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How do photosynthesis and respiration relate to each other based on

the equation below?

A. They use the same substances and produce the same products.

B. They use different substances and produce different products.

C. They use different substances and produce some of the same products.

D. They use the same substances and produce different products.

Which of the following factors can affect the rate of photosynthesis in
I. the amount of oxygen present in the atmosphere
II. the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
III. the amount of light energy available.
IV. the amount of water absorbed by the roots.
A. I, II, and III

B. I, II and IV

C. II, III and IV

D. I, III and IV
Based on the equation below, what is the role of glucose in the
processes of photosynthesis and respiration.

A. It is a product of both processes.

B. It is used as a reactant in both processes.

C. It is a product of photosynthesis and a reactant in respiration.

D. It is a product of respiration and a reactant in photosynthesis.

Student A wants to know if leaves can make food during nighttime.
How can student A get an accurate answer to her question?
A. Cover one leaf of a potted plant with carbon paper for two
hours and test for the presence of starch.
B. Cover the plant with a paper bag overnight and test for the
presence of starch.

C. Put one potted plant under the sun and the other in a shaded
area for two hours and test for the presence of starch.

D. Put one potted plant in a very dark place overnight and test
for the presence of starch.
In what ways is the photosynthetic process important to the living world?
I. Photosynthesis converts light energy into a form of energy all organisms can
II. Photosynthesis reduces the amount of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, in
the atmosphere.
III. Photosynthesis provides food for other organisms in the ecosystem.
IV. Photosynthesis contributes oxygen to the atmosphere.
A. I, II, and III

B. I, II and IV

C. II, III and IV

D. I, II, III and IV

Which of the following statements give correct descriptions of the two
I. Photosynthesis is the process that breaks down glucose to release
the chemical energy in it, while cellular respiration is the process
that synthesizes glucose and stores the chemical energy in it.
II. Cellular respiration and photosynthesis are unrelated processes.
III. Cellular respiration is the process that breaks down glucose to
release the chemical energy in it, while photosynthesis is the
process that synthesizes glucose and stores the chemical energy in
IV. Cellular respiration and photosynthesis are reverse processes.
A. I and II B. I and IV C. II and III D. III and IV
Cigarette smoking harms nearly every organ in the body, causing
many illnesses and affecting health in general. The following are
negative effects of smoking in the circulatory system EXCEPT.

A. increased heart rate and blood pressure

B. Arteriosclerosis

C. coronary heart disease

D. tuberculosis
If your pulse rate increases, how is your heart beating?

A. Slower than before

B. Faster than before

C. At the same rate as before

D. With less pressure than before

Why is it fatal to inhale too much carbon dioxide
in the air?

A. It poisons and destroys the air sac tissues.

B. It competes with oxygen when binding to blood.

C. It breaks the passage of oxygen gas to the lungs.

D. It stops the exchange of gases in the alveoli.

Why would the permanent enlargement of air
sacs in the lungs make it difficult to breathe?

A. Insufficient air comes into and out of the lungs

B. There is less air that comes into the air sacs of the lungs.

C. Large air spaces increase the surface area of the air sacs.

D. Air sacs are not working as they should during breathing.

What primarily connects the circulatory and the
respiratory system?

A. alveoli and blood vessels.

B. oxygen and carbon Dioxide

C. digested food and nutrients.

D. waste products and blood.

What does blood contain when it flows into the
left atrium of the heart?

A. little oxygen and a lot of carbon dioxide.

B. a lot of oxygen and little carbon dioxide.

C. a lot of both oxygen and carbon dioxide.

D. little of either oxygen or carbon dioxide.

What happens to the diaphragm when breathing?

A. It contracts and relaxes.

B. It inflates and deflates.

C. It vibrates and creates sounds.

D. It closes so oxygen will not escape.

The lung model represents the mechanics of
breathing. From the activity that you performed
using the model, what happens during inhalation?
A. The ribs move up and the diaphragm muscle contracts.

B. The ribs move up and the diaphragm muscle relaxes.

C. The ribs return to its original place and the diaphragm muscle
D. The ribs return to its original place and the diaphragm muscle
The gas exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place in
the alveoli. The alveoli have a structure specialized for
efficient exchange because of the following reasons EXCEPT

A. The walls of the alveoli are very thin.

B. It is surrounded by numerous capillaries.

C. Alveoli are very large air sacs.

D. Large surface area in relation to volume.

Blood is a red liquid that circulates in the arteries and veins of
humans and other vertebrate animals. Why does a dark brick
red blood turn to a bright cherry red blood?

