippled the country’s
properly. economy.

Disable, Paralyse,
Immobilize, Lame
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster August 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

50. Dampen Make less strong or Heighten Nothing could dampen her
intense. enthusiasm.

Lessen, Decrease,
Diminish, Reduce
51. Dastardly Wicked and cruel. Noble, It’s the story of a woman who
Praiseworthy plots dastardly revenge on her
Evil, Iniquitous, Heinous, unfaithful lover.
Diabolical, Villainous
52. Decimate Kill, destroy, or remove a Build, Construct, This kind of moth is responsible
large proportion of. Erect, Put up, for decimating thousands of trees
Raise, Rear, Set in our town.
Annihilate, Demolition, up
53. Delineate Describe or portray Misdescribe, The main characters are
(something) precisely. Twist, Confuse, clearly delineated in the first
Misstate, Distort chapter.
Describe, Set forth,
Portray, Outline
54. Demarcate Set the boundaries or Connect, Join, Carpet tiles demarcate six-foot
limits of. Combine, Attach black circles around every desk in
the open floor plan.
Separate, Divide, Delimit,
55. Denatured Take away or alter the The combined action of heat and
natural qualities of. acid helps some of the milk
proteins to denature and
coagulate to form a large white
mass of cheese curds.
56. Detention The action of detaining Discharge, Concern has been expressed
someone or the state of Release about the death in detention of a
being detained in official number of political prisoners.

Custody, Imprisonment,
57. Diatribe A forceful and bitter verbal Compliment, Our manager privately subjected a
attack against someone or Recommendation, few of us to a
something. Sanction, Tribute, lengthy diatribe about how
Praise, Ovation, terrible the company’s new policy
Tirade, Harangue Blessing. is.
58. Discordant Disagreeing or Harmonious, The singers continued
incongruous. Dulcet their discordant chanting.

Inharmonious, Unmelodic,
Unmusical, Tuneless
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster August 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

59. Dismantle To take a machine or Assemble, Over the next three years, we will
something complicated Construct be gradually dismantling the
apart, usually to make it company and selling off the
unable to work. profitable units.

Break-down, Demount,
Disassemble, Dismount
60. Dodge Avoid (someone or Accede, It was just another dodge to get
something) by a sudden Acquiesce. Assent out of working in the yard.
quick movement.

Dart, Bolt, Expedient

61. Dubious Hesitating or doubting. Trustworthy, These claims are dubious and not
Not to be relied upon, Decisive, Clear, scientifically proven.
Suspect. Definite

Suspicious, Suspect
62. Endure Suffer (something painful Fade, Short-lived These cities have endured over
or difficult) patiently. time.

Undergo, Experience,
63. Eviscerated Deprive (something) of its Uninjured The ancient Egyptians
essential content. would eviscerate the bodies of the
dead as part of the process of
Clean, Disembowel, Draw, mummifying them.
64. Exacerbate Make (a problem, bad Calm, Reduce The exorbitant cost of land in
situation, or negative urban areas only exacerbated the
feeling) worse. problem.

Aggravate, Worsen,
65. Exaggerated Regarded or represented Compress, Ignore, Comic book characters are drawn
as larger, better, or worse Contract with exaggerated features so you
than in reality. will remember them.

Overstate, Overestimate,
66. Explicit Stated clearly and in detail, Vague I gave her very explicit directions
leaving no room for on how to get here.
confusion or doubt.

Clear, Direct, Plain,

Obvious, Straightforward,
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster August 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

67. Fervour Intense and passionate Apathy The country was swept by
feeling. patriotic fervour.

Passion, Ardour, Intensity,

68. Fettle Healthy or strong, or in “How was Jane?” “Oh, she was in
good condition. fine fettle.”

Condition, Estate, Form,

69. Flagrant Conspicuously or obviously Unobtrusive, She has a flagrant disregard for
offensive. Slight other people’s rights.

Blatant, Glaring, Obvious,

70. Foreground The part of a view that is De-emphasize, Public discussion
nearest to the observer, Play down has foregrounded the issue of
especially in a picture or health care.

