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Lit Circle- "Show Your Work" (Chapters 7-10)

Lillie Michael
Role: Connector

Chapter 7: “Don’t Turn Into Human Spam”

Quote: ​“Make stuff you love and talk about stuff you love and you’ll attract people who love that
kind of stuff. It’s that simple.” (pg.132)
Connection: ​Taylor Swift
- Creating music, talking about music, performing music, playing instruments, expressing
herself through music-- these are all things Taylor LOVES to do
- When she was younger she would just go out and perform to people within her
community and overtime she grew and grew as a musician and look where she is
now! was that simple and it was all because she did what she loved to do!
- People are attracted to her and her music because they love what she puts out into the
world (people love the things she loves!!)

Quote: ​“As you put yourself and your work out there, you will run into you fellow knuckleballers.
These are your real peers--the people who share your obsessions, the people who share a
similar mission to your own, the people with whom you share a mutual respect.” (pg. 139-141)
Connection: ​Teachers!!
- Teachers are fellow knuckleballers
- Most teachers become teachers because they love (and have a passion for) teaching
and along the way teachers meet other teachers who share the same love and passion
for creates a strong bond...I have seen it firsthand!
- Teachers all have a similar mission, obsession, and overall share a mutual respect for
one another
- Teachers are a team, who collaborate with one another, and do what they do in order to
help their students succeed

Chapter 8: “Learn To Take A Punch”

Quote:​ ​“Those vicious critiques taught him to not take criticism personally.” (pg. 149)
Connection: ​My high school business teacher always told me to never take criticism personally
- I am very sensitive which can have a negative effect when it comes to criticism
- In business we did an abundant amount of project and presentation work and would
receive a lot of harsh criticism
- My teacher always knew that I struggled with criticism and told me exactly what they
mentioned in “Show Your Work”--do not take criticism personally
- He always said criticism is healthy and we need to experience it because it will help us
grow as learners and people
Quote:​ “At some point, you might consider turning off comments completely.” (pg. 157)
Connection:​ A lot of celebrities turn off their comments on some of their social media posts
when something has gone wrong (or they have done something wrong). People will comment
very negative things on their posts such as hurtful words, opinions, and even on occasion
- EX: Olivia Jade--the daughter of actress Lori Loughlin and fashion designer Mossimo
- She and her family were involved in the college admission bribery scandal
- Olivia Jade turned off her comments on some of her Instagram posts once the scandal
got out to the public--people were commenting horrible things on her social media

Chapter 9: “Sell Out.”

Quote: ​“Even if you don’t have anything to sell right now, you should always be collecting email
addresses from people who come across your work and want to stay in touch.” (pg. 169)
Connection: ​“TopTechTeaching”- I was always collecting emails for my companies mailing list
- In high school myself and 3 other students ran a technology company called,
- No matter what work event we went to we would always collect potential clients emails
(usually we would ask for their business cards) so that we could add them to our mailing

Quote: ​“The way I get over my guilt about not answering email is to hold office hours.” (pg.177)
Connection: ​Office hours that professors offer at Butler University

Chapter 10: “Stick Around.”

Quote: ​“Whether you’ve just won big or lost big, you still have to face the question, What’s
Next?” (pg. 187)
Connection: ​Relates to musicians--once they finish one album they start the next album (Ex:
Shawn Mendes, Rex Orange County, Elton John, etc)

Quote:​ “A moving train or subway car is the perfect time to write, doodle, read, or just stare out
the window.” (pg. 193)
Connection: ​My dad’s commute to work
- He takes the train every single day to work and he always tells me that is his time to
relax, get away from the stress of the world and have time to himself!

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