A. Carbon dioxide is replaced with oxygen.

B. Oxygen is replaced with carbon dioxide.

C. The nearer the blood is to the heart, the darker it is.

D. The farther the blood from the heart, the darker it is.
Based on the illustration below what will be the phenotypic ratio
of the offspring in the F2 generation?

A. 1 red : 2 pink : 1 white

B. All pink flowers

C. All white flowers

D. 3 pink : 1 white
What will be the chance of having another child with
attached earlobes, if all the children have free earlobes
and the parents have both heterozygous free earlobes?
A. 25%

B. 50%

C. 75%

D. 100%
Kaitlin cannot roll his tongue, but Nap and Karen (Kaitlin’s
parents) can, what is the genotype of both parents?
A. Heterozygous non-tongue roller

B. Heterozygous tongue roller

C. Homozygous tongue roller

D. Heterozygous non-tongue roller

The trait hypertrichosis or hairy pinnae of ears is a Y-linked trait.
If a father has four daughters, which would be the correct
description of his children’s phenotype?

A. All his daughters have hypertrichosis.

B. Two of his daughters have hypertrichosis

C. Some of his daughters have hypertrichosis.

D. None of his daughters have hypertrichosis.

Is it TRUE that a father who is colorblind and a
mother with normal vision but is a carrier(I) will
always have son with normal vision but (II) will
never have colorblind daughter?
A. I but not II C. Both I and II

B. II but not I D. Neither I nor II

Which Of the following statements about protected
areas like Palawan that have been established to
preserve biodiversity, which one is NOT correct?

A. pollution C. Global warming

B. Habitat destruction D. Population

Which Of the following statements about protected areas like Palawan
that have been established to preserve biodiversity, which one is NOT
A. About 3% of Palawan's land area is now protected.

B. National parks in Palawan are one of many types of protected

C. Most protected areas in Palawan are too small to protect
D. Management of a protected area in Palawan should be
coordinated with management of the land surrounding the area.
How can the loss of biodiversity resulting from
species extinction affect the ecosystem?
A. Improves resistance to environmental changes.

B. Increases ecosystem stability.

C. Disruption of ecosystem services and imbalances.

D. Decreased vulnerability of species.

Extinction is a natural phenomenon. It is estimated that 99% of all
species that have ever lived are now extinct. Why then do we say that we
are now experiencing an extinction (loss of biodiversity) crisis?
A. Humans are ethically responsible for protecting endangered species.

B. Scientists have finally identified most of the species on Earth and are
thus able to quantify the number of species becoming extinct.

C. The current rate of extinction is high and human activities

threaten biodiversity at all levels.
D. Most biodiversity hot spots have been destroyed by recent
ecological disasters.
What is the primary role of conservation genetics in
preventing extinctions?

A. Breeding and reintroducing endangered species.

B. Protecting ecosystems from human activities.
C. Studying ancient extinct species.
D. D. Identifying keystone species
Which action can have the greatest impact on reducing the
threat of global warming?

A. composting
B. reducing
C. recycling
D. planting a tree
Which of the following is NOT a Mendelian law of inheritance?

A. The pair of factors that control the appearance of a trait separate or

segregate from each other during gamete formation.
B. The separation of factors in a pair controlling a particular trait does
not affect the separation of factors for another trait.
C. There is a pair of factors that control the appearance of a particular
trait in every organism.
D. There is no allele dominant over the other during the first filial
A couple named Juan and Maria are not hemophiliacs, but
their fathers have hemophilia. If they (Juan and Maria) have a
son, what is the chance that he will have hemophilia?

A. 25% B. 50% C. 75% D. 100%

Suppose all individual plants of a particular species of pea plant
are axial in the F1 generation. What is the phenotypic ratio
between axial and terminal pea plants if the F1 generation are
heterozygous axial?

A. 3 axial : 1 terminal
B. 4 axial : 0 terminal
C. 1 Axial: 3 terminal
D. 0 Axial : 4 terminal
If the genotypic ratio of the results of a cross is 1 homozygous
dominant : 2 heterozygous : 1 homozygous recessive, how many
of the 200 offspring are heterozygous for a trait?

A. 50 B. 75 C. 90 D. 100
Which pattern of inheritance explains why the red-green color
blindness more common in males than females?

