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Computer as an metaphorisation machine

Aleksander Asanowicz

Creation of a form, imagination, metaphors, computer support of form searching

Transformation of CAAD First efforts to do so have already been made.

This is proved by the titles of the topics realised in
“Computer-aided drafting is uncommon (...), and the different schools of architecture (“Explorations
computer-aided design is almost non-existent...” in Liquid Geometry” - at School of Architecture,
wrote G. Stevens in 1991. Six years later, at 15 th University of California at Los Angeles), the names
ECAADE Conference I wrote “...computers have not of subjects connected with CAAD (elective design
had much impact on architectural design process, seminar - “Poetic Potential of Computers” at Col-
especially on architectural creativity.” (Asanowicz lege of Architecture and Planning, University of
A., 1997) Colorado at Boulder), or joint works undertaken
These two sentences are still very current. The by the ECAADE members (AVOCAAD - Added
situation in design has changed very slowly but for- Value of CAAD – a topic realised within the frame-
tunately, distinctly. Digital media is transforming work of LEONARDO).
the practice and teaching of design. Information In result, digital media transform the practice and
technologies offer not only better production and teaching of design. Information technologies offer
rendering tools but also the ability to model, ma- the possibility to model, manipulate and understand
nipulate, and understand design in new ways. A design in new ways. The possibilities of the com-
new era in CAAD has started. One of the aspects puter, its form-creating potential and interactive
of this situation is the increase in the number of abilities, together with the presentation of what
computers in design offices and architectural was created and also of the entire process of crea-
schools (many of our students have their own com- tion, describe to us the areas where we can find
puters, which a re often better than the computers the beginning of some new conventions.
we have at our school). We can submit a proposi- (Asanowicz A., 1997) In these conventions the com-
tion that the critical point in the creative use of puter is used creatively - in an affective way- as a
computers is over, and we should think how com- stimulating medium in the process of form search-
puters and new media may extend the designer’s ing, as mediation techniques between the idea and
perception and imagination. its visualisation.

Form searching and imagination pression of a defined view of the form, allows for
an evaluation and formulation of new aspects of
The search for the architectural form is an extraor- the idea of composition. At the same time, a deeper
dinarily complicated process, difficult to explain or interpretation of the architectural image requires
describe. The architect starts his work from the the development of a sufficiently long sequence of
design parameters, usually presented in the form visual models. In traditional graphic art, as design
of a text. The objective of the architect’s work is to experience shows, such presentation of the trans-
develop a graphic model of the designed object. formation of the composition is extraordinarily dif-
Form instead of words - this phrase encompasses ficult.
the sense of creation and it is at the same time is Graphic computer transformation, together with
biggest problem. the creation of the history of the undertaken ac-
The basic term playing the most significant role tivities, allows for a fuller exploration of design
in the process of the creation of form is the metaphors, for the metaphorisation of the process
fantasmat - a creation of the imagination, a way of form creation.
of imaginative vision and construction of reality.
The fantasmat is an effect of fantasy. St. Thomas ,
when quoting Aristotele, said “Without images Computers metaphorisation
(fantasmata) the human is not able to understand
anything”. (Thomas Aquinas, 1949) This opinion is The use of computers for creating metaphors can
the development of the idea of Symonides, who take place on the basis of the four following meth-
talked about poetry and painting in the categories ods:
of intensive visualisation. One cannot think with- I – Searching for the form through Scansketches.
out imagining. The imagination is an intermediary In this method different objects are first scanned.
between the perception and the thought. The im- For example, in course of working on the project
agination, as Porta wrote in 1602 in his “Ars of a square at the Imagining Imagination Work-
reminiscendi” - “draws images in the imagination shop in 1997 at Delft University of Technology, small
as if with a pencil”. (Yates F.A., 1972) That is why pieces of colour paper and beads thrown among
the function of the imagination based on putting them, which were to represent the movement tak-
in order the visual images in the mind is absolutely ing place on the square, were scanned. That way,
basic in the cognitive process. There are certain a series of scanned images was obtained. The im-
spatial metaphors underlying all our understand- ages were achieved by coincidence, however not
ing. Metaphorical and analogous thinking plays an without the intervention of the authors, who were
important function of going beyond the current responsible for choosing the amount and the qual-
signifying and notional structures, which is excep- ity of the elements used. Few images best satisfy-
tionally important in the designing process. ing the imagined ideas of the authors were selected
A specific character of the composition activity and they were later subject to computer graphic
of an architect is associated with the methods and processing. After a number of transformations, bit
modelling ways of spatial forms. Creativity is real- maps corresponding to the already shaped idea of
ised as a process of making an ideal model real. form were obtained. On that basis, a visualisation
One of the basic designing media is the sketch was developed. (Asanowicz A., 1999)
because it ensures the operational and flexible fixa- II – Creation on the basis of genetic algorithms.
tion of design ideas. Each sketch, being the ex- This tool we can use as an artificial DNA to gener-

