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European Journal of Haematology 87 (99–106)


Pathophysiology of acquired von Willebrand disease: a

concise review
Shrimati Shetty, Priyanka Kasatkar, Kanjaksha Ghosh
National Institute of Immunohaematology (ICMR), KEM Hospital, Parel, Mumbai, India

Acquired von Willebrand disease (AVWD) is a rare, underdiagnosed hemorrhagic disorder, which is similar
to congenital VWD with regard to the clinical and laboratory parameters; however, it is found in individuals
with no positive family history and has no genetic basis. The etiology is varied, the commonest being
hematoproliferative disorders and cardiovascular disorders. Other disorders associated with AVWD are
autoimmune disorders such as systematic lupus erythematosus, hypothyroidism, and neoplasia, or it may
also be drug induced. In quite a few cases, the etiology is unknown. The pathogenic mechanisms are dif-
ferent in different underlying disorders or they may be overlapping among these disorders. Some of the
proposed mechanisms include the development of autoantibodies, selective absorption of high molecular
weight von Willebrand factor (VWF) multimers, non-selective absorption of VWF, mechanical destruction
of VWF under high shear stress, and increased proteolysis. This report presents a concise review of the
pathophysiological mechanisms of AVWD in these various underlying conditions.

Key words acquired von Willebrand disease; lymphoproliferative disorders; myeloproliferative disorders; hypothyroidism; systematic
lupus erythematosus; tumors

Correspondence Shrimati Shetty, National Institute of Immunohaematology (ICMR), 13th Floor, KEM Hospital, Parel, Mumbai 400
012, India. Tel: 9122 241 38518; Fax: 9122 241 38521; e-mail :

Accepted for publication 26 April 2011 doi:10.1111/j.1600-0609.2011.01636.x

von Willebrand factor (VWF) is a large multifunctional The inheritance pattern is both autosomal recessive and
glycoprotein that performs two critical functions in dominant, i.e. type three is autosomal recessive, while
hemostasis: it acts as a bridging molecule for platelet types 1 and 2 are generally autosomal dominant with a
adhesion and aggregation at sites of injury and acts as a few exceptions. VWF is predominantly synthesized by
carrier for factor VIII in the circulation rendering stabil- endothelial cells and megakaryocytes which undergoes
ity to the molecule (1). VWF is characterized by its mul- initially dimerization within the endoplasmic reticulum
timeric nature, the size being as large as 15–20 million and the final multimerization and glycosylation within
daltons, the subunits of which vary in size from 240 to the Golgi complex (5). The prevalence of all the subtypes
270 kd (2). The VWF multimers differ only in the num- of congenital VWD has been reported to be up to 1%
ber of VWF monomer units, the largest being the most (6).
competent in maintaining hemostasis. The multimeric Acquired von Willebrand disease (AVWD) is a rare
size of VWF is regulated by the metalloproteinase AD- disorder as far as the reports published across the world
AMTS13, which cleaves the VWF molecule at the A2 literature and also in the International Registry for
domain (3). AVWD (7–9); however, there are concerns that whatever
Hereditary von Willebrand disease (VWD) results as a has been reported may just be the tip of the iceberg (10).
result of a variety of mutations occurring throughout the This is primarily because of the milder forms of AVWD,
VWF gene (4). This may result in qualitative (type 2) or which generally may not manifest until a hemostatic
quantitative deficiency (type 1 and type 3) of VWF, challenge is encountered by these patients. This may be
depending on the type of mutation in a specific family. well observed by the contrasting prevalence rates of the

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Acquired von Willebrand disease Shetty et al.

