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Introduction Phrase: “If you really think the environment is less important than the economy
try holding your breathe while you count your money.”

Our environment is under distress and it is not a hidden fact anymore. The threat it is facing
right now is alarming and it is our duty to save it before it gets too late. As inhabitants of this
earth, everyone must come together to do their bit to save our environment. After all, it is
because of our activities that our ecological balance has been disturbed. We must make sure
that instead of over-exploiting the environment’s resources, we must conserve them. It is
important to note that even the littlest of actions impact the environment directly or

The best we can do for present and future generations is to save the environment

Este planeta es nuestro único hogar. Es crucial que salvaguardemos la salud de su atmósfera, la
riqueza y la diversidad de la vida en la Tierra, sus ecosistemas y sus recursos, que son finitos.
Pero no lo estamos haciendo. Le pedimos demasiado a nuestro planeta para mantener unas
formas de vida que son insostenibles. Los sistemas naturales de la Tierra no pueden seguirle el
ritmo a nuestras exigencias.

But, why? First of all,

But until this day we have not even achieved to generate a single drop of water


Today’s World; Environment’s Reality

“Save the environment” is probably a well-known term to every individual present here. Many
of us have also seen many awareness ads and videos about it before. But, have you ever
wonder what would happen if we really put it into practice?

Ladies and gentleman: Good afternoon, my name is Nathaly Zamora, and in this special
occasion it is a really pleasure for me to share with you about one of the most crucial
situations we as humanity are facing in today’s world: Environment Pollution.

Through history, humans have reached to generate development with technological advances,
scientific discoveries, industrial revolutions and a tireless search to make possible almost
everything even those which seems not to be.

Although it is true, this has allowed to live in a more civilized and modern world, creating life
quality with better conditions using different tools which facilitate the development process of
generations, these standards have been degrading our only common home: Earth. Some
proves of it, are: the explosion on a BP oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, which was drilling
in underwater depths of more than one mile, killed eleven people and caused the largest oil
spill in U.S. history, estimated at nearly five million barrels, and what about the Amazon
Wildfires from 2019 to 2022, increased concerns about deforestation and development of the
considered lug of the world. And these are just 2 main representations, how many more are
there in the world?
The speed with which we are consuming our natural resources and polluting our environment
is really a matter of concern and we need to ask ourselves: what is the price we are willing to
pay to protect our environment? Do we do it here and now, or can we wait more time?

Our magic planet Earth is composed by biological, physical and chemical elements with whom
we humans interact. Environment is the perfect source who contains all these elements since
it is defined as the complex of physical, chemical, and biotic factors (such as climate, soil, and
living things) that act upon an organism or an ecological community and ultimately determine
its form and survival.

If we want a better environment for ourselves and our future generations, and I'm sure we do
want that, we must be prepared to make some sacrifices!

Above all, we must know that improving our environment is not a job just for either the
Government or green groups. It requires collective efforts and more importantly a change in
the way we live and the habits we have become accustomed to. We must start forming new
habits – from little things like no longer using too many plastic bags, to bigger things like no
longer leaving our car engines idling, to even bigger things like reducing emissions from power
stations that contribute to greenhouse gases.

We all have a role to play in respecting and caring for our environment, not just to preserve
what we have today, but also for sustaining it for coming generations.

It is too easy to forget that the current environmental problems that prevail as result of our
inadequacies of yesterday, and the only way to stop them up is to act without delay today for a
better tomorrow. And it is you and I who can do so much.

We clean our phones with unnecessary cache when it starts to hang, right?

what are we going to do when our mother earth is stuck?

Have you ever wondered how it would feel to hear the sounds of birds in the morning not just
in hills but in our balconies?

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