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TOEFL Starter

Similarity & Comparison

Exercise 1
Choose the best answer below!

Full Bright Institute #FRD

TOEFL Starter
Similarity & Comparison
1. Wild stawberries are ........... cultivated 4. The large a drop of water, ..........
strawberries. freezing temperature.
a. not sweeter a. the higher its
b. not as sweet as b. its higher
c. less sweeter than c. higher than its
d. not sweet as d. the highest
2. Sea bass ........... freshwater bass. 5. The water of the Great Salt Lake is .........
a. are larger than seawater.
b. the large the a. saltier than that of
c. are as large b. as salty as that of
d. than are large c. saltier than
3. Automobiles, airplanes, and buses use d. so salty as
more energy per 6. The social system of bumblebees is not
passenger ...................... . as complex ............. .
a. as do trains a. than honeybees
b. than trains do b. as honeybees
c. trains do c. that honeybees are
d. like trains d. as that of honeybees

Full Bright Institute #FRD

TOEFL Starter
Similarity & Comparison

7. The period is probably the most easiest punctuation mark to use.

8. When maetal replaced wood in the construction of ships’ hulls, more
strong ships could be built.
9. Charcoal is the more commonly used cooking fuel in the world.
10.Few American politicians have spoken more eloquently as William
Jennings Bryan.
11.During a depression, economic conditions are far worst than they are
during a recession.
12.The spinal column is alike the brain in that its main functions can be
classified as either sensory or motor functions.
13.The horse chestnut has a stronger, bitter taste than other chestnuts.
14.Chicago’s Field Museum is one of the largest and better known natural
history museums in the United States.

Full Bright Institute #FRD

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