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Copyright © 2020
Jose V. Jacinto

All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced, distributed,

or transmitted in any form or by any means including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior
written permission of the author.

Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will
disturb you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions
below to successfully enjoy the objectives of this kt. I Have fun!

1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every

page of this module.
2. Write on your notebook the concepts about the lessons. Writing
enhances learning, that is important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/ guardian assess your answers using the answer
key card.
5. Analyze conceptually the post-test and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!


• Expectations – These are what you will be able to know after completing
the lessons in the module.
• Pre-test – This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to be
mastered throughout the lesson.
• Looking Back to your Lesson – This section will measure what learnings
and skills did you understand from the previous lesson.
• Brief Introduction – This section will give you an overview of the lesson.
• Activities – This is a set of activities you will perform with a partner.
• Remember – This section summarizes the concepts and applications of
the lessons.
• Check your Understanding – It will verify how you learned from the
• Post-test – This will measure how much you have learned from the entire

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the letter of the correct answer on your

1. There are three basic energy system, except one A. Anerobic a-lactic system C.
Aerobic system
B. Anaerobic lactic system D. Adrenaline System

2. It is an energy system that requires high amount of short duration

A. Anerobic a-lactic system C. Aerobic lactic system
B. Anaerobic lactic system D. Adrenaline system
3. The ATP-CP stands for
A. Adenosine Triphosphate-Creatine Phosphate
B. Adrenalin Trisphosphate-Creatine Phosphate C. Aerobic Triphosphate-
Creatine Phosphate
D. None of the Above

4. Glycolytic system is also known as:

A. ATP-CP C. Adrenaline System
B. Anaerobic lactic system D. Aerobic system
5. What kind of energy system is being used when doing a slow but powerful
movements in a dance?
A. ATP-CP C. Aerobic system
B. Anaerobic lactic system D. Adrenaline system
6. It is the energy system that uses oxygen.
A. Lactid Acid System C. ATP-CP
B. Aerobic System D. Glycolytic system
7. It is an energy system that is considered to be as the immediate system
A. ATP-CP C. Lactic acid system B. Glycolytic
System D. Aerobic system
8. Mostly, what kind of energy system is being used in dancing?
A. ATP-CP C. Aerobic system
B. Lactic Acid System D. Glycolytic system
9. It is the primary source of ATP during aerobic activities
A. Lactic Acid System C. Oxidative system B. ATP-CP D. Glycolytic system
10. The body stores ATP in muscle in a form of _____________.
A. Oxygen C. Glycogen
B. Water D. None of the above

This module will help you to:
• Know the meaning of Energy System
• Identify the different kinds of Energy Systems
• Discuss the importance of Energy System in dance
• Perform a dance where energy systems can be used.


 Your body needs energy for basic body functions and activity during your whole life
— energy for breathing, sleeping, digesting, sitting in a chair, sprinting for a bus,
and everything else you do day and night. Your body needs energy for basic body
functions and activity during your whole life — energy for breathing, sleeping,
digesting, sitting in a chair, sprinting for a bus, and everything else you do day and
night. The interaction between muscles and bones keeps the body upright and
under control. To allow this teamwork between the muscular and skeletal systems
(see chapter 5), the body needs energy sources that will permit muscles to work, for
example, the effort needed by the abdominal and back muscles to enable good
sitting posture, or by the muscles of the abdominals, back, legs, torso and arms
during a softball game.

 The energy system of our body works in different ways in which it generates fuel and
uses it as an energy to perform a certain task. We all know that in able for our body
to work, all we must do is to eat. The food that we eat gives as the energy to do work
and to accomplish something. These food serves as the fuel of our body. A certain
energy system of our body becomes predominant depending on the intensity,
duration, and type of exercises we perform.
 Energy systems in our body includes the ATP-CP System, Glycolysis, and Oxidative.
In the previous grade level, these energy systems were discussed in the concept of
exercise and sports. In this module, you will learn how energy systems functions in
the concept of dance.

Energy Systems in the Body

 The human body uses energy from food to fuel movement and essential body
functions, but the body cells don't get energy directly from food. After food is
digested, the carbohydrates, protein and fat break down into simple compounds
-- glucose, amino acids and fatty acids -- which are absorbed into the blood and
transported to various cells throughout the body. Within these cells, and from
these energy sources, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is formed to provide fuel.
The body uses 3 different systems to supply cells with the necessary ATP to fuel

energy needs. Most of the body's activities use a continuum of all three energy
systems, working together to ensure a constant supply of energy.

