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Water is a Renewable Resource

Water is a substance composed of the chemical elements hydrogen and oxygen. It is

one of the most plentiful and essential that every living organisms need in order to

survive. Water not only acts as a living environment for some organisms but also a

solvent, a metabolite, and a temperature buffer. So that makes water a renewable

resources but first, what is a renewable resource? These are resources that are

considered to be a natural resource that cannot end up in exhaustion since it can be

replenished after usage or consumption. There are so many reasons that proves water

as a renewable resource, one of it is that water has a rain cycle. Another is that water is

recyclable, it involves reuse of wastewater which is a process of converting sewage into

clean water. Lastly, water is sustainable, because it offers an alternative ways in

different human activities that it has prolonged lifecycle. To sum this all up, water is

really considered as a renewable resource because it can be used repeatedly and

replaced naturally.

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