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QUARTER 3 - LESSON 10A Student’s name: ............................................. Class: 6C ..........

I. Read the text about the Palace School. Then complete 1-10 with the present simple or present
continuous from of the verbs
The Palace School
(1)…………..………..(you / think) of learning a completely new skill? Then come to The Palace School!
We (2) …………..……….. (offer) a range of exciting and original courses in performing arts, and one
of our most experienced teachers (3) …………..……….. (start) a new course called Circus Class. Learn
to juggle and balance, or put on a red nose and act like a clown!

All our instructors (4) …………..……….. (be) talented and successful performers and (5)
…………..……….. (have) recognised teaching certificates. Lessons usually (6) …………..………..
(last) 90 minutes and (7) …………..……….. (take) place once a week. We also (8) …………..………..
(organise) at least one performance every term at the local theatre.

Our students often (9) …………..……….. (go) out on social events as well, and there are opportunities
to take exams in many subjects.

We (10) …………..……….. (create) our new timetable at the moment, so please phone or look on our
website for more details.

II. Match the shops to the things you buy or do in them.

1. a supermarket ........d........ a. bread
2. a bank .................. b. newspapers, cigarettes, etc.
3. a bookshop .................. c. medicines (aspirin, etc.)
4. a chemist’s .................. d. food
5. a dry cleaner's .................. e. meat
6. a kiosk or a newsagent’s .................. f. books
7. a butcher's .................. g. furniture, TVs, etc.
8. a baker's .................. h. fruit and vegetables
9. a department store .................. i. send letters
10. a greengrocer’s .................. j. change money
11. a post office .................. k. they clean your clothes

III. Underline the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. I need to go to the dentist's. I've got a terrible headache / stomach ache / toothache.
2. I don't feel / have / make well. What shall I do?
3. Stop saying / chatting / shouting. Everyone in the street can hear you.
4. My sister calls / surfs / sends about fifty text messages every day.
5. Please turn up / off / on the lights before you leave the building.
6. I argued / chatted / spoke with my best friend and now she isn't talking to me.
7. ‘How tall is the Eiffel Tower?’
'It's about 320 litres / metres / kilogrammes.'
8. Look at / on / up that fantastic mobile phone! I want to buy it!

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0946 530 486 – 0964 177 322 1
I. Listen to a conversation about where Gemma plays different sports. Write a letter A – F next to
each sport.

1. baseball A. beach
2. hockey B. hotel
3. skating C. park
4. volleyball D. playground
E. sports club
F. stadium

II. Listen to Pat talking to her friend, Alan, about her family’s activities. What are each of Pat’s
family members doing at the moment?
For questions 6-10, write a letter A – H next to each person. You will hear the conversation twice.

6. Pat’s aunt A. cleaning something
7. Pat’s cousin B. eating something
8. Pat’s grandmother C. painting something
9. Pat’s father D. phoning someone
10. Pat’s mother E. playing something
F. reading something
G. repairing something
H. tidying something

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0946 530 486 – 0964 177 322 2

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