ATP-PC System

 The body needs a continuous supply of ATP for energy -- whether the energy is
needed for lifting weights, walking, thinking or even texting. It's also the unit of
energy that fuels metabolism, or the biochemical reactions that support and
maintain life. For short and intense movement lasting less than 10 seconds, the
body mainly uses the ATP-PC, or creatine phosphate system. This system is
anaerobic, which means it does not use oxygen. The ATP-PC system utilizes the
relatively small amount of ATP already stored in the muscle for this immediate
energy source. When the body's supply of ATP is depleted, which occurs in a
matter of seconds, additional ATP is formed from the breakdown of
phosphocreatine (PC) -- an energy compound found in muscle.

Lactic Acid System

 The lactic acid system, also called the anaerobic glycolysis system, produces
energy from muscle glycogen -- the storage form of glucose. Glycolysis, or the
breakdown of glycogen into glucose, can occur in the presence or absence of
oxygen. When inadequate oxygen is available, the series of reactions that
transforms glucose into ATP causes lactic acid to be produced -- in efforts to
make more ATP. The lactic acid system fuels relatively short periods -- a few
minutes -- of high-intensity muscle activity, but the accumulation of lactic acid
can cause fatigue and a burning sensation in the muscles.
Aerobic System

 The most complex energy system is the aerobic or oxygen energy system,
which provides most of the body's ATP. This system produces ATP as energy is
released from the breakdown of nutrients such as glucose and fatty acids. In
the presence of oxygen, ATP can be formed through glycolysis. This system also
involves the Krebs or tricarboxylic acid cycle -- a series of chemical reactions
that generate energy in the mitochondria -- the power plant inside the body
cells. The complexity of this system, along with the fact that it relies heavily on
the circulatory system to supply oxygen, makes it slower to act compared to the
ATP-PC or lactic acid systems. The aerobic system supplies energy for body
movement lasting more than just a few minutes, such as long periods of work or
endurance activities. This system is also the pathway that provides ATP to fuel
most of the body's energy needs not related to physical activity, such as
building and repairing body tissues, digesting food, controlling body
temperature and growing hair.

The Energy Used in Dancing by Cherrish Plummer

Production of Lactic Acid

• Lactic acid occurs when your body is working hard.

• When it is not working fast enough, lactate builds up in your muscles causes your
muscles to hurt.

Aerobic or Anaerobic

• The motion of dancing (Ballet) is aerobic

• This particular activity is aerobic because in most cases dancing is slow and


• The body stores ATP in muscle in the form of Glycogen.

• This storage is for needed energy for doing activities

Mitochondrial/Metabolic Rate

• Mitochondria are referred as the “powerhouse of the cell”

• They also contain a lot of the enzymes, associated with aerobic energy • The aerobic
oxidative system forms a big part of our bodies metabolic rate.
Aerobic vs Anaerobic
Aerobic exercise is any type of cardiovascular conditioning or “cardio”. During the
cardiovascular conditioning, your breathing and heart rate increase for a sustained period
of time. Oxygen is your main energy source during aerobic workouts, therefore Oxidative
System energy is used.

Benefits of Aerobic Exercises:

 Reduce risk of heart attack

 Reduce risk of type 2 diabetes
 Recue risk of stroke
 Help lose weight and keep it off
 Help lower and control blood pressure
 Increase stamina and reduce fatigue during exercise
 Activates immune systems, making you less likely to get colds or flu
 Strengthens the heart
 Boosts mood
 Help you live longer than those who doesn’t exercise
Anaerobic exercises involve quick burst of energy and are performed at maximum effort for
a short time. The energy system used are the ATP and Glycolytic System.

Benefits of Anaerobic Exercises:

 Build muscles
 Lose weight
 Maintain muscle mass as you age
 Strengthens bones
 Burns fat
 Increase stamina for daily activities like hiking, dancing or playing
Activity 1

List down at least 5 activities that requires the following Energy Systems


1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5.

How does the energy systems work in dance? (Explain)

Activity 2.

1. Create a fitness workout program designed at home to keep your health and
immune system improved.


• Jumps and Jacks

• 16 counts
• 4 reps
• 3 sets

Make at least 5 examples.

2. Execute the workout program you designed in 4-5 minutes. Send the video online
thru FB Messenger.

Why do you need to perform flexibility and strengthening exercises to improve performance?

Activity 3.

