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Learning is the process or effort made by each individual to get a change in behavior,

both in the form of knowledge, skills, attitudes and positive values as the experience of various

knowledge that has been learned. The definition of learning can be interpreted as a psychological

activity carried out by each individual so that the behavior is different between before and after

learning who initially did not know to know. The meaning of learning is also the process of

changing one's personality where the change is in the form of an increase in the quality of

behavior, such as an increase in knowledge, skills, thinking power, understanding, attitudes, and

various other abilities.

            In doing the learning process, naturally, there is an interest in learning to do something

that you want to do. Interest arises when individuals are interested in something they think is

important to themselves and can meet the needs they want. Factors that can arouse and stimulate

interest are learning material factors that will be taught to students. Learning material that

interests students, will often be studied by students concerned. Conversely, material that does not

interest students will certainly be ruled out by students. As stated by Slameto (20013: 187) that

"Interest has a very large relationship to learning, because when learning material is not in

accordance with the interests of students, students will not learn as desired, because no one needs

attraction to interesting ". Therefore, the teacher is also one of the objects that is very important

in stimulating and arousing student interest in learning. Therefore, in the learning process,

teachers must be sensitive to class situations, he must know and pay attention to teaching
methods that are appropriate and in accordance with the level of intelligence of their students.

One of them by using ice breaking.

              Ice breaking is an activity that aims to arouse student enthusiasm so that the learning

process that occurs is not so monotonous that it can make students become bored when

undergoing the learning process. With ice breaking students will feel happy and can focus on

learning. As Susan M. Heathfield said that opening a conversation is an activity, game, or event

that is used to welcome participants and warm up the conversation between participants in

meetings, training classes, team building sessions, or other events. This activity is very important

and can be an effective way for students in the learning process. For that reason, by using ice

breaking method students will be interested so that it will generate interest to start learning.

There are many kinds of games in ice breaking, but this study uses Snowball Throwing method

to increase students' interest in learning at grade IX SMP N 25 Jambi City.


In the process of learning English in grade IX at SMP N 25 Jambi City in the narrative

text material delivered by the teacher using the lecture method, namely by explaining what the

narration is and examples of the text, of course what is given by the teacher to students becomes

monotonous, of course it causes students feel bored and plus most students do not understand

what is meant by the material described by the teacher because of the limited vocabulary that is

owned by students. As a result, students have no interest in learning and in the end ignores their

teacher explaining the material in front. Students are busy themselves with the activities they do

to fill their boredom, like someone tells stories with their peers, some draw in their notebooks,

and some even lie down (the time is right for going to sleep because of the learning schedule
during the day). In the learning process provided by the teacher is indeed not very interesting and

too monotonous, so the teacher does not succeed in getting the attention of his students and will

certainly affect student learning outcomes.


In order to make this research more clear and focused, the researcher gave a limitation of

the problem, which was to improve learning outcomes and interest in learning English students

in class IX SMP N 25 Jambi City by applying the Snowball Throwing method to students.


From the problems that have been explained before, there are several factors why there

can be a lack of student interest in learning English, namely how to teach monotonous teachers

so that students become bored and students who do not understand the material due to limited

vocabulary. For this reason, the problems that occur in grade 9 of SMP N 25, Jambi City will be

conducted research by overcoming the problem using the Snowball Throwing method to increase

the interest and learning outcomes of grade 9 students in learning English, especially in narrative

text material.


The objective is basically the main target to be achieved by researchers through research

activities to be carried out, because without the aim of the activities to be carried out will not

have a clear direction and results. For this reason, researchers have the objective to find out the

learning outcomes and interest in learning English before using the Snowball Throwing method

in class IX students of SMP N 25 Jambi City in order to get results by distinguishing them after

using the Snowball Throwing method to be performed.


The benefits of this research are as follows:

1. For students

It will be useful to increase interest in learning English with the Snowball Throwing

method for students who are less interested in learning.

