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I. c. vulnerable
II. j. plight
III. e. detritus
IV. b. catastrophic
V. a. irreparably damaged
VI. d. potentially hazardous
VII. m. accumulate
VIII. n. consumption
IX. o. inadequate
X. I. scooping


I. c.
II. d.
III. b.
IV. a.
V. b.
VI. b.
VII. c.
VIII. d.
IX. b.
X. a.



I. c.
II. c.
III. a.
IV. c.
V. (a, c, d, f)
VI. (a, b, d, e)
VII. (b, c, f, g)
VIII. d.
IX. c.

Causes of Childhood Obesity

In this 21st century, childhood obesity is one of the major diseases which has become a rising concern,
not only for individuals but for the economy as a whole. Children find fast food attractive and tempting
rather than homemade food that is healthier than fast food and when they do not eat enough of green
vegetables and consume a lot of fatty foods it leads to childhood obesity. Therefore, there are many
factors that causes childhood obesity for instance, unhealthy meals, stress, not practicing regular
exercises and bad eating habits. When children do not consume a balance diet meal but consume lot of
foods which are rich in sugar, fatty acids and are high energy giving food, this leads to more surplus
energy being stored and leads to obesity. Nowadays, children are more comfortable indoors rather than
outdoors they prefer watching TV, using Internet and are really obsessed with electronic gadgets. This
way they do not use the energy provided by the meal's consumed so the energy is stored in as fats
therefore lack of physical activities contributes towards obesity. Last but not the least parents are not
able to monitor what their children eat since most parents are working parents and they often do not
have time to cook meals so they prefer going to a restaurant to have meals and when children eat
outside, they often prefer oily food like pizza, burger, chicken and fries therefore, parents lose track of
what their children eat because it becomes difficult to refuse to buy what they want to eat. Thus, it is
very important that children have healthy meals, do a lot of physical activities and parents should advise
children to eat healthy meals in order to avoid obesity which will affect both their mental and physical



 new music was crafted from pre-existing genres and new ideas.
 the three major music genres
 that blues evolved into rock n' roll which separated and became its own genre.
 the artists who popularized and brought about these changes.
 how they did it (musicians began using the full range of electric instruments and electronic
amplifiers available to them, music began to achieve a 'total' effect, and music became a multi-
media experience)

Development of the New Music Genre

A new music was crafted in 1996-7 from new ideas and pre-existing genres which were folk music, blues
and Rock n roll. Blues was totally balck medium as it portrayed black soul, Rock n roll was a rhythmic
teenage dance music which conveyed a beat of youthful sensuality whereby folk music which included
both old and new was well liked by college students and expressed emotions of anti-war, love themes
and disillusionment, where all music genres were kept culturally and musically perceptible. The artist
who popularized the three major music genres was Elvis Presley and Joan Baez respectively. Firstly, the
musical traditions were brought together where elements from Indian raga, jazz, American country
music, Gregorian chants, blues, Rock n roll and folk music were used to develop protean music which
was loved by fans. Secondly, musicians started using electric amplifiers and electrical instruments to
develop new electronic effects high piercing sound with increase in volume which none instruments
could produce before and audience could perceive music in their bones. Thirdly, music became a multi-
media experience and with various lightening effects audience danced rather than taking a seat and
enjoyed music. To conclude, music is often played in an environment surrounded by nature, by the sea
outdoors and are enjoyed by audience.

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