1. Perform a dance that shows the usage of energy system 2. You may
do it solo or with a friend or any family members

3. Improvised a costume that you can use at home.

4. Submit the video to your Teacher online.



• The body needs a • The lactic acid • The most complex
continuous supply system, also called energy system is
of ATP for energy - the anaerobic the aerobic or
whether the energy glycolysis system, oxygen energy
is needed for lifting produces energy system, which
weights, walking, from muscle provides most of
thinking or even glycogen -- the the body's ATP.
texting. It's also storage form of This system
the unit of energy glucose. • produces ATP as
• that fuels • Glycolysis, or the energy is released
metabolism, or the breakdown of from the
biochemical glycogen into breakdown of
reactions that glucose, can occur nutrients such as
support and in the presence or glucose and fatty
maintain life. For absence of oxygen. acids.
short and intense In the presence of
• When inadequate
movement lasting oxygen, ATP can be
• oxygen is available, •
less than 10 formed through
the series of
seconds, the glycolysis.

• body mainly uses that transforms • This system also
the ATP-PC, or glucose into ATP involves the Krebs
creatine phosphate causes lactic acid or tricarboxylic acid
system. This to be produced -- in cycle -- a series of
system is efforts to make chemical reactions
anaerobic, which more ATP. that generate
means it does not The lactic acid energy in the
use oxygen. The system fuels mitochondria - the
ATP-PC system relatively short power plant inside
• periods -- a few the body cells.
utilizes the
relatively small minutes -- of The complexity of
amount of ATP highintensity this system, along
already stored in muscle activity, but • with the fact that it
the muscle for this the accumulation of relies heavily on the
immediate energy lactic acid can circulatory system
source. cause fatigue and a to supply oxygen,
burning sensation makes it slower to
in the muscles. act compared to the
ATP-PC or lactic
acid systems.

• The aerobic system

supplies energy for
body movement
lasting more than
just a few minutes,
such as long
periods of work or

• This system is also

the pathway that
provides ATP to fuel
most of the body's
energy needs not
related to physical
activity, such as
building and
repairing body
tissues, digesting
food, controlling
body temperature
and growing hair.


1. An energy system that uses oxygen is called ________________
2. ATP-CP stands for ___________________________
3. There are three energy systems namely _____________, ___________, __________
4. Food serves as the ____________ to provide the energy that our body needs
5. ______________ occurs when our body is working hard.
6. Weightlifting and shot-put are examples of __________________energy system
7. Immediate energy system is also called as _________________
8. ________________ is the most complex energy system
9. __________________ is the source of ATP during aerobic activities
10. Mitochondria are referred as the __________________

Name: __________________________________ Grade & Section: ________________

Let’s Think and Act!
Directions. Answer the following questions. Have fun and enjoy!

1. During this pandemic, how will you apply these energy

systems with your day to day activities ?

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the letter of the correct answer on your

1. There are three basic energy system, except one A. Anerobic a-lactic system C.
Aerobic system
B. Anaerobic lactic system D. Adrenaline System

2. It is an energy system that requires high amount of short duration

C. Anerobic a-lactic system C. Aerobic lactic system

D. Anaerobic lactic system D. Adrenaline system
3. The ATP-CP stands for
E. Adenosine Triphosphate-Creatine Phosphate
F. Adrenalin Trisphosphate-Creatine Phosphate C. Aerobic Triphosphate-
Creatine Phosphate
D. None of the Above

4. Glycolytic system is also known as:

G. ATP-CP C. Adrenaline System
H. Anaerobic lactic system D. Aerobic system
5. What kind of energy system is being used when doing a slow but powerful
movements in a dance?
I. ATP-CP C. Aerobic system
J. Anaerobic lactic system D. Adrenaline system
6. It is the energy system that uses oxygen.
K. Lactid Acid System C. ATP-CP
L. Aerobic System D. Glycolytic system
7. It is an energy system that is considered to be as the immediate system
M. ATP-CP C. Lactic acid system B. Glycolytic
System D. Aerobic system
8. Mostly, what kind of energy system is being used in dancing?
N. ATP-CP C. Aerobic system
O. Lactic Acid System D. Glycolytic system
9. It is the primary source of ATP during aerobic activities
P. Lactic Acid System C. Oxidative system B. ATP-CP D. Glycolytic system
10. The body stores ATP in muscle in a form of _____________.
Q. Oxygen C. Glycogen
R. Water D. None of the above


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