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Lit Circle- "The Power of Online Communities for Teachers"

Lillie Michael
Role:​ Connector

Quote #1:​ “​Conferences are another great way to discover smart educators from around 
the world who share a love for teaching and the ways technology can improve it.” 
Connection #1:​ When I interviewed my high school math teacher--Jennifer Snell for my 
Oral History Project she talked a lot about how throughout her teaching career she has 
gone to several conferences in order to learn more about technology.  
Quote #2:​ “My online colleagues and I constantly create new and helpful resources and 
share them with each other.”  
Connection #2: D ​ uring my interview Jennifer also talked about how she used 
colleagues in order to help her better understand technology. She explained when 
teachers would come up with new ideas and resources they would share it with one 
another. This is very similar to what Stephanie Smith (woman who wrote the article) did 
with her colleagues online.  
Connection: ​ClasDojo is very similar to online platforms such as: 
1. Edmodo (what I used in middle school) 
2. Schoology (what I used in high school) 
3. Remind (what I used in high school) 
4. Nearpod 

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