different types of congenital VWD in western countries Lymphoproliferative disorders

where a systematic screening of VWD is being performed After cardiovascular disorders, the largest number of
and the same is not true for developing countries like patients with AVWD belongs to this group, as evident
India (11–13). from the reports in literature (7). Among the lymphopro-
Unlike acquired hemophilia A (14), which has mainly liferative disorders, monoclonal gammopathy of undeter-
an immune etiology, AVWD has a multifactorial etiol- mined significance (MGUS) of type IgG, IgM, and
ogy (15–18). The mechanisms involved also are different rarely IgA form the major group (7, 21) followed by
in different underlying disorders (19, 20). The heteroge- multiple myeloma (22). AVWD has also been reported in
neity in the etiology is probably due to multiple func- association with Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia (23),
tions attributed to the different functional domains of Wilms’ tumor (24), non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (25),
VWF, the size, and the multimeric nature of the protein chronic lymphocytic leukemia (26), and hairy cell leuke-
itself. The present review summarizes the various patho- mia (27).
physiological mechanisms proposed in different disorders Development of autoantibodies against VWF is the
associated with AVWD. major pathophysiological mechanism working in the
Table 1 shows the various underlying disorders and development of AVWD in lymphoproliferative disorders.
their prevalence in various reports published in litera- These may bind to the functional epitopes of VWF and
ture. neutralize its activity (27) or these antibodies may form
immune complexes with VWF, accelerating its clearance
from circulation (27). Abnormal expression of GP1b
Table 1 Acquired von Willebrand disease cases from published litera- receptors on the surface of malignant cells has also been
ture associated with different disorders (data retrieved from PUB- reported, which would facilitate the binding of VWF to
these cells, thus reducing their levels in the circulation
Number of (28).
Underlying disorder patients (%)

Lymphoproliferative disorders
Myeloproliferative disorders (MPD)
Monoclonal gammopathy of 45
undetermined significance Myeloproliferative disorders present a paradoxical situa-
Multiple myeloma 19 tion in medicine in that excess platelets result in a pro-
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma 1 thrombotic tendency and also a bleeding tendency. In
Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia 5
most of the cases, bleeding manifestations are because of
Hairy cell leukemia 1
Myeloproliferative disorders
the development of AVWD, which in MPDs generally
Essential thrombocythemia 20 follow a milder course in contrast to immune-associated
Polycythemia vera 10 AVWD.
Chronic myeloid leukemia 23 Among MPDs, essential thrombocythemia (ET) is
Tumors more commonly associated with AVWD (29, 30)than
Wilms’ tumor 13 polycythemia vera (PV) (31, 32) and chronic myeloid leu-
Ewing’s sarcoma 1
kemia (33, 34). Another report, however, states that
Systematic lupus erythematosus 7
AVWD is seen in more than 50% of the patients with
Other autoimmune disorders 4 PV (35).A retrospective study (36) from a single Institu-
Cardiac disorders tion in Argentina has shown that among the 99 patients
Aortic stenosis and ⁄ or ventricular 202 with AVWD, 75 (75.7%) were associated with MPDs, of
assist devices which 20 (26.7%) were type 1 and 55 (73.3%) were type
Heart transplantation 1 2 VWD. Another study has shown that 17 of 147
Coronary artery bypass surgery 1
(11.6%) cases of MPD are associated with AVWD (37).
Hypothyroidism 48
Drug induced
There are different mechanisms proposed for the
Cefotaxime 1 occurrence of AVWD in case of MPDs. However, in all
Levofloxacin 1 cases, increased platelet count is the major pathophysio-
Ciprofloxacin 2 logic explanation offered for the association of MPD
Valproic acid 25 with AVWD (38, 39); a few studies, however, refute this
Hydroxy ethyl starch 11 observation (36, 39).
High-dose recombinant factor VIII 1
Type 2A is the major subtype observed in patients with
Gaucher’s disease 6
MPD, indicating that the high molecular weight multi-
Renal transplantation 1 mers (HMWM) are the key players in the pathogenesis of