2. For teachers

a) As a guide for teachers in choosing the right strategies, methods and learning models

in teaching.

b) It will be useful to add input for teaching professionalism.

c) Teachers will be more creative because they are always required to make efforts to

innovate as the implementation and adaptation of theories in learning techniques and

teaching materials used.

3. For schools

As input and contribution of ideas in the context of improving teaching to improve

student understanding in learning English especially in the discussion of narrative texts.

4. For researchers

a) By doing this CAR, then as a researcher little by little knows the methods and

strategies of learning, and learning models that are in accordance with the objectives or

basic competencies of learning.

b) Will know the description of abilities and difficulties and interests experienced by

students who are taught by applying the Snowball Throwing method.




1. Learning

a. Definition of Learning

According to the theory of Cognitivism, Jerome Bruner believes that learning

activities will go well and creatively if students can find certain rules or

conclusions themselves. In this case Bruner distinguishes into three stages. The

three stages are (1) the information stage, namely the initial stage for gaining new

knowledge or experience (2) the transformation stage, namely the stage of

understanding, digesting and analyzing new knowledge and being transformed in

new forms that may be useful for other things, and (3) evaluation stage, which is

to find out whether the results of the transformation in the second stage were true

or not. Sardiman, defining learning is changing, in this case meant learning means

an effort to change the behavior of each individual. So learning will bring a

change to individuals who learn. Change is not only related to the addition of

knowledge, but also in the form of skills, skills, attitudes, understanding, self-

esteem, interests, character, self-adjustment.

According to Syaiful Bahri D (according to Djamarah's book), defining

learning is a "change" that occurs within a person after the end of doing learning

activities. Although not all changes are included in the learning category. For

example physical changes, drunk, crazy and so on. Learning is often interpreted

as a process of change that can be in the form of the development of knowledge,

attitudes, skills and later it is expected for students to be able to solve problems or

the demands of their lives. Because of that someone can be said to learn if it can

be assumed within that person there is a process of behavior change which is a

learning process.

According to R. Gagne, learning can be defined as a process in which an

organism changes its behavior as a result of experience. For gagne, learning is

interpreted as a process to obtain motivation in knowledge, skills, habits, and

behavior. In addition, gagne also emphasizes that learning as an effort to acquire

knowledge or skills through instruction. The instruction in question is an order or

direction and guidance from an educator or teacher.

Based on the definition of learning in the expert opinion above it can be

concluded that the notion of learning is a change or an effort to get a change in

behavior from one's own self from the unknowing to knowing. The learning

process that causes changes in behavior and changes in a person's personality after

experiencing an event or learning experience. Behavior can include knowledge,

attitudes, skills, abilities, habits, feelings, responses to something, relationships or

social interactions, and so on.

b. Interest in Learning

Interest in learning consists of two words namely interest and learning. These

two words have different meanings, for that the researcher will define one by one.

Etymologically in the Indonesian General Dictionary, interest is defined as "attention",

liking (tendency) to something desires. In terms of terminology, experts give opinions

about interests. Interest is a feeling of preference and a feeling of interest in a thing or

activity without anyone asking based on Slameto, Belajar dan Yang Faktor-Faktor

Mempengaruhinya,(Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta, 1995), hlm. 180. Interest is a situation

where someone has attention to something and is accompanied by a desire to know

and learn it or prove it based on Ramayulis, Metodologi Pengajaran Agama Islam,

(Jakarta: Kalam Mulia, 22001), hlm. 91. And also there is other definition that interest

is the persisting tendency to pay attention to and enjoy the same activities and content.

(Interest is a constant tendency to pay attention and remember some activities).

(Daryanto, Belajar dan Mengajar, (Bandung; CV Yrama Widya, 2010), hlm. 38.)

