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UNIT TEST – II - 2020
Class – IX Marks : 30
Exam Time : 10:55 to 12:30
A. Answer the following questions in one word or sentence. (1X9=9)
i) Where can the wild mist be seen?
ii) Whose sheltering roof has been mentioned in the poem, “Mild the Mist upon the Hill”?
iii) When does the cloudy evening fall?
iv) Who was alone on the ledge?
v) What maddened the young seagull?
vi) How did the young seagull fall outwards and downwards into space?
vii) When did Robinson Crusoe come on shore on the dismal island?
viii) What was considered as useless in the barren island?
ix) In which month did Crusoe develop a high fever?
B. Answer the following questions in one or two sentences. (2X6=12)
i) Why does the mild mist not forecast of storms of tomorrow?
ii) What is regarded as the horizon’s mountain-chain?
iii) Why did the young seagull feel the heat?
iv) When did the young seagull utter a joyful scream?
v) Why did Crusoe sleep in a tree?
vi) When did the idea of losing the measure of time occur to Crusoe?
C. Do as directed. (1X9=9)
i) Someone wrote this letter in the nineteenth century. (Change the voice)
ii) The teacher said to me, “Have you done your homework?”(Change into indirect speech)
iii) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions.
---------------- man was standing at the roadside. I observed ----------- man minutely. He took
out something ----------- his pocket.
iv) Replace the underlined verbs with proper phrasal verbs given below.
a) The dog chased the cat.
b) I was searching a job.
c) At last my story has been published.
[ look for, run after, bring out ]
v) As soon as the teacher entered the class the students stood up. (Turn into negative)


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