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AVWD in these disorders. The objective measurement of angiodysplasia, while type 3 is encountered in a few cases
HMWM by SDS PAGE followed by densitometry scan- (49). GI angiodysplasia has also been observed in other
ning has shown reduced levels of HMWM in PV and ET cardiac disorders, other than arterial stenosis (50).
but not in patients with myelofibrosis (MF) (40), and they Ventricular assist devices (LVAD) are being used as a
were negatively correlated with platelet count. permanent therapy for selected patients with end-stage
Another mechanism proposed in MPDs is increased heart failure. The outcomes after the device implantation
viscosity of blood in MPDs resulting in high shear stress have significantly improved during the last decade. Sev-
leading to an acceleration of proteolysis of VWF that is eral cases of AVWD have also been reported in patients
bound to platelets. Interaction between platelet glycopro- with ventricular assist device (VAD) (51, 52). This reduc-
tein receptor GPIb and VWF has also been proposed by tion has been hypothesized to be a result of accelerated
a few authors (25, 26). Very rarely, an immune mecha- proteolysis caused by shear stress induced by the device,
nism has also been observed in MPDs (41, 42). In case similar to the mechanism for VWF abnormalities in
of carriers of the recently identified acquired somatic severe aortic stenosis (53). The condition gets reversed
mutation JAK2 V617F, increased kinase activity has after the explanation of the device.
been found to further increase platelet activation aggra- The chief mechanism in case of cardiovascular disor-
vating both bleeding and thrombotic tendency (43). ders put forward is the shear stress–induced reduction of
The various pathological mechanisms associated with high molecular weight multimers leading to a hemor-
AVWD are shown in Table 2. rhagic condition. Proteolysis of von Willebrand factor as
it passes through the stenotic valve is another hypothesis
proposed as a cause of the bleeding (54). In case of aor-
Cardiovascular disorders
tic stenosis, a direct correlation between the in vivo
Since the first description of loss of high molecular shears stress and the loss of multimers has been observed
weight multimers in congenital heart defects (44), several (54). In case of VADs, it is the device-related increase in
cases of AVWD have been reported to be associated the shear stress, which creates a condition similar to that
with congenital and acquired cardiac defects, patients of aortic stenosis. A second mechanism that is possible is
with ventricular septum devices and other associated that under high shear stress, platelets may get activated
conditions. In fact, they form the largest group of dis- resulting in the adsorption of HMWM (27). Proteolytic
orders among the underlying pathogenic conditions asso- degradation of VWF by fibrinolytic components like
ciated with AVWD. The two major groups under this plasmin is another mechanism that must be working in
category are aortic stenosis associated with gastric angi- AVWD associated with cardiac disorders (55).
odysplasia (Heyde’s syndrome) (45, 46) and patients with
ventricular assist device (VAD) (47, 48).
The association between gastric angiodysplasia and Immune-mediated etiology
aortic stenosis is still not characterized in detail. Angio- Acquired von Willebrand disease was first described in a
dysplasia refers to submucosal vascular abnormalities case of systematic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in 1968 (56).
commonly found in the GI tract, the prevalence of which It is mainly associated with the development of autoanti-
increases with age. An International survey has shown bodies against VWF. All the different subtypes of VWD
that Type 2A is the commonest subtype of VWD in are represented in AVWD associated with autoantibodies

Table 2 shows the proposed mechanisms and the different subtypes of VWD reported in association with different underlying disorders

Mechanism Underlying disorders VWD subtype

Specific or non-specific antibodies, immune complex Autoimmune disorders 1, 2A

formation, and early clearance Lymphoproliferative disorders
Myeloproliferative disorders
Adsorption of HMWM onto the malignant cells or Myeloproliferative disorders, tumors, lymphoproliferative disorders, 2A
activated platelets or drugs (HES) cardiovascular disorders
Increased viscosity of blood, proteolytic degradation Drug induced myeloproliferative disorders, tumors, lymphoproliferative 2A
disorders, cardiovascular disorders
Shear stress–induced proteolytic degradation Cardiovascular disorders 2A
Defective synthesis ⁄ secretion Hypothyroidism 1

VWD, von Willebrand disease; HES, Hydroxy ethyl starch.

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Acquired von Willebrand disease Shetty et al.

