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Internet Marketing Technologies:

1.Web Transactions logs

It is one of the features that affects the Internet for e-shopping, It is the study of
interactions recorded electronically between information retrieval systems via the
Internet and people who are searching for information in these systems ,which is
built using a web server and is also known to record all activities that the user
performs on the website and also collects forms of personal data and information for
users such as name, address, phone number, email .. etc. and information Optional
and this information becomes more useful information when it is combined with the
shopping cart. Information records, registration forms and the shopping cart
database can also be combined with the information that is sent by users in the
product forms that are sent to the company that which a real treasure and an
investment for e-commerce sites, which is the basis for collecting data and
information from trade sites. There are also graphic files for the web or called a web
signal. When the user opens the e-mail with the signal, a request is sent to the server
to obtain data and the web signal is used to send information automatically About
the user and the page displayed in order to collect information about the user's
browsing behavior and other information.



2-Book Name: Handbook of Research on web log analysis .

2.DataBase,Data warehouses , Data Mining , Big Data .

It is the process of identifying and collecting information that relates to customers,
and then it is analyzed and obtained through both external and internal methods,
including sales and correspondence information through e-mail and guarantee cards.
As for now, social networking sites are used for electronic marketing, meaning user
data is collected and sold to benefit from electronic shopping that includes We
increase profits significantly and the main motivation is to establish a relationship
with the customer and then build and maintain it. We must understand how to
develop relationships with customers to accumulate new customers and can help us
databases Loyalty to improve customer service by providing support staff to offer the
degree of customer interaction with your brand determines the best channel and
time to engage customers and the design of some personal messages to customers
and have many other benefits.

B-Data WereHouses
This process revolves around how to collect data from many different sources to
create e-marketing lists. Using these lists, the manager can take an overview of the
existing customers when you understand how the customer interacts with your
brand. Here the permanent value is increased , This new approach brings a whole
new set of challenges. For example, continuously cheaper storage contributes to the
exponential data explosion, but gathering that data in one place to analyze it
remains a challenge Your primary challenge is to optimize the marketing budget by
tracking the return on investment (ROI) of ad spending but many benefit in
Marketing once it Saves Time mean is having a data warehouse saves time in the
sense that your company won’t have to wait around for the IT department to
troubleshoot issues accessing data and Allows for Better Data Quality and Provides
Improved Business Intelligence And many other benefits.

C-Data Mining
There are many benefits to using data mining in electronic marketing, including
firstly analyzing and detecting anomalies, and all sites must use it to deal with any
mistakes committed by employees, suppliers or customers and can be detected
quickly and easily Secondly, intrusion detection we must protect the system with the
greatest serious ability because it has the consequences of fake data a lot And cause
a crisis later and thirdly, classification analysis allows us to classify the various
information received from customers is one of the most effective purposes if you
want to improve the performance of your marketing strategies and delete any
unnecessary information and identify spam third Regression analysis Data mining
also enables us to study changes, habits, customer satisfaction levels and much
more, in order to make marketing forecasts and cluster data This data mining
technique is useful in marketing as it allows business to segment the database and
send specific emails, messages and promotions to the right target for that particular
product or service.

D- Big Data
Having big data doesn’t automatically lead to better marketing but the potential is
there. Think of big data as your secret ingredient, your raw material, your essential
element. It’s not the data itself that’s so important. Rather it’s the insights derived
from big data, the decisions you make and the actions you take that make all the
difference. By combining big data with an integrated marketing management
strategy, marketing organizations can make a substantial impact






3. Marketing Automation and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems

Marketing automation is a technology that helps you automate various marketing

and communication activities and the It is a customer-focused program The main
difference is that the CRM platform is not limited to a certain business operation as it
allows flexibility for CRM customization so that your software mirrors your business
needs, and CRM integrations for business optimization so that you can use different
apps from a single platform And it is considered an important technology only if it is
allocated according to business needs or it may be counterproductive One of its
most important features is the automation of e-mail marketing, because it is the
main channels of communication with customers, for example, we can send a
congratulatory message to the customer on his birthday and provide a discount to
the customer. Among the advantages also are customer relationship management
and the automation of marketing that allows us to transfer customer information
between marketing and sales and allows us to run campaigns Effective marketing
and also automation features to suppress marketing and customer care by sending a
series of automated email messages that are run based on the customer’s personal
behavior and we can also add campaign management which are the workflow tasks
that we use during the process Sales and shopping on social media and many other
features .

Source :
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