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Teoria electromagnetica y ondas

(unit 1 step 1)


Ever mauricio rodriguez rondon

Cod: 1110594536



Universidad nacional abierta y a distancia




In the following work is the development of the course recognition activity guide, in which

importance was given to a series of tips to have a more solid basis for the course.
Electromagnetic wave (O.E.M.). It is the simultaneous disturbance of electric and

magnetic fields in the same region (James C. Maxwell was the one who discovered the

electromagnetic waves).

The waves originated by the electric and magnetic fields are transverse in nature, being in

phase, but the vibrations being driven in planes perpendicular to each other. They are waves

that do not need a material means to spread. They include, among others, visible light and

radio waves, television and telephony.

[ CITATION Ecu \l 9226 ]

Velocity of propagation of a wave motion. The wave movement propagates with a speed

that depends on the characteristics of the medium.

[CITATION Cés \l 9226 ]

The wavelength

is the real distance that a disturbance travels in a certain interval of time. That time interval

is the interval between two consecutive maximums of some physical property of the wave.

In the case of electromagnetic waves, this physical property can be, for example, its

electrical effect (its electric field) which, as the wave advances, increases to a maximum,

decreases until it is canceled, changes its sign to become negative, reaching a minimum

(negative maximum). Then, it increases until it is canceled, it changes its sign and it

becomes again maximum (positive). This variation of the electric effect over time, if we

represent it in a paper, we obtain "crests" and "valleys" (we obtain a sinusoidal curve).

[ CITATION wik22 \l 9226 ]

The reflection of light is the change of direction of the light rays that occurs in the same

medium after striking the surface of a different medium. It is governed by two principles or

laws of reflection:

 The incident, reflected and normal ray to the surface at the point of incidence are in

the same plane

 The angle of the incident ray i and that of reflection r are the same

The refraction of light is the change of direction of the light rays that happens after passing

these from one medium to another in which the light propagates with different speed. It is

governed by two principles or laws of refraction:

 The incident ray, the refracted and the normal to the surface at the point of

incidence are in the same plane

 Snell's law of refraction, which marks the relationship between the angle of

incidence i, the refractive angle r, and the absolute refractive indices of light in

media 1 and 2, n1 and n2, according to:

Magnetic permeability we know that it refers to the ability that some materials have to

magnetize when placed in a magnetic field.

The truth is that many materials are magnetized, but in an imperceptible quantity, so we do

not take them into account.

The magnetic permeability has been quantified by representing it with the Greek letter m0,

and the one referred to the air is equivalent to:

Electric Permissiveness The permissiveness is determined by the tendency of a material to

polarize before the application of an electric field and in that way partially annuls the

internal field of the material. It is directly related to electrical susceptibility. For example,

in a capacitor a high permissiveness causes the same amount of electrical charge to be

stored with a smaller electric field and, therefore, at a lower potential, leading to a greater

capacitance of the same. It is a physical magnitude of scalar character. Its unit in the

International System is the F / m.

[ CITATION edu \l 9226 ]

The effective penetration depth of an electromagnetic wave in a conductive medium.

The film depth is the distance at which the wave decays to 1 / e (about 37% of its value); It

can be expressed as:

δs = (2 / σμω) 1/2 = (2 / σ) (ε / μ) 1/2,

Medical treatments

Shock waves destroy cell membranes. Consequently, noci-ceptores are no longer able to

generate electrical potentials and therefore can no longer send any sign of pain.

Shock waves stimulate light nociceptors Who praises free a high amount of neural

impulses. As described by Gate control Theory, the tradition of these impulses to the

central nervous system is inhibited.

Due to the mode of action of shock waves, the chemical environment of the cells is

changed by the free radicals that produce pain inhibiting substances.

Based on the hypothesis of associative memory pain (Wess), afferent pain signals are

transmitted through the central nervous system by several synaptic junctions that eventually

cause the afferent fibers to control muscle tone. The reflex mechanism works as a

regulating circuit.

magnetic permeability

Magnetic permeability tells us how easily the magnetic field crosses matter, that is, whether

it is a good conductor or not of the magnetic field.

Permeability is a magnetic characteristic of matter (for example, air, cardboard, aluminum,

iron). The permeability will be low in vacuum and high in materials such as iron.

Terrestrial Waves:

The terrestrial waves are the waves that travel by the surface of the earth, these must be

polarized vertically because the electric field in a horizontally polarized wave would be

parallel to the surface of the earth and would be shorted by the conductivity of the ground .

In terrestrial waves the variable electric field induces voltages in the terrestrial surface that

circulate currents very similar to those of a transmission line.

Space Waves:

This kind of propagation corresponds to the radiated energy that travels in the lower

kilometers of the Earth's atmosphere. Space waves are all direct waves and reflected in the


Direct waves travel essentially in a straight line from the transmitting antenna to the

receiving antenna.

This transmission is called line of sight transmission. This transmission is limited mainly

by the curvature of the earth. The curvature of the earth presents a horizon in the

propagation of space waves, which is usually called the radio horizon. This horizon is

farther away than the optical horizon for the common atmosphere.

Celestial or ionospheric waves (reflected):

They are those that are directed towards the Atmosphere and are reflected in the ionized

zone of the same (Heaviside layer) returning again to the Earth; They are MF (OC) 300
KHz. at 30 MHz. and that constitute the so-called high frequency waves; spreading on the

surface they reach about 644 kilometers, but reflected at about 12874.7 kilometers.

The low frequencies or millimeter waves from 3 to 30 KHz. they arrive at great distances

by reflection but their reach is very limited by direct propagation.

It may be that the same wave arrives directly at the antenna and then, again, through

reflection; At that time we call it "fading".

[ CITATION lui \l 9226 ]

Can human tissue change its conductivity due to disease? Explain

it can change the conductivity because the tissues of the human body present, in general, a

low thermal conductivity; they behave like thermal insulators. The thermal properties of

tissues depend, to a large extent, on their relative content in lipids, proteins and water.
Which can vary according to certain diseases, such as metabolic disorders that alter the

percentage of body water from 60% to 70%


 Thanks to this work we could appreciate the importance of electromagnetic waves

in medical treatments.

 it was possible to analyze the propagation types of terrestrial electromagnetic


curso interactivo de fisica en internet. (s.f.). Obtenido de

Ecured conocimiento para todos. (s.f.). Obtenido de


edured. (s.f.). Obtenido de

torres, l. e. (s.f.). propagacion de ondas. Obtenido de


wikipedia. (s.f.). Obtenido de

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