A. X-linked recessive
B. Incomplete dominance
C. Codominance
D. Autosomal recessive
In codominance, what is the outcome when two different alleles
for a particular gene are present in heterozygous individuals

A. One allele completely masks the expression of the other.

B. Both alleles are expressed simultaneously without blending.
C. The alleles blend to create an intermediate phenotype.
D. The alleles segregate into separate unique phenotypes
Which pattern of inheritance involves the interaction of multiple
genes to determine a trait, often resulting in a wide range of
intermediate phenotypes?

A. Incomplete dominance
B. Epistasis
C. Codominance
D. Polygenic inheritance
Human blood type alleles of A and B are equally dominant to
each other and are both expressed. This is an example of:

A. codominance
B. incomplete dominance
C. polygenic traits
D. multiple alleles
When a pure red-flowered four o’clock plant is crossed with a
pure white-flowered four o’clock plant, the offspring will all
be pink flowers. What non-Mendelian principle is shown?

A. Co-dominance
B. Incomplete dominance
C. Multiple alleles
D. Sex-linked genes
How will you prevent diseases in the respiratory system and
circulatory systems?

A. regular exercise, cigarette smoking, balance diet, regular

health, check-up
B. adequate rest, proper hygiene, alcohol drinking, physical
C. balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate rest, proper
D. cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking, regular exercise
Which lifestyle choice is beneficial for both the
respiratory and circulatory system?

A. carefree behavior
B. sedentary behavior
C. stressful life
D. active life
Which lifestyle factor can lead to the development of
cardiovascular disease?

A. eating a balanced diet.

B. smoking cigarettes.
C. maintaining a healthy weight.
D. getting enough sleep.
How can a diet high in saturated fats impact the circulatory

A. Clogs arteries.
B. Reduces the risk of heart disease.
C. Improves blood flow.
D. Enhances Oxygen in blood.
How can smoking lead to emphysema?

A. by damaging the diaphragm

B. by destroying lung tissue
C. by slowing the heart rate
D. by increasing hemoglobin levels
To store the energy of excited electrons is to pump
Hydrogen ions from _____and into____.

A. outside the cell, stroma

B. stroma, thylakoid compartment
C. thylakoid compartment, stroma
D. intermembrane compartment, outside the cell
The figure below shows the absorption spectrum for chlorophyll a,
which is the primary pigment involved in photosynthesis. What
does it say about the colors of the light as it is absorbed by the
chlorophyll a during photosynthesis?

A. Green and yellow wavelengths are mostly absorbed.

B. Blue and red light are most efficiently absorbed.
C. Chlorophyll a interferes with the absorption of light.
D. Other pigments absorb light in addition to chlorophyll a.
In glycolysis, how many energy molecules are produced in 1
molecule of glucose?

A. 2 molecules of ATP and 2 molecules of NADH are produced.

B. 2 molecules of ATP and 4 molecules of NADH are produced.
C. 4 molecules of ATP and 2 molecules of NADH are produced.
D. 2 molecules of ATP and 6 molecules of NADH are produced.
Where does the Light Dependent
Reaction occur? (Refer to the
illustration below)
Where does the absorption of light energy
happen in the chloroplast?

A. stroma
B. thylakoids
C. cristae
D. matrix
The following are produced during cellular
respiration EXCEPT
A. water
C. oxygen
D. carbon dioxide
The light-dependent reaction of photosynthesis must come
first before the light independent reaction because its
products are important to the fixation of carbon dioxide.
Which of the following is/are used in carbon fixation during
light independent reaction?

A. ADP only
B. NADPH only
C. ATP only
Which of the following are produced during
A. ATP only
B. NADH only
D. organic sugars only
Suppose you attend a town meeting in Cam. Sur as a YES-O
representative at which some experts tell the audience that they have
performed a cost-benefit analysis of a proposed transit system that would
probably reduce overall air pollution and fossil fuel consumption. The
analysis, however, reveals that ticket prices will not cover the cost of
operating the system when fuel, wages, and equipment are considered. As
a YES-O representative, you know that if ecosystem services had been
included in the analysis the experts might have arrived at a different
answer. Why are ecosystem services rarely included in economic
analyses? A. Their cost is difficult to estimate, and people take them for
granted. B. They are not worth much and are usually not considered. C.
There are no laws that require investigation of ecosystem services in
environmental planning. D. Ecosystem services only consider abiotic
factors that affect the local environment.

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