A position of prominence.
Forefront, Accentuate
71. Forthcoming About to happen or Past, Current We have just received the
appear. information about
the forthcoming conference.
Imminent, Impending,
Coming, Approaching,
72. Fraternity A group of people sharing have an intense He is a firm believer in community
a common profession or feeling of longing service and a dedicated member
interests. for something, of the local fraternity of Good
typically Samaritans.
Friendship & mutual something that
support within a group. one has lost or
Brotherhood, Fellowship, been separated
Kinship from.
Association, Board
73. Fraudulent Obtained, done by, or Honest, Above- A worrying trend for insurers has
involving deception, board been a rise in fraudulent claims.
especially criminal

Dishonest, Cheating,
74. Fraught Causing or affected by Calm The negotiations have
anxiety or stress. been fraught with problems right
from the start.
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster August 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

Anxious, Worried, Upset,

75. Furore An outbreak of public Calm, Hush, Baseball fans in a furore as the
anger or excitement. Peace, Quiet, game stretched to 11 innings.
Commotion, Uproar,
76. Galvanize Shock or excite (someone) Demotivate The urgency of his
into acting. voice galvanized them into action.

Jolt, Shock, Startle, Impel

77. Grim Very serious or gloomy. Amiable, Pleasant The future looks grim.

Stern, Forbidding,
Uninviting, Bleak, Dismal
78. Ground-breaking Innovative, Pioneering Uninteresting, His latest movie is interesting, but
Ordinary not ground-breaking.
79. Hamper To prevent someone doing Aid, Assist, Fierce storms have
something easily. Facilitate, Help been hampering rescue efforts
and there is now little chance of
Hinder, Holdback finding more survivors.
80. Heavy handed Clumsy, Insensitive, or Dexterous, The protestors accused the police
Overly forceful. Sensitive of using heavy–handed tactics.

Awkward, Inept, Unskilful

81. Heft To lift, hold, or carry Helplessness, Does Brady have the
something heavy using Impotence, intellectual heft to run the city?
your hands. Impotency,
The influence, ability, or Weakness
importance that someone
or something has

Weight, Heaviness,
Importance. Influence
82. Hefty Large and heavy. Slight, Gaunt, Her salary will go up by
Light a hefty 13%.
Burly, Sturdy, Bulky,
Powerful, Hard
83. Herald To be a sign that Adversary, The president’s speech heralds a
something important, and Antagonist, new era in foreign policy.
often good, is starting to Opponent
happen, or to make
something publicly known,
especially by celebrating or
praising it.
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster August 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

Harbinger, Sign, Indicator

84. Hooch Alcoholic drink, especially Nonintoxicant Sometimes, however, there are
inferior or illicit whisky. finds of illicitly brewed alcohol,
or hooch, at establishments with
higher security.
85. Humiliation The action of humiliating Honour They suffered the humiliation of
someone or the state of losing in the opening round
being humiliated.

Mortification, Shame,
86. Ignominy Public shame or disgrace. Honour, Esteem, She had to endure
Respect the ignominy of being forced to
Shame, Humiliation, resign.
87. Illicit Forbidden by law, rules, or Licit, Legal, The information had been
custom. Above-board obtained illicitly.

Illegal, unlawful,
Illegitimate, Outlawed
88. Impasse A situation in which no Solution, The dispute had reached
progress is possible, Agreement, an impasse, as neither side would
especially because of Breakthrough compromise.
disagreement; a deadlock.

89. Imperilled Put at risk of being Preserve, The toxic fumes imperilled the
harmed, injured, or Conserve lives of the trapped miners.

Endanger, Jeopardize, Risk

90. Inadvertent Not resulting from or Deliberate, An inadvertent administrative
achieved through Intentional error occurred that resulted in an
deliberate planning. overpayment.

Unintentional, Accidental,
91. Indefinitely For an unlimited or Bounded, The negotiations have been put
unspecified period of time. Circumscribed, off indefinitely.
Bottomless, Endless, Definite, Finite,
Horizonless Limited,
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster August 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

92. Indoctrination The process of teaching a Neglect, Leave The level of indoctrination among
person or group to accept alone the nation’s youth had reached
a set of beliefs uncritically. fever pitch.

Educate, Instruct
93. Inflict Cause (something Alleviate, The suffering inflicted on these
unpleasant or painful) to Suspend, Spare children was unimaginable.
be suffered by someone or

Impose, Force, Press,

94. Innate Inborn, Natural. Acquired Cyril’s most impressive quality was
Inbred, Congenital, his innate goodness.
95. Intimidation The action of intimidating Encourage, They were intimidated into
someone, or the state of Inspirit, Animate, accepting a pay cut by the threat
being intimidated. Reassure of losing their jobs.

Frightening, Menacing,
Terrifying, Scaring,
96. Invariably In every case or on every Sometimes, Never Ranch meals are invariably big
occasion; always. and hearty.