Looking at some of the above meanings, what is meant by interest is a

tendency and a great desire for something accompanied by feelings of pleasure,

interest, concentration, and other tendencies that lead to a choice. While learning is a

process or effort made by each individual to get a change in behavior, both in the form

of knowledge, skills, attitudes and positive values as the experience of various

knowledge that has been learned. It can be concluded that the interest in learning is a

great desire for knowledge, skills, attitudes and others with a sense of pleasure and an

interest in the process undertaken.

c. Kinds of Interests

According to Dewa Ketut Sukardi who quoted Carl Safran's opinion

(according to Djamarah's book), that there are three ways that can be used to

determine interest, namely:

1) Expressed Interest
Someone can express their interests or choices with certain words. For

example: someone might say that he is interested in collecting coins, stamps and


2) Manifest Interest / Manifest Interest

A person can express interest not through words but through actions or actions,

which is to participate and play an active role in an activity, for example: sports

activities, scouts and so on that attract attention.

3) Inventory Interest / Inventory Interest

A person evaluates his interest so that it can be measured by answering a

number of specific questions or order of choice for a particular group of activities.

Questions to measure someone's interest are arranged using a questionnaire.

d. Interest Function

According to M. Chabib Thoha and Abdul Mukti, the function of interest is as


1) Interest influences the shape and intensity of ideals

2) Interest as a powerful driving force

3) Interest affects the intensity of one's achievement

4) Interest brings satisfaction

Therefore, interest has a very big influence in learning because if the learning

material learned is not appropriate with the interests of students, these students will not

learn as well as possible. Whereas if the subject matter is able to attract the interest of

students, then by itself it will be easy to learn and be stored in the minds of students
because of the interest that adds to learning activities. A student must have an interest

in learning so that it will encourage students to continue learning.

e. Factors that affect interest in learning

In general, the factors that influence participant’s interest in learning students

can be divided into two types, namely:

1) Internal factors (from within students), namely physiological conditions and

psychological factors of students. Psychic aspects, including the level of

intelligence, attitudes, talents, interests and learning motivation of students. While

physiological aspects, including the condition of body organs such as physical

health, and nutritional fulfillment.

2) External factors (from outside students), environmental conditions students, both

social and non-social environments. Environment social, including the school

environment such as teachers, friends and the community environment. While the

non-social environment, includes school conditions and so on.

f. Increase Student Interest

Some education experts argue that the most effective way to generate interest

in a new subject is to use existing student interests. According to Tanner & Tanner

(according to Djamarah's book), it is suggested that teachers also try to form new

interests in students. This can be achieved by providing information to students about

the relationship between a teaching material that will be provided with past teaching

material, outlining its usefulness for students in the future.

Developing an interest in something is basically helping students see how the

relationship between the material they are expected to learn with themselves as

individuals. This process means showing students how certain knowledge or abilities

affect themselves, serve their goals, satisfy their needs. If students realize that learning

is a tool to achieve some goals that are considered important, and if students see that

the results of their learning experience will bring progress to themselves, they will

most likely be interested (and motivated) to learn it.

Great interest in its influence on learning, because if the learning material

learned does not match the interests of students, students will not learn as well as

possible, because there is no attraction for him. He is reluctant to not learn by lazing,

not listening to the teacher's explanation, and he will not get satisfaction from the

lesson. Learning materials that attract students' interest are easier to learn and store,

because interest increases learning activities.

2. The Snowball Throwing Method

a) Understanding the Snowball Throwing method

National Education System Law Number 20 Year 2003 states that learning is a

process of interaction of students with educators and learning resources in a learning

environment. Learning as a concept is a learning approach that involves several

subjects to provide a meaningful learning experience for students. Learning is

believed to be an approach that is oriented towards learning practices that fit the needs

of students.
According to Patricia L. Smith and Tillman J. Ragan (according to Benny's book,

(2009), Learning System Design Model, Jakarta: PT Dian Rakyat, p.9) which suggests

that learning is the development and delivery of information and activities which was

created to facilitate the achievement of specific goals.

