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 Morality has to do with the way we live our

 Morality helps us to judge the difference
between right and wrong.
 Once we know the difference between the
two, we can do what is right and avoid what
is wrong.
 We are human beings
 We are able to think about our behaviour in order
to decide what to say and what to do in any given
 When we encounter moral situations, we can either
act in a way that we know is right, or we can do
the opposite and act in a way that we know to be

“Amoral person knows
the difference between
right and wrong and “An amoral person has
chooses to do what is no regard for any
right.” standards of right or
“An immoral person
wrong, and just does
knows the difference
what he/she likes.”
between right and wrong
and chooses to do what is
• The Consequences – what will happen if they do
it/don’t do it.
• Their Emotions – how will they feel about their
decision afterwards.
• The Situation – the background, what led up to it.
• Laws and Rules – if it is against the law or a rule.
• Authority – if someone orders them, or forces them
to do it.
• Common Practice – whether or not everyone is
doing it.
• Their Conscience – something that tells them its right
or wrong.

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