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 What are the problems derived from drinking bottled water?

Mention two problems at least.

One problem is when the extraction and the use of oil for the
production of bottles is done, much energy is lost in the
preparation and distribution of the same.
The planet accumulates many plastic bottle wastes if people
drink a lot of bottled water.
When plastic bottle wastes is burned, toxic contamination is
released into the environment.

 What is the difference between bottled water and drinking water?

Tap water will be stored in tanks and transported to homes and

offices through pipes; it is administered by local municipalities.
Bottled water will be packaged in plastic bottles and sold in
stores. Includes water used in water coolers.

 Describe the process involved in manufacturing a plastic bottle.

Throughout the life cycle of the product, different processes are

presented, such as the extraction and production of oil to make
water bottles, send them around the planet and then people drink
them, so that finally, the waste is eliminated and generate a
production cycle. What happens with the plastic bottles after we
throw them away. In the process of waste disposal, if the bottles
are incinerated, a large pollution in the air will be generated, in
the same way, if these are thrown into dumps they will remain in
this places for years as in the case of India.

 What happens with the plastic bottles after we throw them away?

If they do not end up in landfills for many years, they end up in

incinerators where toxic pollutants are released. When we open a
bottle of water, its interior can be contaminated with different
types of microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi, which can
come from different sources, such as our mouth (if we drink
directly through the plastic container) or the environment,
according to studies.

 What solutions can be implemented to solve this problem?

If we promote political campaigns to reduce the sale of water

bottles and give schools, homes and families the consequences
of buying bottled water, people will drink tap water without worry
or illness. Stopping using water bottles and also not exposing
them to the sun or high temperatures can generate a higher
concentration of antimony, a chemical used asa catalyst to
manufacture PET bottles that, in high quantities, can be toxic and
has been linked to an increase in cardiovascular risk, in addition
to being considered a carcinogen.

 Is this problem common in your community? What does the

community do to deal with it?

If it is common in my community, people are not aware of the

damage they are doing to the environment by throwing the
bottles, since in the future it will be too late. In my community we
started recycling the bottles.

 Will you drink bottled water again? Why, why not?

If I drink bottled water but little and I don't throw the bottles out on
the street because where I live we can't drink tap water since it's
not drinkable and it would be getting sick.

 What will you do in the future to reduce the number of plastic

bottles used in the world?

I will encourage my family and others to reduce their bottled

water use and participate
in campaigns against the use of plastic bottles.

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