According to the above opinion it can be concluded that learning is the process of

interaction of students with educators and learning resources in a learning

environment or the development and delivery of information to achieve certain goals.

Snowball Throwing etymologically means bola salju, while Throwing means

melempar. Snowball Throwing as a whole can be interpreted as throwing snowballs.

In learning Snowball Throwing, snowballs are papers containing questions made by

students and then thrown to their friends to answer.

According to Bayor (according to Hamdayana's book), Snowball throwing is one

of the active learning models which in its implementation involves many students. The

role of the teacher here is only as a preliminary direction on the topic of learning and

subsequently, control of the path Snowball Throwing learning is a learning method

that begins with the formation of groups represented by the group leader to get an

assignment from the teacher, then each student makes questions that are formed like a

ball (question paper) and then thrown to other students who each student answer the

question from the ball obtained.

In the opinion of Imas & Berlin, Snowball Throwing "rotating snowballs" is a

learning model using paper questions that are rolled into a round ball and then tossed

in turns among fellow group members. In principle, this model combines

communicative, integrative approaches and process skills.

Based on the opinions above it can be concluded that the understanding of

Snowball Throwing is a learning model that divides students into groups, which later

each group member makes a question on a piece of paper which is rolled into a round

ball and then cast in turns between other students by using the duration of time that

has been determined by the teacher and also questions such as what should be made

by students to throw to other friends, then each student answers questions from the

paper ball he gets.

b) Steps for Snowball Throwing

1. The teacher conveys the material to be presented, and the basic competency to be


2. The teacher forms students in groups, then calls each chairman group to give an

explanation of the material.

3. Each group leader returns to their respective groups, then explain the material

delivered by the teacher to his friend.

4. Then each student is given a sheet of work paper, for write down one question that

raises the material already explained by the group leader.

5. Then the paper containing the question is made like a ball and thrown from one

student to another for 2 minutes.

6. After students get one ball / one question given the opportunity to students to

answer questions written in ball-shaped paper alternately.

7. Evaluation

8. Closing
The technical steps of implementing the Snowball Throwing model according to

Imas & berlin, which are as follows:

1. Like ordinary learning, where the teacher conveys the material to be served, just a

few minutes.

2. After that, tell them to form groups and call each chairman group to give an

explanation of the material.

3. Each group leader returns to their respective groups, then explain the material

delivered by the teacher to his friend.

4. Then each student is given one worksheet for write down any questions regarding

the material already explained by the group leader.

5. Then the paper is made like a ball and thrown from one student to the other students

for 5 minutes.

c) Advantages and Disadvantages of the Snowball Throwing Method

In a learning model, certainly has advantages and shortcomings, according to

Jumanta advantages and disadvantages of the Snowball model Throwing has several

advantages which all involve data. Student participation in learning is as follows:

 The advantages of learning with the Snowball Throwing model

1. The atmosphere of learning becomes fun because students like to play by throwing

paper balls at other students.

2. Students get the opportunity to develop thinking skills because given the

opportunity to make questions and given to students who other.

3. Make students ready with various possibilities because students do not know what

kind of questions his friend made.

4. Students are actively involved in learning.

5. Educators are not too busy making media because students do direct work in


6. Learning becomes more effective.

7. Cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects can be achieved.

 Lack of Snowball Throwing model:

1. Very dependent on the ability of students to understand the material so only a few

students master. This can be seen from the questions which made students usually

only about the material that has been explained or like example problems that have

been given.

2. The group leader who is unable to explain properly naturally becomes a barrier for

other members to understand the material so that it is needed time is not small for

students to discuss subject matter.

3. There are no individual quizzes or group awards so students currently groups are

less motivated to work together but not close possibility for teachers to add

individual quizzes and group award.