Always, Every time

97. Invincibility The quality of being too Superable, The crisis has shattered the
powerful to be defeated or Surmountable, government’s
overcome. Vincible, apparent invincibility.
Impregnable, Indomitable,
98. Lacunae An unfilled space; a gap. Abundance, She found a lacuna in the
Adequacy, historical record.
Crunch, Dearth, Deficiency, Amplitude,
Inadequacy Opulence,
99. Laudable An action, idea, or aim Blameworthy, The recycling programme
deserving praise and Shameful is laudable, but does it save much
commendation money?

Commendable, Admirable,
Meritorious, Worthy
100. Legitimate Conforming to the law or Illegal, Invalid, He claimed that the restaurant bill
to rules. Unjustifiable, was a legitimate business
Illegitimate expense.
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster August 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

Legal, Lawful, Licit,

Legalized, Authorized
101. Litter An untidy accumulation of A shabby writing-desk covered
objects. with a litter of yellowish dusty
102. Lobbying The activity of trying to In her speech she stressed that
persuade someone in she is not involved in the
authority, usually an firm’s lobbying of Congress.
elected member of a
government, to support
laws or rules that give your
organization or industry an
103. Malice The desire to harm Benevolence I bear no malice towards anybody.
someone, ill will.

Spite, Malevolence,
104. Manifest Lack of confidence in the Hidden, Secret Their sadness was manifest in
company manifested itself their faces.
in a fall in the share price.

105. Marginalised Treat (a person, group, or Elevate, Promote, Now that English has taken over as
concept) as insignificant or Celebrate the main language, the country’s
peripheral. native language has
been marginalised.
Demean, Disparage, Vilify
106. Mayhem Violent or extreme Calm. Harmony, A criminal who escaped from
disorder; chaos. Order, Peace prison and caused mayhem.

Chaos, Disorder,
Confusion, Havoc, Bedlam
107. Minutiae The small, precise, or Essentials. Nitty- The committee studied
trivial details of something. gritty. the minutiae of the report for
Details, Niceties,
Subtleties, Particulars
108. Morass A complicated or confusing The distracted driver had driven
situation. his car off the road and into
a morass.
Confusion, Chaos, Muddle,
Tangle, Imbroglio
109. Multiplicity A large number or variety. Handful, Hint, Shakespeare’s works seem to
Abundance Lick, Little encompass the full multiplicity of
human experience.
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster August 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

110. Naively In a way that shows a lack Artfully, Cannily, I naively thought having wealth
of experience, wisdom, or Deceitfully, would bring happiness.
judgement. Deceptively,
Guilelessly, Ingenuously,
111. Nativism A policy of favouring native Nativism, populism, and
inhabitants as opposed to protectionism are growing
immigrants. everywhere in the West.
112. Obligation An act or course of action Repayment, You have a legal obligation to
to which a person is Discharge, ensure your child receives an
morally or legally bound, a Quittance, education.
duty or commitment. Release

Duty, Commitment,
Responsibility, Function,
113. Oratorical Relating to the art or Plain-spoken, She has a
practice of public speaking. Simple, wonderful oratorical style, with a
Rhetorical, Grandiloquent, Unadorned splendid command of English.

Magniloquent, High-
114. Ostensibly As appears or is stated to Genuinely, Really, Their ostensible goal was to clean
be true, though not Truly up government corruption, but
necessarily so; apparently. their real aim was to unseat the
115. Outrageous Shockingly bad or Acceptable, Mild, The judge criticized the
excessive. Moderate “outrageous greed” of some of
the bankers.
Disgraceful, Scandalous,
116. Overwhelm Have a strong emotional Underwhelm They were overwhelmed with
effect on. work.

Overcome, Move, Stir,

Affect, Touch
117. Painstaking Done with or employing Careless, It took months
great care and Negligent, of painstaking research to write
thoroughness. Slapdash the book.

Careful, Meticulous,
Thorough, Assiduous
118. Paradigm A typical example or Follower The TV network claimed that this
pattern of something; a was the beginning of “a
pattern or model.
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster August 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

new paradigm for commercial

Example, Pattern television.”
119. Patronage The power of a person to Blockage, Patronage is a potent force if used
give someone an Discouragement politically.
important job or position.

Aegis, Auspice, Backing,

120. Paucity The presence of something Abundance There is a paucity of information
in only small or insufficient on the ingredients of many
quantities or amounts. cosmetics.

