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Juan David Plata Acevedo

Colegio el paraíso de manuela Beltrán

Activivity 3 – sports

1001 JM
1) Questions for Gopher about his father:

- What sports does your father like?

the baseball
he preferred to look
in the garden of the house
- (how often)
I play it twice a week

2) Give him some tips to get better:

-practice every day

-study about golf

-watch tutorials on how to make some plays

-focus on golf and not waste time on other things

3) Interview a friend; report to the class.
What’s your favorite sport?
How often do you play it?
When was the last time you played it?
Do you prefer team sports or individual sports?
Do you think sports are important? Why (not)?

entrevisté a Juan David plata y esto fue lo que respondió:

“my favorite sport is rally
I don't play it, I just like to watch it
I have never played it
I prefer team sports like rally
they are very important to show talents”

4) How many ball sports do you know? Work in a group. Explain the

rules of one sport.

the tennis, the golf, basketball, volleyball, the Rugby, badminton, bowling

y cricket

golf rules:

1.- The game (three rules)

2.- The clubs and the ball (two rules)

3.- Player responsibilities (four rules)

4.- Order of play (one rule)

5.- The place of departure (a rule)

6.- Play the ball (four rules)

7.- The green (two rules)

8.- Ball moved, deflected or stopped (two rules)

9.- Situations and relief procedures (nine rules)

10.- Other game modes (four rules)

11.- Administration (two rules)

5) Why practicing sports is good for you:

-Physical exercise is good for all parts of the body, including the mind

-Physical exercise helps people lose weight and reduces the risk of

developing some diseases

-Exercise helps you age well.

-Increases brain health.

-Enhance creativity.

-Helps control addictions



bungee jumping - puenting

extreme skiing- esqui extremo

parkour- parkour

motocross- motocross

rock climbing-- escalada de roca

extreme mountain biking- ciclismo de montaña extremo

ice-diving- buceo bajo hielo

sky surfing- surfeo aereo

snowboarding- snowboarding

snow rafting- rafting en la nieve

water rafting or kayaking - kayak

kitesurfing- surf de vela

paragliding- parapeente

windsurfing base- base de windsurf

jumping hang-gliding- saltar ala delta

2) expressions for preference

I would love to the best football player

I can't stand that they criticize the athletes

I wouldn’t like to that the sport was over

I prefer play sports than be on the cell phone

I would prefer to that young people practice more sports

I would never take up alcoholic beverages before playing sports

I would never try doing high-risk maneuvers when playing sports

I am interested in because football is very fun

3) Match the word with its definition

4) Answer the questions about of the reading

A- what was the maneuver that made him popular?

he paraglided and flew over two twin buildings.

B. What are the names for the jumpsuit use in this sport?
"wingsuit". Wing suits are sometimes referred to as birmand flying squirrel
suit or bat suit due to their resemblance to perhaps the superhero animal.

C. Where does The Squirrel get his nickname?

the nickname is because I have been restless since I was little, it was also
my combat name in fach and now people associate it with the flight of a
flying squirrel

D. What was the sport that lauched his career?

my career started in the Air Force, where I did the skydiving course as a
cadet I kept jumping gradually

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