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Good Night, my name is XXXXX

In this occasion I will be talking about unit 8 and 9.

Starting with unit 8 which is about invention and discoveries for example we have the
telephone which was invented by Antonio Meucci in 1854(one thousand eight hundred fifty-
four) but it was Alexander Graham Bell who formally patented it in 1876anda that’s why he´s
known as the inventor.

In the other hand we have radioactivity which it was discovered in 1896(one thousand eight
hundred ninety-six) by Antonie Henry Becquerel almost by accident.

This unit grammar talks about unreal conditionals we have to remember that unreal
conditional describes conditions that doesn’t exist, we have to use the simple past tense or
were in the if clause; and use would or could in the results clause.

Keep in mind that the if clause can be first or last but if it come first, we have to use a comma.

For example,

If I were to travel during the pandemic, I would use mask and gloves.

In this unit we also have the past unreal conditionals that describes past unreal or untrue
conditions and results. We use the past perfect in the if clause and would have or could have
plus past participle in the results clause. We have to be careful not to use would or could in the
if clause.

For example,

If I hadn’t eaten so much I could have eaten dessert.

Moving forward, unit 9 is about controversial issues.

In my opinion one of the most controversial topic is abortion. In Dominican Republic, abortion
is completely prohibit by law, but in my opinion there should be some specific situation where
it should be allow, such as when the fetus have genetics conditions, rape situations and when
the live of the mother is in danger. The government should review this law and change the
constitution without the influence of the Catholic Church, but what it´s in the best interest of
the women wellness.

Contrary to popular belief, abortion is common.

According to the Guttmacher Institute, a leading sexual and reproductive health research and
policy organization, 30% of American women will have an abortion before age 45. If you think
you do not know anyone, maybe you can, but they may not have told you. "Abortion is
severely insulted and many people are not satisfied with it."

This unit grammar is about noun-count nouns.

Non-count nouns are used for things that cannot be counted individually:

• They do not have a singular or plural form.

• They are not preceded by a or an.

• We use unit expressions to give a specific quantity.

• They use singular (3rd person) verbs.

that represent abstract ideas. When we use non-count nouns, we don´t use preposition “the”
or the letter “s” in the end for plural.

For example: success come with hard work and dedication.

We don´t say: the success come with hard work and dedication.

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