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Climate change

 Who, what and why? (15 mins)
-Define Climate Change: is often used to refer specifically to anthropogenic climate
change, also known as global warming.

-Who it affects (everyone) people may believe climate change is fake due to politics,
ignorance, and lack of education.
-Why is it important
-Examples of things causing climate change (maybe ask the class what they think)
Natural gas, oil, coal (oil sands, deforestation, air pollution from factories, over fishing.)
-Todays weather can be an example since global warming is causing a rise in temperature
there is an increase in forest fires and natural disasters such as rising sea levels, producing
floods and decrease in sea life. Human caused climate change is happening right here,
right now.
-Can anyone guess which country is the #1 polluter in the world? CHINA but the US is
close behind.

 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

- Identifying what can be recycled and where (blue bin recycling)
-Talk about the latest blue bin recycling program emplaced by the City. By being good
recyclers, we can keep materials out of our landfill. Learn what can go in your blue cart,
what needs to be recycled in other places and what should go in your black cart. 

 Sustainability (10 mins)

- Carbon Tax and Landfill Fee
- By no means are we telling you to go out and go buy an energy efficient car or put up
solar panels on your house, since most of us cannot afford that. But a little deed goes a
long way. Whether that’s turning off your vehicle and not idling it anymore, making a
conscious effort to recycle, to donate used things rather than throwing them out. This will
cause the Ripple Effect. “In a world of more than seven billion people, each of us is a
drop in the bucket. But with enough drops, we can fill any bucket.” – David Suzuki

 Game (5 mins)
-instruct the class to use the next 5 minutes to search the river bottom for garbage on the
ground. To find 1 or 2 items each if possible and bring back to where we currently are.
-Ask each person whether it’s a recyclable and where it can be recycled.
* We need to fight for a change like our lives depends on it- because they do.

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