(43). AVWD is also reported in other autoimmune disor- tors by the tumor cells (78) are some of the pathophysio-
ders, like scleroderma (57), and mixed connective tissue logical mechanisms proposed to explain the finding of
disease (58). Other diseases associated with antibodies are AVWD in these cases. In case of Wilms’ tumor, the
monoclonal gammopathies (43), multiple myeloma (22), causative agent is thought to be hyaluronic acid secreted
Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia (59), chronic myeloid by nephroblastoma cells of the Wilms’ tumor (79).
leukemia (60), and angiodysplasia (61). The antibodies are
predominantly IgG, but Ig M and IgA antibodies have
Drug-induced AVWD
also been reported (62). Antibodies against FVIII–VWF
complex have also been reported (63). A case of AVWD The drugs reported to be associated with AVWD are
has also been reported owing to graft-versus-host disease hydroxyethyl starch (HES) (80, 81), valproic acid (82),
(64). griseofulvin (83), ciprofloxacin (84), high-dose infusion of
The antibodies are found to be directed against both recombinant factor VIII (85), tetracycline (15), pesticides
functional and non-functional epitopes of VWF, thus (15), and thrombolytic agents (86).
forming immune complexes facilitating a premature Although the exact pathogenic mechanisms associated
clearance from circulation, which results in low levels of with these drugs is not known, discontinuation of each
factor VIII and vWF antigen and reduced vWF:RCo of these drugs has resulted in the normalcy of all the
activity (8). Antibodies directed against different epitopes hemostatic parameters suggesting the pathogenicity of
of VWF have been reported, i.e. against collagen binding these drugs. It has been hypothesized that there is a
epitope (65) and GP1bIX and GP IIb ⁄ IIIa preventing non-immunologic precipitation of VWF in the presence
the binding of VWF to platelets (66). of hydroxyethyl starch (64) or there is absorption of
large multimers onto the large molecules of HES (20).
Both medium and large molecular weight HES are
Hypothyroidism known to be causing type 1 AVWD (87). A study by
The relationship between coagulation system and endo- Annie Pierr Jon ville and Bera et al. has shown that of
crine disorders has long been established and reviewed all cases, six were type 1 AVWD and all the clinically
by several authors (67, 68). Approximately 7–8% of the overt bleeding symptoms disappeared once the drug was
reported cases of AVWD have this underlying etiology. withdrawn (88).Some authors have shown that there is
The clinical manifestations are generally moderate to an accelerated degradation of FVIII–VWF complex
mild with type 1 being the predominant VWD subtype bound to starch molecules (89). In case of ciprofloxacin-
(69). Both asymptomatic and symptomatic cases have induced AVWD, increased proteolysis of VWF has been
been detected under this group. shown to be the main pathogenic mechanism (84).
This is the only subgroup where a defect in the synthe-
sis or release of VWF is the major pathophysiological
Miscellaneous causes
mechanism. In vitro studies have confirmed that decrease
in VWF levels is either attributed to decreased synthesis Acquired von Willebrand disease has also been found to
or to decreased secretion and not to increased clearance be associated with Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) infection
or proteolysis (70). (90), e beta thalassemia (91), and telangiectasia (92).
Acquired von Willebrand disease has also been Whether they are coincidental cooccurrence or whether
reported in cases with euthyroidism (71). A large study AVWD is secondary to these disorders is not clear.
involving 1342 cases scheduled for thyroid surgery Besides, there are quite a few cases in literature without
showed that 39 patients (2.9%) had AVWD and all these any established underlying disorders (7, 15, 19).
were euthyroid patients.
Neoplasia Pathophysiological mechanisms leading to the develop-
The first association of non-hematologic malignancies ment of AVWD are highly heterogeneous. The mecha-
with AVWD has been reported in a case of Wilms’ nisms are different in different underlying disorders.
tumor (72). Since then, there are several reports of asso- They may act independently or in concurrence which in
ciation between AVWD and Wilms’ tumor (73, 74). turn might decide the severity of the disease. The diagno-
AVWD has also been associated with carcinoma (75), sis is complex and requires experienced laboratories.
peripheral neurectodermal tumors (76), and Ewing’s Understanding the pathomechanisms of this rare disor-
sarcoma (77). der is important for an appropriate management of the
Selective absorption of HMWM by the malignant cells cases, as in most of the cases the coagulation parameters
and aberrant expression of GP1b or GP IIb ⁄ IIIa recep- are reversed after treating the underlying condition.

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