Scarcity, Dearth, Shortage,

121. Perfunctory An action carried out Careful, Thorough His smile was perfunctory.
without real interest,
feeling, or effort.

Cursory, Desultory, Quick,

Brief, Hasty
122. Peril Serious and immediate Safety, Security I never felt that my life was
danger. in peril.

Danger, Jeopardy, Risk,

Hazard, Insecurity
123. Pertinent Relevant or applicable to a Irrelevant, She asked me a lot of
particular matter; Inappropriate very pertinent questions.

Apposite, Appropriate,
Suitable, Fitting
124. Portend Be a sign or warning that Contradict, It was a deeply superstitious
(something, especially Negative, country, where earthquakes were
something momentous or Preclude, commonly believed
calamitous) is likely to Forefend to portend the end of dynasties.

Presage, Augur,
Foreshadow, Foretell,
125. Pragmatic Dealing with things Impractical, In business,
sensibly and realistically in Unrealistic, the pragmatic approach to
a way that is based on Idealistic problems is often more successful
practical rather than than an idealistic one.
theoretical considerations.
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster August 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

Practical, Matter of fact,

Realistic, Sensible
126. Predominance The state or condition of Inferiority, The tribe fought to maintain
being greater in number or subjection, its predominance.
amount. Minority, Paucity

Prevalence, Dominance,
Supremacy, Mastery,
127. Preposterous Contrary to reason or Reasonable, It was a preposterous idea, and no
common sense; utterly Sensible one took it seriously.
absurd or ridiculous.

Absurd, Ridiculous,
Foolish, Stupid, Ludicrous
128. Presumptive Of the nature of a Definitive In that climate of fear, an
presumption, presumed in accusation alone
the absence of further was presumptive evidence of
information. guilt.

Conjectural, Speculative,
Tentative, Notional
129. Proficient Competent or skilled in Inept, Inexpert, I was proficient at my job.
doing or using something. Incompetent

Skilled, Expert,
130. Prognosis The likely course of a Calculation, Right now, doctors say
medical condition. Measurement his prognosis is good.

A forecast of the likely

outcome of a situation.

Forecast, Prediction,
Prognostication, Prophecy
131. Prominence The state of being Obscurity The company rose
important, famous, or to prominence in the 1990s.

Fame, Eminence,
132. Prominence The state of being Obscurity The company rose
important, famous, or to prominence in the 1990s.
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster August 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

Fame, Eminence,
133. Prosecute Institute or conduct legal Shoplifters will be prosecuted.
proceedings against (a
person or organization).

Execute, Follow, Pursue,

134. Provocation Action or speech that Discouragement, He can turn violent at the
makes someone angry, Suppression least provocation.
especially deliberately.

Goading, Prodding,
135. Prowess Skill or expertise in a Inability, He is always boasting about his
particular activity or field. Ineptitude sexual prowess.

Skill, Expertise,
Effectiveness, Mastery,
136. Pulverise Defeat utterly. Build, Construct, Our team aims to pulverise the
Annihilate, Crush, Rout Erect, Put up, competition
Raise, Rear, Set
137. Purportedly As appears or is stated to Implausibly, The study purportedly found that
be true, though not Impossibly, men married to smart women live
necessarily so. Improbably, longer.
Allegedly, Ostensibly
138. Quibble A slight objection or Discuss There is no point quibbling over a
criticism about a trivial couple of dollars.

Protest, Grumble, Grouse

139. Quirk A peculiar aspect of a Familiarity There is a quirk in the rules that
person’s character or allows you to invest money
behaviour. without paying tax.

Idiosyncrasy, Peculiarity,
140. Raging Continuing with great Calm, Placid The rain had turned the stream
force or intensity. into a raging torrent.

Stormy, Angry, Enraged,

Incensed, Infuriated
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster August 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

141. Ramification A complex or unwelcome Determinant, Have you considered all

consequence of an action Factor, Base, the ramifications of your
or event. Beginning, suggestion?
Consequence, Result,
Aftermath, Outcome,
142. Ratification The action of signing or Ban, Enjoin, Ratification of the treaty raised
giving formal consent to a Forbid, Illegalize, problems in several member
treaty, contract, or Interdict, Prohibit, states
agreement, making it Proscribe
officially valid.

Accredit, Approbate,
Approve, Authorize, Clear
143. Rebellion An act of armed resistance Obedience The authorities have put down
to an established a rebellion by landless colonials.
government or leader.