4. Requires a long time.

5. Bad students tend to be troublemakers.

6. Classes are often noisy because groups are made by students.

In the opinion of Imas & Berlin there are advantages and disadvantages in it

Snowball Throwing models are as follows:

a. The advantages of the Snowball Throwing model

1. Train student readiness

2. Give each other knowledge

b. Lack of Snowball Throwing model

1. Knowledge is not broad only dwell on knowledge around students

2. Not effective

B. Thinking Framework

Learning is an aid given by educators to the process of acquiring

knowledge and knowledge, mastery, skills, and character, as well as the formation

of attitudes and beliefs in students. In other words, learning is a process to help

students to learn well. In the teaching and learning process, teachers are expected

to be able to utilize the potential possessed by students / students to be used in

learning. One effort to improve the quality of the learning process, learning

interest and student learning outcomes to be better is the use of learning methods

and models in the teaching and learning process. The learning process will be

more active and meaningful if supported by relevant learning methods and

models. Because it can encourage students / students to be more active and

creative in learning.
Based on the theoretical framework outlined above, the framework of

thinking in this learning process is that learning that initially only focused on the

teacher will turn into focused on students. Based on this we need a method and

learning models to encourage student interest in the learning process and improve

student learning outcomes or achievements. One of them is a method Snowball

Throwing learning is expected that learning activities in class IX students of SMP

N 25 Jambi City can be more impressive and meaningful, so that the interest in

learning which initially tended to be below the Minimum Mastery Criteria (KKM)

can be increased.


A. Research Approaches and Types

The method used in this research is the research method class action or CAR. The

explanation about CAR is as follows:

1. Definition of CAR

Classroom Action Research (CAR) is closely related to issues of daily learning

practices that are faced by the teacher. Classroom Action Research (CAR) is a form

of research that is reflective by taking certain actions in order to improve or improve

learning practices in the classroom in a more professional manner (Suyanto, 1997: 4).

PTK is trying to improve and develop teacher professionalism in carrying out their


In English literature, CAR is known as the action research class, abbreviated

CAR. CAR or CAR is the concern of world education experts, along with changes in

the community's perspective of the task of educators as a profession which is no

longer inferior. The practitioners of world education try to position the work of

teachers as a profession that is in line with other professions. In the past, teachers

were considered as semiprofession, currently the work of teachers is being led to

become the whole profession.

The class action research according to Suharsimi (2002) explains CAR through

a combination of definitions of three words namely "Research" + "Action" + "Class".

The meaning of each word is as follows:

1. Research, activities examining an object by using certain methods and

methodologies to obtain data or information that is useful in solving a problem being


2. Actions, something that is deliberately carried out activities with certain objectives.

The actions carried out in CAR are in the form of a series of activity cycles.

3. Class, a group of students who at the same time, receive the same lesson from the

same teacher. Students who learn not only limited to a classroom, but can also when

students are doing field trips, practicum in the laboratory, or study other places under

the direction of the teacher.

2. Purpose of CAR

The purpose of classroom action research action research is to improve and

improve learning practices undertaken by a teacher. W.R. Borg, as quoted by Suyatno

(1997: 8), states that the main objective of classroom action research is the

development of teacher skills based on the learning problems faced by teachers in

their class, and not for the attainment of general knowledge in the field of education.

The main goal of CAR is to solve real problems that occur in the classroom as

well as to find scientific answers why they can be solved through actions to be taken.

PTK also aims to increase the real activities of teachers in developing their

profession. the specific objective of CAR is to tackle real problems in order to

improve or improve the quality of the learning process in class.

3. Benefits of CAR

The benefits of classroom action research include:

a. With PTK research improving and improving student performance in learning and

teacher teaching performance in schools.

b. With PTK research improving or improving the quality of the learning process in


c. With PTK research improving or improving the quality of media use, study aids,

and other learning resources.

d. With CAR research, improving or improving the quality of procedures or

evaluation tools used to measure student learning processes and outcomes.

e. Improve and improve children's education problems at school.

f. Improving and improving quality in the application of curriculum and developing

student competencies in schools.

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