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Developmental Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Rachel Rizzo Date: January 15th

Group Size: 23 students Allotted Time: 60 min Grade Level: 2nd

Subject or Topic:

MyPlate- Food Groups

Common Core/PA Standard(s):

Standard - 10.1.1.C1

Identify foods that keep our bodies healthy.

Standard - CC.1.4.2.M

Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events.

Learning Targets/Objectives:

Students will identify foods that keep our bodies healthy by creating a poster and poem.

Assessment Approaches: Evidence:

1. Performance Task- Poem and Drawing 1. Rubric
2. Turn and Talk 2. Observational
…. …
Assessment Scale:
Rubric for performance task (located at the bottom of the lesson) labeled “Food That Comes to
Life Rubric.

Subject Matter/Content:
● Students know how to form sentences
● Students know characteristics
● Students know how to write a narrative
Key Vocabulary:
● Food groups
○ Dairy
○ Grains
○ Proteins
○ Fruits and Vegetables
● Nutrition- the act or process of eating and using the nutrients in food for living and
● Nutrient-something in food that helps people, animals, and plants live and grow.
● Carbohydrates- foods, such as breads, potatoes, and grains, that contain high amounts
of carbohydrates, which are compounds made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen that are
found mainly in plants. The human body uses carbohydrates as a ready source of
● MyPlate
● Food groups
○ Fruits and Vegetables- examples of each
○ Dairy- examples of each
○ Grains- examples of each
○ Proteins- examples of each
● Controlling Portions and Balanced Meals
● Nutrients- sources of energy
○ Proteins, Carbohydrates, Lipids (Fats), Nucleic acids
○ Foods that have the most nutrients
■ Vitamins and minerals

Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies:
5- 10 minutes
● “Today, we will be learning about MyPlate which includes healthy food groups to
provide nutrition for your body. This is important so we know how to provide energy
to our bodies and help us grow.”
● First we will begin by watching a video to help us understand a little better what food
groups are.
● You will be discussing something you learned from the video with a peer, so be sure
you are paying close attention, write two things in your journal.
● Pull up the video: ​
● Turn and Talk to your neighbor about two things you learned from that video.

Development/Teaching Approaches

10 minutes
● Define the term nutrient
○ “Nutrients are something in food that helps people, animals, and plants live and
● “Nutrients comes from the term, Nutrition, which is the act or process of eating and
using the nutrients in food for living and growing.”
● Pull up MyPlate PowerPoint:
● Pass out MyPate Notes Sheet
● Students will write facts about MyPlate on the MyPlate Notes Sheet during the
● Food groups
○ Fruits
○ Vegetables
○ Proteins
○ Grains
○ Dairy
● Discuss the importance of controlling portions, balanced meals and the proper nutrients
● Be sure the students know:
○ A balanced diet is one that includes foods from each of these food groups every
○ How much of each food group you eat depends on several factors, including
exercise and age.
○ Controlling portions will help you maintain a healthy weight and overall keep
your muscles, bones, and organs in your body healthy
20-25 minutes
● After learning about MyPate and the food groups, the student will then complete a
performance task. They will bring food to life by writing a narrative and drawing a
picture about it.
● The students will have the choice on what food they want to bring to life out of a list.
This list will include a picture of the food and the nutrition label for each.
● The students can use their resources around the classroom to help guide them with
their food.
● Teacher will read the directions to the whole class (on the “Food That Comes to Life
○ “There are unhealthy and healthy foods everywhere. We learned what foods
and nutrients are important to keep our bodies healthy. Now take what you
learned about the food groups and nutrition and create a poem about a food.
This poem will be an I am poem where you describe that food not only using
it’s characteristics but stating the food group it is in, where the food comes
from, what nutrients are in this food, and any other facts about the food. You
will then create a picture of your food and bring it to life. Turn your food into a
food human, monster, superhero, fairy, or princess. You may use your resources
that we used this past week.”
● The teacher will then go through the steps together with the students. Have them pick a
food to research. Give them the food label for their food.
1. Brainstorm a food that you can research.
2. Answer questions on, “​Food That Comes to Life Questions” Sheet​.
○ What are the characteristics of this food?
○ What food group is it from?
○ Where does the food come from?
○ What are other facts about this food?
● Then the teacher will explain to the students that they will use those questions to write
a short narrative about their food
3. Then when you are finished answering the questions, use those questions to
write a short narrative about that food.
4. Write a final copy on the, “​Food That Comes to Life Writing Assignment​”.
● Once the students are done writing their draft, pass out a 11 x 18 poster paper.
● Then read the directions to the students.
5. Next draw a picture of your food that came to life on the ““​Food That Comes
to Life Drawing Assignment”. ​Give your food human a name.
6. When your writing and drawing is complete, take your 11 x 18 poster paper
and fold it in half vertically. Shown here, fold on the dotted line.
7. Then on the ​right​ side you will paste/ glue that picture on the poster paper.
8. Then make sure your name is on the ​back​ ​of the poster
5-10 minutes
● Give the students the opportunity to share their “Food That Came to Life” writing and

Closure/Summarizing Strategies:
5-10 minutes
● Read the book: ​Jack & the Hungry Giant: Eat Right with MyPlate by Loreen Leedy
● Ask the students what is one thing that we learned today that was in this book.
○ Expected responses: Any of the food groups, portions of how much should be
on the plate, MyPlate model.
● Discuss with the students why it is important to eat healthy.
○ Provides you with nutrients to give your body energy.
○ To help you grow.
○ To help your muscles and bones become strong.
○ To help your digestive system stay healthy.
● “Tomorrow we will be doing a kahoot to review for our exam. Make sure you are
prepared to play the game tomorrow by studying your content from this last week.”


