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Answer the below questions and give examples where


1. What is a browser used for?

A browser is an app or a software that is used to
connect to the internet. A browser lets you visit
websites and do activities
2. The Internet gets access to the WWW. Name
other service the internet provides
File transfer protocol ( FTP )
3. Why does the Internet need protocols?
Protocols are needed to make connections with
each other. It is formatting rules that specify how
data is packaged into messages sent and
4. Why do computers need an IP address?
It is because an IP address is a unique identifier, it
allows computers to send and receive information
to and from specific computers in a given network.
5. Why do we type words into the address bar rather
than the IP address numbers?
It is because it is hard to remember the IP
6. Describe the below protocols
● TCP/IP - stands for Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol, which is a set of
networking protocols that allows two or more
computers to communicate.
● HTTP - is a protocol which allows the fetching of
resources, such as HTML documents. It is the
foundation of any data exchange on the Web.
● POP3 - Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3) is a
standard mail protocol used to receive emails
from a remote server to a local email client.

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