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Change The Way You See Everything- Parts 2, 3, and 4

Name:​ Lillie Michael

Role: ​Connector


Make Opposition Matter

Quotes: ​Page 73
Connection:​ Black Lives Matter Movement
In “Change The Way You See Everything” they discuss the idea of conflict. In the book
they say, “conflict magnifies and illuminates who you are.” They explain that we need conflict in
our lives because when used appropriately it “offers the chance to change your mind
altogether.” I think this relates to the BLM movement that is occurring in today’s present world.
People are making the world aware of a HUGE conflict...the lives and equality of black people.
This conflict and the way in which it is being expressed does offer a chance for people’s minds
to change. People need to change their mindsets when it comes to the lives of black individuals.
They should be treated as equal as anyone else. In the book it says, “Now you’re in a position to
see what new truth you can create together.” I think this message correlates with the BLM
movement very well. People need to see this new truth (that black lives do and always will
MATTER) so that together we can change and create for the better for the lives of black people.

Deconstruct to Reconstruct
Quotes: ​Page 75
Connection:​ Teachers/ even myself!!
In the book it says we need to use Asset-Based Thinking in order to “replace the picture
you have of the other person’s negative attitudes and behaviors” and that you must “remind
yourself of his or her strengths and most attractive qualities.” Teachers especially need to keep
this in mind whenever they are having interactions with their students. I will not lie, I believe (and
have seen) teachers get very frustrated with students when they do things such as: talk back,
don't participate, turn work in late, don't pay attention in class, don’t work hard, and much more.
When teachers have that negative mindset they need to remind themselves of their students'
qualities and not let it get to them in order for them to move forward in the relationship between
them and their students. This type of reconstructive mindset is something that I myself need to
work on as well in terms of general social interaction.

Everyone Starts with an A

Quotes: ​Page 80
Connector: ​Myself!!
I was motivated in school to do what it took to maintain an A!! Teachers of mine would
begin the semester off with giving all of their students a 100% in the class. I was the type of
student (and still am) to do whatever it took (in terms of hard work) to try and maintain an A in
my courses. In the book it says, “It also builds an immediate bond and collaborative climate both
with the teacher and among high-achieving artists who would normally be autonomous and
competitive.” I do not know if I would say I am autonomous or a very competitive individual but I
do think this strategy helped create a strong bond between my teachers and I!


See the Problem as a Pause

Quotes: ​Page 108
Connector: ​Car crash
The way they describe how to combat a problem kind of reminds me of the analogy of a
car-crash or avoiding a car crash that is about to occur. In the book it says, “simply pause the
problem--see it in slow motion. This allows you the chance to observe what’s really happening.
Filter out distractions, solve the problem fast, and get on with doing what’s most important.” In
my eyes this relates to a car crash analogy. If you are about to get into a car crash you need to
react quickly but at the same time you need to be smart on how to combat the problem. It may
seem obvious but the most important thing when it revolves around a car crash is to avoid being
hit so that you avoid serious injuries to both you and the car. To help avoid a potential crash you
need to filter out distractions such as: texting and driving, talking on the phone, eating, listening
to loud music, etc. By filtering out these distractions it hinders the chances of you getting into an
accident. If you are about to crash you need to pause, anyalyze the problem and then try and
solve the problem by steering out of the way, taking cover, or if possible slamming on the
brakes in order to avoid the crash. I know accidents happen very quickly but by trying to use this
strategy of “see the problem as a pause” could be a potential life saver when it comes to car

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