An action or process of
resisting authority, control
& convention.

Defiance, Disobedience,
144. Reconnaissance Preliminary surveying or Survey, Aerial reconnaissance of the
research. Exploration, enemy position showed they were
Observation, ready to attack.
Military observation of a Investigation
region to locate an enemy
or ascertain strategic
145. Refurbish Renovate and redecorate The developers refurbished the
(something, especially a house inside and out.

Renovate, Recondition,
146. Regressive Returning to a former or Progressive The movement will defeat the
less developed state; autocratic and regressive regime.
characterized by

Backward, Retrograde
147. Repercussion An unintended Any decrease in tourism could
consequence of an event have serious repercussions for the
local economy.
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster August 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

or action, especially an
unwelcome one.

Consequence, Result,
Effect, Reverberation
148. Reprieve cancel or postpone the Charge, Punish Under the new regime, prisoners
punishment of someone, under sentence of death
especially someone were reprieved.
condemned to death.

Pardon, Spare, Acquit

149. Retaliatory An action characterized by Forgiving He urged people not to resort
a desire for revenge. to retaliatory violence.

Avenge, Redress, Requite,

150. Retrenchment The reduction of costs or Enlargement, Experts see a
spending in response to Expansion, major retrenchment coming from
economic difficulty. Extension consumers.

Reduction, Curtailment
151. Revamp Give new and improved Fix, Freeze, Set, We revamped the management
form, structure, or Stabilize system, but the business is doing
appearance to. no better than it was before.

Renovate, redecorate,
152. Scourge Cause great suffering Blessing Pop-up ads have been described
as the scourge of the Internet.
Afflict, Plague, Torment,
153. Scrutinise Examine or inspect closely Glance at Customers were warned
and thoroughly. to scrutinise the small print.

Inspect, Survey, Scan,

Study, Look over
154. Scrutiny Critical observation or Glance Will the candidates stand up
examination. under all that scrutiny?

Inspection, Survey, Scan,

Study, Perusal
155. Scurrilous Making or spreading Moral, Discreet, This is a very funny collection of
scandalous claims about Civil, Unoffending, bawdy and scurrilous writings.
someone with the Polite, Decent
intention of damaging
their reputation.
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster August 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

Abusive, Vituperative,
Derogatory, Disparaging
156. Sectarian Denoting or concerning a Broad-minded, The country was split
sect or sects. Cosmopolitan, along sectarian lines.
Liberal, Open,
Separatist, Dissenter, Open-minded,
Dissident Receptive,
157. Self–evident Not needing to be Unclear Solutions which seem self–
demonstrated or evident to humans are often
explained; obvious. beyond the grasp of computers.

Obvious, Clear, Plain,

158. Smattering A slight superficial Army, Crowd, There is only a smattering of
knowledge of a language Flock, Gazillion, people who oppose the proposal.
or subject. Horde

Bit, Little, Modicum,

Touch, Soupcon
159. Snuff Extinguish (a candle or Light, Ignite Very few people
flame). take snuff nowadays.

Put out, Douse, Smother,

160. Sobering Making you feel serious or Alcoholic, Surviving a car accident is
think about serious Bibulous, a sobering experience.
matters. Crapulous,
Tending to make one
thoughtful or sober
161. Sovereignty The authority of a state to Hegemony, Talks are being held about who
govern itself or another Colonialism should have sovereignty over the
state. island.

Autonomy, Independence,
162. Spur Give an incentive or Counterincentive, Relax throughout July, when
encouragement to Disincentive a spur-of-the-moment decision
someone. might cost you more than money.

Stimulate, Encourage,
163. Staggered Walk or move unsteadily, I was staggered at the prices.
as if about to fall.
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster August 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

Astonish or deeply
164. Stagnation The state of not flowing or Flow Despite more than 10 years of
moving. economic stagnation, the
unemployment rate remains low.
165. Stark Severe or bare in Fuzzy, Indistinct, The stark reality is that we are
appearance or outline. Pleasant, operating at a huge loss.
Sharp, Crisp, Utter, Ornate
166. Stereotype A widely held but fixed and Unconventional, The city is too
oversimplified image or Original, Fresh easily stereotyped as an industrial
idea of a particular type of wasteland.
person or thing.

Cliché, Typecast,
167. Strident Loud and harsh; grating. Soft, Dulcet His voice had become
increasingly strident.
Harsh, Raucous, Rough,
Grating, Rasping
168. Superfluous Unnecessary, especially Necessary, The purchaser should avoid asking
through being more than Essential for superfluous information.