For English Language Learners, I would print the directions sheet in their language. This way I
know they are understanding the content and not understanding or comprehending the english.
This will also help them study english words that they already know in spanish looking at the
direction sheet in english and then looking at their copy in spanish. I will also provide a script
of the video shown for the student to read if not comprehending what is being said in the
video. I would also provide an option for the student to watch the video with headphones on an
iPad or laptop in their language.


● 11 x 18 piece of poster paper
● MyPlate Notes Sheet
● PowerPoint
● Food That Comes to Life Questions
● Food That Comes to Life Drawing Assignment
● Food That Comes to Life Writing Assignment
● Food That Comes to Life Rubric
● Book: Choose MyPlate for Healthy Eating
● Video: ​


Children's, Intermediate and Advanced Online English Dictionary & Thesaurus. (n.d.).
Retrieved October 28, 2020, from ​

Publishing, H. (n.d.). Comparison of the Healthy Eating Plate and the USDA's MyPlate.
Retrieved November 03, 2020, from

What is MyPlate? (n.d.). Retrieved November 03, 2020, from

Book: Leedy, L. (2014). ​Jack & the hungry giant eat right with MyPlate​. New York: Holiday


Video: ​

Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels

Remediation Plan (if applicable)

Personal Reflection Questions

Additional reflection/though
MyPlate Notes Sheet:
Performance Task Directions:
Name:________________________  Date:_________________ 

Food That Comes to Life 

There are unhealthy and healthy foods everywhere. We 
learned what foods and nutrients are important to keep 
our bodies healthy. Now take what you learned about the 
food groups and nutrition and create a poem about a food. This poem will 
be an I am poem where you describe that food not only using it’s 
characteristics but stating the food group it is in, where the food comes 
from, what nutrients are in this food, and any other facts about the food. 
You will then create a picture of your food and bring it to life. Turn your 
food into a food human, monster, superhero, fairy, or princess. You may 
use your resources that we used this past week. 
1. Brainstorm a food that you can research. 
2. Answer questions on, “​Food That Comes to Life Questions” 
3. Then when you are finished answering the questions, use those 
questions to write a short narrative about that food. 
4. Write a final copy on the, “​Food That Comes to Life Writing 
5. Next draw a picture of your food that came to life on the ““​Food 
That Comes to Life Drawing Assignment”. ​Give your food 
human a name. 
6. When your writing and drawing is complete, take your 11 x 18 
poster paper and fold it in half vertically. Shown here, fold on 
the dotted line. 
7. Then on the ​right​ side you will paste/ glue that picture on the 
poster paper.  
8. Then make sure your name is on the ​back​ ​of the poster 
Food That Comes to Life Questions:

Name:________________________  Date:_________________ 

1. What are the characteristics of this food? 

2. What food group is it from? 
3. Where does the food come from? 
4. What are other facts about this food? 
Food That Comes to Life Drawing Assignment:
Name:________________________  Date:_________________ 
Drawing of Food 
Food That Comes to Life Writing Assignment:
Name:________________________  Date:_________________ 
Food That Comes to Life  







Rubric: Food That Comes to Life Writing and Drawing

Excellent Good Fair Poor

4 3 2 1

Content The writing is well The writing is well The writing is not The writing is not
organized and organized and completely organized well organized and
includes nutrition includes some and includes little includes little to no
information about the nutrition information nutrition information nutrition information
chosen food. The about the chosen about the chosen food. about the chosen
content shows that food. The content shows that food. The content
the student did The content shows the student did very shows that the
research on that food. that the student did little research on that student did not do
some research on that food. research on that
food. food. .

Science The food name, Two out of the three One out of the three None of the three
Writing characteristics, and categories; the food categories; the food categories; the food
the food group is name, characteristics, name, characteristics, name,
specifically stated in and the food group is and the food group is characteristics, and
the writing. included in the writing. included in the writing. the food group is
specially stated in
the writing.

Details The food's location, The food’s location The food’s location is The food’s location
and more than one and at least one fact is included but a fact is or a detail about the
fact about the food is included in the details. not included in the food is not included
included in the details. Or the food’s in the details.
details. location is not included
and there is one fact
included in the details.

Drawing The drawing of the The drawing of the The drawing of the food The drawing of the
food is creative, food is creative, is completely creative, food has no color,
shows a great shows an example of shows a moderate does not show an
example of a a nutritious food, with example of a nutritious example of a
nutritious food, some color, is brought food with color, is not nutritious food, is not
includes details, has to life and not given a quite brought to life and brought to life and
color, is brought to name. not given a name. not given a name.
life and given a

Organization The writing has no The writing has one or The writing has 4 or The writing has 6 or
and grammar mistakes two grammar more grammar more grammar
Grammar and fully formed mistakes but has fully mistakes. mistakes.
sentences, with formed sentences,
capitalization and with capitalization and
punctuation. punctuation.

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