284 6. Experimental Design Systems / Experimentality

ate a multiplicity of architectural or environmental signer are limited to manipulating them by means
possible events. As C. Soddu wrote: “Every of all sorts of filters. The obtained images can be
morphogenetical project is a subjective metadesign used as digital sketches of architectural forms.
for the reason that it is not an optimised arrange-
ment but a system can generate a lot of possible Example of the fourth method
parallel scenarios.” The changes in the design can • The graphic file (fig. 1) was opened in the
be introduced by changing the parameters of the Microsoft Word, in result of what a “bad” (dam-
“evolution code”. (Soddu C., 1994) The process of aged) text in the .doc format was obtained (fig.
metaphorisation can take place in two different 2).
ways. Method A – the metophorisation on the ba- • The obtained series of symbols and letters was
sis of the image being the result of the activity of subject to graphic compression by changing the
the algorithm. Method B – metaphorisation through interval between the lines of the “text”. In or-
a perception of the sequence of images taking place der to obtain a more contrastive image (what is
at the time of the activity of the algorithm. The important in further graphic processing) the sym-
perception of a flowing animation reflecting the bols were made thicker by using the Bold op-
course of the morphogenetical process causes de- tion.
fined impressions and emotions in the viewer, just • The text file was exported to CorelDraw to fur-
as it often happens in course of watching a film. ther transform it into a graphic file.
III - Morphing. This method is an interpolation • The obtained graphic file was subject to modifi-
process in which object X is mapped onto object Y, cations under Photoshop by using different types
and the in-between steps are calculated. The ac- of filters. (fig. 3)
tivity is similar (from the point of view of generat- • The image, being the result of transformations,
ing the in-between steps) to creation on the basis was subject to vectorisation in CorelTrace, what
of genetic algorithms. In case of morphing, based made it possible to obtain a .dfx file – possible
on summing up two equivalent initial forms (for to open in AutoCAD. (fig.4)
example two architectural objects), the process of • Under AutoCAD, the planes were given differ-
creating metaphors could take place both accord- ent thickness. The obtained spatial model was
ing to method A and B (see: method 2). In case of subject to rendering in 3D studio and a meta-
using non-equivalent forms (for example the ar- phor of a city was achieved. (fig. 5 & 6)
chitectural object and a random geometric form),
the metaphorisation takes place in accordance with
the second method (B). Conclusion
IV - Photoshopping (filtering) – searching for the
new form of the transformation of ready (existing) The methods described are not intended as com-
images. The difference between scansketches and pleted works but act as vehicles for testing various
the proposed transformations lies in the fact that sketch-design techniques through the interactive
with regard to the first ones the author has the use of digital media. The method described above
influence on the selection of the elements, which broadens the use of CAD into the field of concep-
are to be scanned and can be used as the basis for tual design and makes it possible to use computers
creating the image. In case of transformation we the initial stages of the design process. The com-
are dealing with the digital form of the image (com- puter, when used as a “metaphorisation machine”,
puter graphics, text) and the activities of the de- stimulates the designer to more effective work

Computer as an metaphorisation machine 285

when generating the idea of the designed object 4 Soddu, C. The design of morphogenesis. An
and can be treated as the extension of his abilities. experimental research about the logical procedures
in design processes. DEMETERA Magazine, 1/1994
This paper is the result of the research project – 5 Stevens, G. CAD and the Profession, in Progressive
Rectors grant for the year 2000. Architecture 05/1991
6 Thomas Aquinas, In Aristoteles libros De sensu et
sensato, De memoria et reminiscentia
commentarium, R.M. Spiazzi, Torino-Roma, 1949, p.
Reference 85 (English trans. - Aristotele’s “De anima” with the
Commentary of St. Aquinas, by K. Foster & S.
1 Asanowicz, A. Computer - tool vs. Medium, 15th Humphries, London, 1951)
ECAADE Conference, Vienna, 1997 7 Yates, F.A. The Art. Of Memory, London, 1972
2 Asanowicz, A. New conventions in CAAD - chaotic
run in all directions, in CAAD - Towards new design
conventions ed. by Asanowicz A, Jakimowicz A., Aleksander Asanowicz
TUB, Bialystok, 1997 Faculty of Architecture
3 Asanowicz, A. Computer in Creation of Architectural Technical University of Bialystok, Poland
Form, 2nd AVOCAAD Conference, Brussels, 1999

Figures 1-3, 4-6

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