Surplus, Redundant,
Unneeded, Excess, Extra
169. Susceptible Likely or liable to be Insusceptible, Patients with liver disease may
influenced or harmed by a Invulnerable, be susceptible to infection.
particular thing. Unexposed,
Endangered, Exposed,
Liable, Open, Sensitive,
170. Tepid Showing little enthusiasm. Enthusiastic, He gave a tepid performance.
Unenthusiastic, Apathetic,
Half-hearted, Indifferent
171. Tinker Attempt to repair or Break, Destroy He is always tinkering with his car.
improve something in a
casual or desultory way.

Repair, Adjust, Fiddle,

172. Tranquillity The quality or state of Commotion, I love the tranquillity of the
being tranquil; calm. Busyness countryside.
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster August 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

Peace, Calm, Quietness

173. Transparency The condition of being Cloudiness, The old-fashioned type of plastic
transparent. Opacity, lacked transparency.
Lucidity, Clarity, Limpidity, Turbidity,
174. Triumphalism Excessive exultation over Bashfulness, There was not a hint of
one’s success or demureness, triumphalism in her acceptance
achievements (used Shyness speech at the awards ceremony.
especially in a political

Boastfulness, Bombast,
175. Truce An agreement between Fighting, Following last month’s riots, two
enemies or opponents to Hostilities of the city’s biggest gangs have
stop fighting or arguing for finally declared a truce, ending
a certain time. years of bloodshed.

Ceasefire, Armistice
176. Tumultuous Very loud, or full of Soft The former president appeared
confusion, change or to tumultuous applause and a
uncertainty. standing ovation.

Loud, Deafening,
Thunderous, Ear-
177. Turmoil A state of great Calm, Peace The country is in a state of
disturbance, confusion, or political turmoil.

Turbulence, Disorder,
178. Unenviable Difficult, undesirable, or Enviable, I had the unenviable task of
unpleasant. Desirable cleaning up after the party.

Disagreeable, Unpleasant,
Undesirable, Difficult
179. Unequivocally In a way that leaves no Ambiguous, Her answer was
doubt. Clouded, Cryptic, an unequivocal yes.
Clear, Unambiguous Dark, Enigmatic
180. Unexceptionable Not open to objection, but Insufficient, This seems unexceptionable and
not particularly new or Unacceptable useless-but then it is not how it is
exciting. used.

Acceptable, Satisfactory
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster August 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

181. Unnerve Make (someone) lose Encourage, The journey over the bridge
courage or confidence. Hearten had unnerved me.

Demoralize, Discourage,
182. Unnotified Not notified; of which no Notified Please do not involve me
notice or declaration has anymore unnotified in any
been made, especially to incident that anyway I am not
the appropriate belonging to.
183. Unsubstantiated Not supported or proven Well-founded, Companies can be punished for
by evidence. Undeniable making unsubstantiated claims
about their products.
184. Unwarranted Not justified or authorized. Justified, I am sure your fears
Permitted, Legal are unwarranted.
Unjustified, Indefensible,
Inexcusable, Unforgivable
185. Unwavering Not wavering; steady or Wavering, she fixed him with
resolute. Unsteady an unwavering stare.

Steady, Fixed, Resolute,

186. Validation The action of checking or Disproof I am afraid we cannot act on your
proving the validity or claim without validation.
accuracy of something.

Attestation, Confirmation,
Documentation, Evidence,
187. Vanquish Defeat thoroughly. Succumb, Yield, They were vanquished in battle.
Faint, Fail
Conquer, Trounce,
188. Wane Decrease in vigour or Increase, Grow The scandal caused her popularity
extent; become weaker. to wane.

Diminish, Dwindle, Shrink,

189. Wilting To become weaker, tired, Resuscitation, After only an hour’s hiking, they
or less confident. Revival were beginning to wilt in the heat.

Drooping, Sagging
The Hindu Vocabulary Booster August 2020 Free vocabulary e-book

190. Wrack Ruin, Destructed. Doctor, Fix, He showed the obvious and the
Mend, Patch, hidden of urban life: the workers,
A remnant of something Recondition, unemployed, architecture and
destroyed Repair ghettos, growth, and
human wracks.
191. Yearn Have an intense feeling of Despise Despite his great commercial
longing for something, success, he still yearns for critical
typically something that approval.
one has lost or been
separated from.

Long, Pine, Crave, Desire

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