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McGill Artificial Intelligence Society

Getting as:

Prerequisite Knowledge

Workshop Choice of Language: Python

Necessary Packages

Package Installation Tutorial (Essential Before Workshop)

What should I know before going into these

Since there is a limited number of workshops per semester,

we assume some baseline knowledge, and will NOT be
covering the following during the workshops:

● Basic coding (COMP 202 equivalent)

● Knowledge of basic linear algebra
● Calculus (derivatives, gradients, partial derivatives)

What language will the coding portions of the
workshops be taught in? What do I need to install?

Python 3:

● Very readable, simple, easy to understand

● MANY open-source libraries for implementing machine
learning algorithms in a few lines
● Very quick learning curve!

Why Use Python Article

So, in addition to Python 3, what “packages*”
should I install?

● Numpy, Scipy: scientific computing (matrices, arrays)

● Pandas: easy handling of labeled/relational data
● Scikit-learn: offers accessible machine learning tools
● Matplotlib: data visualization
● Jupyter: online web app that allows to share/edit live code

Wow, that’s a lot of packages… but FRET NOT!

There is a package management system called Conda that does all of

this for you!

*package: files / resources grouped together into a software collection for a specific functionality
Why Conda?
● Conda automatically comes with the packages mentioned in the
previous slides, and sets up your Python environment for you as
well (i.e. Python comes with it)
● GUI installation is supported

Also, you don’t want this... 7
Package Installation Tutorial

Before attending any workshop, you must install the following

(installation will not be covered during the workshop)-

● Git (version control) installation tutorial

● A Github Account!

● Python Packages (comes with Conda)

● Jupyter Notebook (comes with Conda)

(Continued on Following Slide)

Package Installation (Continued)
1. Install Git*

2. Make a Github account

3. Install Conda:
Choose the right Python 3 Installation for your operating system-


* During the installation process, you will be prompted with the

question: “Do you wish the installer to prepend the Anaconda3 install
location to PATH…” To which you should respond with ‘yes’
Installing Conda (Continued)

After you are done installing conda, go to your home directory (using
the command cd will suffice)

If you are using OSX, type the command:

source .bash_profile

If you are on Debian, type the command:

source .bashrc

2. Check your installation

1. Go to your terminal, and simply enter:

conda -V

You should see something like:

conda 4.5.4

2. Check your Python version:

python -V

You should see something like:

Python 3.5.2 :: Anaconda 4.2.0 (x86_64)
4. Check that your packages are well installed:

1) You can type in terminal:

conda list

2) You should see something like:

alabaster 0.7.10 py36h174008c_0
anaconda custom py36ha4fed55_0
(some things in between)...

yaml 0.1.7 hc338f04_2
zeromq 4.2.5 h378b8a2_0
zict 0.1.3 py36h71da714_0
zlib 1.2.11 hf3cbc9b_2

4. Clone the workshop repository from Github:

1) Change into the repository you want to clone into:

2) Use git to “clone” the repository with the workshop material.
git clone

** If you are uncomfortable with Git, simply download the folder as a

.zip file from the URL. **

You should now have all the files necessary to follow along!
You should now have all the files to follow along

For future workshops, simply navigate to the correct folder and pull
the changes from Github!


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