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Numb Sentences

1. Kakaknya dia perempuan pergi kerumah neneknya.
+ Her sister goes to her grandmother’s house.
- Her sister doesn’t go to her grandmother’s house.
? Does her sister go to her grandmother’s house?
2. Mereka sangat bingung.
+ They are so confused.
- They aren’t so confused.
? Are they so confused?.
3. Dia (laki laki) tidak menggangu adik laki-lakinya.
- He doesn’t disturb his brother.
+ He disturbs his brother.
? Does he disturb his brother?.
4. Apakah ibumu haus?
? Is your mother thirsty?
+ Your mother is thirsty?
- Your mother isn’t thirsty.
5. Apakah kamu membuat kue?
? Do you make a cake?
+ You make a cake
- You don’t make a cake
6. Mereka tidak menyukaiku.
- They don’t like me.
+ They like me.
? Do they like me?.
7. Mereka tidak seperti ibu mereka
- They aren’t like their mothers.
+ They are like their mothers.
? Are they like their mothers?
8. Apakah dia (perempuan) tahu tentang ini?
? Does she know about this?
+ She knows about this.
- She doesn’t know about this.

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